Adam Torres and Jorge Olivieri discuss entrepreneurship and podcasting .
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Listen to coverage of GifterX Talks in Miami, Florida. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Jorge Olivieri, Serial Entrepreneur and Host of Meat & Cigars Podcast, explore podcasting and being an entrepreneur.
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About Jorge Olivieri
Accomplished, senior marketing professional with broad retail marketing experience, which includes strategic planning, creative development, database / direct-marketing, public relations, sales training, promotion and visual merchandising, equipped with the ability and skill set to provide creative, innovative, enthusiastic and forward-thinking leadership in a team environment, focused on achieving continuous, improved business performance throw the integration

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and today I am in beautiful Miami. We’re shooting a series with Gifter X Talks. And let me tell you, we got our next guest today, the host well, first off. Welcome to the show, George, the host of the meat and cigars podcast also owns a water bike business.
So we’re going to get into that and more, but first off, got to tell you that name of that show, which one I saw it. Come on, which one me and cigars, how’d you come up with that? Come on, actually, I, I would love to take credit for it. But it’s my buddy Herman. Our favorite carnivore, our favorite carnivore a coach.
He came up with that one. At first I was like, no, I don’t like it. And then I was like, you know what? It’s good. I’m going to have to use it. It’s great. It’s not good. It’s great. I remember it. You know, many podcast names I’ve gone through or I’ve heard of, but there’s, I caught the first time. I’m like, how do you forget that?
Two of my, like people think it’s meat from meeting and it actually came from, we, we did meetups together and it’s the meat meetup. Oh my, okay. Mind blown. It really, you know, talk about, talk about the format because for those at home that haven’t seen it yet, or those that are in their car listening, like describe the format for us.
So it’s pretty simple. I mean, we normally would get together with friends, smoke cigars. And I’m Argentinian. I was born in Argentina, obviously. I didn’t keep a lot of my Argentinian, you know, perfection. But I definitely, when it comes to barbecuing, soccer, and you know, and just being awesome, I do the month.
We’ll get you in the bathroom real quick in the morning. So you got to be careful with the Mata, especially if you’re a newbie at it. But but yeah, so we. We used to get together all the time and have these really in depth conversations, especially when we had a few drinks. Yeah. You know, we got really, you know, into philosophy and all kinds of stuff.
So, you know, every time we finished the night, we would tell each other, damn, we should put this on video. Like somebody, somebody will enjoy watching this. Yeah. And then we just, I just, one day I said, you know what? We’re going to do it. Dang. And we started with that. And obviously Herman is one of our co hosts.
I have other two or three friends and every now and then I bring in new people. Mostly the idea is just to enjoy ourselves. We, like I said, we know we enjoy eating meat. I love doing barbecue. I started with my comfort zone and then I’ve gone out of my comfort zone. I’ve done disasters. I’ve done brisket that it’s like rubber I’ve done, you know, I mean, I’ve burned meat.
I mean, you know, I’ve tried to work. Hold on. Timeout. Wait, wait, wait, wait. We still ate it. Wait, timeout, man. You invited me to your show later on tonight. We’re going to eat good tonight. Hey, this better. I’m not going to report back on this one. Tonight we’re going to go to the classics. Don’t be doing any, don’t be doing any experiments on me, man.
No experimenting. No experiment. We’re going with a classic tonight. So yeah. So, and then the cigar part. Yeah. Which is another thing that I enjoy. I picked up. maybe about 15. I, so I used to smoke, obviously I don’t condone smoking, but I quit I gained a lot of weight. Then the whole workout thing come in the carnivore, which you guys already talked about, but it’s part of the podcast.
And then we started smoking cigars. Yeah. And it’s just one of those things that, you know, you have the meat, you finish the dinner and you have the cigar with the scotch or with the, with the cognac. And it’s just, you know, it’s just like It’s almost like a tradition, like like, like, like, like something that just relaxes you and you really enjoy.
And then, you know, of course we started learning about cigars because, you know, you don’t just go and get the first cigar and go, that’s it. I’m done. Of course. And you know, we’ve had all kinds of cigars and we really, I mean, you know, that hopefully eventually the cigar companies will want to do some advertising with us.
