Adam Torres and Henry Bryson discuss the Cardiovascular Tech Forum.
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Listen to the Cardiovascular Tech Forum coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres Interviews Henry Bryson, VP, Voice of Client at Syprosoft Engineering, explore Syprosoft Engineering and the Cardiovascular Tech Forum.
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About Henry Bryson
Accomplished business development professional accustomed to building contacts and relationships in completely new areas. Provides client a ‘Voice’ during process to insure their needs are addressed and met. Helped develop client retention strategies to improve satisfaction and assure repeat business opportunities.
Syprosoft Engineering is unique in that: We do what we promise! Whether proving an initial concept, designing a solution to demonstrate functionality, or preparing regulatory filings, we have the expertise to bring your medical device to life. We provide value to your investment. Let’s discuss how we can add even more value to your efforts.
About Syprosoft Engineering
Syprosoft Engineering provides a full range of research and development services, including software, electrical, optical, mechanical and systems engineering. As an extension of your engineering department, we provide the critical skills and expertise at the right time to help you meet your product development goals.
We have strong expertise in both embedded systems and desktop computing. Specializations include laser systems, digital electronics, image/signal processing, algorithm development, computer modeling and simulation, and user interface design and animation.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on Be Our Guest to Apply. Alright, so today I am in Newport Beach, and I am at Octane’s Tech Forum, and I have Henry on the show.
First off, Henry, welcome to the show. Thank you, Adam. Good to be here. All right, Henry. So you’re my first interview of the event or my first victim. I mean, I mean, however you want to take that, we set the bar high. I’m in. I’m in. So, so what brings you to the tech forum today? So super soft engineering my company, we provide consulting services, the engineering, for cardiovascular products.
So what that means is I get to work with innovators and entrepreneurs, fortune 500 size companies. And our job is to take that idea and make something come out of it. So prove the idea. Is it possible to do this to the heart valve or to the, the wall of the heart, or basically prove some type of a concept.
How’d you originally get into this business? Is Okay, so honestly, I was selling enterprise software little companies like like IBM. Okay. I think I’ve heard of it. I, I woke up, no kidding, I woke up one day and I said, I want to work with something I can drop. Come on, for real? A piece of software, it exists out in the Ethernet world, and it’s important, it drives our world, but you can’t pick it up.
So I wanted to work with something that That I could drop. Wow. And so what, what happened next? So now you’re taking me a little bit further on the journey. So you want to work with something or work on something you could drop. What happens next? Just like with any enterprise that’s starting, you have to find the audience or what is what’s the universe?
Yes. So, in our universe, I’m looking for manufacturers, innovators, developers researchers, and they want to prove a concept. I’m assuming first, though, they want to prove. Do some good in the world. If we’ve got a cardiovascular disease that need a more, more precise or more pertinent diagnosis, then let’s develop a device that gives us that, that early warning by the same token.
If there’s a condition that needs treating such as I’m not getting enough blood flow, then let’s develop a therapeutic type of a device that will improve the quality of life and give that patient Give them a jumpstart. Now you mentioned you work with a lot of, a lot of different entrepreneurs, a lot of different doctors.
What’s that like for you? Like, what’s that? We’re not always the easiest entrepreneurs. Come on, this is a, this is a real show. Mission matters. Audience could take it. So doctors are like every other piece of the population. I’m hoping that they’re very passionate about what they do. And I can think of a few examples, personal examples, that they do want to deliver better care.
They do want to take better care of their patients. And They’re very good at that. Yes. Where me and my team come in, we’re very good at taking that idea, that concept and making, making something tangible. Yeah. I mentioned I, I want, I want to hold it. Yeah. So this this device, I want, I want to pick it up and I want to use it.
in a way that, that, like I say, it helps improve the quality of life for a patient. Tell me a little bit about what goes into like choosing or what direction or technology you’re going to work with. Like what goes into that thought process? So choosing the technology, there’s lots and lots of options, whether it’s a mechanical solution or a software solution, even a electronic solution, and it’s all driven by What requirement or what need we’re trying to meet.
So, for example, if I’m introducing something into the cardiovascular system, I cannot have anything that has oxygen or any other gas. Gas inside the cardiovascular system is bad. So the driving force behind what components or what technology do we use, it’s driven by what what’s necessary for the solution.
What’s the, what’s the requirement. So a lot going on today. I know the conference is just starting, so we haven’t seen too many panels yet, but they’re just literally getting started. But in general. technology. Otherwise, what excites you right now in your space? Like what’s exciting? Oh, they push towards personalized medicine and the use of some.
I’m going to use the word artificial intelligence components there. It’s fascinating. It is, isn’t it? It’s absolutely fascinating. And personalization. The way that conditions are treated. I mean, I, I may have the same condition that you have, but my treatment is going to be different because either age or morphology or some other makeup, the treatment that may work for me, it’s not, it’s not going to be good for you.
Yeah. So our job as engineers, we have to account for those differences and how can I develop a, a system or a solution that meets. The majority of the patient needs. Yeah. Artificial intelligence, a lot, a lot of buzz around that. And it’s just fascinating. How can I get a computer system to help manage or predict or do some ongoing care for a patient?
Yeah. So that my human gets to go do something. Yeah, I’m excited. Personalized medicine, AI, like what you’re talking about, because I’m like, one thing that we’re all gonna use at some point, you know, whether you’re using it now or not, healthcare, we’re all gonna, I mean, we’re gonna need it at some point, no matter how healthy we are.
We’re all aging, right? We, we get older, and there are elements elements in our world that that affect how we how we do things. So, you do need to you know, Yeah, this this system that we live in, it needs, needs maintenance and care. Yeah. Final question for you, Henry. Your target audience, what are the types of companies, founders, or otherwise that you typically work with?
Okay. So the first criteria. They have to be able to afford and pay for my services. Yes. That’s, that’s the first criteria. That’s a win. Us too. It’s a, it’s a win. It’s a win. The thing that I really look for you heard me kind of list the tiers that we work with. So there are the Fortune 500 size companies.
Yes. They have hundreds of engineers that do what we do. But they may have a bandwidth issue. So they’ve got on their, on their charter, they’ve got 20 projects they want to do for this year, but they only have staff for 19. We can do project number 20. So large companies use us. It’s bandwidth sometimes just.
different set of eyes or a different perspective looking at the same problem. So for example, if you have, you have a bunch of, for this conference cardiovascular people that are looking at the circulatory system, but the client is looking for a solution that helps some ancillary or some tangential system.
Well, they, they can’t go to their cardiovascular team. They need to go to someone who has a different perspective and we bring that different perspective with with the other audience entrepreneurs, startups, researchers. I really like to see the individuals or the the team that are passionate about the thing that they do.
Yeah, that’s very important. I mean, if they, they want to develop a device and they’re only doing it for the money. Okay. That that’s important. Yes. But. It’s more exciting to hear them say. I’ve had a patient die on. I’ve had patients that have a degraded quality of life. I want to develop this thing so that Mr.
Bryson can run up and down the beach with his with his sweetie. Love it. Well, well, Henry, I want you to look into the camera to everybody, how they can learn more about your company and where they can follow Ciprosoft engineering. Based in Irvine, California. Website is a simple www.
ciprosoft. com. Or you can contact me directly. Henry Bryson office numbers 9 4 9 1 0 6 5 fantastic. And for everybody watching, just so you know, we’ll put the links to the website and the show notes. So you can just click on the links and head right on over. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration that can help you along the way on your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow and Henry really appreciate you coming on, man. Thanks for having me.