Adam Torres and Doug Ellenoff discuss the Microcap Conference.
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Show Notes:
Listen to the Microcap Conference coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Doug Ellenoff, Partner at Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP, explore Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP and the Microcap Conference.
About Doug Ellenoff
Douglas S. Ellenoff, a member of the Firm since its founding in 1992, is a corporate and securities attorney with a focus in business transactions, mergers and acquisitions and corporate financings. Mr. Ellenoff has represented public companies in connection with their initial public offerings, secondary public offerings, regulatory compliance, as well as, strategic initiatives and general corporate governance matters. During his career, he has represented numerous broker-dealers, venture capital investor groups and many corporations involved in the capital formation process.
About Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP
Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP has been in business since 1992. The Firm’s senior founding partners are Douglas S. Ellenoff, Barry I. Grossman and Allen Schole. Doug, Barry and Allen brought together three different but important professional disciplines: Corporate/Securities, Taxation and Real Estate. Over the course of the next three decades, the Firm brought in additional lateral partners, as well as, internally trained associates who have become partners. The Firm has added a range of additional practice groups: Litigation, Intellectual Property, Labor and Employment, Bankruptcy and Immigration. The Firm currently has over 125 lawyers based primarily in New York City, although the Firm services clients from around the world. The Firm also has a presence in Irvine, California, where our Securities Litigation department has an office, and in Los Angeles, California, where we have additional Labor and Employment attorneys – expanding the firm’s capacity to advise and represent employers in California’s challenging regulatory environment. And also adding to the firm’s workplace investigation and corporate business litigation capacities in California.
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Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on Be Our Guest to Apply. All right, so today I am in Atlantic City, New Jersey at the MicroCap Conference, and let me tell you just listen to a panel, excellent panel, lots of companies represented here.
This is our second or third year covering the MicroCap. conference for the deal flow event. Scott, it’s been a ball. I was able to snag Doug, which I mean, you have been on my list. I was sending you emails. I’m like, I gotta have you on the show. You’re gonna be here. So first off, welcome. Well, it’s my pleasure.
Thank you. I’m glad. It was fortuitous that I found you and that we put this together. So thank you very much. Fantastic. So for yourself this is my first time coming in person to the micro cap conference. Have you been to one of these conferences before? So we’re the lead sponsor and we were a sponsor last year and we thought it was important that micro cap companies have a forum that independent from investment banks where they can come and tell their stories to the investment community and find.
Other professionals who might be of service to them. Now, what brings you as a lead sponsor? Why do you support this conference, like, specifically? Like, a lot of different things you can do, but what makes this special? Well, what people don’t realize, there are about 5, 000 public companies in the United States of America.
And everybody focuses on the Magnificent Seven. And that means there are a lot of other underrepresented companies, particularly the smaller capitalization companies. We specialize in those. I think of that as public venture in a public, in the public markets. And those companies are under investment banked.
They are largely ignored by institutional investors. And so we wanted to create a forum where, again, they could tell their stories and get the word out on what they’re doing and how they’re contributing to the U. S. economy. Talk a little bit more about your firm and what you do. Well, thanks for asking.
Elanoff Grossman Scholl has been in business for 33 years. We’re 130 lawyers based in New York City, but we have offices in California and we have remote workers around the world. We represent nearly 75 public companies, but we specialize in Disruptive legal services practices. So what does that mean?
It means, if you’ve ever heard of a SPAC, we’re the number one law firm in the SPAC business. Same thing in pipes, and registered directs, and ATMs, and a lot of other financial mechanisms that are unique to smaller cap the smaller capitalization world, except for SPACs, which is also a big time program nowadays.
Yeah. And so what keeps you so excited and so motivated about this space? A lot of different with your background, everything like, like, as you mentioned before, focusing on the seven, all these other things, what keeps you so focused on this space? I just think. Entrepreneurs are, are magnetic and they’re infectious.
They’re always out trying to do something new and innovative. And I find that that is interesting to me. So learning about AI, well, most people, maybe my vintage don’t care about AI, but I spent the weekend on chat GPT 4. 0 seeing how it may disrupt the legal industry. It keeps me in conversations with my Children who are technology, technologically oriented.
But most importantly, I just find it interesting. And I think there’s just a range of activity that entrepreneurs, particularly in micro cap securities, are pursuing at all times. And so I like to I find it fascinating. Any specific areas in the micro cap company industry or otherwise that you’re focusing on just that that interest you?
I would redirect the question if you don’t mind. Yeah, what interests me is with the new administration How can we bring more attention? How can we implement new policies to improve the universe? for microcaps securities so that they can raise more money. They can have more liquidity with their securities and get the word out and help expand the mission that Since when mission matters and that’s, so I like to think of myself as part of the mission and making missions come true for, in this case, this particular universe, even though we do it in all these other securities.
And so I find that infinitely fascinating and rewarding. And on the panel, you were just talking about like different ways that, you know, companies can get their message and story out there heard, right? Yes. And so that’s why the deal flow folks who are sponsoring this event, it’s, it’s important, as I said earlier, that it’s the only independent forum where micro cap companies can come and tell their stories.
And unfortunately. Like anything, there’s a limited amount of resources is for folks and there’s a limited amount of places for public companies to tell their story, to meet analysts, get analyst coverage, meet investment bankers, talk to investors one on one. And so this is a great way of doing it and DealFlow does a fabulous job putting together their conferences.
Amazing. Last thing I want you to do, Doug, just look into the camera and tell everybody if they want to learn more about your firm, how do they follow up? Well, Adam, thank you very much, first of all. If you’re interested in speaking with us, you can get in touch with me through my website at egsllp.
com. That’s Edward, George, Sam, Larry, larrypeter. com. My name’s Doug Elinoff, and thank you very much, Adam. Fantastic. And for everybody watching, just so you know, we’ll definitely put the links in the show notes, so you can just click on the link and head right on over and check out the website. And speaking to the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, Hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re putting out new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Doug man, appreciate you making some time for Adam. Thank you.