In this show, Chirag Sagar Presents Mission Matters Experiencing imposter syndrome. And how do you deal with it?
Many people have experienced imposter syndrome, from presidents, athletes, to entrepreneurs and executives. How do you deal with it? How do you overcome it? Can you change your thought process on it?
Story Notes:
- Definition of Imposter Syndrome
- Questioning of Value
- How Imposter Syndrome Affect our Life
- How to get over Imposter Syndrome
- Self-awareness Aspect
- Sense of Control
- The Idea of being Deserving
- Imposter Syndrome with Women Co-founders of Companies
Mission Matters Authors Attended:
- Sharif Almamun
- Banu Raghuraman
- Dr. Kathryn Wilder
- Brian Patrick
- Rita Kakati-Shah
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