Adam Torres and Hadari Oshri discuss the Las Vegas Investor Conference.
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Listen to the Las Vegas Investor Conference coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Hadari Oshri, Founder & CEO at Gula World. Explore Gula World and the Las Vegas Investor Conference event.
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About Hadari Oshri
Hadari Oshri is a seasoned entrepreneur with over 18 years of experience in the fashion, tech, and import-export industries. She is the CEO and founder of Gaya Ventures, an acquisitions and consulting firm specializing in wellness, and the Partner of Trade Safe Pro, a safe trading platform for physical products.
At Gaya Ventures, she leads a team of professionals who identify, invest in, and grow successful businesses that promote wellness across eleven categories. She leverages her strong network of global investors, partners, and experts to source and finance high-potential opportunities and provide post-acquisition management. At Trade Safe Pro, she oversees the platform’s operations and expansion, focusing on high-growth industries such as PPE, toys, clothing, and food. She applies her extensive knowledge and skills in sourcing, manufacturing, selling, and distributing products to ensure quality, safety, and efficiency.
Hadari is passionate about creating value and impact through her ventures. She believes that acquiring companies that foster wellness is beneficial for both business and society. She also enjoys connecting with people and building long-term relationships based on trust, respect, and collaboration. She is a visionary leader, a creative problem-solver, and a driven deal-maker.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I am at the Sahara casino in Las Vegas, and I’m at the Las Vegas investor conference, having all kinds of fun.
I just got left the main stage and there were some great presentations, did some interviews up there. And today my guest here is Hadari. Hadari, welcome. Thank you. Welcome. All right, Hadar, so is this your first conference like this for, for Brad and with the, with the crew, or have you been to them before?
I’ve been in many conferences before but this particular company is the first time that I’m presenting. Ah, how do you like it so far? I love it. It’s great. Amazing. What’s been some of your highlights so far? I know we’re still midday, kind of early in the day, but give me some highlights for those that weren’t able to make it, you know, coming in.
Well, great people great brand exposure a lot of new connections. Yeah. Yeah, got a lot of people to try MindMaster. Mm. So, so what brings you here today? Like, talk a little bit about your company, maybe. Okay. Yeah. So what we do is we’re leading individuals to a full transformation of body, mind, and soul.
That’s the big picture. But we’d launch a product named MindMaster. MindMaster is a mushroom mix. What it does, it’s promote growth of brain cells. It’s reducing brain fog, supports your memory, reducing inflammation, supports your sleep. It’s also very, very good for AD, reducing ADHD. There is lion manes, cortisep, preishi, maca, ashitaba, cinnamon, and ginger in it.
Sounds kind of tasty, actually. It’s very good. There is no coffee, no sugar in it, so you can drink it any time of day. It’s a powder. Yeah. So you can mix it with your coffee, tea, juice, asaibo. Some people put it in their soup. Just drinking during the day and it’s really helpful for your cognitive function and overall well being.
How’d you get in this business? Like, how’d you get the idea for MindMaster? You’re a founder. Like, how’d that come about? So that’s a really long story. So I’m not, I’m a few times founder. Wonderful. Yeah. And by the way, we have a large entrepreneur community that watch this business owner. So many time founders.
So talk to me. Yeah. So during the figuring myself out as an entrepreneur, I was not always everything I do. Successful. I had to go through a lot of trial and error. Welcome to the club of entrepreneurship. Like everybody’s listening to like, duh. Okay. Exactly. But one of my main problems that I handled with that I had to rise above was a lot of focus and ADHD problems.
I could not sit in one place or talk on the same subject for more than one minute. There was like always one thing after another, after another. There was always like jumping up and down. I had to really work on myself and, and get over this problem. I was not able to read contracts, was not able to do Excel sheets, was not able to do essential things that every entrepreneur must do as growing a business.
So I worked on myself the hard way. Meaning it’s not just to sit on a chair and do a narrow feedback to work on that. I worked on that in a hard way, meaning a lot of meditation, a lot of vinyl beats. And I used to take a lot of herbs to Get over that. Those herbs are the herbs that there is in MindMaster.
Wow. So you were, so at first you were having your own things that you wanted to improve on, and then over time you kind of, I’m guessing you just did a deep dive and you learned about all these things and you’re like, wait a minute, there’s something here. Am I off on that by the way? I don’t want to. Yeah, I was in the beginning doing it just to work on myself, to figure myself out and then yeah, and then over the years that I’ve really built successful companies and It’s become for me right now in standards of life.
