Adam Torres and Jade Phou discuss Mega Mix Expo.
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Show Notes:
Listen to Mega Mix Expo coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres and Jade Phou, CEO at Jaded, explore the upcoming Megamix expo.
About Jade Phou
She takes pride in providing proactive solutions to business challenges, connecting resources, networks, and answers to service needs, all while building genuine and personable relationships with every client across various industries.
Working in the essential and ever-growing freight industry allows her to bridge B2B and B2C supply chain operations with national and regional carriers.
With experience in sales, hospitality, and business, she has a strong understanding of how to drive revenue by negotiating costs and services without impacting the bottom line. Her expertise enables her to exceed growth potential while delivering exceptional customer service to all parties involved.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I have Jade Phou on the line and she is CEO over at Jaded. Jade, welcome to the show.
Thank you so much for having me. I feel so honored. Thank you. All right, Jade. So, we got some big stuff to talk about here today. So, for those that have been listening to , this series for a while now, you know I’ve been making all this noise and all this fuss about the Megamix Expo that’s going to be taking place on March 12th and 13th over at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, California.
You can get tickets. You can learn more over at megamixexpo. com. I’ll be there. I’ll be doing some live podcast interviews and definitely making my rounds in the community. and Jade will be there as well. Well, and correct me if I’m off here. You’re responsible for and or curating the fashion show, correct?
That’s going to be happening. Yes, yes, yes. It’s going to be so much fun. It’s something new. So I’m very excited to bring a different touch to the health and beauty section of the mega mix this year. so come on, go further. Tell me about the vision for the show. Like you got to give us the scoop.
Okay. Well, the details, I mean, I’ve been working with a really great team so far, that’s kind of putting together a different experience, when it comes to this mega mix. So for the health and beauty section, we have had designers, we have people who focus a lot on, the market for women and me being a designer, they’ve reached out.
And having done fashion shows, have asked me to help curate one for this event, not only to, further display and market designers and other brands out there that are going to make a mix, but also bring something different. And again, a whole different immersive experience. for the guests that will be attending.
So my line will actually be featured along with a couple others. And, know, it’s still a little surprise , and, something to look forward to, but I’m very excited to be a part of building this for them and, really giving, exposure to, the different companies and designers that are going to be attending. how did you originally get involved in fashion? where’d that start for you? Well, it’s funny because, I mean, I love fashion. I love clothes. and what really got me started was. Kind of burning my shifts and deciding to chase after a vision I had and, know, right now with Jaded, I’m just redefining how women get to experience fashion. through my brand, I’d be able to help create statement pieces that don’t just look good, but also solve a problem for women, especially with jumpsuits. most women who have worn a jumpsuit have been under the same struggle of experiencing what it’s like to use a restroom. When you’re going, you have to take it all off, in order to, go.
And then you’ve got to put it all back on. and you know, we’ve all been there where we’ve had to be naked in the skull wondering why has nobody fixed this problem yet? And so I decided to fix the problem. So it was actually something new. My background was definitely not in fashion, but it was actually in dance.
And so through dance, I learned costume redesigning, so it was easier to change and add outfits quickly. And, you know, I was like, well, why can’t I just add a simple zipper here or there on something that is actually out there in fashion already that can help, not only Women, on a day to day, but also thinking about like mothers and, and people who are in like wheelchairs and disabilities, making sure that solutions were accessible to everybody.
Hmm. And so, and now I just want to make sure I have this correct. So, what will be seen at the mega mix expo and not putting you on the hook here, but you’re going to see some of your pieces you mentioned, right? Yes. Yes. My pieces will be on the runway. So we’re going to see real time what you’re talking about.
This is so exciting. And it’s the first year for this, as you mentioned, in terms of the fashion show, so fun, and I don’t know if you’re able to talk about any other brands or any of that, but it’s going to be a collaboration, as you mentioned. So there’ll be some other brands that are represented as well.
Is that. Yes, and a lot of them are a surprise, because I don’t want to I knew it. I knew what I had to try to ask the question anyway. You have to do what you have to do. You know, yes, you got to shoot your shot, but yes, unfortunately, I can’t really show that just yet. we will have that, posted out here soon.
