Adam Torres and Dr. Elise Brisco discuss health and wellness.
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Show Notes:
In this episode, Adam Torres and Dr. Elise Brisco, OD, Founder of EnWell Health, explore the future of health and wellness.
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About Dr. Elise Brisco
Dr. Brisco has been interviewed and quoted extensively in the international media including: “The Doctors”, ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, MTV, Asahi TV, Huffington Post, Dr. Oz, Oprah, Disney, Vogue, Vogue CZ, Good Housekeeping, New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.
Co-founder – Rehabilitative Vision Clinic at the Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Team Optometrist for the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim, Los Angeles Galaxy, Long Beach Ice Dogs
Clinical: Chief Medical Advisor Natural Ophthalmics, Luminary Lumenis, Medical Advisory Board Los Angeles Zoo, Media Spokesperson for Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, CIBA Vision, Visine, American Optometric Association and the California Optometric Association, Chief Medical Advisor Natural Ophthalmics, Advisory board Biostem Technologies, Clinical Instructor Southern California College of Optometry, Adjunct Faculty member Western University College of Optometry, Low Vision Consultant Center for the Partially Sighted, Advisory Board Ocular Nutrition Society.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and I’m happy to announce that I’m in Santa Monica, California today at the AI Vibes Conference. A big shout out to Tal Navarro and her team. They put on an amazing conference, panels, speakers, so much more. I have Elise, Dr.
Elise Briscoe on the show. to snag her for a bit. Elise, first off, just want to say welcome to the show. Thank you for having me, Adam. I’m a big fan. All right. So, I mean, your fashion model runway model you have N well health. I mean, a lot going on. We’re got, we got a lot to cover today, but first to get us kicked off AI vibe, Santa Monica, how do you feel?
How’s the day going for you? It was really great. I was inspired to new levels and realizing how much AI has extended our reach. I mean, just like beyond our wildest imagination, things that I didn’t think were possible before now. It’s going to make my life a little bit easier, actually. What? So I know there are a lot of panels and I know when I go to events like this, probably a lot of the audience, when they go to events like this, everything to me is always jumbled in my head.
But did anything stick out to you? Like, was there any like nuggets or bits of knowledge or speakers that like, what, what stuck out to you today? Yeah. Well, hollow AI really inspired me because I’m, I’m developing a new health and wellness platform, and this is going to help extend my reach, allow me to interact with patients and users through an AI character and avatar and do so much and maybe do the initial diagnosis and also give them little clinical tidbits without me having to be there.
So it, it connects you to your user more because there’s this. Avatar that looks just like you and sounds like you and it takes a minute for you to set up. So I thought that was really impressive. Yeah, yeah. I feel like that that’s been a big winner at this whole conference a lot of people talk about, talking about we just had Mackenzie on the show a moment ago and she was talking about it too.
And I’m like, all these use case scenarios for what’s possible with this. I wanna. And also the dog. Oh, let me tell you, I got us, I got a Tom, but I was waiting for it. I’ve been waiting to work the story and for everybody. So I, I’ve been a fan of of Tom bot for a bit now. Like I, I had I had Tom on the show a long time ago.
And and when I seen, and when I first met the met the dog and everything, I was like in person at the conference, I intuitively did not look at Tom. And then I was like, wait, I just ran to the dog. I’m like, oh my gosh, it’s you. Like I felt like dopamine level rise because I was so happy to touch Jenny, the dog.
I was starstruck by Jenny and it was funny. Cause I have a video of this. It’s on my Instagram. It’s ridiculous because then I’m like, Oh, I’m a YouTube. Hi Tom. Cause we never met in person, but I was hanging out with Jenny. Oh, it was ridiculous, but amazing to see like that technology and what they’re doing and otherwise.
And I’m like you know. What’s next? So realistic. I mean, when I was young, we didn’t even have calculators. We didn’t even have answering machines, no cell phones or anything. So it’s just crazy what I’ve witnessed in my life. So what brought you here today? Like what, what interests you in AI? Like what, what brought you here today?
Just overall, like it’s a hot topic. I’m the founder of a vision wellness platform called nwell health. We’re looking for ways that we can add more value for our users. And my goal is to make. Lifestyle your main form of medicine using self care is your health care, because right now people either can’t afford the time or the money to seek health care.
There’s just not enough health care practitioners out there. So I want to know what I want to use the latest technology because that allows us to do more and reach more people because it’s all about this international reach. Having an app and a website is going to be amazing for us. But now, with a I, it’s almost as if I’m there.
Giving a consultation to a patient without having to be there once we load it with all my proprietary Techniques and protocols. Yeah, then we can just do so much more and help so many people More people at a fraction of the cost. Yeah. So I was looking to see what’s out there that I can take advantage of.
And I’m, and I’m just a big tech nerd. I love it. So I’m very excited. Were you always entrepreneurial? Like where’d that come from? Yes. Well, I ran a practice for 34 years. It was an integrative wellness practice. I exited that. I did a, a merger and acquisition with a private equity company. Then I have two patents.
I invented something to replace reading glasses, a company called nearsight. So we are licensing my Intellectual property now. And this is my third company. And wow. Yeah. So I’m so I always like to say, I don’t like when people start going down, I’m like, we just like pain. We’re entrepreneurs. I don’t care how much Elon Musk doesn’t have enough money to do what he wants to do.
