Adam Torres and Casey Cox discuss the Monetize Talks.
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Listen to the Monetize Talks coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Casey Cox, Head of Sales at Driven Enterprises, explore Driven Enterprises and the Monetize Talks event.
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today we are in Beverly Hills, California, and we are at the Think Tank.
13th edition of monetized talks hosted by David Rivero. And let me tell you, I’ve been to a couple of these events. There are a lot of fun and I always get a lot of value out of it. And my guest today is one of the speakers, Casey, Casey, man. Welcome to the show. Come on, baby. Thank you, sir. All right. So first off, you’re going to be speaking and I think like about 30 minutes, 45 minutes, great.
Make it some time for us. We’ll tell us a little bit about your talk. What’s coming up. Absolutely. I’m the sales guy. So I’m the sales guru. Good sales, sales guys. They got, they got a bad rep. You know, like the, when you think of sales, what do you think of, you think of that? I think of money, man. I’m not a, I’m not scared of sales.
You’re talking to the wrong person. You’re, you’re not a normie. You’re not a normie, okay. You know, from, you know, growing up I hear, oh, sales, like, I don’t wanna be sales. I’ll do anything but sales. That was like the slick facts. Sleazy, like they, they got the bad reputation, right. I’m a closer. Right. So that’s how we, you know, make it sound closer.
This reaches a lot of people. Maybe some people haven’t heard that term. What’s a closer, a closer, someone who can close. I could close a girl on a date. I could close a real estate deal. I could close a 10, 000 paid in full Academy deal. I could close an inner circle consulting deal. You could, you just close, baby.
You close deals. What do you think are some of the reasons that you’re so effective in closing and in sales like you’ll give us some tips I want the the listeners at home to be like man this guy Casey not only is the entertaining But I’m gonna take some of that swag. Yeah. Well, it’s hard to suck at something.
You’ve done 10, 000 times, right? Yeah, you know, you’re not a buy spell first thing you walk into the gym, sir but For me, the reason I’m so passionate is because once upon a time, I was 19 years old, I’m 24 now, and bro, believe it or not, I was clicking everything I saw on the internet. I saw these guys pop up, they’re like, hey, I’m Bobby, I’ll teach you dropshipping, I’ll teach you Amazon, I’ll teach you, you ever see that shit, right?
Yeah. Yeah, you see, it’s like impossible not to. Yeah. And dude, I click everything I saw for like eight months straight. And finally, I interest finally found a guy. Okay. He was my first ever mentor and he taught me high ticket. Sales high ticket closing right pause there for a second. I want to get back to high ticket closing But what kept you strong for that eight months man?
Most people can’t keep clicking for eight months Yeah, well, I understand the principle that you miss 100 of the shots You don’t take and so I just kept shooting bro. I I got pissed because I saw how old are you? Huh, how old are you man? It depends. I was 28. Yeah, there you go. Come on. I’ll take that Okay, so I bro.
I saw a guy had to be You Late twenties, maybe early thirties, blah. He’s working at a grocery store and he pulls up in a phantom, all white, Rolls Royce. Parks in a handicapped spot, right? And I’m just like, I didn’t have the balls to ask, I’m just like, What the hell do you know that I don’t know? And that pissed me off.
Yeah. And I kept seeing these kids making money on the internet. I’m like, where the hell is this actually happening, bro? And so to, to, to answer your question, I knew I was, I had a chip on my shoulder. I knew I was built for greatness. I was going to be a cashier from all life. But you know, I knew if there was other human beings that could do it, there’s no way I couldn’t.
All right. Yeah, I like that. So that’s how you got your gumption and your ability to keep going and persevering because clicking for eight months is not easy, like there might be some people out there that are clicking right now for a martial art. What would you tell them? Keep going. Yeah, keep going.
You’ll find something, but I know every business in the world lives or dies off of one thing. Sales. Yeah, right? Sales. And sales has been here longer than real estate. Sales has been here longer than the art of persuasion. Hey, you give me ten berries, you give me four cattle, whatever the hell. Don’t before that!
Reproduction! Reproduction, exactly. Like, for real. I know! I said go before that! It’s like I think everything you get in life to one degree or another is some sort of commission. Yeah. Right? So if you can understand that life is sales, why would you not want to master sales? Literally means you get to master life, you get anything you want in life.
So I was like, bro, this is fuck Amazon. You know, I’m like, let me hone in. You mentioned, let’s go back to what you mentioned, high ticket closing, VR, HTC, a lot of different people. Maybe what, talk about it. Talk about it. What makes it so special? There’s no limit. It’s performance based income. Your rewards are an exact proportion to your contribution to the service.
So the more you work, the more you get paid. And I couldn’t stand a per hour, you know? I need to be compensated on my work and my performance. And it takes the exact same amount of energy, if not more, to close a 50 or 500 deal than it does a 5, 000, 50, 000 deal. Explain that further, because some people listening may not believe that.
I know it to be true, by the way. Sure, I mean, you’re just saying different words. Yeah. It’s the same conversation. You’re just saying different words and you’re talking to a different guy. When you’re asking 50, 000 from somebody chances are they’ve spent that before. Yeah, right and they say what’s your risk?
What’s my risk? What’s your benefit? What’s my benefit doesn’t make sense to move forward or not, right? But when you’re talking about 50 bucks or 500 bucks, they got to talk to their wife. They got to check the budget They got to do this. Yeah. Yeah, so it could take more energy right to get them out of their own way Right, but so if it takes the same amount of energy, why the hell Would I not be closing high ticket all day long if my commission is the same?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Get it. So Casey, man, I know I’m, I’m keeping you from the event. I know you got to go some other things to do, but last thing I want you to do is I want you to look into the camera and tell people how can they follow you? How can they learn more? And a man, how can they get involved?
Absolutely. Listen, the best way to get ahold of me is on Instagram. It’s Casey Cox official. And I’ve been broke my whole life. I know for a fact, anybody can do this. Bought a Lamborghini at 20 years old, traveled the world. There’s no way if I can do this, that, that whoever’s watching this can’t, just don’t fucking give up.
Excuse my language, but Casey Cox official on Instagram, baby. Come on. All right. And for everybody watching, just so you know, we’ll definitely put the links in the show notes, so you can just click on the links and head right on over. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Casey, man, I’m looking forward to hear you speak. It was a pleasure. Thank you. Well, Cool