Adam Torres and David Rivero discuss Monetize Talks
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Listen to the Monetize Talks coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews David Rivero, Founder of Monetize Talks, explore entrepreneurship and the Monetize Talks event.
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βHey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I’m in Beverly Hills at the 13th edition of Monetized Talks.
I’m so excited. I was a speaker maybe and the 10th or 11 edition. And I have the founder and also the host of Monetized Talks, who’s Been a guest on the show previously. David Rivera, David, man. Welcome back, dude. I am so first off everybody that’s listening. You don’t know this. I’ve been telling David, man, I need to come podcast at your event.
I am in, I know that you have legendary speakers. You got legendary, the brand in the house today with Bruce. I’ll get them on. I’ll get them on the pod later on, but man, I got to tell you 13th edition. What’s your vision for this event? Like, tell me more. My vision is I. I love to network and network with like minded, successful entrepreneurs, millionaires, and I want to get value.
I want to learn as well. And there’s like nothing like that in Beverly Hills. I’ve lived in this house for over 11 years and there’s nothing. I have to go to Vegas. I have to go to Florida. I have to fly to New York. There’s like nothing locally. So I was like, I’m going to set something up. We’re going to put all these like minded people together.
Entrepreneurs, millionaires at my, at my house. Once a month, I’m going to have five speakers that are going to provide value on different topics. So the audience is going to get value from the experts. And then there’s networking before and after people are getting. You know, contact details, people are, deals are getting done.
Mm-hmm. My buddy, mm-hmm . He’s in real estate. He got a listing of a house here. Yeah. And he made $250,000 of commission. He got a, come on man. He got a, he got a listing in here in Beverly Hills. Wow. And he met the guy here. They hit it off, became friends, and he got his listing. Yeah. So I’m just saying it’s like.
Big deals are happening here. People are making tons of money contacts. People are starting businesses. I’m getting thank yous, DMS, David. Oh my God. I met my best friend here. I met my business partner here. So I love it. I’ll tell you, I’ve heard, and I’ve heard this by the way. So when I’m just around, so I was a.
Speaker once and I’ve been, I’ve come to, I think this might, might be my third or fourth one now. So I’m hooked. I’m, I’m back, you know, and now that we’re set up, you know, I’m coming back, but I’ve heard it like I’ve heard the conversations are different. Like, what do you think is some of the reason that it’s been so successful and you’ve been able to attract the right people because the room’s different.
Yeah, I get that comment all the time. I think it’s because number one, it’s in a home. Right. It’s not like at a bar, it’s not at, you know, a Ford dealership or a convention. It’s, it’s personal, right? People feel like, Oh, I could open up more. And I personally do it on a Wednesday night. So people are here to talk business.
It’s not on the Thursday where people, Hey, this is a pregame before I go out on Thursday night, people are coming here to do business, get deals done. And that’s what happens here. So it’s a, it’s people that are serious about growing their empire, learning, Networking and that’s what I want. I love it. So 13th edition, you’ve had over, let’s call it 50 speakers, not putting you on the spot for all the other speakers.
I’m not going to say who’s your favorite and I don’t count. I don’t count. I know it wasn’t your favorite, but I don’t count either way, but what are some of your favorites or some of the highlights for people? Just give them a flavor of like the people that have come across this. Yeah. I mean, I’ve had Carlton Dennis.
He is huge in that he’s probably one of the biggest in the tax base. Probably if not the biggest. So. He gave crazy value, right? I’ve had Albert Preciado, who’s huge about personal branding. He’s actually showing up tonight in his million dollar Ferrari. Yeah. So he’ll be here tonight. He’s coming with his wife.
And so, you know, we got. You know, you’ve got people worth tons of money. You have Bruce Cardenas. Oh yeah. He’s the CMO. He, they sold the Quest protein bars for a billion dollars cash. He’s been a speaker, did an awesome job. Yeah. So I’ve had all these different types of people, like business owner, and they’re all business owners obviously.
Of course. Of course. Some sold companies for billions of dollars. Some are good in tax, personal branding, just all different arenas, but so much talent, So many successful people, so many amazing stories. And so much value that they provide, provide the audience. All right. Last question. I know you got to go.
I’m snagging you from the rest of the audience and now you got a lot of guests here, but I want you to look into the camera. How do people follow up? How do they follow the brand and why should they be here? Final question. Okay. So number one, go to monetize talks. com just like it’s spelt. Go to that site register.
You could sign up for the email pop up. Register, get your email, get in the newsletter. So you’ll know when all the events come. And then I do them once a month in Beverly Hills at my home. And then I’ll probably be doing other events too. I’m doing some co branding deals with some other entrepreneurs. So maybe you’ll see, maybe do one with Grant Cardone or Tai Lopez or some of these other big successful entrepreneurs.
So it’d be co branded you know, entrepreneur networking events. So. If you could follow me on social media, the David Rivero, Instagram, if you just type in David Rivero on Google, I fricking come up everywhere. So, but on Instagram, you could DM me, but go to monetize talks. com. Also you go to davidrivero.
com and I have an ebook there that I’m going to give your audience amazing. It’s going to be a free ebook. If you sign up for this ebook, you’re probably going to get more value in this. 10 page ebook that you will, you will do reading 10 books. It’s that much fricking value. So I highly advise you to get that fricking ebook.
You’ll learn so much. I want to see you at the next monetized talks. com. I look forward to seeing you there. So make sure you come. Awesome. And for everybody watching, just so you know, we’ll definitely put the links to monetize talks. com in the show notes. So you can just click on the link and head right on over.
And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new important information to help you along the way on your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow. And David man, looking forward to the night, man. Thank you for the talks.