Doreen Milano, CEO of Visions to Excellence, was interviewed by Adam Torres on the Mission Matters Startup Podcast.
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Doreen believes that profitable businesses create beneficial and healthy communities. She says, “If you do not have a small family business within the community, the community is missing an essential part of keeping itself healthy.”
How did you get started in the business?
Born into a prominent Italian entrepreneurial family, Milano jokes that business terminology is her first language. By age 18, she says she was already running three of her father’s businesses, which paved the way for her to start her firm.
What was the inspiration behind your book, Digging Deeper?
Milano has spent a great deal of time sharing business tips with entrepreneurs seeking her advice. Time and again, the same themes emerge: the need for clear communication around each brand’s true purpose and how to execute day-to-day operations to fulfill it, particularly with regard to prospecting and lead generation. These conversations, she explains, led her to write the book Digging Deeper, which teaches readers the art of increasing leads, impacting sales, and elevating annual revenue without spending too much on marketing or advertising in the process.
“The second edition of Digging Deeper is on its way,” she says, noting that the new version will focus more on networking with industry leaders. It details Milano‘s journey, using 40 different profit acceleration strategies to illustrate how businesses can increase their leads and, ultimately, their profits.
Watch Full Interview:
Big Ideas, Small Business TV with Doreen Milano on Roku and Rumble
Asked why she decided to start a TV show, Milano explains, “During COVID, I lost a high percentage of my client base, and I’m sure many businesses were in the same place. I interviewed companies that were healthy during the pandemic. We talked about things they were doing and how they were helping people.” Much in the same way conversations ignited her desire to write a book, these dialogues led her to create a television show around them. In business, she notes, change is inevitable; nothing stays the same. The topic of adjusting to an ever-changing landscape is a common one on Big Ideas, Small Business, in which Milano says she and her guests cover just about every issue SME owners face.
Visions to Excellence
Milano founded her company, Visions to Excellence, in 2010 after walking away from a high-paying corporate gig. She saw so many jobseekers deciding to start their own businesses with their entire savings but no idea who they were marketing to or what their goals were. So, she leapt into action, joining networking groups and working with friends, family, and private investors to help her with the launch of her business.
What’s next for you?
Milano says she’s developing roundtables to gather business owners together to talk about their problems. She’s also putting together some business courses to help business owners to find their authentic purpose in their work and in their lives.
What is the best way to learn more about you?
To learn more about Doreen Milano and Visions to Excellence, visit, and