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How can you take on the responsibility to enact change?

Do you refuse to be held back by the opinion or judgment of others?

What are you promising yourself by engaging in business activity?

Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Business Headgame ABCs part 2

This is part 2 of a two-part episode. So if you didn’t get a chance to listen to Episode 17, Business Headgame ABCs part 1, make sure you go back and listen so you can get the full scope of what this episode is talking about.

Personal development plays a big role in being an entrepreneur, and a business owner and what nobody truly tells you is that it’s your mind and how it continually develops as you move forward in the execution of your business that matters before you even get your first deposit.

Discover Kevin’s journey. Discover some movers and shakers that are still relevant to this day! If you like history, you will love these examples!

This second ABC journey complements the first and will have you looking deep for answers in how you run your business or the likelihood of you even getting started.

So thank you for listening and the audience; here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to the show.

And here’s her call to action for the people that like extra credit on top of that.

Go ahead and check out the website,, to see how they’re making a difference in the lives of others with their services.

And she looks forward to bringing you more “Overlooked Business Basics.”

“Because once it’s revealed, it cannot be concealed.” Until next time, she’s your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur. Have a great day!

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