Adam Torres and Arthur Hopkins discuss the Aspire Tour.
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The Aspire Tour has become one of the biggest leadership events in the country. In this episode, Adam Torres and Arthur Hopkins, explore the Aspire Tour and what makes it so unique.
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We’re at the Aspire Tour in Phoenix, Arizona. I have Arthur here, who is the man in VIP. Arthur, I just want to say this event is absolutely amazing. It is from top to bottom. Amazing. Why aren’t you here? If you’re watching this and you haven’t come, you need to check us out. Different city every month. How long you’ve been with the Aspire Tour?
I’ve been with the Aspire Tour for six months. What is the number one reason why people should attend? Number one reason. It’s going to change the trajectory of your life. If it’s about business, finance, or personal development, there’s definitely something here you’re going to be able to take away. And that’s actionable.
It’s not a lot of fluff, right? And it’s not all you know, leading you to some kind of crazy upsell or something. Right. But you will learn something that you can apply to your life. Today. You meet good people, right? So Arthur, you may not know this, but I’ve been to maybe three, four, maybe even five Aspire events around the country.
I went in NorCal, I went in LA for a bit, and now I’m in Phoenix. And one of the things that I noticed is the culture, not just the people that attend, but the people behind the scenes. What’s the magic? Like how’s everybody so involved? The culture behind everybody, whether they’re yourself in the VIP, whether they’re, you know, the person checking us in in the beginning, like what’s up with the culture?
How does this work? It’s magic, you know, it is magic. So, you know, the word that’s being thrown around a lot now is to find your tribe, right? Tribe. And I think this Aspire Tour, it’s bringing in a lot of like minded people. I mean, there’s a lot of difference, a lot of diversity, lots of, you know, different age groups and businesses and this and that, the other thing.
But there’s something about the spirit we have as entrepreneurs, right. Or even if you’re a W2 worker or something, but we all have the same kind of spirit, I think, you know, that we’re on our way to the future. To our personal destination via whatever route, but we’re wanting to be helpful along the way.
Right. In fact, most of the staff here at Aspire attended Aspire and then just kind of got, got attracted into the whole thing and everything. I’ve heard that by the way, you get like sucked in. You feel the energy, feel the air before you know it. Like you’re like, Hey, we’re all happy to, to lend a hand to each other because I think A lot of us here, this is another common thread with like folks like yourself and everybody else that I’m meeting, is that again, we have our destination and we’re helping ourselves get there, but we’re being helpful along the way to others, you know for, you know, not, not with the idea of profit or getting something back or, but just cause, right.
I think, I think that’s one of the common threads you find with everybody around here too. So talk to me about, I know, obviously you’re, you’re in these rooms, you’re having these conversations often, the vision for Aspire, like talk to me about some of the vision and what you’re, what you’re soaking up here.
What I’m soaking up? Yeah. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I get paid to hang out and talk to people like yourself. And it’s like, you know what? I mentioned business and finance and personal growth. I mean, there it is. It’s almost encompasses everything. So I’m learning. I learned more about myself hanging out here.
I just, I just stand here and learn so much and I think that’s important, right? Yeah, the vision for Aspire, I do know this, that it’s, it’s getting bigger and better all the time. It is getting bigger. And it’s about controlling our financial future. That money isn’t everything, but it’s a big part of it.
Sure, yeah. It’s a big part of it. These banners ain’t cheap and for those of you that haven’t been to an Aspire By your event. Let me tell you, it’s top notch. It is top notch stuff. I mean, the talent here and I mean, from top to bottom, the talent we see on the stage to, to the, the guy running the lights or something, and I’m not putting him down or anything.
Right. But it’s, it’s, it’s top tier talent and top tier dedication all the way. I don’t think there’s a single soul here that doesn’t actually like want to be here and be involved. Yeah, yeah. All right. So this is not a loaded question and I’m going to preface it by the way. So you can’t say no. And now when you say that, I know, I know.
Right. But no, no, no. The only people that you can’t say are, are the, are the founders here. Cause they’re, to me, they’re my favorite two top speakers. So I’ll throw that out there. Top two, three speakers. Other than them, what are some of the best speakers or your favorite, I should say that you’ve seen? That have brought that across the stage and some others for me, Tim story always loved him.
Meltzer. I mean, Dave Meltzer. Like Tim Story knocks it out of the park. Who’s some of your favorites? I’m over here answering the question. Yeah. My favorites would be, I mean, Cody Sanchez, who’s taking the stage today. She blew my mind. The first time I heard her story. Yeah. Right. And, and this, and again, I mean, just, you, you, you.
She just says stuff and it’s like, Oh, I can apply this to my life right now. Yes. Cody Sanchez, but, but you know, the surprising ones I think are the the sports stars Shaq Hulk Hogan was in on, on the docket somewhere along the line. Joe Montana. I saw him and I mean, we know them because we, right.
We follow their sports, but hearing the backstory, what they’ve done with themselves financially or in the business world that they play. It’s just mind blowing. One of the, one of my takeaways, and if I botched this, I don’t want any comments saying I botched it. Maybe I did, but something that I remember Joe Montana did is after he was successful with a couple of different funds, they, and he ended up bringing in like this same team they’d worked so hard as equal partners, like he doesn’t have to do that.
Like when I heard like his actual heart behind what he did as well. Not just the money. I was like, I was inspired. So some of those things I’m grateful for the aspire to her without aspire to her. I wouldn’t have had that experience. I wouldn’t have got to see like one of my heroes and one of those things.
And to see that, and like the lineup that you guys put together, any one of those people could be a headliner and have their own by themselves and they do all the time. But I was shocked because I’m like one after another. I’m like, man, I gotta go to the bathroom here. When do I stop? When’s the bathroom?
The first time I attended, it was the same story. I don’t, I don’t think I moved from my chair except to eat at lunch one time. Cause yeah, it’s all like, wait, you’re like, wait, who’s next? It’s another headliner. It’s another content. Like I said, from top to bottom, it just, you can’t beat it. I would, I would challenge someone to meet it.
I mean, there’s a lot of other, you know, good things out there, but you’re not going to go wrong coming to the aspire tour and the talent like to get that many people. And this is just for anybody that’s in media or anybody that puts on events to get that many people on the same bill. When you have all headliners on the same bill, like that’s not an easy thing.
And just the fact that they’re willing to come behind the tour and support it, it just shows some of the good work. And a lot of them keep coming back. And that actually speaks to what the Aspire tour is all about. Yeah. Cause they don’t have to, you know, they’re, they’re in high demand. They can pick and choose where they want to speak and who they speak for.
And the fact that they keep coming back. It’s just, well, that speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. Last question. How do people follow you on social media? Where do they, where do they connect with you? Arthur L. Hopkins. I’m all over the place. All right. Fantastic. We’ll look that up and we’ll put some links in the show notes.
You can just click on the links and head right on over. Thank you, Arthur, for all you do. My pleasure, man.