So make sure that everyone stays tuned and follows along because we will continue to drop little snippets here of who will actually be attending. what’s the jaded movement about? What’s that all about? Yes. So, when I first started in business, the reason why everybody asked me, why did you name your company jaded?
What does that really mean? Why? What is the jaded movement? for me, what the jaded movement actually is, When I started this company, I kind of did an inventory of my life and where I was at, and trying to figure out in what areas of my life was I feeling a little bored or not challenged enough, or I was lacking enthusiasm and, everything that the word jaded defines. and I have recognized, just kind of where I was at in my career, where I was at in my life and where I felt with clothing, especially being in gym suits all the time. and so the jaded movement was something that sparked a lot of conversation between me and a bunch of other people when it came to just picking their brains about, you know, when you’re, when you’re running into a situation where you’re feeling, tired.
Of your situation, right? or a circumstance that you’re in. What do you do about it? There’s a lot of people who will continue to sit in that, right? They’ll dwell in this and they continue to settle. And then there’s other people who decide to make a change, which then reacts to a spark of, of a movement.
Or something better for their life. And so the jaded movement really actually started when, myself and a group of people were like, you know what, this is where we feel jaded. This is the change that we’re going to make in our life. And this is how it’s going to improve. So it kind of started this like forward momentum of improvement and, just more happiness and fulfillment in people’s lives.
And so. That kind of stemmed into, okay, what other things can we improve, which led to the jumpsuit and turning it into a business. But the jaded movement at its core has always been something to hopefully inspire and motivate people to understand that they have the ability to, you know, make the change to better their lives or, make the change to get out of the situation that they feel stuck in, quote unquote.
And now I know you’re newer to fashion. Like what you mentioned that this is your, first brand for fashion, but I’m curious about just as an entrepreneur overall, like, have you had other entrepreneurial ventures in the past or like, , what’s that look like? Be, was it in you the time?
Yes, yes. Oh my gosh. I think I was born ready to grow up and be my own boss. growing up, I have always been very inspired and I just knew, deep down that I was going to be my own boss. I knew that I was going to, you know, I wanted to be in control of my life. I wanted to build out my dreams and I wanted to try to live a life.
With as little regret as possible per se. and so starting off, when I first started my career of a working career, I found myself attracted to a lot of these, MLM or, like businesses that train you as an entrepreneur, right? You’re going out, you’re networking, you’re building your, circle, whatever you’re selling, whatever you’re trying to share. a lot of that really attracted me cause I was in control of. my destiny or my paycheck, it kept me in hunter mode all the time, which I love. And it’s crazy because some people are like, why would you go through that? You know, when, when you can just be comfortable and have a salary and you know what, I’ve done both.
I have done both multiple times where I would go from the entrepreneur life back to corporate life. And I’m like, no, this isn’t for me. So, so I think deep down inside my core has always known. I wanted to be an entrepreneur. And along the way, I’ve done several different things. , both in corporate and out of corporate that have kind of shaped me to the person that I am today and so with Jingdid, burning all my ships and actually trying to make this movement and build this brand and solve this problem, it’s different because it’s something that’s not out there right now.
And so I’m learning how to, you know, build my, plane while I’m flying it at the same time, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. how important or I should say, what role has your community or your support system played in this? Cause I know for entrepreneurs going out there, especially with the new venture, right?
Like I’m just picturing, you’re like, no, I want to start this clothing brand. And people are like, what do you mean? You don’t have. Any background in it? You don’t, we know you for doing ABC or X, Y, Z. And like, like, what are you talking about? And then jumpsuits, well, come on, like, what, like, how was that for you?
Like, I’m just trying to put myself in your shoes. Cause I’ll tell you when I went to be, become an entrepreneur, like I didn’t even know I was I accidental entrepreneur. I didn’t even know that’s what I was doing. Honestly. I tell people that all the time. They don’t believe me. I think I’m being false humble.
