Adam Torres and Hermann Diehl discuss entrepreneurship and podcasting.
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About Hermann Diehl
A chiropractor for 22 years, now an online trainer, uniquely positioned to help clients overcome injuries. He focus on men over 40 who want to shred the fat and gain muscle but only have a little time to work out. He create efficient exercises (starting at only 10 minutes per day) using bands and body weight that one can do in the comfort of one’s home.
He also give diet advice, implementing a carnivore-type eating plan, for as we age, what we eat becomes increasingly crucial.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and today I’m coming to you from beautiful Miami. We’re doing a whole series. We’re bringing in guests and we’ve been working with Gifters Xtalk. So we’re going to have a lot of fun here. And I guess just to get us kicked off here, Herman, man, we’re finally meeting in person.
It’s been a long time coming. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you. Pleasure to be here. All right. So I’ve been following your work in fitness. I’ve been following the carnivore movement that you’ve been working with. I’ve been following your health tips. I mean, everything from these chomps, beef sticks.
I learned the difference between grass fed and grass finish. I’ve been following even the pork rinds, man. I swear. You’ve sold more products for these companies. Then they have any idea with, so we’re going to get into this. I want to get into what you’re doing in fitness, but I guess just to get us kicked off here, tell me a little bit more about your background and kind of what led you on that path to getting into fitness and health and wellness.
Yeah, I w I was a chiropractor for 22 years. So that was the first thing I, I did was. Practice chiropractic and the great thing is that with now I’m doing online training, I do some personal training, but building my online business and training and the really interesting thing is that in a lot of the philosophy of chiropractic blends into the training because in chiropractic philosophy, you know, we always spoke about the innate intelligence of the body.
Mm hmm. Which is basically the body’s inability to heal itself and in training. Once, you know, once you have your goals and what you want to do, whether that’s gain more muscle, lose more weight, whatever it is, you have to make sure that you’re doing things so that your body adapts properly. And that’s a big missing step with a lot of people.
And I think, especially since we’re here on mission matters, there’s a lot of business people on here, right? And so a lot of interpreters, what happens? You don’t have time. You know, a big issue is I don’t have time to go to the gym, I’m traveling. And so that’s where I really help a lot of my online clients in that I get you into bands.
How can you use a few bands to really get a fantastic workout? And actually, not only should you use bands, in my opinion, they’re better. Better than weights. Yeah. Because you know, if you, if you do like, let’s look at something like a simple chest press, you know, when you do a chest press, you’re pushing out here.
The weak point is right at the beginning. If you’re going to get hurt, you’re much more likely to get hurt right at the beginning when you start lifting the heavy weight. And when you get to a point where you’re really lifting your max, you’re not really lifting your maximum. Yeah. You’re what you can lift.
Out of the weak zone, which is right at the beginning, the beauty of variable resistance when we use a band is that if you’re using a band right here. It’s not that heavy only as you push out, does the resistance now increase and it’s increasing at a safer area where you’re less likely to get hurt. So another thing I do is I specialize in helping men over 40.
To continue to work out, to get into shape, but in a safe manner. And as you get older, you know, we all know nobody escapes old father age. You know, no one escapes that. So it’s critical to work out in a safer way, doing more calisthenics, using your own body weight and using bands. Yeah, it’s just, it’s really important.
And you told this story about getting your six pack. Like I watch you, I watched you get a presentation recently yesterday, the day before, and you were talking about like diet and dieting and how you eat and how you approach it. Maybe go into that a little bit. Sure. Like as we get older, like everyone says 80 percent is what you eat.
Well, that’s true. As you get older, when you’re in your twenties, if you’re working out a lot, you could eat a lot of junk food. Yeah. And you’re fine. Yeah. I mean, you know, you’re in your twenties, you have more natural testosterone, growth hormone, a lot of things going in your favor where you can just eat not healthy or eat a typical Hispanic dish.
That ain’t happening anymore. Not for me. Not for my Puerto Rican background. Yeah. I grew up Cuban. You know, my parents are both Cuban, rice and beans and the way my grandmother used the food. I mean. You know, yeah, when I was in my thirties and forties, I had a gut, you know, but as I got older, I realized, you know, and, and here’s was here, here was the other thing here.
I am a trainer, trainer of three years, and this was last year and I’m thinking I don’t have a six pack, even though I’m, I was 54 at the time I’m 55 now, I, I was just upset that here I was training people and I don’t have a six packet and it frustrated me and I was doing abs like. Five days a week, I was doing some cardio.
I, it was just, it was frustrating and it wasn’t until I looked into going carnivore and I actually, you know, put my money where my mouth had actually hired an online trainer, a guy 30 years younger than me, but he knew really well how to navigate going because it’s a process because when you go carnivore, you’re basically switching.
Your fuel system from carbs and sugar to completely meat and fat, you know, really fat. You’re using fat as a fuel source. And so it’s kind of like taking a car that has been unleaded and now you’re going to change it to diesel fuel. So you’re changing what your body is using for fuel, and this is a big deal because fat has nine calories per gram of energy in it.
