Adam Torres and Tim Tsui discuss iRelaxBot.
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Show Notes:
iRelaxBot delivers exceptional efficacy & services around the world. In this episode, Adam Torres and Tim Tsui, CMO at iRelaxBot, explore iRelaxBot and partnership opportunities.
About iRelaxBot
iRelaxBot is a different life style for the people who care about healthy. iRelaxBot will help the customer to build a new therapy & massage life at home, or create a touchless therapy&massage business for your business growing.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I am talking about iRelaxBot. And you can learn more about this product at iRelaxBot.
com. And my guest is Tim Tsui, who is the CMO over at iRelaxBot. So Tim, welcome to the show. Thank you. The 1st thing 1st, Tim, tell us a little bit more about I relax bot. , tell us a little bit more about Actually, I realized Bob, this is a robotic therapy solution, which is really focused on both professional and commercial market, but also will focus on the family market.
So we believe a kind of a robotic therapy solution. It could be even provide a more what kinds of , vitalized the therapy effects than the humans, so that’s why we deliver such a solution based on our very professional research in the past few years. And then we introduced this the robotics therapy that plus now we also have expanded our product line.
And then that’s cool. That’s already distributed into more than 80 of 80 stars in the United States. So, you know, feedback and also the customer experience. It’s really wonderful when you’ve been just drawing the CS in this January and all the customers, they have a trying to in our no matter our arm over the bat.
Yeah. The automatic and their feedback is so wonderful. And some most some people even did just a talk with us. Oh, this is the most wonderful bad in this planet. Wow. And so where, where can people use the product now, like, is there different locations or tell me a little bit of a feel there and congratulations on CES, by the way, that’s a big deal.
Yes, so actually, you know, now we already have I will call some more than a dozen of us a stall in the big Los Angeles. And then we also have a. A few stops in in the San Francisco Bay area. And we also have the distribution and also the showroom in New York DC and Florida, Texas.
And then, you know, also the middle state, the states in the middle region. So we already have a really quiet, why do they recognize in the professional massage. Yeah. Yeah. They already using that. And now I’m located in LA, so that’s interesting to me. What we’re in LA are these that I haven’t been to.
Yeah, actually, you know, while no matter from Hollywood from Monica and then from Arcadia, which is a city quite close to Pasadena, and then in the urban area in rolling high. So, you know, it’s already have really some stuff here. Amazing. And now does iRelaxBot, does it offer franchise or partnership opportunities?
Like, how do you attract these, the distributors or the resellers? Yes, that’s a really good question. Actually, we have really working on the distribution all because of being the partner program in the past few years. And especially in 2025, so we just promote a new , March, I would say, encourage program to our business partners.
So that’s really include three levels of partners. First, we will give them we’ll give some of our partners is Exclusive rights for a certain region, even for a certain status. So that’s why we call it district exclusive partner plus a community exclusive partner. Then we also have another program, which will really offer for the ECC stalls because, now each of the owner of a massage stall or, you know, the spa or wellness stall, they have really huge of a challenge because of the really lack of the very skillful professional therapist.
And then in the peak time, they always cannot just offer too much of, you know, the human hand and then provide services. So, another is the cost for the labor is really so high. that’s really quite challenging how they can, they can just provide scale, because the scale solutions, and then they can also maintain the very, Good customer service, customer satisfaction rate because of, the quality of their service.
Normally it’s not really so easy to maintain just, the schools for each of the the neighbors. So that’s really so challenging. And then our solution to be frankly, we really just recommend we call it the less people. Or even some kind of we provide on man services, but provide more much more effectiveness for the customers.
then, actually, we also have a very great call it the scientific proofs that can really based on the field of medical research report. And those can those really provide the kind of we call it the, no matter what we can call it the healing experience, or we can call it the, the sour hair experience.
So that’s really wonderful. And. I also can just give you a few of the data, like for example a few of you know the top name. Mm-hmm. Like Harvard or Columbia or Stanford University. So, they’re me school. They already done some of the research report in terms of the most advanced technology to support the therapy solutions and then may include, we call it the whole body vibration and protocol.
The acceleration. So those kind of, you know, technology, it’s really always applied in our massage therapy bad. And then, so they really can really wonderfully just deliver unique and unmatched experience than the human massage massage therapist. So that’s why I will call it, you know, the effectiveness.
It’s really the reason of we can provide such a great effectiveness. It’s not just based on, okay, a normal bed. It’s a, you know, traditional massage chair. That’s something totally different. We are stay, we call it the fourth of a generation of the technology, but the normal massage chair, that’s just a.
You know, in the 1st generation never changed. So that’s why we really we have many of great customer experience. So, even even though, you know, you can try to Google review. You know, we are still staying the five star review because of the effectiveness. So great. Yeah. And there’s a lot of different like use cases for this right now.
I know we talked about the massage like, you know, obviously the massage areas, but also like office hotel. I mean, there’s a spa, beauty gyms, possibly like there’s a lot of different use cases for where these can be located, right? Yes, yes. Yeah, of course. Actually, we, definitely, we can really apply it to different business scenarios.
