Adam Torres and Chanel Wan discuss Mega Mix Expo.
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Show Notes:
Listen to Mega Mix Expo coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres and Chanel Wan, Korean Skincare Beauty Expert at Riman Korean Skincare, explore Riman and the upcoming Megamix expo.
About Riman Korean Skincare
Inspired by eastern holistic practices in self-care, RIMAN aims to improve professional and personal lives across the world by inspiring people to embrace the sacred practice of slowing down and honoring oneself; to view self-care as much more than a chore or routine, but rather an ancient ritual with holistic benefits.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today my guest is Chanel Wan, and she is a Korean skincare beauty expert.
And the name of her company is Riman, which is known for Korean skincare. Chanel, welcome to the show. Hi, hi, I’m so happy to be here today. So great, great. It’s great to have you as well, and I understand that you’re going to be participating in the upcoming Megamix Expo. Is that right? Yes, I am. Oh, how fun.
have you been to one of these before? Is this is your first time? This is my first time going, by the way. Have you been to one of these? Oh, gotcha. Yes I have. So I know Tony, who’s the owner of Mega Mix, he is incredible. Mm-hmm . And so when I found about Megan Mix, I see one there as a guest.
First I have a couple of other friends who had their boots over there with different businesses. So after just attending as a guest. And just supporting my friends. I just realized I love the community there. And I wanted to have my Riman booth. So the next event that they had, I had my booth and I’m going to be going again next week.
Oh, how fun. That’s great. I love this story. And and I’m going to be going to, like I said, for the. And I love to hear the stories about why somebody would come the first time and then they come back the second, then they’re like, wait a minute, how come I don’t have a booth? So I think it’s a great story.
If you’re everybody that’s listening to this, that doesn’t know exactly what we’re talking about, if you haven’t heard some of the past episodes, I’ve been helping mega mix expo promote their upcoming event and you can learn more, get tickets, all that good stuff that mega mixed mega mix expo.
com and come out and I’ll be doing some live podcast interviews having some fun. Shake some hands getting into the community and Chanel will be out there, of course, with her booth and Riman . So Chanel, just to kind of transition a bit here, maybe tell us a little bit more about your company.
Tell us about Riman . All right. So Riman is a Korean skincare brand that is really taking the world by storm. They’ve been established in Korea back in 2018 and so they’ve been around for about like, you know, five to six years now. And they became the number one K beauty brand. So K beauty is just Korean beauty brand in Korea itself.
And they just came to America. Just uh, I think like a year and a half and yeah, like I was one of the people that was introduced to it sometime last year and it is, oh my God, it is like the Korean skincare brand to try. Do you know anything about Korean skincare yourself, Adam? I do, and I have Korean friends, and they give me skin care, and they tell me things, and I’m like, I don’t know if I’m that pretty, but okay.
They tell me, they tell me, and they, I have the eye creams, I have all this other stuff, and by the way, I do it, I even have the rollers, the, you name it, I’m in, I’m like, hey, make me look good, and the better I can look good, the longer, the better, so I’m not scared, you’re on, you’re on a skin care program.
Podcast Luxury side, we’re gonna put this on. So . Oh my good. I’m not scared of skincare. You thought I was Chanel, you were like, what? What’s this guy talking about? I know. You know, I’m very happy to hear that you, you have your routine, you’re on Korean skincare. I mean, this is why I love doing this too, because I absolutely love.
Introducing skin care, just generally just skin care to guys, I mean, I feel like back then a lot of guys, they don’t, they usually wash their face with water, you know, or sometimes a cleanser but today, like, find a lot more guys that are really interested in taking care of their skin now, and it makes me really excited to show them, you know, the Korean skincare like hype like, now Korean skincare is the number one in the world.
They took over friends they used to be the number one Chanel, La Mer were all manufacturing friends. And now they’re manufacturing Korea because of the technology, how advanced it is. And yeah, once you, I mean, you know how it is with your Korean friends, there’s a reason why their skin, they have the glass skin and yeah, their faces.
And what makes this so different for those days. And for those that are listening, Chanel, that aren’t aware , of this, like, what makes it so different? What makes it special? Just Korean skincare in general? Mm hmm. Well, no, Riman . Riman . Oh, Riman . Okay. so Riman itself, what makes it really different is really the three ingredients that they have.