Come on. I have a sidecar. I don’t know if you ever heard of them. Oh yeah. Sidecar. They have the the lighters. I actually met the owner on an event and he’s become a good friend and he comes over. He’s done a few podcasts. He also promotes wines, starting a wine company called La Pistolina which is an amazing wine.
I don’t know where he, well, I know where he get it from, but I don’t, I mean, it’s really good. I mean, I like wine with meat. Come on. I mean, you can’t beat wine and meat. And then you get the lighter. So look into that camera, cough up that wine, man. It’s very, very, very good wine. I mean, it really is. It’s expensive.
It’s in the sixties, which is not. You know, I wouldn’t say it’s a wine you can drink every day, but he has other options to it. So yeah so Mike, thank you for the wine. It was awesome. Mike, we take wine over here at Mission Matters too. You know, that’s part of what we do, but we’ll get them on here.
We’ll get them on. What’s one of your favorite parts about being a host? Like, since you started doing it, I know it’s hard. Started with just like, you know, this creative outlet and just like, man, let’s just record it. We’re having these great conversations. Anyway, we’re having some fun convos. Like I know over time that evolves as a host and you got quite a bit of episodes out there.
So like in retrospect from where you started to where you’re at now what’s been one of your favorite parts about being a host? I mean, to be honest, I mean, obviously I’m a talker. I’ve always been a talker you know, since, since high school or school, you know, I would get a lot of shut up. Okay.
Okay. Stop talking. I’m like, but why, why? You’re like, it’s my podcast. Now it’s like, I actually, you can make money from talking. So it’s a good thing. So there is a learning curve. I am still learning you know, at first it was just chattering. There was no direction. Then I, you know, once you edit, you look at the video and you realize, you know, you want to allow.
People to put forth their idea and put forth their, their point of view. Even though you, in your head, you’re disagreeing coheartedly with it and you want to say something against it, you just need to sometimes just shut up and allow the, the, the host to explain what they’re explaining and kind of allow.
The, the progression of it, kind of like what you’re doing right now. So a good host. It trains you to be a, it trains you to be a better listener though. And in my, my personal life, I can think about like, it’s trained me to be more present because you have to really understand and feel and hear the other person versus.
Like once you’ve been doing it a while, there’s no more of this concept or feeling that many do in myself included in our normal lives, which is waiting for your time to speak, right? It doesn’t really work that way. Not if you want to be there and present and get the best out of your guest. Yeah, definitely.
Definitely. I mean, one of the things that I’ve learned is that not only do you allow the person to speak, but you also listen to the, what the person says. A lot of times we listen. So we have a reply and I, and I’ve, Really? I am working on that. It’s kind of hard to do because as the person speaking, you’re thinking of things, but the thinking makes you stop listening.
So you’re not really listening to what they’re saying. You’re thinking about what you want to say. So at that moment, there’s a, there’s a moment there that there’s a disconnect. You’re no longer listening. You’re no longer wanting to ask the right question or allow the person to go forward. So that part is pretty interesting.
And like you said, I mean, it does help. Comprehension is a big part of life. You know, if you want to get a job, if you want to, you know, advance in life, you need to understand and understanding. And then there is the, you’re in disagreement with what people say. That’s a big one. How, how to go about explaining to the other person, listen, I’m in disagreement.
What are you saying? So you, you and Herman get into like these, I have other friends that we really, you know, I mean, we’re good friends, but you know, sometimes he’s got dumb, dumb. They’re not dumb, but they’re stupid. No, no, no, no. But we, everybody has disagreements. There’s no way in hell. You can, if you’re being authentic, if you’re having a real connection, I mean, otherwise it’s like, yes, yes.
You’ll get to know us in the podcast tonight. You’ll see that we don’t, we don’t pull punches. Yeah. You know, I’m already over the age of 50, so I can say whatever I want, you know, it’s gotten to the point that, you know, in your life, you can start realizing you don’t need a filter filters are good sometimes, but not all the time.
And the more authentic you are, the more you are, the more you are, the more you do things you enjoy, the more you think you enjoy, you’re better at them and when you’re better at them, you provide people with a better service and you’re being truthful. So it really does, you know, It’s, it’s, it’s kind of like a cycle because you start off kind of being rude, but you end up being the right product and the right person for the right people.
