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What does lip service mean to you?

What phrases make you feel important?

Do your clients feel like just a sale or something more?

Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about Giving good Lip service to Retention

Get 11 phrases that make your clients feel important.

Learn how to apply them in situations that work for your industry.

Discover a way of bootstrapping that nobody talks about!

Discover the percentage of clients that are hand-me-downs that will not like you no matter what.

Educational infotainment at its best! Derived from the publication California Broker, brought to life by your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur.

You are in for an ear-tickling treat; knowledge and laughter are straight ahead.

So thank you for listening and the audience; here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to the show.

And here’s her call to action for the people that like extra credit on top of that.

Go ahead and check out the website,, to see how they’re making a difference in the lives of others with their services.

and she looks forward to bringing you more “Overlooked Business Basics”.

“Because once it’s revealed, it cannot be concealed”. Until next time, she’s your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur. Have a great day!

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