Adam Torres and Jeff Richfield discuss The PIPEs Conference.
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Listen to The PIPEs Conference coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Jeff Richfield, Partner at Passive Crypto Fund. Explore Passive Crypto Fund and The PIPEs Conference.
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of mission matters. My name is Adam Torres. And today we are at the hard rock casino in Hollywood, Florida, not Hollywood, California for my normal listeners. And we’re having all kinds of fun at the pipes conference hosted by deal flow events. And my guest is Jeff Jeff.
Welcome to show grateful to be here, sir. This has been amazing. And I see the people, you know, relating, getting. Numbers and everybody’s connecting, right? Yeah. So we’re going to get into passive crypto fund. I want to know more about your project, what you’re working on. But before we do, I mean, the event overall, hard rock casino, are we having fun?
Yeah, we’re having fun. Like it feels like it’s Las Vegas. And it’s not, you know, last time I went to the roulette table, we thought, why don’t they have crypto gambling? Oh my gosh. Heard it here first. I feel like this might be a thing. Might be crypto roulette. Oh my gosh, I’m in so what brings you to the conference?
Other than say how grateful I am to be on the show, Adam. And it’s interesting that crypto is a talk right now with what’s just happened with the Trump, you know, votes. And so we are the talk of the town. And at large times, wall street wasn’t really into crypto, right? But now more than ever, people want to learn about it.
It’s like the new kid on the block. If you would. Yeah. So the passive crypto fund is a regulated 506B accredited investor only. Basically we’re like, we’re like a broker dealer. And imagine if you had a broker in crypto. So we supply liquidity to the pools in a DeFi exchange, and then they allow us to keep the fees.
So it doesn’t matter if the price is going up or down a Bitcoin or Ethereum, we’re making money every day just on the fees. Yeah. It’s a safe way to go with crypto because we don’t have to wait for the long bet. It’s happening every day. We’re making money while we sleep for our clients. Yeah. It’s exciting because the profits are generally we’re looking at shooting for ranges between five to 12 percent a month.
And some people say, come on, how do you achieve that? It’s because we know. The inside information of secret sauce, basically for what we do in the defy side, you know, it’s it’s something that is not known, but it’s not. So we discovered the golden crypto. If you will, how’d you originally get into this business?
Like, well, how would you introduce to crypto? Okay. So health goes back to the days. Go back. Come on, man. Take him, take his first off. I’m a God for Nora. I take it. The kingdom principles apply to the marketplace. I’m not as scared to share that because well, my show is called mission matters. I mean, come on, there you go.
You’re in the right place. That’s right. So God for Noah, help people understand that the kingdom is about financing that too. We need facilities. We need to have manna or money to expand. And the kingdom. Yeah. So my idea and my brother’s idea is to have this flow for people to get out of poverty. I want to abolish poverty.
It doesn’t have to happen when people need knowledge and a vision or they’ll die. Right. And so what we do is you take that idea, applying it to the marketplace and crypto got into Forex about 15 years ago, and Eric created a strategy as an engineer is a black box. It’s called a cryptos sorry, a Forex scalping mechanism.
We did really well. For a long time with Forex, but then we saw crypto on the rise. So we switched gears and so now we’ve automated the process. When a pair is trading, let’s say it’s Bitcoin, UTC, UDDC. We can actually keep that in a graph as it trades. And we’re making the fees while it’s inside the graph.
And then we created a bot, if you will, that automates that. Sliding. So it’s pretty much hands off, even though we have people looking at all the day, managing it. Yeah. I interviewed Eric and he was telling me about all the, all the work he’s working on right now. And I’m like, Oh my gosh, he’s the engineer.
Yeah. There’s a, he’s got his hands full. Yeah. I’m the visionary. He’s the integrator. Yeah. And then Brandy is our amazing IR sponsor getting us out there, equipping us. She’s getting eyes on this project because we want, To not explode. We want people, the right people to see it so we can use it to build the kingdom advance.
And for people that maybe not have faith, they can get into, but our primary focus is to help people get out of the slavery of working day to day and create a passive way they can earn money while they sleep. It’s safe being regulated. Right. We’re not just throw the dart at the board kind of company.
