Adam Torres and Joseph Voyticky discuss LiveMax.
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Show Notes:
What makes LiveMax’s products unique? In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Joseph Voyticky, Executive Chairman at LiveMax, explore LiveMax and glutathione.
About Joseph Voyticky
Experienced Chief Executive Officer in the nutraceutical industry. Max International is an industry leader with patented products that focus on the production and support of glutathione. Max through independent scientific validation of its patented technologies Max has successfully expanded its operations into 17 countries. In addition, Max focuses on providing legitimate long term economic opportunity for its business partners in all markets based upon its outstanding science based products, top quality training, and personal development.
About LiveMax
Max’s patented RiboCeine™ technology promotes the natural production of Glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant. Discover what enhanced Glutathione can do for you.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today on the show, I have Joseph Wojticki and he is the executive chairman over at Libmax, Joseph, welcome to the show.
Thanks, Adam. Pleasure to be here. Alright, so we got a lot to talk about, man. I want to learn more about LiveMax what you’re doing and also the products that you’re creating. But just to get us kicked off, I’m curious, how did you get involved in the health and wellness space? Like, where did that start for you?
Well, it started just by happenstance. My first part of my career was being a corporate finance lawyer in New York. Worked at a Hold on, that screams supplements to me, and that screams health and wellness. No, I’m just kidding. Yeah, exactly. Well, corporate finance attorney next thing you know, you’re running a supplement company.
Exactly. Go ahead, please. I couldn’t help it. No, no, it’s fine. you know, corporate finance lawyers, you know, there are actually some good uses for us. And one of the things that we are very good at is doing diligence. And that’s so important to your clients because they want to make sure that everything is right.
And I was hired by Max International at the time. To acquire Dr. Nagasawa’s technology, and that was an invention called Ribosame. And so, I got to do the transaction looking through all of his research and making sure that it was, legitimate because, you know, you hear so many things like, oh, this is the next best thing since sliced bread and, the company that’s acquiring it.
They may not really know whether it’s, as good as the the person who’s selling it is, you know, saying it is so I had a firsthand view of going through at the time, which is back in 2008 the 22, peer reviewed published studies that Dr Nagasawa had that were done on ribosome, which is, it’s very unusual to see a single molecule with real scientific results, real scientific scrutiny but here it was that ribosine had been tested by independent researchers, and it was having an effect on so many different things in an animal model.
You know, I was looking at it, it was cataracts, it was irritable bowel syndrome, it was kidney disease. NASA had done a study on radiation. And I, you know, I was pretty good athlete I was you know, I finished 85th in the New York marathon, which is, you know, there was like 30, 000 people that run in that race.
And you know, so I considered myself to be fairly knowledgeable about health and wellness because it was so important to me. And. I had never heard of ribosine. I had never heard of glutathione and Dr. Nagasawa’s product was helping increase this molecule that all of our cells, all 30 trillion cells in our body are trying to make, that being glutathione.
And so, as an attorney, I’m like looking at this and I’m saying, how can this molecule have such a huge effect on so many different things? How is that even possible, you know? And so, once I understood how important glutathione is and how ribosine is the only proven product to raise glutathione effectively I was absolutely hooked because I knew how impactful ribosome could be to people around the world.
Wow, so you were originally hired as a lawyer like kind of on the case and you’re doing due diligence And how’d they hook you? I gotta ask like how did you end up? I know you were hooked on the product, but but how did you end up making? Take the title and to go down this path as a leader in the company.
How’d you do that? Well, Dr. Nagasawa he was one of the greatest medicinal chemists to ever live. And and that’s not an understatement. You know, he invented a molecule, you know, that literally could help. Everyone. mean, that doesn’t, it sounds hypocritical, right? Sounds like I’m, you know, getting high on my own supply.
But the fact is, is that every human being on this planet is trying to make glutathione. Every cell in your body is trying to make glutathione from the day you were born to the day that you die. And it is absolutely central to your cellular defense. If you have low levels of glutathione, you’re gonna have higher levels of inflammation.
You’re not gonna remove heavy metals from your cells as well. I mean, these are things that your cells do to keep you healthy all day, every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for your entire life. So, I had spent the early part of my career, know, focused on myself, trying to make me get wealthy, become a partner in a law firm you know, things that I thought were very important, and here I run across a scientist who had spent his entire life trying to help people.
Like, literally trying to make the world a better place for real. Like, New York lawyers think that that is a fantasy, that those people don’t exist. And here is the man that, you know, when I was, again, doing the diligence, saw that he had spent 25 years of his life trying to invent ribosome, because he was a veteran you know, a U.
