Adam Torres and Geoffrey A Cole discuss Geoffrey’s books.
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New book alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Geoffrey A. Cole, President & Co Founder at Supermind, explore Geoffrey’s new book, How to Live Anxiety Free.
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About Geoffrey A Cole
Supermind was co-founded by Geoff “G” Cole, creator of the Supermind Method, also known as NeuroEmpowerment, an innovative methodology that uses the powerful principles of neuroplasticity, integrative biofeedback and timeless healing modalities to help people attain an optimal state of mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical harmony. His proprietary form of integrative biofeedback, Neurofeedforward, yields a 90% efficacy rate in assisting people in improving how they live their lives. For more information please visit and (predecessor company to Supermind).
Get the Book “How to Live Anxiety Free”

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today is a very special episode. I have a return guest on the show. So Jeffrey A.
Cole, I call him G. Many people call him G. He just released a new album. The book, how to live anxiety free. I’ve been looking forward to this book for at least a year. It’s finally out. It’s a bestseller for those of you that are not familiar with G’s work. He’s also the president and co founder over at supermind.
Hey, I just want to start off G welcome back to the show. You did it. The book is out. You are a bestseller. Congrats, man. Thank you very much, sir. And I’m not sure I could have done it without your guidance. It’s been great working with you. And you’ve just been a great help all the way through. So I appreciate everything you do and helping me out.
We got a lot to talk about today. I want to get into the book of course, and I want to catch up. It’s been a little while since we last spoke, but as we, before we do that, we will start this episode the way that we start them all with what we like to call our mission matters minute. So at Mission Matters, as you’re aware, G, we amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts.
That’s what we do. G, what mission matters to you? Truly, I’m on a mission of helping the world become a love based place. And I generally do that one nervous system at a time, which is every person’s world. They’re nervous. system. That’s what we do with supermind is we integrate a process of helping you live and program your nervous system to live from love rather than fear, which is the normal human experience and do that very quickly by integrating it with biofeedback.
And I’ve also written this great book called how to live anxiety free, which provides a nice little guide on how to live from love instead of fear, which. Love is anxiety free. Yeah. Love it. Love bringing mission based entrepreneurs on here to share, you know, why they do what they do, how they’re doing it, what we can all learn from that.
So we all grow together. So, I mean, gee, just to get us kicked off here. I want to go further into your background, how you got into helping people, because I want to start a little bit. Earlier before we get into the book, because I mean, you’ve been doing this a long time, some of the ideas and the science behind this, that you develop, like you, I mean, you’ve literally worked with thousands of people.
So maybe, maybe start a little bit further back in the beginning and tell us how you got, how you got involved with helping people. Thank you. That’s a, that’s a good question. I started this whole journey by suffering and I had unbridled anxiety, sleep issues, addiction issues. I also live with a very deep, dark depression, literally seven years of depression.
You know, pretty soon, like in the first year, I figured out how to kind of cope. And how to fight through the depression and the anxiety. I learned a lot of techniques and those really, I mean, I was barely surviving functioning as best I could with what I had. And, you know, I went everywhere for help. I tried Reiki.
I tried a transcendental meditation. I tried psychologists, psychiatrists, medications that didn’t work for me. And you know, I just couldn’t get there. And so I really started to study and a really weird thing about my depression was I was able to pretty much every day get to a place where I was okay, or I was even happy at the end of the day.
Then I would go to sleep and I would wake up in a deep, dark, before I was thinking, I knew that I really just shouldn’t get out of bed. It wasn’t, it wasn’t worth it. I wasn’t worth it. And it was hard to work through that. And then I was able to build a routine, which I now call the morning mental fitness routine to help me get through the day.
And then in my journey, I started to study psychology and. Many different religions and dogma to understand, you know, all the different ways that people have over, you know, our lifetimes in the past centuries figured out how to be in charge of themselves and feel better. And finally I found bio neurofeedback and that really sparked me.
Transformed my life and right after I started doing that and mapping my own mind I was able to watch in the brainwaves on paper and on computers To see the changes in my brain and I actually started to wake up without that The dark suicidal like that two days or I didn’t have it anymore And I was amazed.
