Adam Torres and Anjali Rajpal discuss the Monetize Talks.
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Listen to the Monetize Talks coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Anjali Rajpal, DMD, Founder of Beverly Hills Dental Arts, explore Beverly Hills Dental Arts and the Monetize Talks event.
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About Anjali Rajpal
Beverly Hills Dental Arts is a premier cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry practice led by Dr. Rajpal, a nationally recognized dentist for the stars. Dr. Rajpal believes dentistry is more than just a scientific pursuit — it’s an art form. Dentistry requires aesthetic perception, intuition, and intricate workmanship, blending scientific techniques with artistic intuition to create functional, aesthetic, and healthy smiles that radiate positivity. If you want the perfect smile, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rajpal in Beverly Hills.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I’m in Beverly Hills, California, and I am at the 13th edition of monetized talks.
And let me tell you, I’ve been to a couple of these, lots of fun. The host, David Rivera does an amazing job. And my guest today is one of the speakers, Anjali. Anjali, welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Alright, so I have to ask, is this, have you been to a previous David or Monetize talks event, or is this one of your first ones?
It’s my second one. Though I came about a month ago, and it was just a great pool of people, and the Are you hooked? Like, you’re already back, right? Yeah, me too, I’m like, I come to all of them now. Yeah, the talks were all really interesting, and David has such pumped up, great energy. So he’s just really fun to be around and it just like lifts everybody up.
Yeah, what is so today? I know you’re gonna be one of the speakers, which I’m excited to I’m gonna get to listen to so I’m gonna stop recording just to make sure I get to hear all the speakers like a little bit of spoiler alerts Don’t worry. This is coming out after your talk. So for the audience at home, what are you gonna be talking about today?
Just my journey as an entrepreneur as a business owner of a dental practice So just how I’ve gotten there, how things have evolved over time for me, and just kind of trying to inspire other people to follow their visions and just kind of follow their life purposes in general. How did you get started?
Like in terms of dentistry and all that, like what led you up on that path? The path started since I was a little kid, because my father When you were a kid, you knew you wanted to be a dentist? That’s amazing! I didn’t know I wanted to be a dentist, but my father was a surgeon. My sister became a doctor.
So I was on the pre medical path just since I was little, for the most part. But my mother was very artistic, and I was very into art as well. So I always wanted to have a creative outlet and I always wanted to do art. So I was really torn between the two, but someone had given me the idea that maybe dentistry would be a good fit for me because you use your hands a lot.
And honestly, it’s perfect because I love using my hands. I think my dad naturally was good with his hands, with being a surgeon, my mom, painting. And I. Paint and do other art stuff too. Yeah, so Working with my hands is so important for me and it’s just like a natural fit. So so yeah I’m glad I went into dentistry I don’t think there’d be anything in medicine that I would have really clicked with Yeah and talk a little bit about your specialty like Cosmetic and other things like just talk a little bit more about maybe the services and style of your practice So I am a cosmetic dentist based in Beverly Hills Beverly Hills And I’m very aesthetic oriented, artistic oriented.
So everything I design, I make sure is actually very natural and beautiful. But at the same time, I’m very long term health minded. So I also make sure that whatever I create is healthy for my patients for the long term and for them systemically. So I’m really thinking beyond just working in the mouth because obviously everything’s linked.
So I want to make sure that what I’m doing is really good for their overall health and for their long term health. But that they also feel confident showing off. Yeah, what should and i’m curious about this like when people are out there shopping for dentists or cosmetic dentistry I don’t want to go as far as to say like red flag green flag I’m, not saying all that but like what are some of the things that they should be considering?
When they’re, you know shopping around let’s say I mean, I think it’s important to see their work and see if they do have an artistic eye and kind of Know how to use correct proportions and styles and shapes that flow with patients faces. Yeah, so it’s just having that eye and the intuition and all that and just being mindful of what is best for the patient.
Because I like to preserve a lot of tooth structure and not just do things that are quick and easy. I really think out my cases so that it’s really good for them. Through the years. A lot of my patients are really young, so I definitely don’t want to be overly aggressive with them. Yeah. So, so yeah, I’m just very thoughtful the way that I plan out my cases, and I think that that’s important.
And obviously you want to be with someone that you really trust. Of course. And is honest and ethical, so all of those elements are crucial, and a good communicator, and gentle. A lot of aspects that are important and feeling comfortable as a patient. Yeah. So Anjali, I know you have to get going because you’re going to be speaking soon.
Final question. I want you to look into the camera. How can people follow up? How can they learn more about your practice? So my website is bhdentalarts. com. The name of my practice is Beverly Hills Dental Arts. All my social media, my Instagram is at Beverly Hills Dental Arts. So is my TikTok. So is my YouTube.
Everything is Beverly Hills dental arts. Amazing. And for everybody watching, just so you know, we’ll put the links in the show notes so that you could just click on the link and head right on over. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button. And Anjali, again, thank you so much for coming on. It’s been a pleasure. Thank you for having me.