S. Army veteran, and he was noticing that veterans suffered from cirrhosis of the liver from drinking too much. And so he, you know, in his research he found that their livers were depleted of glutathione. And so he spent his, his, you know, so much of his career trying to figure out how do I raise glutathione levels, and what do I need to do?
And the answer is you have to have bioavailable cysteine. And you have to get bioavailable cysteine into your cells so that your cells can produce its own glutathione naturally. And so that’s what he had spent his time doing. And at the end of the transaction, I had asked him, Dr. Nagasawa, I said, why did you sell this to Max?
I mean, why didn’t you sell it to Merck or Pfizer or you could have gotten a lot more, you know, money than you got. And, you know, he said to me, he said, I don’t care about, I don’t care about money, Joe. Which I’m like, what? You know, what do you mean? What do mean? I’m talking to a Wall Street lawyer here.
Of course you care about money. Of course. I’m trying to impact people’s lives. You know, that’s my focus is if I, I want to get the product out there. If I sold it to those people, I know those people, they would have put it on the back shelf and never would have seen the light of day and You know, at the time he said, I’m 82 years old and I really want to see this product get out to the world.
and then he said to me the thing that really, you know, changed the direction of my life. He said, you should come and help Max get this business, get this stuff out there. You’re very good at the business side of it. and so, now here I’m being asked, I probably imagine, hold on. Did you ever imagine that taking on this case or like this thing, like this is one of those, I won’t even say I’m pissing you, I don’t know what the word is.
Like, did you have ever imagined this case would lead to, that conversation would lead to something like, it’s amazing. Well, look, let’s put it to you this way. I had spent three years at Harvard Law School. I then spent 15 years working as a corporate finance lawyer in New York, and my goal was to become a partner in those, firms, you know, so, and then I meet Dr.
Nagasawa and got a lot to talk to, man, the company you keep notice. Go ahead, right? And so, you know, here I am then going to have to explain to my mother. Who, you know, is very proud of the fact that you already took my question out of my mouth. I was gonna say, what did your family say? Like, he thought I was out of my mind.
Right? Like, are you gonna go do you’re gonna go do what? You’re about to become a partner in these, you know, in this big law firm. She worked so hard for it, right? She wants your dream, right? That was your dream for so long. Well, I, think it was her dream. Oh, there you go. Never mind. She was very happy with that decal.
You know, in the back of the car, a Harvard Law School, you know, student. You know, then she wanted that, oh, my son is a partner in this firm or that firm. I think that’s what she was really wanting. I don’t think she wanted me to be saying I’m moving from New York City and going out to Salt Lake City to work with a supplement company.
That wasn’t, the most credible move in her mind. Yeah. But the fact remains that once I had the knowledge, you know, the actual knowledge that scientifically, Dr. Nagasawa had invented something that literally could help everyone, and I knew his character at that point. I knew how he conducted his science.
I knew that it wasn’t about creating a sale. It was literally about helping people. And he had spent his life doing that. And so, You know what I mean? To have him even ask me to be part of his mission. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And I what kind of human being am I if I say no to that? What does that say?
I’m burdened with the knowledge that scientifically his product is literally the best supplement I’ve ever seen in my life. And I had had a personal product experience because I had, I had some issues and I took the product and I had a remarkable experience. So it backed up. The science and, you know, I always think that, you know, science matters, you know, doing research matters.
Putting your product to the test matters. Having people be able to objectively test your, product makes a difference because our customers are coming with an expectation that this is going to help them and it, should never be about it. I need to create some marketing that convinces someone that, this is the greatest thing ever.
It, you know, it should be about legitimacy. It should be about putting your time and effort into creating something that makes a difference in a person’s life. and I knew that Dr. Nagasawa had invented something that did just that. So, how could I say no? I mean, I would have regretted it the rest of my life that I had this opportunity to go help people.
Help a man who had committed his entire life to just that pursuit and here I am worried about Becoming a partner in a law firm and doing it, you know, the next securitization deal Yeah, talk a little bit more about the product And I’m curious how people have received it like how people received it.
Like what kind of feedback have you got? Well, the feedback is always, what the heck is in this? what did you give me? Why do I feel so much better? And it, anyone who takes this product will recognize that there’s a difference in their life because it’s so, hard to imagine, right?
Think about this, 30 trillion cells in your body. Just thinking about the number 30 trillion is nuts, right? Now think about the fact that every one of those cells is trying to make glutathione. That your body, through evolution over time, has picked glutathione to be the defender of the cell. It’s called the master antioxidant, above all other antioxidants.
And our cells make this all the time. I mean, that’s an insane thing to try to consider because it’s so, the scope of it is so big. But we have never invented a way to keep our glutathione levels high. Because as we age, glutathione levels deplete and go down, which is why as you get, you know, older, you start suffering from all of the, you know, the itises.