I was like, Oh my gosh. And that was back in 2007. And, you know, I kind of dropped everything and moved in and started to study with the inventor of a system of neuro biofeedback. And then three months later, I brought it home and was doing the work with our psychologist. I was counseling at the time helping people cause I was a great coper.
Then we brought it into the practice and we’ve now been able to create a process where you can be in charge of your own nervous system, which means you get to live without anxiety, without depression, without having sleep issues, without ever having to cope again. You can transform how your system works to guide it and condition it and impact your nervous system to function the way you want.
And I’ve been doing this since 2007 with thousands of thousands of people transforming their lives. So obviously I’ve discovered a lot. It became very important for me to publish this book. I have a lot to say. I have a lot to help people with the experience that I’ve had where I have been helping people attain high levels of psychological well being and happiness through a neurological perspective, which is what you were talking about.
I’ve created a new science to understand how people feel and function based on their brainwaves and created a brainwave driven therapy Which is all described in the book, and I also provide in the book the tools and techniques on how to self direct your neuroplasticity. To get to a place where you get to live anxiety free.
Last time we talk, I know another thing that you’re, you’re pretty known for is speaking and speaking engagements. I know you had one that you should, I think you would have recently done, right? Connecting giants and unicorns. Tell me a little bit about that. Like how’d it go? Oh, that was great. I was on a panel with the global director of Google and health innovation.
And with the Cleveland clinic innovation director for evolving technologies and innovations. And was able to speak truthfully how difficult it is for somebody like me, who’s created a new science, which is going to wipe anxiety and depression off the face of the earth. To get it in with the big boys. It almost reinforced why I’ve had so many difficulties.
The director from the Cleveland clinic said, you know, we really do want to help innovations come out to the public to help people. However, we want to own them. I’m like, Oh, that sounds so attractive. I bring you my great idea and you just want to own me. Which is like. Oh, my God. So, yeah, it highlighted the problems.
And since then. Both of those heads of those big companies for the innovation have been introducing me to key players to help us hopefully collaborate without me having to sell out, you know? Yeah. I want to, I want to go further into the book. Let’s jump around a little bit here and let’s go a little bit deeper.
So how to live anxiety free. So you’ve, again, you’ve been doing this since back in 2007. You were, you at first were on this podcast. Personal journey of helping yourself. You were able to help yourself. You’re able to learn a lot along the way. Now you start to decide to help others, you know, and then, and so now the culmination of, you know, going on, you know, many, many years of work back in 2007, now you decide to finally publish this book and what was that like, what was that like, like going inward to publish a book for something that you’ve been working on this long?
I mean, I can’t, I’m trying to wrap my head around that. Well, talk about doing something that could cause a lot of anxiety. Exactly. That’s what I’m thinking. Here I am. You know, I begin the book about telling my personal experience. So I’m kind of airing my dirty laundry, you know, putting it out there.
That could cause anxiety. Fortunately, I had been on a journey of living very true to myself and therefore I’m fully transparent. I know that everything that happened in my life and all my past decisions were great things to learn from. And so it’s important to be able to talk about it, to explain what was going on so that other people who relate with that can see a path out of that.
Yeah. And, you know, that was a big part of writing the book and. I’m a little older and I’ve had a lot of life experiences and there’s a lot of life experiences that I wanted to put in the book and I’m not sure we’re, you know, relevant. Yeah, which is why I used an editor to help me out with that. It wasn’t easy.
I have actually been working on this book really about 10 years. Like you mentioned that earlier that you knew I was working on it for years. I was, I wasn’t, I’m on your side. I’m like, man, you got to get this thing out there. Gee, come on. Like I’m, I’m just giving you little pushes, you know, in God’s time.
Well, and that’s a big part of the important message is it’s very important to say what you have to say. And not so important to say it perfectly. Doesn’t have to be a perfect, you know, ode to all written materials out there. And it’s important to say as much as you can say in a meaningful way and not be concerned about putting out the perfect book.
And so I do want to say it’s not the perfect book. It’s an awesome book. I’m getting five star reviews and, you know, actually the reviews are bringing tears to my eyes because of the impact. It’s happening on people’s lives and a lot of the people who have bought the book and are reviewing it are also past clients.
