Adam Torres and Brandon Birchak discuss the Las Vegas Investor Conference.
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Listen to the Las Vegas Investor Conference coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Brandon Birchak, CEO at Elite Performance Design, explore Elite Performance Design and the Las Vegas Investor Conference event.
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on Be Our Guest to Apply. All right, so today I am in Las Vegas, and I’m at the Sahara Casino, and we’re having all kinds of fun.
We’re at the Las Vegas Investor Conference. Lots going on in the main stage, the main room. I’m out here doing podcast episodes and having a whole lot of fun, as I mentioned. I’m with my guest, Brandon. Brandon, welcome to the show. Welcome. Thanks for having me on. I appreciate it. All right, Brandon. So what brings you out to the show today?
I mean, this is a good one every year. There’s just a, an amazing number of great thinkers and you know, entrepreneurs. There’s all sorts of amazing stuff happening in the research and medical world that we get to hear about, collaborate with. So it’s, it’s really good. Yeah. Talk a little bit more about your industry.
So what are you up to? So I have a, like a high performance and research company based here in Las Vegas called Elite Performance Design. And we work a lot with professional athletes, particularly we’re targeting VO2 max and lung volume. We’ve cracked a couple of really big medical nuts in that realm, and we work closely with the university here.
And we also, you know, we have all sorts of auxiliary, you know, Sort of locations where we work with some of our athletes and things like that. And the results that we’re having with the lung volume increases that we’re generating are really special. Why is that so important for those that aren’t familiar with it?
So, you know, depending on the sport, we can see all sorts of different kinds of benefits. We have a top 10, Mr. Olympia bodybuilder, and we increased his lung volume 26%. As a result, he broke his PR in every compound lift, every single week, for 8 weeks in a row. Wow. Yeah. That’s not a comment on any of them, by the way.
Nuclear beard baby. And thinking about that athlete, he’s world like. He’s already topped this game. He spent his whole life in the gym. Yeah. He’s at 320 pounds. And these guys break their PR. PR in one lift once a year, maybe. So for him to, to back to back break every personal record in every single compound lift, bench, dead squat, overhead, right?
Row every week for eight weeks in a row is. Absolutely unheard of. And we’ve had similar results with, with other athletes too. We had a UFC champ and we increased his lung volume 19%. That led to a 31 percent increase in VO2 max and a 30 percent increase in sparring output. Yeah. So huge, huge differences inside the cage for him.
We also had some athletes in the Olympics that absolutely annihilated and, you know, brought home some world records because we’re giving them bigger lungs. It’s a, you know, really novel, unique process that we’ve stumbled upon through. A lot of different work and research. We’re about 15 years into some of these concepts.
Wow. 15 years in? Yeah. The company’s been around for 15 years or? No, the company’s been around for less than five, but the team has been together for a really long time. Hmm. How’d that come about? Like, how’d that come? That’s interesting. You know, I used to be an artist in Cirque du Soleil and I was a U. S.
champion in dieting. Come on, man. That’s awesome. Thanks. I had a really big, crazy circus accident. Oh man. A long time ago. I fell from like 90 feet, collapsed my lungs, had a heart attack, and yeah, in a quaint little city called Wuhan, China of all places. So I woke up on a ventilator, and I was super frustrated because I had been spending so much time and energy into learning how to hold my breath because I wanted to do this underwater act.
So I did what anybody in that situation would do. I called up everyone that I asked. Could possibly find in my circle from Olympic facilities and, you know, various physicians and great doctors. I’ve worked with in CERC and with USA Diving. And we put together a really novel team to sort of, you know, go after this riddle.
And now my breath hold is, you know, I’ve done over 10 minutes active underwater. Very gently. 10 minutes? Yeah. And I’m, and I’m well over 20 minutes. That’s what I’m not moving. So wow. Yeah. What does that even look like? How does someone like, that’s, I mean, you can come to my talk here in a little bit. Oh, video guy.
And what are you going to, what are you going to be talking about? Like give, give the audience, cause now obviously this is an at home audience, right? I’ll tell them what, I mean, we’ll be talking about how we, how we grow out the lungs and what we’re doing is a, you know, really unique combination where we’re forcing vasoconstriction and vasodilation in the.
capillaries in the lungs, which isn’t something that really occurs naturally, like anthropologically speaking in animals, we don’t experience a positive novel vasodilation. Like when you do some cardio training, you have like really great vasodilation in the brain. That’s why cardio and VO2 max training is so effective for like depression and you know, anxiety and all these things.