It doesn’t matter. We all like it. The more you do, the bigger it gets, the more money. I don’t care. Like I said, Bill Gates doesn’t have enough money to do what he wants to do. Yeah. That’s what I mean. Like I. But it’s pain. That’s what I always say. Like, when you say like, we’re, we secretly just want to provide this value.
And this is a real show, by the way, we don’t, I like to call it’s a passion and a purpose. And so to segue into the fact that I’m a runway and an international model is I’m continuing my work as a doctor on the runway to motivate. So you found that like thing that kind of tied it together and it just like.
Art, science, health and beauty is what I’m combining. Man, what we’re going to do on NWEL, too, because I found out that patients are much more likely to take care of themselves and listen to the doctor’s recommendations if there is an aesthetic or beauty benefit. So now that I have the knowledge as a doctor for 34 years, and the experience being an international model, I’m seeing, ah, this is what is important to people, and you have to have that value proposition that, that, that is important to them.
Yeah. So, we’re going to, all the health thing related. Advice that we give and services will also be tied into how health is the foundation for true beauty and happiness. Hmm. And you, I mean, and your modeling career, otherwise, I know you host as well, like you travel a lot, right? I do. I don’t even, I can’t even travel from downtown to Santa Monica.
I was complaining today for Shaak. I’m like, Sharah, I go to Santa Monica, the other side of the 4 0 5. Are you crazy? Like that’s Well, LA traffic is worse than getting on a plane and going to London or New York for Fashion Week. So I just got back from Cayman in Style Fashion Week, where I was the host for TW the What of Insta Fashion, which is an Instagram fashion magazine.
And that was quite an honor. The Ministry of Tourism welcomed us. I also did New York and London Fashion Week this year. I’m about to head to Miami Swim Week. Last year, I opened a show in Miami Swim Week. So, I’m a very rare doctor and model and Most models are super tall, super skinny, and super young.
They’re 18 to 25 years old. I’ve been in practice for 34 years, so I’m way past that. But you know, I want to help people embrace aging rather than fear it. And show them that beauty evolves over time and that you can. We can empower you if you take control over your, your life, make healthy choices on how you eat, working out, sleep, meditation, good energy around you.
And so I, I am an example of what healthy living looks like when you reach your mid middle age. How did you get the idea in the originally for this company? Like, where’d that come from? Was it a buildup? Was it like an aha moment? Was it just something you always wanted to do? Like, like, how’d you get that idea?
Where’d that seed start? I saw a huge gap in the market when I was in practice. So many patients came to me and they were saying, gosh, because as an integrative optometrist, I offered them both traditional medicine. holistic or a beautiful sweet spot in the middle, which is combining the best of both worlds.
And that’s integrative. And they would say, Oh gosh, cause I would say something simple. Say you have an allergic conjunctivitis, itchy eyes. I can write you a prescription, go to the pharmacy. I can give you just over the counter eye drops, or I can give you a homeopathic version that can actually treat the underlying cause so that your body’s not overreacting to allergens in the environment.
So I’m helping your body to help itself. And there’s really a lack of trusted information on the internet. There’s just so much misinformation. That I want to be a trusted source with healthcare practitioners. Giving people, respecting their belief system. Do you want traditional medicine treatment? Do you want holistic?
Or do you want somewhere in between? Cause, it’s like Republicans versus Democrats. What about that beautiful middle road where it makes sense to more people? And what and I feel like and you correct me if i’m wrong because i’m not in the medical community But I feel like after you know post covid and all these other things like a lot more people even though Just the patients have been more receptive to thinking about Other, you know means of healing whether it’s homeopathic or otherwise I feel like people are becoming more educated and just like more aware You Yes, this is what patients want, but there aren’t good sources for it.
So, we will have a marketplace, we will have education telemedicine, and offering them where it’s one stop shopping, so that, because it’s really hard to find integrative Practitioners that combine both Eastern and Western medicine. So that’s what we’re going to offer. Amazing. Well, Lisa, I just have to say it has been great having you on the show today.
I’m so excited to learn more, to meet you and to learn more and to connect over at AI vibes. I want you to look in the camera, tell our audience, how can they follow you? How can they follow your journey? How can they learn more about your company? Well, on social media, I’m Hollywood eyes, plural. So Instagram is Hollywood eyes on LinkedIn.
I’m Dr. Lisa Briscoe. On YouTube, it’s HollywoodEyesDrLiseBrisco. Our website, which is not launched yet, will be nwell. health. E N. W E L L dot health to be launched this year and thank you for watching. Thank you for having me. I’m so appreciative to allow for you to allow me to tell my story. Thank you. And to the audience, just so you know, we’re recording this in May of 2024.
So just so you know, that website will probably be up by the time you see this. So just go check it out anyway and keep checking. And speaking to the audience, if you haven’t hit that subscribe button yet, this is your personal invitation hit the subscribe button. This is a daily show. Each and every day we’re bringing you new founders, new authors, new thought leaders, new innovators.
I mean, all of the above and then some, Hey, and I want you to get those notifications. Only way to do it, hit that subscribe button. Don’t want you to miss an episode. Lisa, thank you so much. Really appreciate you coming on. You’re the best Adam. Thank you.