And so they’re also speaking to how, you know, I’ve really helped them transform their lives and break free of patterns that were developed from traumatic childhoods that they may not have been able to break free from. And you know, it’s, it’s been an amazing journey and I worked hard on the book and worked with editors.
I think it’s a good, a good book and it’s already helping lots of people, which is, I mean, that’s the best part, right? Talk to me a little bit about the, like, just the structure of the book and what you hope the readers are going to get out of it. Like, talk to me a little bit about that. So I really begin with my story so that readers can understand the depths that people can go to and still climb out of those holes and possibly readers can relate with it.
To be able to then follow into the rest of the book where I describe a lot of my experience with other people and how I help them break free. And then I really get into the tools and techniques to apply to your life, how to apply them to your life. So at the end of the book, if you follow within the book, it’s very good chance you’ll be able to live anxiety free.
Which is, you know, like anything, that’s something free. It isn’t a hundred percent gone. It’s about 95 or 98 percent gone. And it really gives you the tools and techniques to deal with whatever anxiety might come up. There’s also tools and techniques on how to deal with trauma and grieving, which causes anxiety as well.
So I’ve covered a lot of different areas. Of psychological well being and the tools and techniques to be able to get there In the book and and interwoven with my experience with myself and with people I’ve treated the thousands You mentioned in the book that you that you tell stories about maybe people that you’ve helped or that you’ve coached along the way Can you give maybe an example one of these to give just to give the the audience a little bit of a flavor of what?
To expect well, I mean I had a client who came in that was having up to seven Panic attacks a day and that’s incapacitating. That’s sick. That’s a lot. Yeah, she couldn’t look at herself in the mirror because she was too concerned about what she was seeing. And it’s such self doubt very sad by walking through the process as described in the book.
was about eight years ago and I talked to her two months ago and she has never had another panic attack. Wow. And so, you know, panic attack is a form of anxiety. I talk about all of this in the book, differences between anxiety attacks and panic attacks and the different levels of anxiety. And when I say levels of anxiety, I mean, the intensity of the anxiety, the strength and the length of it.
I also mean, Where in our consciousness. So I apply the neuroscience that I’ve learned from the biofeedback Mm-Hmm. to being able to understand how anxiety can influence our lives in such a, a negative way and have it not make sense. Mm-Hmm. embedded in the unconscious. And then how to break it free and break up that pattern and create the pattern you want.
And yeah. It’s just it’s been a great journey and I was, I’m just. Really glad I was able to write about it and get it in the book and help so many people with it. So I appreciate it. And you talk about like tools and techniques in the book to help people. Obviously there’s a methodology of framework and there’s kind of like the process that’s laid out, but maybe just, can you elaborate just a little bit on like some of the tools or a tool that you’re, that you’re helping people with in the book or, or that you’re giving or technique?
Sure. The, in the beginning, It’s small. It’s spoon fed. It’s how to breathe. That’s a good one. Right. That’s important. What do you mean? I start with the basic, you know? Yeah. And so I, I guide people through a breathing technique, which is just to breathe in for the count of three, hold your breath for three and then breathe out for three.
That technique works for many. Can we do it? Let’s do it right now. What is that? What’s the technique you breathe in for three to guide me. Let’s get for our audience. I want them to be able to do it too. How do you do it? All right. So you want to get comfortable. I’m comfy. Come on. Let me, hold on. Does that mean, okay, there we go.
We’re good. You can actually do a standing or sitting. It doesn’t matter. You don’t have to be in the perfect pose. All right. And so it’s literally what I was saying. You want to get ready, breathe in one, two, three, hold your breath. Two, three, breathe out two, three. And if you do that three times, your autonomic nervous system kicks off the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the activating side of your nervous system.
So that you can immediately. So yeah, and so that’s one technique. I coach people through that. Suggest you look into breathing techniques and find out which one works best for you. A breathing technique is very, very important. That three, three, three is not the only one. And however, it works for the majority of people.
And so that’s one of them, you know, along the way, towards the end of the book, I have, tools and techniques to really align your nervous system with whoever you want to be. And a lot of people don’t really know who that is. So I also provide tools and techniques on how to figure that out, which when you’re living true to yourself, knowing who you want to be, there’s no room for anxiety.