When you go to the gym and you work out, you have really good vasodilation. You get a pump, right? But we don’t really get that in the lungs. So. What we’re doing is we take the athlete or the patient, the client. We also do retreats. We work with CEOs and stuff like that. People just want to live longer and folks with asthma or COPD and we’re, we’re using a really systematic approach to forcing vasodilation and vasoconstriction back and forth.
We’re toggling back and forth and then we’re doing that in the presence of pure oxygen. We’re changing the partial pressure of oxygen. So we’re shrinking down the oxygen molecule. It’s similar to like taking a basketball to the bottom of a pool. So, with the endothelial walls, your blood vessels are the ones responsible.
The endothelial wall is signaling for whether or not the blood vessels should continue to grow. So, by shrinking down the oxygen molecule and then toggling back and forth between constriction and dilation, that transference of oxygen, where maybe we need X number of transfers and it’s going to take 10 years to show endothelial growth, 10 We’re going to do all that in like an hour and a half and we’re going to do that.
So you’re literally growing up. We’re literally growing, literally growing lungs. Wow. 100 percent growing lungs and all of our athletes are going right to the moon and we’ve had crazy success. And is this primarily for only elite athletes? Like you’re mentioning, I’m just curious on where you’re at. You know, our social circle is a lot with athletes, elite podcasters.
I’m just saying, man, you can do it too. Anybody can, anybody can. That’s what I’m asking. I mean, we, you know, we recently had a retreat with a bunch of unique CEOs out in New York city and we’re, we’re growing their lungs too. So we’ve got to put up with the process and. You know, you’re going to live longer.
You’re going to run a more alkaline blood profile. You’re going to have better neuroplasticity. You’re going to have better circulation. Your sleep is going to be much better because you’re not going to be acidic. You’re not going to breathe as shallow. So there’s, there’s an astronomical number of benefits and it’s really, you know, you can’t really point to another major organ in the body where we’ve cracked some sort of bone.
concept on how to grow your heart or your liver and obviously if you, you know, are on steroids, you’re taking HDH, your heart will grow, so that’s not healthy. So, this, this idea that we’re growing the lungs of, of anybody, you know, we work a lot with athletes. It’s, sorry, our niche, it’s, it’s what we really like to do, but we also do these retreats with, with all sorts of people.
There are plenty of folks here that we’ve worked with in the past and Yeah, it’s, it’s really exciting. It’s a really, really exciting time for us. We’re doing a couple of clinical trials and studies that we’ll be releasing this coming year and you know, I’ll be doing some other. Big stuff that I’m excited about.
I’m excited about like to continue to follow the company. So last thing I want you to do Brandon I want you to look into the camera and tell everyone how can they follow you? How can they learn more? How can they keep up with this journey? Well, You know, we’re not that active on social media. LinkedIn?
Nothing? I mean, you know, we have a website, Elite Performance Design. Then leave that. Leave that. Yeah, ElitePerformanceDesign. com if you want to get in touch with us. Hold on, man. You’re telling me you got world class athletes, all these things you’re growing, you’re not on social? Brother, we’re like working in a bat cave.
Or we’re pretty under wraps. Everything that we do is mostly word of mouth, and we haven’t had any need for marketing or outreach. So, you know, every athlete that we work with, they go back to their gym, they go back to their teams, and they tell all their friends. And quite frankly, their performance metrics are just off the charts.
So, so I guess you’re hitting a reeks of personal reps and they’re like, they’re like our PR, like new, new challenges. And then we get all of our access, you know, word of mouth, but we’re working on changing up the branding and we’re, we’re going to be doing some really big things this year. So awesome. We don’t, we’ll have some different kind of launch modalities.
Right. We evolve. So the website one more time. Yeah. Elite performance design. com, or you can just, you know, Just hit me up on Instagram, Brandon Burczyk, and let me know if you’re trying to grow your lungs and we’ll, we’ll make it happen. Wonderful. For everybody watching, just so you know, we’ll put the links to the website and the, in the show notes, so you can just click on it and head right on over.
And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet. Make Hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Brandon, man. Really appreciate you. Hey, thanks so much for having me on. You have a good, good day and enjoy the rest of this really great convention and I’ll probably see you at a forum game on. All right. Thank you.