Adam Torres and Eric Majors discuss The PIPEs Conference.
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Listen to The PIPEs Conference coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Brandi Veil, Creator & Host at Yes3 Network. Explore Yes3 Network and The PIPEs Conference.
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About Brandi Veil
Brandi Veil is the Founder and CEO of Being Investments, leading a Board of Advisors dedicated to strategic partnerships and impactful ventures. As President of Yes3 Network, she specializes in Fintech PR and Blockchain/Web3 partnerships, crafting public relations campaigns and strategic plans that highlight advancements and innovations in financial technology. Her mission-driven projects focus on marketing, branding, community building, technology, and digital assets, elevating human consciousness and securing legacy data for its owners.
With over a decade of experience as an executive coach and business consultant, Brandi combines advanced mindfulness and mindset techniques to accelerate projects. She works closely with mission-driven executives, entrepreneurs, and community leaders, offering personalized one-to-one guidance and group sessions. Brandi helps clients achieve inner wisdom, work-life balance, and project clarity, providing services such as impact business strategy, SDG impact planning, mindful mentorship, and emotional intelligence application.
An international spokeswoman for financial literacy, mindfulness in the digital age, and humanitarian projects aligned with the SDGs, Brandi hosts the Yes3 Abundance and Wealth podcast. She has produced and curated numerous experiential edutainment events for holistic festivals and major brands like Airbnb, Lyft, and Blockchain Beach. Brandi’s extensive experience with high-level executives, celebrities, and major festivals positions her as a leading voice in driving positive change and fostering a culture of awareness.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of mission matters. My name is Adam Torres. And today I am at the hard rock cafe, a casino in Hollywood, Florida is amazing. Cause you know, the deal flow guys are putting on this amazing conference called the pipes conference. And my guest is Brandy Brandy.
Welcome to the show. All right. So a fellow host, I understand you’re a host. You’re also have your own, another company as well. We’re going to get into both of those, but first I just got to ask, what brings you to the conference? Okay. Well, I was invited to come here. We’re in Florida. We’re close to everything.
Miami is just around the corner and we are doing a lot of business and crypto. And so one of my clients, we have the passive crypto fund, which is helping people really go to the next level, helping them be in the regulation area, which is on you. It’s, it’s not always known to be regulated. So I’m very excited to be here.
Yeah. So, so far tell us, for those that couldn’t attend the conference how are you, are you having fun? Like, tell me about the conference. What have you liked so far? You know, I have a web three background. I’ve been in crypto since 2009. I’m a bit of a Graham. I don’t look like a grandma, but I am. You know, we talked a little bit about yes three network, which is yes three.
Oh, that is my podcast. I do similar things that you’re doing, which is to help accelerate the literacy around web three. And so being here, which is very web too. Yeah. Yeah. You know, and I had to. Kind of shift my consciousness about, well, what are we really doing here as passive crypto fund? Are we here to educate or are we going to be tone deaf?
So yeah. So you asked me about how is it going so far? I think there’s a lot of opportunity to educate the people who are here. You know, this conference is mostly about listing and having the pipe. Really funnel into regulators and making sure that the stocks are marketed and getting people on boarded.
I think we’re going to see a big shift. That’s what I’m, I think we’re in the right location for that. Yeah. Yeah. So talk to me a little bit more about your show. So yes, three network. Yeah. So yes abundance and wealth with Brandy Vale. So yes, three means not your home, not your workplace, but in your third place.
And I know I love that mission matters has the mission that matters. I got started thinking we could change the world with impact and impact finance. And I quickly realized that’s not true. It’s a great idea. So I said, well, let’s talk about it and let’s get the founders of the startup web three companies, the tech companies to really talk about who they are, what they’re doing and why them, why now?
And so we do this on a, on a, on a regular basis every week. Support them. And you mentioned your, your company where you knew that. I believe you, one of the funds that you, that is here, rep you’re representing them and all that’s one of your clients. Like talk to me a little bit more about what you do for clients and like how you help them get there and how you help them get out there.
Yeah. So one of my gifts. Is to have a very broad view of the, the, the programming, what are we going to do in a regulated context for a crypto asset? Not a lot of people understand crypto. So we’re really early on. I’ve been in it in order to see what’s going to work and what’s not going to work. So I do investor relations.
We do investor PR, we’re able to establish the story to educate a new audience. And so that’s what I’m doing right now with passive crypto funds. There are a lot of other spinoffs, like. Courses, right? Mainstream courses. That’s not a crypto thing. It’s no tokenomics to it. It’s just education. So we’ll take that brand and we’ll accelerate that through our FinTech PR company, yes, three Oh network.
And you know, we think this attracts a lot of investors, people who are curious. We educate them along the way we build trust. And this is what I think a solid company would look like in the future. Hmm. What’s your favorite part about working in the crypto space? The radical science and behaviors. Oh my gosh.
