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“There’s a balance, and a lot of it just comes down to communication and setting expectations; which are the two largest efficiencies leaders have.”
This week’s guest on The Leaders Lab Podcast didn’t have it easy. He had to go through different experiences in his career – some of which almost made him believe that the industry where he is making a huge impact now was not for him. But he carried on, innovated, stayed open-minded, and looked at the bigger picture.
Today, he joins me on the mic, to talk about the insurance world – one of the industries that is fast becoming more and more digital, and less human. But we go beyond that by also about the skills and the human advantage that you or your organization can use to stay competitive and go above and beyond during a time of artificial intelligence and digital advancements.
Ryan Hanley is the founder and president of Rogue Risk, a first-of-its-kind “human-optimized” digital insurance agency creating sustainability for small businesses through insurance and risk management.
As a Creator, Strategist, and Speaker, he helps insurance professionals create meaningful and sustainable long-term growth in their career and business.
His keynote presentations and customized workshops concentrate on implementing leadership, marketing, and sales initiatives within growth-focused, abundance-minded organizations.
You can learn more about Ryan and his work here:
Ken Eslick is an Entrepreneur, Author, Podcaster, Tony Robbins Trainer, Life Coach, Husband of 35+ Years, and Grandfather. Ken currently spends his time as the President & Founder of The Leaders Lab where he and his team focus on Senior Leadership Acquisition. They get founders the next level C-Suite Leaders they need to go from being an Inc. Magazine 5000 fastest growing company to $100,000,000 + in revenue.
You can learn more about Ken and his team at
You can learn more about Ken and his team at
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