We have solid structures and systems and advisory, you know, roles. We have a reporting system from NAV, NAV consulting. They do our auditing. So this is a legit regulated company. Fund. Yep. Where do you see crypto going next? Well, come on, man. We know it’s going to the moon. We already know that the new administration has announced that they’re supporting crypto.
Trump is a great crypto supporter with Musk behind the book. This, this, I mean, it’s just no wonder that he ships ships to the moon. Yeah. Right. And then we saw what happened in the last two weeks but there are projections that it’s going to hit a hundred thousand in the next month. And then some say to a million.
Now, I don’t like to make projections. I just follow what is happening, but we maximize our profits based on what’s real, not false. And the false news is out there. Right. And we don’t want to create fear to get into something. It’s like we just prove what works matters. And then we can legitimately.
Take people to the next level. And so our fund is terms are 33 percent of our profits go to us as a management fee, 66 percent goes to the subscriber. So at five to 12 percent a month returns, you’re still getting six to 6 percent of that. And subscribers can sell their units at some point. Or they can stay in the fund.
And then, like it says here, we’re using stable coins. We’re yield farming and create transparency for people. They can see everything. So we’re supported by a seasoned institutional investor network. Yeah. What’s your vision? You’re the visionary, as you mentioned. Not, not the engineer. Eric’s the engineer.
What’s your vision for this going forward? The fund. We’re going to create wealth.
Legacy with this. And so, so exciting that what does legacy mean? Right. We want to be able to help people with their children and grandchildren,
that quote, right? So a righteous man leaves a generational wealth to his sons and his sons, sons and daughters, grandchildren. And that’s what we want to do. We see this as a future 2025 growth period. This, this economy is going to really launch. We’ve just seen this tip of the iceberg right now, right?
And so we’re, we’re expanding the horizons for people because crypto is becoming bigger. A lot of people don’t like that name, crypto. It sounds scary. So we like blockchain. We use that term a lot too. Hmm. I’m in man. I love it. I love the story. I love the thought process behind it. What you’re trying to do, the vision it’s, it’s, it’s big.
It’s a big vision. It’s a big vision. It takes a lot of people to get involved, to make something like this happen. I tell people it’s a neural neural network. Yeah. Yeah. Multi neural network. Not, not NMLM. Yeah. Yeah. But multi neural network. Yeah. It’s exciting that we’re in this at the right time to, it couldn’t be any better in my mind.
Sometimes I get a little bit impatient, but put the wheels back because I’m a, I’m a stallion out of a stall and I like to share what’s working for us to help people grow. I have a compassion for people. I have a love for people. It’s all about love, bringing that synergy of heaven to earth that people could capitalize on what’s already available to them to see a new perspective, rise up higher, right?
If you’re not growing, you’re stale. Yeah. Amen. So we have to grow people and help them to see that God is light and he wants us to be free. So Jeff, when are you going to start your show, man? You’re great. Well, we can talk about, man, when you started your show, come on, get Brandy on that, man. Brandy, if you’re watching this, man, Jeff needs to show too.
Fridgefield. com. Yeah. And actually that’s a good point. I want you to look into the camera, tell people how they can follow, how they can learn about The about the fun, like all that good stuff. What happened is I had a roof company in Nashville called music city roofers. I sold it for eight figures last year.
And roofing was a great way to get a start, to get a higher level. Get what I mean? So I can see from the top. And many times I pray for my clients while they’re in their house. And so my motto was To get covering for your house for life, covering his prayer and life and salvation. So then when I sold the company, the next level was this fun, perfect timing.
And so that’s what we’re doing now. This is my main project. I’m really excited. It gets people set free. Yeah, man. So richfield. com is my main website. And sometimes it gets so full. It actually. Stops working. So you got to go to you better get on that Jeff. It’s so exciting. But you can email me simply at my passive crypto web.
If he can help. Oh yeah. That’s just Jeff at a passive management dot pro. There it is. Yeah. The passive management dot pro it’s dark here. It can see that it’s all good. It’s all good. Well, and for everybody listening, just so you know, we’ll put the links to the website and all that other good stuff. Stuff in the show notes.
So you can just click on the links and head right on over. And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, make sure you hit that subscribe or that follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Jeff man, pleasure meeting you, man, your name’s Adam. The kingdom of God is at hand. Come on. There you go. Come on. Let’s make it expand. All right. All right.