Right. So ultimately you do want to be a little bit rude because you do want to eliminate the people that you don’t want around. You know, you don’t want the fake people. I’m not going to say rude. I’ll say you mean, you mean authentic. Like you want to be yourself. Well yeah, but it can come out rude. So if you, if you are, if you are if that’s being rude.
Part of your personality. That’s what you’re expressing. Yeah. That’s what you’re expressing. And a lot of people will see it. It’s rude because you’re being authentic, you know, and other people will love it. I love it when I have somebody, you know, somebody comes at me hard. I’m like, yes, I like this guy.
It’s about to be a real. And the guys are like looking at me like I was being rude to you. Like I was being aggressive and I’m like, no, no, but I like it. I like, you know, I’m good with that. I can handle that. Yeah. I can’t handle, I don’t know where you’re coming from, but oh my God, it’s so nice to see you.
You’re like, you can’t handle past the meat, man. Like what? You better stop eating all this meat. You better give me some, give me some content. Yeah. And it’s also, it’s a great excuse to eat more meat. I mean, come on, come on. Bart, who doesn’t like to do bar for sure. How many, how many episodes are you in?
Roughly? We’re on nine episodes right now. Wow. Okay. So it’s. Pretty young in the journey. I’m just curious. And if, if this has happened to you yet, my guess is going to be no, because it comes a little later, but have you started to develop like that kind of almost that third, that other sense that to where you’re starting to think about the audience and their perception in your conversation?
Oh, no. Yeah, that, that, no, that’s what’s next. That’s what’s next. It probably took me, and I’m not projecting this on you or anybody else watching, but I feel like I was a solid like three years in before I started to really like, I, it took me like for me, a solid three years to be able to just like be focused and really be present and understand and to really feel the other person and their energy and to make that connection in an authentic way.
And with a lot of different types of people, no, that’s just, that’s so cool. After that three years, once I was able to finally like really feel in that moment, which is never, it’s not like a you’re done, you know, every interview is going to be its own challenge and its own journey, like every individual interview as well.
But, One of the fun things is, is the further you go in this and the longer you’re in the game, at some point, this thing’s going to develop in your brain where you’re going to be thinking about the audience and their perception. And it’s going to be a whole nother, like you’re already going to know, especially when you start getting Feedback and comments and other things like that.
That’s when you’ll start making kind of like involuntary comments to the camera or to your audience. And you’ll be saying things like, Oh man, I’m going to get an email about this one. There’s all, what did you just say? I’m about to get up. We kind of do that already. I mean, not so much about that. I’m thinking about the, you know, but it’s more about, you know, I am conscious.
Yeah. So you do have the consciousness then I don’t, I didn’t have it. I don’t know. I mean, the way you’re describing it makes more sense than what, like, I think that. I definitely think that this is my niche. I do enjoy it a lot. I’ve never been really, really shy. I was when I was younger, but then I got rid of it.
You know, even with Herman and I, we did stand up comedy. Oh, did you? That’s awesome. Oh man. It’s kind of like you got rid of that shyness because, you know, ultimately at the end of the day, and not to be grim or anything, but everybody’s going to die and nobody’s going to remember who you are for sure.
So if you leave a book and you live a recording and you leave something, who knows, maybe something I say might motivate somebody to change their life to a positive. Somebody might look at life a little bit more relaxed. Somebody might enjoy themselves. They might refer back to us about how people talked in the, you know, in the 2000, 20.
Yeah. You know, you don’t know because, you know, right now you’re looking at videos. You know, I, I look at, you know, a lot of tick tock and all that, obviously, because it’s, it’s, it is what it is today is popularity. And one thing you see in there is what. They’re referring back to old movies and old clips you know, three’s company and you know, and all these shows and then you watch the way they speak to each other.
You’re like, holy shit. Did they just say that? Even the office. That’s like the most racist thing in the world. Like, you know, and at the time it was like funny. Yeah. Yeah. Nobody had an issue with it. For sure. So it is kind of like, you know, there is a, there’s a recording and the beauty of knowledge, you know, like for example, we, at one point Alexandria Alexandria’s library had all the knowledge in the world in one place and it burned down and we missed that.
And so we weren’t able to build on top of that. So nowadays with computers and this and that. As long as, you know, AI doesn’t go crazy and take over the world, destroy us. We’ll be able to build on top of that. Right. So people today, not so much that they’re more intelligent intelligence level. I don’t think it’s been, it’s increased.