Okay, the next company it’s Cannot be just about money. How exactly we’re healing billions of people in the world. How exactly we’re launching individuals, leading individual to launch the vision and the present moment, how do we shine our light and have every single individual shine their lights on other on others.
So this is where I went back and I said, okay, ADHD, focus problems, cognitive function, well being. That’s a, that’s a, Something that I would like to share with the world. Yeah. So, so this is how we came up with that. We put together a team of scientists that put MindMaster together and this is how GulaWord was created.
Yeah. Gula Ward once you take MindMaster you get into Gula Ward, leading individuals. What does that stand for, by the way? Gula, she used to be a healer in Yom Hikaris. She used to be back in the Middle East, upon the 3rd and 4th century, before Gula. BC she was specialized in natural and traditional medicine.
So Gula Ward, healing the ward, that’s what it is. And so you have, like, we have some little drinks here. Is this the mixture of the concoction? Are we going to do a little toast? Yeah, let’s do it. What is this to? To Gula World? To D’Artagnan. How about we give it to the, to the original Gula for her work and you continuing that legacy.
Amen. Amen. Cheers. All right. Now, do I take this as a shot? Do I sip it? What do I do? You can do anything you want. I’m in Vegas, so I’m supposed to take it as a shot. I don’t know. I feel like I shake a sip on it, by the way. It’s delicious. Taste a little like, is it cinnamon? Like cinon. Nice. Yeah, it’s very it’s very natural taste.
No. Does it taste fresh? I get fresh. Like I get fresh. I get like. Cinnamon y, I get a little bit of, it’s very clean on the palate. Yeah. Like, I’m, I’m liking it. This is tasty. It’s not too strong. It’s not like, pungent. It’s like, smells good too. It’s good. It’s nice to drink. All you listeners at home, especially the ones that aren’t like, that aren’t watching the video, that can’t see what I’m doing.
I’m, I’m, I’m drinking this shot in this little glass, and let me tell you, it’s delicious, and they’re probably driving their car right now. I’m trying to make you thirsty. That’s what I’m actually doing. That’s so mean. No, but it’s delicious. Absolutely delicious. Mm hmm. It’s good. So as I, as I continue sipping on this, tell me a little bit about the vision for the company and like what’s next?
So what’s next for Mike Gulaward? Well, there’s a lot of things that I can talk about and some things I cannot talk about. So, basically, GulaWord Give me the ones that you can’t talk about. It’s okay. Oh, it’s just me and you here. Nobody’s listening. Okay. Joking. Okay. So, MindMaster, GulaWord. So, once you enter GulaWord you don’t just get access to MindMaster.
You get access to our community, where we meet three or four times a month. In Agora Hills, or we have online classes. Oh, you’re in California. Yeah, we’re in California. Oh, wonderful. We have classes Me too. I’m in LA. Where in LA? Downtown DTLA. But I go everywhere. I mean, we’re always doing stuff. I did a gig last night in Beverly Hills.
I may. I may. Yeah, we have an event on Sunday. Oh, I’ll be in LA. I got more stuff to do here. They’re not going to let me out of here. What do you think? They’re not like, they see, they know I’m here. They’re keeping me and they’re putting me to work. You already saw what they do to me. Good. You’re doing great job.
Good. Nothing. I mean, stop complaining. You’re so lucky. You’re so lucky. Yeah. So our events, events, online and offline. So when you take mind master and your mind get clear and your Fog is gone and finally you find yourself. What do you do? Yeah being with like minded people get connected Finding yourself.
It’s very, very important. So our events not just in Los Angeles, we have online, we’re launching events in Israel and in Mexico city. There are a lot of more stuff going on. There is a little word, actually, there is telehealth platform that’s standing behind it. We are we have licensed to sell weight loss medications and license in 52 States.
With doctors and with the pharmacies. So that’s coming up as well. So there’s a lot of stuff coming up for the company. One thing I saw, we are launching in TJ Maxx in Malaysia. Congrats! In the next three or four weeks, we are launching in TJ Maxx. Yeah, so that’s very exciting. And there are a lot more to come.
Amazing. Yeah. Well, last thing I want you to do here, Harari, is take a look into the camera and tell people how they can pick up some product, how they can learn more, how they can follow the brand. Okay, so Mind, that’s the website dedicated for Mind Master Good good That’s a website dedicated for good award for the community.
Gula dot Ward. That’s our Instagram account. And my personal Instagram is hadari underscore Oshri. Amazing. And for everybody watching this at home, just so you know, or listening we’ll put all the links in the show notes. You can just click on the link, head right on over, check out the website.
And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration. Brace you to help you along when your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Hidari. Thank you so much for coming. It was amazing. Thank you so much.