Carbohydrates and protein only has four. So when you run on fat, when you’re burning your own fat, you actually have more energy. And, and, but that’s why it’s important that you don’t really want to avoid the fat. When you eat, you want to consume the fat as long as it tastes good. You want to keep eating the fat in your diet so that your body runs on fat.
That’s critical. And that’s, and then after about six weeks with a little bit of fasting, I got my six pack and I’ve been able to keep it. And I now incorporate a few other things. I eat some fruits. So I’m not technically a hundred percent carnivore, but I eat a little bit of fruit. I’ll eat a little leap.
Even ice cream or dark chocolate before and after I work out, there’s a reason behind that. And, but, you know, thinking of your market, busy, entrepreneurial people, this was one of the biggest shockers for me when I got into the fitness world was, it’s kind of like the shock in chiropractic, but now that I see it in the fitness world, you know, if you do something like yoga, Pilates, Tai chi, right?
Chances are you’re going to need a chiropractor a lot less. I mean, that’s just reality in personal training. The big shocker for me was that this idea that you need to do like four sets or three sets, it’s not needed. If you do one set to complete failure when you’re working out, That’s all you need to do.
So the beauty is that for someone who’s really busy and let’s say you have a band and you know, I teach how you can use a band, you put it underneath your feet and you do like a biceps curl using the bands. If you get to that point where you’re, let’s say you bring it up to your chest up to here and you keep.
Going and you don’t rest at all. So that when you go down, you don’t rest, you keep the tension, you get to that point of failure, and then you get to what’s called partial reps where you are straining and you’re just barely moving it. What’s happening there. First of all, you’re getting a cardiovascular respiratory workout.
Number one, because that’s the other shocking thing. I do no cardio now, like right at all, no cardio. But when I do my resistance training, I push it to that point where I’m like, I’m getting you get a cardio work on this. When you push a muscle to failure, your body is screaming for oxygen. So at this point, what’s happening, we don’t need to do cardio.
We’re getting to cardio workout with our resistance training, and we only need to do one set to complete failure. Once you get to that point where you’re barely moving the band, you’re done. That takes about two minutes. If that long, a minute and a half and you’re done, that’s one set to failure. Then you might do another one, you know, another set coming in this way.
And the point is that you do four to six exercises on up. You divide the body up into push and pull four to six exercises, go to failure, do one set. You’re going to grow muscle. You’re doing cardio at the same time you’re done in 24 hours. Between 20 minutes and half an hour and you’re done. And it’s ideal for the traveling executive business person.
Put the bands in your gym bag, you travel with it, you can do it. You know, the workouts are way shorter. So this is the big key is that you don’t need to do multiple sets. You can do one set to failure. Diet plays a huge role as you get older and this is where, for the busy executive, busy business person, entrepreneurial, this is valuable information.
Oh yeah. Very valuable because now you’re able to get a great workout in. In a quick amount of time, you’re learning how to eat right, mainly going carnivore and understand that that is a process we’re switching. We’re going from unleaded gasoline to diesel fuel. We’re switching how your body uses the fuel.
And when you look at things like one of the things I spoke about at the meetup that you went to on Wednesday is, you know, it’s the expensive tissue hypothesis, the idea that, you know, we want to look at. How we should eat in evolutionary terms. And the reality is that the human being became a human being when he started eating cooked meat.
It’s what allowed our brains to literally grow and our stomach shrink. And this is huge because now you’re eating cooked meat. It’s ideal for your brain, which is why a lot of people who go carnivore, never mind that you lose the weight, never mind that you get a six pack. And by the way, I’m, I’m 55, but it’s all natural.
I do not take testosterone or, or, you know, I do take some amino acids and some creatine that are just supplements, you know, but I don’t take any. Testosterone natural. I don’t do any of that. So, you know, and that also stems from my chiropractic philosophy. I like to do everything natural. It’s just, you know, it’s in me.
But the point is that when you eat a lot of fatty meat, the fat has Cholesterol and cholesterol is good. And there’s also another big medical myth that cholesterol is bad. And there’s a whole other thing on that, that really high cholesterol isn’t as bad as people think, but that’s a whole other issue, but yeah, it’s, you know, but there’s a lot of other medical doctors now.
Saying that, yeah, this whole thing, it’s a big cholesterol myth and it doesn’t affect people like it, like, like they think it’s, it’s a fear that’s been misplaced. The blame has been thrown on the fat when really it’s the sugar, the carbohydrates, the wheat that really raises cholesterol and causes a lot of health problems now.
And yeah, and going back to the expensive tissue hypothesis, you know, we evolved a human. Mind and brain grew because we ate. Cooked meat by cooking the meat. It makes it more bioavailable. It’s like an egg. You know, a lot of people don’t know this. If you break the yolk of an egg and you eat it raw, right.