Because we’re all dreamers, right? We had to come from somewhere that said we want to do better for the world. And unfortunately our monetary system has not really sustained the American public, or actually the international public. If you look at poverty around the world. One of my favorite places to go and educate as India, because I see there’s such a, so you traveled to India to educate on crypto.
I do. Oh, that’s cool. I’ve been in the space, like I said, for quite a while. So I’ve made some powerful relationships. A few of them to mention are diplomats and those diplomats want to know, they want to know who’s on the ground and who’s talking about what. And I just happened to be in Dubai speaking on stages.
A little bit about my background is I’ve always been a producer. I’ve always had tech in my world. I was one of the first venues online, women and tech. And I just saw an opportunity and one of it was my vision for helping. So education, learn and earn which led me to P2E, which is play to earn. I became the CMO for a games guild in India.
And that’s how my leg up occurred. So people started seeing, they were curious and they wanted me inside their sandbox. Pick my brain, make introductions. I’m still doing the same thing. Yeah. Having fun. So I don’t, I don’t get out much. So I’m in the U S mostly. So I’m curious, like other markets, whether it’s India, Dubai, otherwise, like, like how, what, what some of the views on crypto, like you just have a different vantage point, like than me.
So in my, in many of my audience who maybe aren’t traveling over to many different countries as well, like, like, what are you seeing? Like, are people excited? People, I don’t know if you saw crypto right now, not to date this episode, but I will say we can, we’re, we’re recording it today is whatever, what is today, November, let’s call it November 14th.
There you go. So we’ll date that. We won’t take that out. So as of November 14th, we’re in a bull run right now. And the bull run essentially is we’re going to see these waves of big shifts. We hit 93, 000 and I, from the time I looked at my phone in the morning, four hours later, we had gone up 10, 000 and so it’s a volatile market.
If you know what you’re doing and you, you, you understand trading. But if you don’t, you want to just be a hobbler. You want to be able to stay with the flow. I think we’re going to go, I think we’re going to see real soon. 120, you know, they say to the moon I’m on the ground in Puerto Rico. I have a lot of really good friends who’ve been in crypto.
Brock Pierce is one of them. Michael Turpin, I have a. Web three conference called web web three consortium in UAE. So we focus on impact projects. I have a moon project. We just finished. We had the first 222 artists go to the moon on a disc and nickel. You are busy. You are busy. I’m a strategist. So to me, all this connects, if you see where we’re headed, That’s, we’re just on a scale of one to 10, we’re at a number two.
We’re at two. So, you know, space travel is the obvious. We were with space blue and lunar galaxy, and we were able to bring 222 artists on this nickel disc that will last billions of years. Wow. Etched on this disc. People ask me, so did the art go there, the A disc so we can project it there. All the IP lives there.
We have a music catalog with, you know Michael Jackson. We have Eric Clapton. We have some of the biggest names and music on the lunar music side. So, you know, yeah, we’re doing it again. Every, every week we’re on Twitter spaces. So he’s at space blue underscore club and Brandy Vail and also bit angels.
We have a whole group of startups that come in pitch. And so we’re looking for projects that can accelerate. I like to say the consciousness on this planet, which ultimately leads to technology and data. So I, yeah, I’m a busy woman, but I’m mostly a visionary. Well, I’ll tell you one thing, Brandy. I’m so happy to have met you.
So interesting. You doing a lot of things that I know I’m going to continue to hear more and more about your work now that we’ve spoken. That’s kind of the way the universe works. I think after we’ve spoken to them, I’m like, Oh, I know Brandy. What’s she doing now? Like, this is amazing. I love it. So I’m excited to continue to follow your work myself.
If my audience, if they want to follow and learn more about your projects, your company, anything else how, how can they do that? Sure. You can go to brandy veil. com. I’m sure our posts will be in the bottom. Be sure to follow us. We have amazing events coming up in Art Basel. Art Week is coming up at the end of this, our beginning of December 2nd through the 5th.
Come out ask me questions. Love to tell stories. Love to do interviews. If there is an entrepreneur out there that’s in tech web three, specifically blockchain, I’d like to hear from you. If you’re making a difference. That’s awesome. And for everybody that’s watching, just so you know, we’ll put the links in the show notes so that you can just go out and head right on over and check out Brandy’s work.
Oh, the podcast. One more time. You can’t leave that. Go see the podcast. So yes. Three network. Let them know how to find that too. Is that on the website? I’m guessing. Yes. Three. Network. com. Oh, yes. Three network. com. See, forgot one over me. I mean, come on, we got a lot. Why don’t everybody go check that out. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, make sure you hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and a Brandy. Thank you so much for coming out. I was honored to meet you. Yes. Thank you so much.