Dr. Mark Brisby, Founder & Medical Director at Dr. Brisby Medical Fitness Center, was interviewed on the Mission Matters Fitness Podcast by Adam Torres.
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“Your most valuable wealth is your health.”
This is the life motto of Dr. Mark Brisby, Founder & Medical Director at Dr. Brisby Medical Fitness Center.
In a recent interview with Adam, Dr. Brisby talks about how medical fitness should be prioritized and made a part of life. Being one of the pioneers in the medical fitness industry, he guides us through the inescapable need for top-quality medical care.
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The Paradigm Shift in Career
Mark began his journey with the UCLA Sports Medicine Department in 1980. Soon after, he opened up his fitness center. “Primarily, I worked with a younger clientele, but as my clients and I aged, my practice evolved. Being a baby boomer trainer, I now attract older athletes and older adult age groups”, says Mark. Nonetheless, Mark’s mission has remained the same: making the hard work of being healthy easier and successful for more people.
Medical Fitness – Why is it Different?
As we get older, our vanity-driven perspective of exercise shifts towards a vitality-driven perspective. As it happens, most people turn towards reactive medicine such as drugs and surgery, but the idea of medical fitness revolves around embracing proactive medicine i.e., the fitness of exercise.
As Mark explains, medical fitness is a personalized form of care where you work with an expert and design a customized fitness program for your health. It focuses on neuromuscular training, which pertains to lower body balance and the entire nervous system. Instead of relying on medicine, it forces you to make lifestyle changes, whether you are 48 or 78 years old.
The Fitness Center
“We get three kinds of clients at our fitness center: patients, personal training clients, and general gym members,’‘ says Mark. While they facilitate specific programs for everyone, the process begins by establishing movement patterns. It is followed by strengthening the core muscles through neuromuscular training. Once the members are efficient enough, the focus sets on developing muscle and lean tissues through longevity exercises.
“Initially, people underestimate themselves”, shares Mark. Therefore, the fitness center pushes people to be accountable for their lifestyle and invest their time and energy into focal exercises.
Dr. Mark Brisby is a renowned sports medicine practitioner at The Training Room – Dr. Brisby Medical Fitness Center, Santa Barbara CA. He has been active in the sports medicine industry for over 40 years, delivering safe and personalized pain relief and injury rehabilitation solutions to people in need.
He is now launching an online business that revolves around facilitating a personalized approach to fitness. Dr. Mark himself, along with his trainers, will help people embrace a healthy lifestyle and lead happy lives. In addition to this, there will be a Nutrition Magician App that will keep an account of a person’s complete dietary inputs. To connect with Dr. Mark Brisby, you can visit www.thetrainingroom.org. If you want to learn more about the upcoming online business launch, visit https://drbrisby.com.