I think you just have more information accessible on your fingertips quicker. You know, I’m, I was born time where there was no cell phones. I was born at a time that if you wanted information about history, you would have a library in your house and you’ll have what’s called encyclopedia people, encyclopedia.
They used to exist and you actually bought encyclopedia and your mom used to buy it because it looked good. Britannica. It looked beautiful, you know, and you got the leather and the color, you know, so it was also static. You know, it was, it was about to make in the house good. And when people came in, they’re like, Oh my God, look at her.
She’s got, you know, bound encyclopedia. That must be the late. What year is that? Oh, that’s last year. Oh, they have the latest information from last year. You know, now, if you don’t have the latest information five seconds ago, you’re, you’re all news, right? So, you know, I, I used to open it up and you could read all about everything.
That was the internet. That’s all the information we had. So it, it, it just, it changes, you know, so we build on top of it. And I think that nowadays with. Podcasts. You know, you can really get into depth about, you know, information. And if you have the time and you have the patience and to listen, you know, I listened to a lot of, I’m not a big reader.
I’m the, I have dyslexia big time. So, you know, I, but I do like books and I do like stories and I just can’t, you know, I sit there for 10, 15 minutes, I’m done. So now, you know, when you put the headset on and they read it to you, Now you can go to the beach and read five books, you know, and you’ll just lay there and listen to it.
So it’s, it’s the same thing. You’re still acquiring the information. You’re just acquiring in a different way. And YouTube to me has been. God sent because I can do anything YouTube. It doesn’t matter what it is. I need to build a house I build a house All I gotta do is go to youtube and it’ll explain to me step by step visually how to do it, which is awesome so I mean, you know, there’s there’s a lot of that.
So yeah, I I definitely do enjoy this time you know the I think it was a Roman emperor that says, man, you live in interesting times, you know, and I think we live in amazing times, you know, not with the AI and the computer and all these, you know, podcasting, you know, and I mean, whoever thought that I would be doing podcasting, you know, not that I’m very popular or anything like that.
We have very few followers, but you know, who knows maybe in a year from now, two years from now, it’ll grow, it’ll become something else. And we’ll see what we go from there. Yeah. Actually, final question. And that’s where I want to take it. And then the reason why, speaking of like looking back at this, you’re, we’re going to look back at this and five years and 10 years at this interview right now, you’re nine episodes in, you’re a baby.
So that means you’re about to be in the double digits, then you’re going to be in the teens and hopefully you make it to that centurion and on, you know, no, you know no pressure, but yes, I will put pressure. So let’s say you keep on doing it. What’s your vision? Let’s we’re entrepreneurs too. So dream for a moment.
What’s your vision? No, my vision is definitely I’m a foodie. I’ve always been a foodie. I love to cook. So definitely bring forth the Argentinian barbecue and elevate it, you know, like Peruvians have elevated the ceviche the best Michelin star restaurants in the world are in Peru. Hmm.
Argentinian barbecue is amazing. Mm-Hmm. But it’s never really been improved on. Mm-Hmm. It’s just, it is what? It’s Mm-Hmm. , you put the salt, you put at the thing and, and that’s it. You’re done. Mm. And it is amazing . It is. I agree. No, it’s really good. But it’s not been elevated. It’s not been bring forth and improved specifically the barbecue.
So that would be, I, I do pop ups, I do, I love to cook barbecue. So I do pop ups once a month, we get together, you know, in a parking lot in somebody’s restaurant. It doesn’t matter. I don’t really care. That’s amazing. As long as they allow me to cook. I’m good. So I do the barbecue, everybody eats. And my, my point is that every time I do it, I try to improve or I try different things.
Yeah, you know, and I tried to get to the point of whatever I’m making, I make it to the maximum potential, you know, if, if I need to burn, you know, the, the charcoal little by little, I’ll burn it little by little, you know, stuff like that, you know, so that the idea would be that the podcast becomes popular, you know, we represent some meat and companies and some, you know, That the pop up becomes a thing, I’ve actually looked into the idea of doing a carnivore like expo, basically invite the best 10 carnivore restaurants in Miami and just have like a festival and like all out, all you do is just meat, no forks, nothing, just everything by hand, like animals and that they just serve the food and like a big, I don’t know about that part man, I’m telling you, people would love that, But they’ll love that.