Which I used to think was, I used to think that was the thing to do because. You’re watching Rocky. Come on, man. You’re watching Rocky, Rocky, the first movie. He’s eating the raw egg. I go like, yeah, that seems like the thing to do. No, when you eat a raw egg, you’re only getting like three grams of protein when you cook it.
You get six grams of protein. So the cooked egg is better than the raw egg. And it’s obviously, it’s the same with meat too. Herman, man, you got a, I want you to talk a little bit and spend some of the time that we have left here today, talking a little bit about the protein. platform, how people can follow you.
And also I know you’re doing some live Instagrams and other things like, so that the, the hypothesis that you mentioned, the nutrition you have a newsletter, like how do people follow you? Let’s talk to about, talk to people at your platform and what you’re trying to accomplish, probably the, the way where everything is centered, the, my Instagram, it’s just my name.
My name’s a little weird though. It’s Herman with two N’s at the end. And then my last name deal is D I E H L. Okay. So Herman deal, you can find me on Instagram there. And in there, I have a link tree where you can receive my free weekly newsletter in the newsletter. Now I’m doing. Two, two programs. One is a newsletter written format, about a thousand words.
I try to keep it less than a thousand. And in the newsletter, I actually create a character. I call it Mr. Skeptical. It’s like that other side of our brain. And I kind of argue with Mr. Skeptical and it just makes it entertaining. Yeah. You know, it makes it fun to read it. You’re like reading a story, a conversation.
So it’s fun to read. And in there, a lot of it has to do with health wellness. Like I talk about how omnivores survive. Which is true. We humans have traditionally eaten vegetables and things to survive, but usually when the meat’s not around carnivores, they’ll thrive, you know, you can survive eating vegetables, but if you really want to thrive, you want to be more carnivore.
And so I have a lot of those subjects in there. And then I recently started with a Monday. Tip fitness tips. So I do also, the newsletter has a video format that comes out every Monday at 11 57 AM and the video is just like a one or two minute video of me giving a fitness tip. So yeah, that, that comes out weekly on my Instagram.
You, you can subscribe to that and, or you can set up a call and this call is, it’s just a free call where we can talk any, Anywhere between 10 minutes to 45 minutes or any questions a per a person has about health fitness for most men. It’s kind of predictable. They just want to get rid of the gut. You know, most men.
I mean, I, I so relate to this. It’s just so common. How do I, you know, but I look at me when you say get rid of the gut, man. I saw that. I saw that. I saw you looking at my gut. You’re skinnier than I thought. You’re skinnier than I thought. I saw that. I saw that. This is just so common. It’s so common. I mean, it’s, it’s every man out there over the age of 40, it’s like, it’s always the same thing.
Yeah. But I just want to get, I don’t really, I want to get some muscle, but I just want to get rid of it. It’s all. Yeah. And that I hate to say it’s diet. You know, I mean, that’s the main thing. But. I guide people with that and then I have a program, an online program, which, which is a community of other men who are 40 plus and you know, we help one another out because in to reach your goal, it’s going to involve often it’s going to involve a little bit of fasting, a little bit of intermittent fasting and, and that too is a whole other thing because it’s not necessarily that you do the fasting, it’s how you do it.
You know, think about this sumo wrestlers, they do intermittent fasting, didn’t know that wrestlers didn’t know that they twice a day and they’re working out all the time. They’re doing one of two things. They are working out intensely or they’re sleeping. Mm. And they only eat two meals a day. So it’s not the fasting.
Fasting is great if you do it the right way. So it’s not just what you do. It’s how you do it. And, and again, what I spoke about before, and this is another very important thing, because what I spoke before about the chiropractic philosophy, the innate intelligence, your body adapts very quickly. So you could be eating one meal a day and you could start gaining weight.
Mm. And then there comes a point where now, okay, your body has reset to one. Now you got to eat four meals a day. And that’s where the guidance comes in. And that’s where helping someone. That’s why sticking to one way of eating forever. It doesn’t work. If you’re trying to lose weight, you say, you know, once you get to your ideal weight, like where I’m at, I can continue the same pattern because I like how my body is.
But if you’re trying to make a change, but you’re It’s very important to understand that the body adapts extremely quickly and you have to be on it and, and be ready to adjust, add more meals, ask, add less meals and, and do some intermittent fasting, you know, to really make some changes. That’s, that’s critical.
Well, Herman, so good having you on the show today, man. And finally meeting in person for everybody at home. We’re going to put Herman’s Instagram and the link to that in the show notes. So you can just click on the link and head on over, check out his link tree, book a call with him check out his podcast.
Platform. Check out some of the lives. I know I watch his lives on Instagram. They’re awesome. He puts together these amazing presentations. So definitely go check out Herman on Instagram. Speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button, because this is a daily show, meaning.
Each and every day we’re bringing you new content, new ideas, new thought leaders, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well. That’s what this is all about. Helping each other out in our journeys. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button. And Herman Mann, really appreciate you coming on, man.
I’m glad we finally got to do this. Definitely. Thank you.