Adam Torres and Will Roundtree discuss Monetize Talks.
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Listen to the Monetize Talks coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Will Roundtree, Founder of WE Management Services, explore WE Management Services and the Monetize Talks event.
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About Will Roundtree
Will Roundtree offers the world a unique lens into wealth building strategies and examines opportunities for his communities to expound on their knowledge and have effective practices in which they can apply that knowledge.
From homeless to millionaire, Will Roundtree has established himself as a staple in the real estate investment sector. His expertise has garnered him recognition among his peers and those in his community, equally. As the founder and top-grossing principal at We Management Services, Inc., Roundtree has helped over 1500 small to medium businesses get access to over 300 million dollars in funding during a two-year period.
Roundtree’s road to success has been nothing short of miraculous. In 2005, he left his hometown of Milwaukee, WI, with a borrowed 500 dollars and headed towards Las Vegas. Once there, Roundtree found the ruthless realities of living without a financial plan and imperfect credit. His applications were denied for housing, and this left him homeless and living out of his car.
With this new dilemma at hand, Roundtree was inspired to, diligently, educate himself on personal finance and credit. He would walk into libraries and read book after book about credit laws, standard operating procedures, regulations, credit and economics. Eventually, this led him to become a FICO certified credit consultant. In this role, Roundtree has helped thousands of families successfully restore credit, become homeowners, obtain financial freedom and become flourishing business owners.
About WE Management Services
WE Management exists to support the millions of everyday American families and businesses on their path to achieving financial success. As a Las Vegas headquartered personal and commercial financial services company, our goal is to provide our clients with a high level of integrity, honesty, and communication.
Achieving financial success for your family and/or business can be complicated, but you’re not alone. We help families and entrepreneurs review and improve the different aspects of their financial life, no matter how messy, by addressing a variety of needs such as credit repair, business funding, wealth coaching, and more. Together, we can enact change for a better tomorrow for you and your family.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and today I am in Beverly Hills, California, and we’re focusing on David Rivera’s Monetized Talks. This is the 15th edition. I’ve been to many of the previous editions, and let me tell you, this is one of my.
Favorite events of the month. We come out here, we cover the event and we get to talk to the amazing speakers that David lines up month after month. If you haven’t been to one of these, go to monetize talks. com and, uh, and check it out and you’ll see whatever the next event’s going to be in the next speakers.
But today I have will on the line. Who’s going to be one of the speakers today. Will welcome man. Welcome. First of all, thank you for having me, man. So have you been to one of these, like David Shindig’s before or what? This is actually my first one that David has hosted, but I’ve been to several Shindig’s who I’ve gotten the opportunity to speak pretty much all across the country.
Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, I’ll tell you, you’re in, you’re in for a treat. The community. I mean, I know, you know, David, I know you though, though the platform, but the community that comes out to this, it’s insane. And I thought at least 10 people knew me, they just came up and shook my hand. And so it’s been amazing.
David is. It’s doing something wonderful because On my journey of being an entrepreneur, we didn’t have these type of communities, you know, I started over 20 years ago, you know, becoming an entrepreneur. So shout out to David and you and what he’s doing with this. Let’s take in the early days a little longer.
What was your first business? Man, my first. Journey was I started off in network marketing. Oh, I’m a big fan. I’m a fan. I love it, man. I learned so much from that business. Like my mentors in the back in that, like for people that are watching that are hating right now, I don’t care. Right. Put some stuff in the comments.
I don’t care. Like I have some of the best mentors I’ve ever had in my life in that business. I tell people, if you want to get into. Uh, business join network marketing first, because it gives you all the fundamental things that you need to learn. And the biggest one is learning rejection in business.
You’re going to have to learn how to take a note. And so that was one of the biggest things that it taught me along with the personal development, how to get out of my comfort zone, because I was considered shy until one day my mentor said, who told you that? How long has that been the case? And so he really forced me into becoming who I am today because he saw more in me than I saw in myself.
So it was easy to find mentorship in network marketing and often tell people I wouldn’t replace that journey with anything else. So let’s, let’s, let’s go a little bit past that. That’ll take us further on the journey. So started there. What was next? Yeah. So started there. This was in 2003, 2005, which is.
Uh, how I ended up in Las Vegas, Nevada. I’m originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Midwest represent. Michiganders out there. Thank you. Definitely. And so while I was in Las Vegas, I found, uh, my niche through my own struggles and hurdles. And that was, I started to learn that life is expensive when you have bad credit.
