Adam Torres and Sharleen Linton discuss using your voice.
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Show Notes:
Can you increase your income by using your voice? In this episode, Adam Torres and Sharleen Linton, Founder at Sharleen The Vocal Alchemist, explore the voice and reading energy in people’s voices.
About Sharleen Linton
With over three decades of public speaking experience and two decades as a professional singer, she bring a wealth of expertise to the table. Her unique approach combines vocal mastery with psychological insights to help you unlock your full potential and achieve success.
Sharkeen can tune into the energy of your voice to understand what’s truly going on beneath the surface. She can sense the unspoken truths, the hidden emotions and even the intentions behind your words, offering insight into your true self. Once you receive your Vocal Alchemy Reading, you will know what you need to embody in order to command your next income level!

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today’s guest is Sharleen Linton, and she’s founder over at Sharleen, the vocal alchemist.
Sharleen, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for having me. I’m really excited. All right. So we got a great topic today. So how do you use your voice to double your income? And I want, want to get into that, but first I have to ask the vocal alchemist. What an amazing name. Where, where’d that come from?
You know, alchemy is something that is so near and dear to my heart because it really is about transformation, right? So you’ve got the alchemic process, which is turning things that are led and turning them into gold. But on a spiritual and psychological basis, You can turn things that you’re deathly afraid of, like these dragons that are breathing fire, and you can stand there with your sword and you can slay the dragon.
And now you’re no longer afraid. You’re no longer anxious. You’re no longer doubtful. And you’ve transformed an entire Way of thinking an entire way of feeling, and now you can approach life in such a different way. And you can have victory over those dragons and you’re not scared of them. They’re just silly little, you know, dragon flies at this point.
That’s what you do. And so Sharleen, the vocal alchemist, being a vocal alchemist is about using your voice to transform mind, transform your body and transform your money. It’s, it’s a, Passionate, deep topic for me. Where did, where did this concept of the voice or like the realization of the voice and maybe men money, like where did, where did that crossover for you or when did that intersection happen?
Was it like in your music industry days or just in general? When did that happen for you? You know something? I think that I’ve always done it, but I wasn’t conscious that I was doing it. And so I was in the music industry. I still am really in the music industry for 20 years and realizing that unless you advocate for yourself in regards to your pay, then you can feel like things are happening to you and not for you.
I’ve had multiple times where I’ve negotiated and doubled my income and I have renegotiated and I have. Advocated for myself in ways that I had to really be courageous, you know, the music industry is really cutthroat. You can just lose your job if people think that you’re being difficult or things like that,
and what I realized in business is that. People are needing to have a voice that is listened to, heard and respected. Those things have direct impact on your income and you can either be heard and respected and listened to and double your income. Or you can mute yourself out of fear, mute yourself out of worry and your pay stays the same and find the link between how you’re using your voice and your income really fascinating.
And so I just decided to apply everything that I had been doing unconsciously. Everything that I’ve been doing already up until this point, apply it to business, apply it to business owners, people with corporate jobs and help people be victorious when they communicate, you know, how did that, how did that pivot happen?
And I know you’re still working in the music industry, but like, where did this, where did this mission, if you will come from to start working with, you know, the everyday business owner or public speaker or, you know, person in a corporate role or sales, like where did, where did that come from? You know, I really felt like women in particular were not shining a real light on the value that they offer finding that.
Statistically, women have more anxiety around things like public speaking anyway. And I was fascinated about why, and I really wanted to look into what is it that makes women feel safe enough within their own bodies to be willing to speak up and advocate for themselves and. I really wanted to support people to be able to negotiate and to pitch.
And I guess the pivot would, would, would have come from, I understand in business that there are key areas that people want support in. They want support in their health. They want support in their money. They want support in their love and their relationships. And when I looked at money, I just was like, This is an area regarding the voice that really needs.
Impact. It really neat. I felt like it was underserved, particularly where women were concerned because there is a way that really supports women and emotional support psychological support that really helps women feel embodied and powerful. And there are nuanced differences between how men and women do those things.
And so what I wanted to do was to really. Be able to speak to women in particular, really amplify their voices in a way that doesn’t impact their, their nervous systems negatively. You can do the thing, right? You can pitch and you can do public speaking, but then you have sweaty armpits, right? Have like Oh my God, what are they thinking about me?
You’re full of anxiety and worry and fear. And this is not to say that men don’t experience this. They do, but there is a nuanced way that women do. And I started to really study women’s emotions and the psyche. And I just felt moved. I felt really moved to support women in that way. Now I understand that one of your gifts or one of the things that you do is reading people’s energy in their voices.
Can you talk to me a little bit about that and what, what that entails? Yeah, it’s funny, you know, because I remember watching a Kanye West interview on YouTube some years ago, and I’m watching his interview and I started to see. Things like, you know, the old fashioned barcodes that appear on groceries in the grocery store.
And of course, when you scan a barcode at the grocery store, you’ll get information about the weight, the name of the product, the price of the product, all of the information about this product. And as I’m watching Kanye West and I’m listening to him, I can already feel that there’s things that he’s not saying.
And I start to see. This image of a barcode, you know, thick black line, thin white line, fat white line and thin, et cetera, et cetera. And I knew what the barcode meant. I knew what those thick lines and, and, and then about his character. Yeah. The things that he was thinking and feeling, the things that he was not saying, and I started to be Was that a little scary for you, or like, what was the feeling you had during that moment in time when you, when that happened for you the first time, let’s say?
