Adam Torres and Christopher Murray-Davis discuss the Grant Cardone Foundation Pitch Competition.
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Listen to coverage of the Grant Cardone Foundation Pitch Competition in Miami, Florida. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Christopher Murray-Davis, explore entrepreneurship and the Grant Cardone Foundation Pitch Competition.
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And today we are at Grant Cardone’s headquarters in Florida. And let me tell you, I just got done watching a pitch competition. Oh my gosh. So much going on. I got one of the contestants here and one of the winners.
So Christopher, welcome to the show. Hello, I’m Chris Murray Davis or Christopher Murray Davis, and I was fortunate enough to win third place at the 10 X kids pitch off. So. Chris, how much money they put in your pocket? They put a total of 2, 100 into my pocket today. Lunch on you? Oh, come on, man. All right, fine.
Now Grant’s going to be like, Adam, you can’t, I’m not, Grant’s not going to invite you back, but you can’t hit up the kids for lunch money. It’s okay. How do you feel, man? You just got off the stage. You just won. How do you feel? I feel really great right now. It was just a really impactful and exciting and new experience for me.
So, like, I’m still kind of like. I don’t want to like say on that I would like that’s just how it is. It’s just, it was really exciting and really new to me. So yeah. Talk a little bit about the brand and what you pitched. Okay. So I pitched my clothing brand for the people, but it’s spelled or like whatever for, for, for the people, T H A P P L.
And essentially what it is, it’s a custom cut streetwear clothing brand. So it’s a streetwear. I want to market towards the streetwear audience, but the main aspect of it is that the clothes that you buy can be tailored towards your body. So I want to input a way to where you’re able to input your measurements into my website, and then we’ll send off custom pieces fitted directly towards your body to achieve the style that’s shown no matter your size, whether that be like tall or if you’re larger or if you’re smaller or you’re short I want it to be for me, for you, and for everybody.
One of the judges there, he made a purchase. He brought, he bought your demo. Was that your first sale for 444? Yes, that was my first sale. Come on, man. How did that feel? That was really unexpected and exciting because, I mean, I wasn’t going up there expecting a judge to like actually look at Like these sweatpants that I just printed a design on and really like it.
I mean, fortunately I they were clean. I washed them right before we left So it I didn’t have like any gripe selling them to him. It was just It was, it was really, it was shocking to me really. And I’m just really, one, I’m really appreciative of Mr. Haynes too. And also some of the advice he gave me after, after the pitch.
And what was some of that advice? So what we talked about, I’d asked him a little bit about his business. And so he does security in Florida. He’s the largest, the largest black security business in the whole state of Florida. So I had initially asked like, what was it like starting his business? One. And he gave me some tips.
He said that he began his business for free, actually just doing free security for people. And then he got his name out there. Wow. We were talking about that. And he was like, yeah, that’s one of the most important things is getting yourself out there and then creating your audience, finding your audience.
And then that’s how you’re able to scale it up. And then he also told me. This was really more related to his business. I was asking him a lot of questions about his, because I felt like it was such a good opportunity. Like one, that you’re a business owner and then that every single panelist was also a business owner.
So I could just go ask so many different questions to y’all. And what he had told me about his scaling is that, like I said, he started off As a free security person, and then he started doing like private security and then he scaled up to doing contracts where you, like, if you have a security guard here that could possibly be under contract with his, like under his company, you would just contract them.
They sent out the security guard and then he worked under you and I just thought that was really interesting and it was just showing me different ways that I’m able to scale up my business too. Wow, that’s absolutely amazing. And I look at Ed too, and I was thinking about like to build a big business like his, like, I was like, man, I’m inspired too.
It’s just great. And to see, what was it like working with the Grant Cardone Foundation? What was that like for you? Oh, it was really interesting. Like just coming in today, I didn’t really know necessarily what to expect from them. But We were able to sit in on, I don’t know how much I can exactly say on here.
You can say, you can talk. Grant’s watching this. It’s okay. Hi, Mr. Cardone. But we came in, we were able to sit in on their morning meetings that they do every single day. And what it really reminded me of, is the Wolf of Wall Street. And yeah, I personally really liked that movie. I took the part of the reason why I switched.
I was initially applied to be a computer science major, but I switched my major to business because of that movie and just seeing the energy, the camaraderie and just everything in that room really was inspiring to see that you can have a big professional company and then run it like this, where it’s like, it’s not laissez faire.
But it’s still to the point where people are able to come out show their personalities and really be themselves while also making Millions like they literally said that yesterday they made I was doing the math in my head and it was around two million dollars in a day Oh, wow The real opportunity real people real money and helping people that’s how they’re doing it, right?
Mm hmm Yeah. That’s amazing. So I want you to talk just a little bit about the vision for 444 going forward. The vision is like I said, just scaling up. So I want to begin by starting small. I want to do it on starting. You’re starting college soon too, right? Yeah. So that’s actually where I wanted to start is really on my campus because Morehouse, I don’t know if you know, but it’s right next to two other fairly sized universities.
And there’s, it’s this whole collective called the AUC, it’s the Atlanta University Center. Yeah. And just that right there, a lot of the kids want to like streetwear. And then, two, I have a whole just open market of people, and I’m pitching to them an idea that has not been done before, that they haven’t seen before, like.
There’s going to be other streetwear businesses, but those streetwear businesses, they’re going to only come in the general sizes. So I’m offering one, the business aspect of my product being, hopefully something that they like, but also offering the service of being able to tailor their clothes towards them too.
It’s amazing. Last thing I want you to do, Chris, I want you to look in the camera, tell everybody how they can follow you on social media or otherwise. So I have my, of course, my personal Instagram is LA. Period. And then Chris. And then my business Instagram is 4 4 4 C H A P P L Fantastic. And for everybody watching, just so you know, we’ll put the links in the show notes for you so you can just click on them and head right on over.
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So again, hit that subscribe or follow because tomorrow you’re going to get that push notification. So you can listen to the next episode, Chris, man, really appreciate you. Congrats again. Thanks for coming on. Thank you so much.