Adam Torres and Andy Wang discuss Indulge.
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Show Notes:
Indulge: Race World Edition at Resorts World Las Vegas was a big success. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Andy Wang, explore Indulge and Formula 1 Las Vegas.
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Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, today we’re at indulge and we are here with the mastermind behind the event. Hey, welcome. Hi, I’m Andy Wang. Welcome. This is our New food festival in Vegas. So tell me about the the brand and tell me about what the creation Uh industry only just does a lot of parties buy stuff Chefs, four chefs in Los Angeles with the best restaurants in Los Angeles, and we’ve been asked by a lot of properties all over the world, including Resorts World LA in Las Vegas to do open to the public events with some of the best chefs.
So we’ve got tacos, 1986, camp four joint seafood. We’ve got caviar bombs from Rosti. We’ve got big noise beer. Yeah, and a lot of other surprises. You should really just go look around we’re we’re about to head out. Last question. What was your vision behind Indulge? The vision was just, you know, L. A. Is the best food city in America right now from high end to low end.
It’s super vibrant. You want tacos? You want Thai food? That’s great. You want elaborate hand rolls with dry aged fish and caviar and Wagyu. We got that too. So just to show the people in Vegas, the range of L. A. All right, man. Appreciate it. People want to follow you. I want you to look into the camera. How do they learn more industry only L.
A. And you can find all our events on I. G. Fancy. So you heard it here first. Have a great day.