In this show, Chirag Sagar Presents Mission Matters: Interview with Communication, Conflict de-escalation and Negotiation Expert Marshall Jones
Marshall Davis Jones is the founder of MindBodySpeak; a leading authority in vocal communication for high stakes discussion. Marshall’s techniques win negotiations, de-escalate conflicts and acquire business relationships across multiple industries. He works with renowned speakers, industry leaders and organizations from youth development to law enforcement. Marshall sits on multiple advisory boards as an expert on human vocal performance and affective presence. Besides writing and speaking globally, he has played a narrative consultant role for documentaries and contributes to industry strategy via think tanks. Most recently, Marshall was awarded recognition as one of the top 100 Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD Class of 2022) via the UN.
Show Notes:
- Introducing Marshall Jones
- What is Mind Body Speaks
- Slam Poetry Background
- Aptitude in Speaking
- Tone and Inflection
- Accents and Tonal Languages
- Nature’s Reset and Box Breathing
Mission Matters Authors Attended:
- Chirag Sagar
- Adam Torres
- Marshall Jones
- Matt Cook
- Denley McIntosh
- Shonda Thomas
Follow Adam on Instagram at for up-to-date information on book releases and tour schedules.