Right? It’s like, at 20 years old, you feel like a super person. At 25, you feel a little less super. At 30, you’re like, ooh, what the heck is that muscle? And then, as you move on into your 40s and 50s, it’s like, man, I’m just wearing down. And one of the things that’s happening is your glutathione levels are depleting.
And he invented a way to get those glutathione levels up, to be higher. That is an incredible technology. And one of the other great things about this product is it’s got no side effects. Ribosine is D cysteine. So you can literally take as much of the, ribosine as you want and your body is going to use it for the, you know, aforementioned reasons.
You just can’t get enough. So, that to me is unbelievable. It seems like, to me, like, considering every cell is doing this, so that means that just the layers, like, total wellness, whether it’s mental health, whether it’s physical, like, you’re, feeling, like, you’re, like, it seems neurological. I mean, it, it seems like it just has layers, like, it keeps building.
Am I off on that, or, like, give me a little bit more of that. Yeah, it sounded, it is hard to contemplate, by the way. I’m, I’m sitting here, like, trying to think about, like, all the things you talked about. Well, if it’s the whole system, well, dang. All of your cells. So that’s everything. That’s what works.
Yeah. That’s what I mean. It’s interesting to think about that when you really think about it, when you, and that’s the thing about it that’s so shocking, is that you can actually affect your entire health, right? I mean, it’s just so nuts. Mm-hmm . But the, but scientists, researchers know this. If you were to go to PubMed, and I know your audience knows what PubMed is, it’s the li, you know, the library, the US library of medicine where all the research articles that, are published are stored there.
There are a hundred and ninety thousand research studies on glutathione. Hundred and ninety thousand. Hundred and ninety thousand. You can go to PubMed, type in glutathione and you name your disease state. And there are research articles on it. Glutathione and heart disease. Glutathione and lupus.
Glutathione and cancer. Glutathione and this. Glutath you you name it. Glutathione is tied to it. And so it is well known in the medical community, in the research community, the importance of keeping your glutathione levels high. Scientists know, and one day it’s going to be a word that everyone knows.
And they’re going to be thinking about how do you keep your glutathione levels high. There’s a, you know, there’s a very strong community that goes and gets intravenous glutathione, right? You know, drip clinics and such. Oh, absolutely. Go to a drip clinic and you can get. No question you can get intravenous glutathione.
The problem with that is while that glutathione is bioavailable, glutathione, because it’s always being used in your system all day, every day, it has about a two to three day half life, right? So, you’re gonna, you’re gonna feel really, really good because it’s so important, but it wears off very, very quickly.
So, you have to find a source of bioavailable cysteine. Which, ribosine is been tested independently and shown to raise glutathione levels in your serum, blood serum, glutathione. And that is the best oral solution on the market. Yeah. And so how often do you take it? I know it’s a sub, but how often do you take it?
Every day. I take it every day. I haven’t missed a day since 2009 when I did the transaction. I don’t know. I’m not kidding you because what happened was I tried the product. I had a result after 21 days. I thought it was I didn’t believe myself. That’s what kind of lawyer. I was of course not taking it because I thought it may be psychosomatic.
And 3 days later, the issue returned. That was the last time I was without this product. Wow, what a story. What a great story, man. I’m glad to hear it Joseph, and it’s been really a pleasure having you on the show today. if people are listening to this or watching this and they want to learn more about LibMax, they want to pick up some product, they want to try it for themselves, you know, because it’s super interesting.
How do they do that? They go to livemax. com, that’s L I V E M A X dot com, and there is just a ton of information there. And you know, we do have a 30 day guarantee, money back guarantee, so we have a lot of confidence that the product is very effective. We just ask that you, that you take it, and you’ll see what raising your glutathione levels can do for your health.
Or you know somebody, you know, in your family, that needs to raise their glutathione levels, which is one of the great things about this. I always give people when I talk about the product, I say I only can give you one promise, is that if you share this product with enough people, someone is going to thank you and tell you you changed their lives.
I promise you that will happen. Amazing. And for everybody listening to this, we’ll definitely put the links in the show notes so that you can just head right on over and check out the website and pick up your own supply. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters or listening to an episode, this is a daily show.
Each and every day we’re bringing you new content, new ideas, new information, and hopefully you’ll new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well. So definitely hit that subscribe or follow button because we’d love to have you back. And Joseph, man, it’s been such a pleasure talking to you tonight.
And I really, I really did enjoy the conversation and look forward to learning more about the product. So thanks again for coming on. Oh, my pleasure, Adam. Thank you very much. And yes, mission does matter.