And so the, the currently, the most of our business scenarios we can, , we are really focused on the first is the massage and wellness center. And then the second could be really focused on those massage therapy stall and we can also provide we call it the. The service use this bad and then to cover part of the services deliver from physical therapist and then for chiropractors and then for sports recreation or we cause a rehabilitation center.
And even though, the currency, the most at ping pong from those insurance company is, the raising cost because of, , aging people, and then they have more requirements in terms of physical therapy. So that’s why that kind of a solution based on automated solution and just using very less of human laborers, then the cost for the future insurance.
I will call that this really a wonderful solution for those inference for the user. Yeah. And so in this case, so what it sounds like I’m hearing too, is that not only does it make business sense because maybe you’re decreasing the costs because of the labor costs, but at the same time, the the technology is better too, right?
Yeah, so if you look at both of those that for somebody that’s looking at maybe the franchising side of things or the other opportunity, it becomes interesting, especially you mentioned. This is another generation. So, when somebody thinks about a massage chair, like, this is much more advanced, right? Yes, so, no, actually, you know, the true users , for our solution for example, our robotics started that.
So the users could be. Elders, and first of all, they are for men. Mm-hmm . Normally first. If they are older than 60, and then they are really, what, what we would call is they are very natural users for us. And so women or ladies for all if they are older than 55 or 50. So they are all, they are also another group because, they are normally will just experience the back pain.
, based on the CDC report in 2019, around 39 of the adults, they have really experienced the back pain in the past three months, right? So this is really, so I would call it, to be frank, not only the service provider, they need to using that kind of a solution to deliver a unique experience for their, , the customers who have the back pain, but also, I even think, Every family, for example, every family, they might have, you know, the grandparents, right?
So they are, they are elders, but for middle age people, just like you and me. And we, most of the time we are very stressful. So we really need to release our fatigue after long days of work. So that’s why we are also, The target user group, because of you just laid down on the bat or laid on our arm machine and then 30 to 50 minutes.
You will almost, you know, you will just think about, you got a three to five hours of a sleep, but, you know, you just lay down there for 30 minutes and despite provide the unique solutions to just get you feel relaxed, no matter from your span or from your muscles and even from your brain. So, the kind of a medication for is also could be really deliver based on our solution.
You know, this. That’s why I’m really thinking about our family. It could be also even, , can use in such a solution. And that could be just, in our family, they should really have their there should have, , their bed for sleeping. Right. That’s really, that’s a mandatory, but , for healthy.
Family, they should also, , have such kind of product or machinery to deliver to delivery their daily recovery requirements, right? So this is the, I will call it, this is so important. And then for the youth. People actually in some of our staff, they always have a few of the youth who have, who, you know, their age could be around eight to 18.
So, they sometimes they have a scholar office and sometimes they They might be, have sometimes, sometimes injury after the sports. Because, you know, the young men or young ladies, they always want to, you know, play some of the sports. And so, they need to get a quickly recovery from the sports or from the physical exercise.
Then this solution could be also , provider, very unique and quick and in, in time recovery. This is so important. Mm-hmm . I’m not so sure you have really heard. , there’s a really a news that, you know, the man who have suffered very extremely. , the we cause the back pain.
And then finally this I would cause depi. Person who killed the CEO of United Health, right? So, this is really very, this is really tragic, tragic story. But you know, what’s the beginning? The beginning is just the young man, after he complete each of his sports, and he not really have a really in time recovery.
Then, just after days and days, months, months, years and years, his brain have a certain, disease. So there’s some kind of a disease, we call it the spondylolisthesis. This kind of a disease just means, you know, the span is not really matched.
Sometimes the spine just even though some kind of isolated from each of the others. , and then finally they have to using the surgery and then to bond it with a certain, , the mitral screw and then get it bonded together. Then you can, you can see how really, you know. Painful for the person because of those two, so many of our muscles and then the other, you know, the things just to connect with that.
So people definitely will feel uncomfortable after those kind of the surgery. Both kind of issues should be even just, just quickly recovered after each of the physical access. So that’s why I really think about our solution. It’s a must for every families. Well, Tim, this has been great having you on the show today , and to learn more about. I relax, but if our listeners in our audience want to follow up and if they want to learn more how do they connect, whether they want to learn more about getting one or about partnership opportunities or anything else, how do they connect and how do they learn more?
Actually they can just talk to us, talk with us from the Metro website or any for, you know, link from the social media and. , currently we offer the honor program. So if they are interested with us and definitely they can just directly to be one of our partner. But if they, for example, if they think their family really needs that because our way people, they really want really a healthy family members, and then they can be also just to refer to.
They’re quite simple. Even though they themselves, they can really buy directly and then they can also refer to their friends or the neighbors, and then they can also directly contact us and buy such a unique one for solutions and then to fix their needs. Fantastic. And for everybody listening, just so you know, the website is iRelaxBot.
com and we’ll put the link in the, in the show notes. So you can just click on it and head right on over and speak into the audience. If this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet. Hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Tim, thank you for coming on the show. Thank you, Adam.