I just want the meat, but yeah, but no, no, no. I must sneak in some, they’ll cut it for you. They’ll cut it. If I sneak in some chapsticks, will I be banned? That’s the question, but I mean, definitely, you know, so, so the dream would be to, to make that popular to the point that, you know, we can do things like that.
Yeah. You know, we can do events and stuff. I I’ve done events my whole life. I’ve done all kinds of events, sporting events, eating events. I’ve, I’ve done concerts, so I have the experience to do that. So definitely. I would love for that to become popular to the point that I can, you know, I can really bring, I can bring.
So, okay. So I don’t know. It’s an old movie. I’m not even, I don’t remember the name of the movie. I don’t think we have time for it, but anyways, in this movie, there’s a guy and they ask, you know, and the guy is kind of a little bit of a dick and he’s dating this girl that’s really intellectual and he’s not, and the dad doesn’t like him and he tells him, listen, what do you, what do you want to do for the future?
And he goes, well, I want to try to sell something that’s not going to hurt anybody. I want to sell a product that’s going to be good for people. And so he starts talking. about something that doesn’t exist, you know, because everything we do at a certain point hurts somebody or somebody’s in disagreement with and stuff like that.
And I’ve always thought about that. And I always thought it was funny, but I always thought about it. You know, I’ve worked with companies like, I don’t want to say names, but you know, certain guys, you know, soda that, you know, I know that the product is not good for you. It’s too much sugar. The syrup you know I work with other companies that I know they took advantage of workers and things like that.
So. So this to me, this is something, you know, not only is it something I love, it’s something that brings joy and I’m providing nourishment and providing an environment, a fun environment for people and I’m bringing joy to people. even if it’s for an hour or two. So the podcast, in my opinion, is funny. We, we tend to be funny, sells jokes and enjoy ourselves.
So that brings another joy, another part of it. And we do talk about, you know, interesting topics, but in a fun way, never, you know, we’re going to get into fights. So that’s fun. This is fun, but it’s not. Then of course, the water bikes that we have time today, but you know, so everything that I’m bringing forward that I’m trying to do in my life today is something that it’s not going to take away from your life.
It’s going to add to your life and most of the time it’s going to be a joy and enjoyment and one more joys in life than eating a good meal and hanging around with good friends. I mean, that’s probably, you know, and the cigars and the meat, it goes all together and it just makes everybody happy and everybody has a great time.
So that’s really what, you know. That would be my ultimate goal would be to get to that point where I could do that. On a monthly basis. I am kind of doing it right now, but obviously, you know, to get to that point that I can do it and I can bring forth even better products and develop even better things and make the play even bigger and just keep growing from there, you know, man, and touch as many people as possible.
I see the vision. I already see there’s going to be a partnership because I want to come out here and I already know I’m going on the show. So that’s going to be a lot of fun. So I get to experience that. I’m going to show the other co founder. I’m going to say, man, come on, George is here. He’s already. We want to do events over there.
Anyway, let’s Figure out how to make it work. Last thing I want you to do, look into the camera, tell people how they can follow your show. And then also you’re an entrepreneur, your water bike business, which we didn’t have time to talk about today, but definitely leave the website and how people can follow.
Absolutely. So you can look at on Instagram, Facebook, on YouTube, you can look up meat and cigars, meat, M E A T and cigars, the A and D. Not with the little thingy and you can also, if you’re interested in participating in the pop ups, you could also email at me and cigars. com. The water bikes is Miami water bikes, and you can also follow, we have the website, Miami water bikes.
com. And you can email Miami water bikes. com. If you want more information. And of course, we’re in all the medias, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You can look us up and you will love it. We live in the beautiful Miami area. We have beautiful. Waterways. We have a beautiful bay. We have beautiful canals, dolphins, raccoons.
I mean, it’s awesome. So when you’re in Miami, look us up and we will be happy to host and show you a good time. Amazing. Well, thank you for coming on the show today and to the audience as always, thank you for tuning in. If this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new entrepreneurs, and new stories to hopefully inspire you along the way in your journey as well. Again, hit that subscribe or follow button. And George, man, I’m so, Excited to go eat some meat and smoke some cigars and hang out on the meat and cigars podcast.
So thank you for having me later on today.