Dang. I couldn’t rent a car. I couldn’t buy a home or rent an apartment. I couldn’t buy a car without putting 20 to 30 percent down. I mean, I couldn’t do anything. Yeah. And so I remember reading a book that talked about. Credit eventually becoming the new dollar. And I didn’t know what he meant by that at the time, but as I fast forward through life, I started to see that credit is really that missing link, but it’s because most people only understand credit from a consumer standpoint, they only know what bad that is.
Yeah. But. Every single successful wealth entrepreneur leverages somebody else’s money. And so what I do essentially, Adam, is I show people how instead of them working with hedge funds, I showed them how to become the hedge fund manager and the banks are their investors. And then they take that money, go out there and invest it.
And then they use the revenues or the cashflow, pay the bank back and then keep whatever’s left over. What do you think keeps a lot of the, uh, ’cause I know you work with various business owners Absolutely. People at different levels, and I know some of the people you work with are, are successful even by, by many standards, even in the beginning, but yet they still don’t kind of have that credit piece mastered, which keeps ’em at a certain ceiling.
What do you think it is that keeps people from learning about credit? Like, what’s the thing that holds people back? It’s a couple. One, I think it’s fear. Mm-hmm . Because they preach that credit is bad. And I say it’s not that credit is bad because it can’t talk to you. Yeah, somebody who’s bad with credit is probably bad with their paycheck too.
So they don’t understand, you know, how money works. The second thing is, is people don’t understand the cost of money. And so what I mean by that, and I’m actually going to talk about that, is when someone sees the interest rate on a credit card, let’s say it’s 22%. Yeah. They’re thinking 22 percent a month, but the 22 percent is the APR of which stands for annual percentage rate.
So you actually divide 22 by 12, which would give you about 1. 9%. So you’re only paying 1. 9 percent per month on the money that you borrow. So let’s say you borrow 1, 000. That’s only 38 a month, right? And for somebody who’s brand new in business, and let’s say they don’t have money to for a marketing budget, right?
And you take that credit card go out there and invest 1, 000 a month on your marketing budget That 1, 000 is only gonna cost you 38 a month. Yeah, so based upon whatever your costs For whatever your product or service is, all you have to do is figure out how do I make sure I make enough to cover the 38 as opposed to going out there, trying to bootstrap and make a thousand dollars.
So you can go out there and cover your marketing costs. For sure. And that, and that’s, to me, one of the, I mean, when you think about the finance pillar of business, like finance, legal. Marketing, these are all pillars that, that if you don’t have a master, you’re always gonna have some type of ceiling on what you can do and how far you can grow.
Cause even bootstrapping or other things, you gotta at some point figure these out. Well I tell people, I’ve never met anybody who became rich for free. So from somebody, somebody paid for it, somebody paid for it. And so why not go out there and get the, uh, the, the adequate amount of capital that you need to deploy so that you can grow your business, because I’ll often tell people becoming successful financially, it’s all mathematics, you know, for every dollar that you make.
You just have to figure out how much will it cost you to make that dollar. So if you want to make a million dollars, figure out how much it’s going to cost you to make a million dollars and then go borrow it. Yeah. So I just show people how to reverse engineer that. That’s great, man. Well, well, I know you’re, you’re, they’re calling you up there to speak right now.
I can literally hear them in my other ear. I don’t know if you can hear it back at home or listening to this, but they’re calling them right now. But before you go, Will, I want you to look into the camera. How can people follow up? How can they learn more? How can they connect with you and your team?
Definitely. You can actually follow me across all social media platforms at Mr. Will Roundtree. And then also too, cause one of the biggest issues is that one of the reasons I also feel people have a hard time growing is they don’t know their number. And what I mean by that is, is that when you make money, that’s not how much money you actually bring home.
You have to know your number, which is your net. And so I actually give people a free comprehensive budget form. So you can actually text the word INCOME to 855 449 4888. Again, text INCOME to 855. 449 4888 and I will actually send you a free comprehensive budget form completely free that will give you a breakdown so that you will know your actual number.
Amazing. And for everybody watching at home, just so you know, we’ll definitely leave the links in the show notes so you can connect with Will and his team and definitely follow up. And speaking of the audience. If this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and we’ll, man, I’m looking forward to hearing, thank you, man.