Adam Torres and Kenny Miranda discuss Mega Mix Expo.
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Listen to Mega Mix Expo coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Kenny Miranda, Preneed Family Expert at Life Is Now, explore the upcoming Megamix expo.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on Be Our Guest to apply. All right, so today my guest is Kenny Miranda, and she’s going to be participating in the Megamix Expo that we’ve been promoting, and we hope everybody comes out to.
It’s going to be March 12th, March 13th, over at the Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, California and, Kenny she’s a pre need family expert and the name of her company’s life is now Kenny. Welcome to the show. Thank you for having me, Adam. I’m excited to be here. Oh, we got, we got a lot to talk about today.
We got to get into this Megamix Expo. I want to learn more about what you’re doing at Life is Now as well. And I guess just to get us kicked off for the Megamix Expo, is that the first time you’ve been or have you been before? Like, talk to me a little bit about how you got involved. It is my first time going to the mega mixed and I’m super excited.
I do have a few friends that have attended and they’re always talking great things about it. That’s great. It’s my first time too. So we’re both going to be a team over there, right? Oh, nice. Awesome. Awesome. And so
I’ve heard about the event. I’ve been doing a bunch of interviews with. The vendors and the people having booths and things like that. So I’m learning more about the businesses and the lineup is just amazing. What were your friends telling you? Why were they, I’ll tell you how I got sucked in.
That’s the way I say it is Tony. I met Tony and Tony’s telling me about it. And then I start going down this rabbit hole and I’m like, wow, you guys are doing something really special. Of course, mission matters. And myself would want to support, what were your friends telling you that made you get involved?
Well, you know their excitement was one of them and other relationships they have created throughout, you know, the event and on top of that, the results on their business, you know, so that really caught my attention, but Tony has been inviting me for quite some time already. And I’m like, ah. You know, but once I saw them and I got their feedback, I don’t know.
It was just like a contagious way of being that, hey, you know, they’re excited. They’re being successful. I want some of that. Oh, yeah. I love it. I do too. I’m going to tell me about your business, Life Is Now. Totally, you know, so I do have three pillars under my life is now, which is, you know, health legacy, which is the the funeral business and also transformation.
But right now, you know, my, my mission right now with the legacy, which is the funeral industry it is, pretty much what I’m focused on right now. I just, you know, found out that in the last years, you know, I have really experienced within the communities, you know, people that that we know, friends, you know, and friends of friends that, you know, we are just getting Lots of GoFundMe, you know, when a loved one passes away and that really have got my attention where I get to talk about it more about this because I have not really be a hundred percent and, come and educate the communities, the importance of pre planning your final wishes, you know?
So, yeah. How’d you get into the business originally? Oh my goodness, great question, Adam. You know, I’ve been in the life insurance industry for a very long time and there was a point in my life where I left it and I didn’t know what I was going to do. And I took about a year off and I came across this person that said, Hey, you know, I know that you’ve been in the insurance industry, you know, I’m going to go and check this one out.
Maybe this might interest you. And I ended up going to Forest Lawn and I was like, Oh my goodness. I’m at a cemetery. And long story short I found out that the product that they carry was funeral insurance. And I’m like, Wow. What, what is this all about? Mm-hmm . And this is how I came across that is arranging a family’s funeral today.
Mm-hmm . And that blew my mind away where I said, oh my God. Everyone gets to know that there is a differences in arranging new funeral. And you know, I used to do life insurance and having life insurance. So this is how I came across. That was way back in. And ever since then, you know, Adam, I’ve been on and off, on and off, but it was last year where, you know, I’ve been having the experiences of, you know, friends that I know and friends of friends passing away, and they’re not prepared.
So this is where I said, you know what I get to really empower, touch, move, and inspire families and give the information of what it takes to actually do your final wishes today. Mm hmm. I don’t want to assume everybody knows this, so what’s the difference between like life insurance and planning your, final wishes today?
That’s a great question, Adam. As you know, there’s so many different products out there. Families might get overwhelmed or, they might be in under the assumptions that, oh, you know what? I already have life insurance or I already have final expense, but There is a line between them that yes, everyone gets to have, you know, whatever works for them, correct?
Because we all have different lifestyles and our finances also changes as we grow older. with our family. So one of the differences is that final expense is just a lump sum of money that pays you when someone passes away have your funeral insurance, which is arranging your final wishes today.
I mean, you have already selected all the items. That happens on that time of event of all the making decisions, like if your traditional burial, your casket, if your cremation, your urn, what type of service, flowers, I mean, you actually go through all the items that you would like, how you would like your service to be, and the funeral home has Those papers with them.
So when you pass away, everything is handled by the funeral by their staff team versus the final expense is just a lump sum you pass away. And guess what your family still has to wait for the money to be released. And sometimes it takes more than 30 days and the family have to come up with money regardless.
Yeah, right away. Yeah, I like that, all of this planning everything in advance it does make it easier on our loved ones when somebody, passes, like, that’s it, that’s a given. What have you noticed? Like, when you think about, the people that are Plan versus not plan.
Like, I feel like when somebody goes through the planning part, I feel like there’s gotta be a little bit more peace there too, like outside of the money, outside of everything else, like those are difficult conversations, right? Like, because they probably are going to get the family members involved and other things like those aren’t always the easiest conversation.
Am I off on that? No, you’re on point. It’s totally the way you just said it. I mean, majority of people don’t like to talk about this subject. Of course, of course. You know, but, when this is why I, I know. Even though it’s an important one, we’re all going to face it, right? And we’re all going to face it.
It’s an important one, right? But nobody wants to talk about it, right? Well, you know what? Exactly. That’s what I share with family. You know, the only thing guarantee we have in life, it’s, we’re all going to, Pass away. We’re all going to die. You know, there’s no way out, you know, but yes, it is.
This is what empowers me in supporting families with funeral arrangement. It’s that you might be saying, no, no, no, I’m not gonna I’m not there yet. Or I’m not gonna pass away yet. But it’s having the hard conversation with that family. And shift them then into the value of planning today, because it is a Yeah, it’s a gift leaving behind to not only for their families, but Adam for our friends and our community. Because who do we go to when someone passes away? Right? We go to our boss, we go to our family, our friends, our community. So wouldn’t that be a gift to leave behind for all of us? And this is way that I see that we can support one another.
Right. I take an ownership in arranging that side of our finances. Yeah. Well, I’ll tell you, Kenny, this has been great having you on the show today. I’m excited to get to meet you in person at Megamix Expo. I’m definitely going, I’ll be doing some interviews over there and just really having a lot of fun.
Fun. It’s going to be for everybody listening. It’s going to be at Santa Anita park in Arcadia, California, Wednesday, March 12th Thursday, March 13th. And you can get tickets and everything else over at mega mix expo. com. And I’d to see you. I’d love to see, have you come out and Kenny, how do people follow up to continue the conversation if they want to learn more about life is now?
Sure. Absolutely. They can reach out to me directly to my, phone number, or they can go to my IgE to my Instagram account, which is Kenny cares underscore. Amazing. And for everybody listening, we’ll put the links in the show notes so that you can just click on the links and head right on over and speaking to the audience.
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And Kenny, looking forward to see you at Megwix Expo. Me too, Adam. Thank you so much.