So generally, Korean skincare itself is amazing because a lot of them do use this plant that is called the centella asiatica plant. Also known as Pennyworth, also known as Byung po in Korea, and a lot of Korean skincare, they use this plant, but it’s in the dried form because it is expensive to pretty much use it in the products.
ARIMA, what they did is they grow their own plants. So the use of this plant pretty much has a lot of healing properties, it heals wounds, it’s anti inflammatory benefits that’s due to skin, it boosts hydration, skin brightening, and reduction of hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. So it has a lot of just like all the stuff that you want Skin to pretty much like, you know, have right to just like heal from and there’s this like, oh my god, it’s one of the most research plan and there’s this story in Korea where they also call this plant as the tiger grass.
And the reason why is because, you know, tigers when they fight in the jungle they, you know, have like a lot of scratches and then as an animal, they Think this way, no, to go look for this plan and to roll over and so that the scars were too much heel. And then you know, a lot of Asian people, they use like the plan in like, you know, for medicinal purposes to put in food.
And so it has a lot of other properties. And the second ingredient that is amazing, I mean, it’s called the Jeju lava energy water that is found in the Jeju islands of Korea in this volcano that the water has been filtered for over 400, 000 years. So the water in this volcano is pretty much untouched.
It’s pure and you know, like in the oceans, like, you know, it’s like a lot of like the ocean around is very polluted. And this water is untouched, pure, it’s rich in 12 essential minerals. Minerals that’s really good for our skin. And so generally most American skincare, just skincare outside in general, they use like, it’s mostly filled with just water.
Compared to anything else, right? And so the water itself is distilled water, is zero water, pretty much dead water, no minerals at all. So what real mind uses is that amazing, like, nutritious, like, energy water from the volcano. And then It’s imagine like using that water which has so much minerals and you put it in your skin Like your skin just like I don’t know how to put it You have to experience it when I see it.
I’m gonna let you try it But if you can feel the one oh snap, hold on am I gonna have that? Don’t don’t promise me i’m gonna get that korean glow. I’m walking around like a like a k pop Star. Come on, . We have the same while I’m doing my, while I’m doing my podcast interviews. Don’t scare ’em. Don’t scare ’em.
That’s awesome. , we have the same where for Fremont, that , we are in a war against wrinkles. That is what we’re putting it out there. Oh my gosh, I love that war. We’re at a war. Oh, it’s true. That’s so good. I know. So pretty much what they’re at a war and wrinkles, . So pretty much what I reminded did is, you know, they’re like, oh my god, it’s is amazing.
And they need water. So they pretty much got the water watered plant and it grew three to four times. So not just the size of the plant, but the efficacy, all the healing properties just exponentially grew more. So the anti aging, you know, the hyperpigmentation to reduce it all, just pretty much increased.
And the results you see, I personally, myself, have not seen a product work so fast in my life. And that’s why I’m such a huge advocate with a friend. And the thing that really the next ingredient really takes it to the next level is the nano liposomal technology. So you remember how I told you about how, like, you know, career, they’re all about the technology, how advanced it is.
That’s why Chanel and I are going over there to learn everything they need to know for to kind of make like a better formula for their skincare. The technology, what it does, that it makes the molecules of the product 40 times smaller than a human pore. Wow. So meaning, that all the liquid that when you spray on your face, you put the cream on your face, it’s so tiny that as it pretty much touches your skin, it enters it immediately.
So that’s the thing that’s really cool that I was like, when I heard that is, I was like, there’s no way, you know. So when you try it, so pretty much have you ever, I know you skincare, have you ever pretty much like apply cream at night and you slept? On the pillow, you wake up, you see cream on your pillow, or you wash your face and it’s dry underneath.
I’m sure. Maybe. Yeah, I can see that. Okay, so a lot of people generally experience that. I personally am one of them. That’s why I’m able to ask this question because I’ve experienced it myself. Where like the cream just doesn’t enter my skin, maybe because you use Korean skincare and stuff. You don’t experience that because of the technology, but Rima or I’m just not that perceptive too.