I love it. And I like that you bring this down to sometimes when people are thinking about reading books or other things, it’s like, can I do it? Is it for me? Well, that breathing technique that you just gave just shows that anyone can do this. Like people can get help for what they’re going through.
Everybody starts where they’re supposed to be. I’m, I’m definitely not the person helping people through this, but you are, your team are like, how do people work with you? Like, talk a little bit about that. Speaking of. So I’m available through my website, jeffreyacole. com. It’s also realgcole. com. Yeah. And cause a lot of people call my G and not Jeffrey Cole.
And so you can book appointments there. I also with supermind, supermind. us cause we’re unlocking the supermind and all of us. So we’re supermind. us. You can also book there and there’s a booking link. If supermind is in Miami, we are right now expanding through practitioners worldwide. And so if they’re not in your area, then you might want to come visit Miami.
It’s a great place to visit. And in two weeks we can fully transform your life so that you’re in charge of your nervous system and on a path to living from love and having no anxiety in life and not having to cope with anything ever again, if you can’t get to Miami, I can guide you through the process.
through telehealth and I do that regularly. So I’m very hopeful with lots of people. I mean, our success rates are like 95 percent of people get more than 50 percent change in their lives. And we track it. So we’re tracking the brainwave change. And we’re also doing the classic surveys, which I’m not a big fan of.
However, they’re about the only way we can track stuff. Gee. So now you have the book, you have the science you’ve created, you’ve been working with a lot of people. I mean, what’s next? How do you spread this to the masses? How do you like, how do you continue to validate the science? Are you working with like universities, like, like what other things are you doing to get this message out there?
Well, that’s not the easy part. Yeah. Well, then again, creating a whole new science wasn’t the easy part either. Yeah. So I think I’m ready for the challenge. Literally you saying the next thing tomorrow, I have a team flying in from Israel, the lead psychologist for the armed forces in Israel, the last 20 years is bringing me to treatment, resistive soldiers to do some PTSD therapy on and if or when actually that goes well, they will be bringing me to Israel to treat.
They have right now, 30, 000 soldiers under treatment and hundreds of thousands of citizens. And admittedly, my process is probably twice as effective as theirs. After they’re going to be here for a week after this week, we’ll be making plans to go to Israel. I right now have started a study with a local university called Larkin university.
And that’s going to be, we’re actually starting to recruit participants. It’s beginning July 20th and Yale has agreed to start a study. We’re looking at sometimes September, October. And then UCLA has also agreed to do a study. So we’re launching studies and once those studies are done, our science will be proven, we’ll be then doing a FDA study, which requires 200 people.
And once we get that done, we’ll be rolling out through doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and the next phase from there is to create a wearable that we can sell worldwide off Amazon, I guess. Man, gee, so you’re, so you’re busy, just a little busy. Yes. Oh man. Well, well, Hey, I, I definitely appreciate you making time for us over at mission matters.
I’m thrilled to get this message out to our audience about, about your new book. And for everybody listening, just so you know our access to tell you, ask you, gee, what’s the best way for people to connect, get the book, learn more. Like, like how do people follow up? So you can email me at Jeffrey at real G cold.
com. You can buy the book. There’s a QR code on the back to hit the website, to contact me. You can reach out to Adam and Adam will connect you with me. You can also hit supermind. us and fill out the contact form or jeffreyatcold. com and fill out the form. Perfect. We’re you know, we’re easy to access.
All good. By the way, we’re going to put the links to all the websites and everything in the show notes so that you can just click on the link and head right on over and check out Jeffrey’s website, all that other good stuff. Pick up a copy of the book, of course. And you need help and you want to, and you want to connect and learn more about their program, do that as well.
Speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with us and you haven’t done it yet, this is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new ideas, new thought leaders, new entrepreneurs, new content, and hopefully new inspiration. That’s going to help you along in your journey. If you haven’t hit that subscribe or follow button yet, highly encourage it.
I want you to get that notification tomorrow when the next episode comes out so that you can hopefully be inspired by that as well. Have more great guests coming on and a G again, thank you so much. Wishing congrats on the bestseller and, and wishing you much more continued success with the studies and everything else that you’re up to.
And I’ll definitely be following the story. So thanks again for coming on. Thank you, Adam. I really appreciate you and everything you do as well. So I appreciate being on your show and look forward to interacting with you in the future.