Oh no, I was like a kid in a candy store, honestly. Oh, wow. I was like, oh, what am I seeing? . So I started to just So you had a good feeling, like a warm feeling or like just excited. What, how would you describe it? I don’t wanna put words in your mouth. It was just fascinating watching a movie and I was like, how do I know this stuff?
And like where, where spiritual gifts are concerned, it seemed really unique and really out there. And I think also I felt a bit odd. So there was that kind of, This is really unique, but I feel really out there, even where spiritual gifts are concerned. And so I started seeing the barcode thing with lots of different people’s voices and understanding this is where you’re speaking from.
And it started to evolve. And I started to see the architecture of people’s voices in terms of their energy, meaning that if somebody’s speaking to me, it could be about their favorite color. I’m like, yeah, that happened. That thing happened when you were five, this past life event happened. And that’s the reason why you’re speaking in this tone of voice.
And this thing really triggers you. And you’re, you’re coughing a little about this X issue. And there’s a trigger there. I started to be able to understand Way beyond what people were saying, what they really meant and who they really were in terms of their character and their belief system. And it really helps me to support my clients because, you know, people in business, they’ll be doing a strategy or.
They’ll, they’ll be doing things and they may not be working or they may used to work and maybe they’re not working anymore. And I used to do this room over on the social media app called clubhouse where I have like a free coaching clinic. People would come in and kind of solve their business money flow issues.
And there was this one particular woman who. She hadn’t made money in her business for months, read her voice. And I was just, I said to her, what I’m about to say to you is going to sound like the most non business nonsense you’ve ever heard. Yeah. The counsel that I gave to her was you need to rest. You need to do full body rest, reset, put your business down, go to the beach.
If you live near a beach, just do that and don’t put your business down. And she said that three days later, she created a five figure client. Wow. And it was just like, Oh my goodness, she hadn’t made money for about five months. And now she’s this five figure client and things like that kept happening.
People pop house, get this council, I’d read their voice, give them, you know, the council based on what I’m hearing. In their voice, the energy that I could feel and people were really turning their businesses around, like scaling up their businesses, making money. And I was like, this is fun. And this is fascinating.
And as I thought the gift was, and everything. I was started to really embrace it because it was so impactful and I actually met another vocal alchemist who lives in Australia and we were like long lost friends that were reunited because we’ve never met anyone else that has this particular gift.
So it was nice to connect with someone who does. What type of clients do you work with now like how do you how do you know if something what? I mean by that is how do you know if somebody’s a good fit to work with you? Like where does that come from? Especially for someone that’s never worked through the voice or with a coach From your background.
Like how do you know if somebody’s a good fit?
Somebody is a good fit to work with me if they Are already doing the things to help reset their nervous system or they’re willing to have found if a client comes to me and they’re full of anxiety, something happens where naturally as a human, when you hear things that will help the anxiety pushes it out of your ears.
And you start to doubt whether that thing will really help. And so it then becomes a little bit of a struggle to help get them settled enough to really be able to receive what it is that I’m saying. The person that is a good fit is somebody who’s either doing the work on their nervous system, or they are willing to.
Because the thing with anxiety and a nervous system that’s in fight or flight, it will do anything to stay in fight or flight mode. It was bizarre thing. And so, and it’s a very human thing too. And so what it will do is it will believe that it already knows how to help itself. So it will just push out all of the wise counsel that it’s receiving.
It doesn’t have any room, to really receive what it is that you’re giving. So business, I’ve had business owners who want to scale business owners that want to target specific clients. And I’ve been able to read those prospective clients voices to be able to say, this is how you can really impact them.
This is what you know, and I only do this with clients that I trust, you know, or a manipulative tactic or anything like that. But there are certain things that. Those prospective clients would deem as really meaningful. And there are certain things. There are a particular no go area, you know, you may think that it’s cool to talk about certain things in their business and they’re just not ready yet.
They’re not ready to talk about that stuff yet. And so I help my clients to drop into their body, to drop even more so into love and into service and I give them the information about what I’m hearing about their prospective clients voices. So that they can love on their client, their prospective clients even more and they end up closing.
. That’s interesting and any particular, industries that you find yourself working with more so than others, or is it a pretty industry as agnostic? It does tend to be pretty industry agnostic. Like I’ve served people in climate change, as well as people who sell cosmetics and You know, health and beauty products as well.
So it doesn’t seem to be any particular industry that’s attracted to me, but yeah. Amazing. Well, Sharleen, this has been so much fun learning more about what you do, how you’re doing it, and really the people that you’re, connecting with and helping and, your mission behind it. So this is, thank you for stuff.
Thank you for coming on. If people want to continue the conversation, learn more about what you do and to ultimately connect, how do they do that? The best way to connect with me is on speakwithmastery. com. I have a free gift on there called the five communication tips to create sales, a really beautiful audio class that will really help you to handle things like financial objections on sales calls, how to really speak to your prospective clients from a really embodied and, and client centered.
Space full of service, full of love. With no anxiety about lack or anything like that. So if you want to go ahead and download that free class, it’s a 20 minute class and it’s all for free. Go ahead and download that on speakwithmastery. com. You can also reach out to me on that website. You can send me a message.
We can chat and I’m, I’m always open and available. Amazing. Well, Sharleen, again, thank you so much for coming on and to the audience as always, thank you for tuning in. If this is your first time with Mission Matters just so you know, this is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well.
So don’t forget to hit that subscribe or follow button and Sharleen, thanks again for coming on. Thank you so much for having me.