I I’m still a guy and sometimes I’m not that perceptive. I’m not lying. So it may be there. And now you got me thinking when I get home, I’ll look at the pillow. Okay. I don’t know right this second. I’m not going to lie. Yeah, you could. You really could. I’m a type of person. I, when I heard this, I’m like, I need to Thick layer of cream on my face.
I went and did my chores one day. I came back and the product absorbed. So that’s when I was like, Oh my God, what is going on? So, yeah, that’s pretty much what makes 3 Months so different is that, like, I myself, I’m going to quickly share about my story, how I got into it. I pretty much I grew up with good parents.
skin. I grew up with my brother, so I actually used to wash my face with soap and water. So I was a guy growing up pretty much. But then when I hit like, you know, my college days, I went to the Philippines, and I came back. And then that was when like, my face just went south. All of a sudden, my skin became dry, it became so red.
And I had like, never ending clogged pores all over my face. And I’ve never had that happen before because I would just use a regular cleanser, wash my face, and my skin would be great. But all of a sudden, it’s just, I don’t know what it is. Maybe just growing older as a woman. I don’t know. And for many years, I was like, I need to look into skincare.
That’s when, like, I would be the person that everyone I see that has good skin, like, what do you use? Tell me. And then I’ll buy that bread. I’ll just buy everything. And I will go on like, you know, like months of just like different, like skincare routine, trying to see what can like help my skin. And I never found something that cleared everything.
It was either like, I didn’t get like bad reactions once in a while I do, but it was just didn’t do anything. So I pretty much gave up my skin. I hated my skin. I had such a bad relationship, my skin for so long. And, I. So my boyfriend is the one that actually introduced it to me. It’s so funny.
It’s a guy too. But he wasn’t, I know I’m telling you the guys, I even hearing you using his skincare, like what? I don’t know. They make me normally it’s the other way around though, but I’m in somebody that’s good. Go. Yeah. So if you want to introduce it to me, he was like, Oh my gosh, you know, I know you, you know, you struggle with your skin issues.
Like I’m telling you, I, been using skincare because his mom used to do Mary Kay, so he grew up using skincare. When he his friend for him to use this. So you lucked out with the jackpot there. He was already know he had the game. Hold on. He has a game. His mom put him up on the game and then he put you up.
You inherited that game from his mom. Good job. Thank you. I gotta tell you my That that’s, you know, it’s like now like women are realizing that we want to be with a guy who cares about their skin because what does it tell you that a guy cares about themselves while looking good, feeling good, being their best self, because how do you feel whenever you, you know, you put you, you wash your face, you do your skincare routine, you’re taking care of yourself.
So he tells you, like, my guy, like, that’s what, you know, after he’s learning more about him and seeing how he just, like, he is an incredible guy because he cares so much about taking care of himself. And I have been in so many relationships where the guys just don’t, you know? Oh, snap. That’s a, that’s a whole nother episode, a whole nother show.
I might have to refer you to someone. This has been, Chanel, let me tell you, this has been a lot of fun having you on the show today. I know you’re going to be at Megamix Expo, so everybody can definitely come out, get some tickets, come out, check out the booth so you can meet Chanel and you can try this amazing skincare.
But if somebody’s not going to be there, Chanel, and people want to just connect and follow up and learn more about Veeamon how do they do that? So you can check me out at Chanelly, so it’s going to be at C H A N E L E Y Y Y, so triple Y. All right. And that’s is that and that’s on Instagram, right?
That’s on Instagram. You just hit me up on the DM. I have, you know, all my information over there. And yeah, we can connect and I would love to share the amazing product with you guys. It is definitely a brand you do not want to miss out. And I would say this is not the last time you’re going to hear about Rima.
Fantastic. For everybody listening, just so you know, we’ll definitely put the links in the show notes so that you can just click on the links and go out and check out Chanel’s Instagram page, shoot her a DM, and connect about RIMON. And speaking to the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, Make sure you hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. I’m bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Chanel, thanks again for coming on the show and I look forward to meeting you in person at mega mix expo and checking out Rima.
So thanks again. Thank you so much, Adam. That’s great talking to you.