No, it’s true. I didn’t know. but anyway, what was that like for you? Like, how was your support system? Like what happened when you told everybody like, Hey, I’m going to go, I’m going to go into fashion. Yeah. well, I mean, when you tell someone you’re going to fashion, most people, including my family, like, cool, like what job are you going to do?
Is that retail? What does that really mean? But when you tell somebody you’re going to start your own company, it’s like, wait, what? are you sure? Did you hit a lottery or what happened? Yeah. Right. You have zero experience. Experience in fashion. What are you doing? You know what? Honestly, because I think I have been, so back and forth with entrepreneurship and corporate, my family has always been on this.
Like, I’m probably like, what are you doing? Yeah. And I think at first they probably thought, Hey, this is going to fizzle out. Let’s just let her do her thing. Whatever will support you. It’s just another one of the things she’s into right now. but you know, but I think. It’s surprisingly because I Before I did this, I was a business consultant in logistics of supply chain, and I was very successful at that.
I loved it. I grew a lot of partnerships with around CEOs all the time. So I had this high level, like network and just mindset, and with that came grid money. And so I told my mom I was going to quit my job to do this. I was kind of expecting her to have her typical, like, are you sure?
and kind of, speech out of fear. I feel like a lot of the older generation will speak out of fear. and the more younger generation are like, well, I’m just going to do this now, especially with our culture. but she was actually really like, okay, if you, if this is what you want to do and you have the money to like sit on and think about it and try it, then go for it. I think she’s at this place now where she’s realizing as much as I’m her little girl, I’m an adult. And so, Dang, you wore her down. I’m a little sad. You know? Sorry, mom, I’m just going to throw that out there. She really, though, really, she was tired. I’m telling you, I’m so back and forth, but you know, I think that’s also another trait of an entrepreneur is sometimes you can’t, you can’t just sit in one thing.
I, for me, I couldn’t just stay in one box. I couldn’t just be a master of one trade. I was always all over the place. but with that, I think that she’s also gotten to a place of recognizing, when you’re young, you go after things and try not to live with so much regret or like, if you want to try it, then try it.
So, back to your question, sorry. I think a lot of it was, okay, good luck or, Hey, this might sizzle out. but my partner has been extremely supportive. My friends have been super supportive. The women that I speak to have been extremely supportive because they finally feel. and a lot of women, especially with jumpsuits, like we have accepted our fate when we were like, okay, we’re going to get naked.
This is just how it is. This is one of the, the true examples of beauty is pain, right? We’re just going to be naked in the stalls. but you tell them, you know what, like I’m fixing this problem. I’ve tested this out. I’m making sure that this works. It’s a big. Oh, my gosh. Okay. Like now I’ll try jumpsuits again or keep going.
And so the outpouring of just support I’ve received since having created this product and getting it, on the runways or in magazines and in front of people and on bodies. it’s been, it’s been great. Now we still have obviously a lot of room and, to improve and to continue to grow as we’re still just scratching the surface. but as of right now, it has been exciting. It’s been very supportive and, empowering, I would say. amazing. Well, Jay, this is a lot of fun getting to know more about your story, your background, of course, the jaded, the jaded movement. and I’m excited to meet you in person at the Megamix Expo and to see your work and to see the show that you’re curating.
So that’s going to be a lot of fun. And for everybody, again, that’s going to be megamixexpo. com. Go pick up your tickets. You definitely wanted to catch the fashion show and everything else we’re talking about here today. So that’s going to be March 12th and 13th, megamixexpo. com. But Jade, if somebody wants to learn more about jaded and the jaded movement, how do people follow up?
How do they connect? Yes. Well, we are on Instagram. you can follow us at jaded jumpsuits. And, if you would like to shop, you can go to let’s get jaded. com. And have access to all the quotes. Fantastic. For everybody that’s listening, just so you know, we’ll definitely put links in the show notes. So you can just click on the link and head right on over.
And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, new stories, hopefully a new inspiration that’s going to help you along the way in your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button. And Jay, thanks again so much for coming on the show. Yes, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Looking forward to meeting you at Megamix.