Adam Torres and Jason Lantgen discuss Octane’s Medical Innovation Forum.
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Listen to Octane’s Medical Innovation Forum coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Jason Lantgen, Managing Director at JLL, explore JLL and Octane’s Medical Innovation Forum.
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About Jason Lantgen
Mr. Lantgen specializes in the representation of Corporations and Institutions on their real estate needs. Utilizing client-centered strategies through the entire process, Mr. Lantgen advises his clients on a full range of strategies through the development, planning, and execution to ensure that goals are achieved.
About JLL
JLL is a leading professional services firm that specializes in real estate and investment management. JLL shapes the future of real estate for a better world by using the most advanced technology to create rewarding opportunities, amazing spaces and sustainable real estate solutions for their clients, people and communities.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today we are in Irvine, California at the, at the, at a medical innovation forum powered by Octane.
And my guest is Jason Lanshan. Jason, welcome to the show. Thank you, Adam. It’s great to be here. All right. So what brings you out to the conference today? JLO has been a part of Octane for roughly almost 10 years now. We’ve been partners with the organization, sponsors, supporters, been on the board for about three years.
It’s great to be investing, supporting the local ecosystem, the innovation economy here that’s driving jobs to the region, and to learn about new emerging and exciting technologies that are We’re going to be at the forefront of the sciences a couple years from now. So this is only my, my second conference for Octane.
So I’m thrilled to be here. The first one I did, I was just blown away at the cardiovascular tech forum. So amazed the people I met, the networking, the, all of that. The interviews I had, I mean, it was amazing. Great conversations. I got to meet Q. I got to see his background, everything else that took place there, and then the CEO too.
So, I’m curious, you’re 10 years in, like, what keeps you coming back? Lots of different things you could support. Why support Octane in the conference? You know, it changes every year. It changes, it improves, there’s new companies, new ideas, and the companies you’re reading about tomorrow, you realize that they were here the previous year, or two years prior.
Yeah. And you really get a decent glimpse into how the world is being improved and how people’s lives are being impacted with some of the sciences and the companies that are being developed here in Orange County. So talk a little bit about JLL. Like what do you do there? I’m a managing director at JLL, been involved with, been in JLL now for about 12 years.
It’s a global real estate advisory firm. We’re a Fortune 500. A hundred thousand plusing company that supports businesses, supports founders, supports organizations to the guards, to the location strategy, where they need to be, their people and making sure that they’re making smart decisions around their workplace.
Their R& D facilities as far as their operations. So, it’s been a great company, great service lines, and Are you located out of SoCal? You, you personally? You, locally Travel everywhere? Yeah, we’re all over. Locally, my offices are here in Irvine. So, it makes it pretty easy to attend the conferences and events.
But we’ve had such a matter of experts fly in for these conferences on a regular basis to attend and speak. You know, on a regular basis. So the company has been very supportive of the organization, the partnership, and it’s been a, you know, fantastic place to be now. I know we’re only midway in. So in all fairness we’re only midway into the count for the first day of the conference.
This is a two day conference, but so far early in what’s been one, other than being on this show, what’s been one of your favorite parts of the conference, you know, there was the. Keynote speaker for the Mussolini Center for Design out at Stanford, he came down and gave a speech. He gave a presentation actually on the center, what they do, and I think the implications and opportunities that are there were fascinating.
I think about the device field here in Orange County, and I think about the time as far as what they were treating there, and what they were working on there. It seemed to be Quite aligned as far as what’s being developed here and the skillset and the labor base. So I thought that was really fascinating.
You know, that was really interesting. And there was another one on, you know, it’s actually the one that I think is tomorrow that is on launch pads and thinking out of market and why you would be looking to be elsewhere. That is the Canadian consulate and a handful of other consulates that are getting involved with, you know, their tying relationships with the region, the area.
And then the benefits of some of their markets as well. That one, I think, just because of what we do on the international side of things, was also intriguing to me. Yeah. I haven’t caught them yet. I know there’s some pitch competitions and things like that. I feel like the formats, as they change, it just keeps people engaged, right?
Yeah. They’ve broken up the, the thought leadership discussions, the panel discussions with the pitch competitions and the companies that are looking to raise funds. Mm hmm. So there is a good healthy mix and a great breakup throughout the day, so you’re getting a little bit of everything and it gives you an opportunity also if you need to break away from one of the events or one of the discussions that are happening or a presentation that’s happening that isn’t within your field or your expertise, it obviously gives you a chance to get away as well.
Yeah, it’s awesome. Alright, so last question here, if somebody wants to follow up, learn more about JLL connect with you and anything else how do they do that? An email is the easiest way. LinkedIn is obviously a very easy way to find me, the, you know, ball headed, the only Jason Lanshaw, I think, on LinkedIn, and that’s probably the easiest path on it.
Yeah. Awesome. Well, for everybody watching at home, just so you know, we’ll put the links to Jason’s LinkedIn in the show notes so that you can just click on it and head right on over and connect. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, check it out.
Hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well. So again, hit that subscribe or follow button. And Jason, thanks again so much for coming on the show.