Adam Torres and Marie Diamond discuss Marie’s new book.
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New book alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Marie Diamond, Author, Host of Feng Shui Your Life, explore Marie’s new book, “Your Home Is a Vision Board: Harness the Secret Manifesting Power of Your Home.”
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About Marie Diamond
Marie Diamond is a globally renowned Transformational Leader, Speaker and Author —featured in the worldwide phenomenon “The Secret” and several other motivational documentaries and in TV shows in several continents. She uses her extraordinary knowledge of Energy, Quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, and ancient Wisdom like Meditation, Feng Shui and Dowsing to support individuals, organizations and corporations to transform their success, financial situation, relationships, motivation and inspiration.
Her clients include billionaires, multi millionaires, A-list celebrities in film and music (like Steven Spielberg, Rolling Stones, Paula Abdul, Dan Acroyd) top selling writers (like Rhonda Byrne, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, John Gray, Marianne Williamson), top athletes and sportsmen in Basket, Soccer, Golf, leaders from Fortune 500 companies (like BP- Amoco, Exxon Mobil), top global MLM companies (like Lyoness, WorldVentures, Nikken, Herbalife) and governmental leaders and organizations (like in Belgium, Kazakhstan, Russia, Iceland, USA, Canada, Mexico).
She is a founding member of the only Global Transformational Leadership council, bringing the top 100 Transformational Trainers, Speakers and Authors together for the last 10 years. She also founded and presides the European Chapter called ATL Europe. She is known for her passion to help create Transformational leaders around the world and is the Executive mentor and Energy Advisor for them.
The internationally acclaimed author, teacher, consultant, and motivational speaker brings her wisdom and counsel to a wide audience through her seminars, personal appearances on TV and radio, Tele-classes, coaching, (E) books, online courses and home study courses and other products.
Born in Belgium, and after living in California in the United States, she is now residing at the French Riviera near Monaco. She travels extensively between several continents to connect with her students and clients in more than 200 countries.
Marie Diamond was a successful corporate lawyer in Europe before shifting her focus to the Personal development and the Human Potential movement. Also her safety management skills (Belgian degree of Safety and Well Being) are sought by multinational corporations like BP-Amoco, Exxon-Mobil, and Total Fina, whose productivity and safety records improved dramatically after implementing her recommendations.
She has established a world-class reputation for transforming businesses and entrepreneurs, their branding and marketing with her unique expertise and skills. She will share how you can employ Energy and Feng Shui principles to establish the perfect vibrational pitch that will draw in your ideal client or customer. Marie Diamond consulted with her Energetic Branding Top managers, CEO’s, Politicians, Celebrities, Authors, Speakers, and Sportsmen to expand their branding and their message in the Global Market place.

Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply.
All right. So today I have Marie Diamond on the line and she is a. Feng Shui master, and we got a lot to talk about today, Marie. We got to talk about your show, your upcoming books. We got a whole lot, but first off, I just want to say welcome. I’ve been trying to get you on the show for a long time.
I’m so excited to be with you and all your listeners. Ah, so Marie, where, where to start here? I guess where I’d like to start is, when did you first come in contact with this concept of Feng Shui and when did you realize, , let’s just start there. All right. Yeah, well, so for me, it all really happened I was 15 years old, very early on when I had a major accident, and after that accident, I actually asked my mentor what I did do wrong that I attracted this , really difficult situation.
And he said, well, you probably have bad feng shui. And so that’s the first time that the name feng shui came into my life. And you are 15 years old? Hold on, you’re 15? Yes. Yeah. What is that? Yeah, because, you know, I’m from Belgium and I’m like, , Chinese words don’t, were a part of our language, right?
So it was very interesting. And started telling me about several concepts that I needed to change into my environment and he also suggested I would change the colors around me. And so, for me that was really interesting, but I sticked, with these basic principles and I became a very successful lawyer.
And so only when I was 31, when I was already started consulting you know, and coaching a lot of people that I went back to understand more about it and start studying in Malaysia with a grandmaster and, and got my master’s certification. So it, it took me a while to practice some basic things, but really they helped me already to become very successful in my career.
What was that like to go to like to Malaysia, like at that time point, like that must have been That must have been in your, in your early 30s or in your 30s at that point, you were successful. You have all these things going and then you go to Malaysia. Like, how does that happen? Well, yeah, so it was really interesting.
A first step was for me that I found out about an international conference on feng shui in London, where all the The greatest masters of feng shui were coming together, and I went to see all of them, and I knew which one I wanted to study with, and then ultimately, there was a waiting list for 10 years to get studying with this grandmaster, but I got in a year later And so I was his first European student actually, so it was really interesting to get into working with somebody who himself was a business tycoon.
He was a billionaire, was very interesting. He was a Kung Fu master, and he also was a Feng Shui master. And so I love the fact that he was both a business successful man, and And also was connecting in with energy, both through Kung Fu and Feng Shui. So for me, that was like the ideal example because I wanted to, I was in business already and I wanted to work with energy.
So, yeah, that was a perfect combination for me. And so since then, when I think about some of the things you’ve been, you’ve attracted into your life I mean, I first found your work or do it, and I’m not going to speak for others, but I know the secret, like that was one of the first times that I ever heard of your work.
And I started going down my Googling. And I remember your part in the movie pretty, Pretty clearly, that was a part of my growing up. And that was one of my first introductions to that concept really of the law of attraction or attraction, or like even, even feng shui, like, and to start going down that route and just understanding and learning.
And now I look at, , you have books, you have a TV show, , like, how do you feel like , you’ve managed to attract some of these things into your life? Like, how do you feel that’s taken place? Well, you know, I just practiced feng shui, so knowing this concept that you can really use your environment to manifest your goals.
That’s actually what feng shui is about. It’s an energy system. from Chinese background, that is around for thousands of years, that was till the 1950s, I would say, only connected with the Chinese wealthy families, and only after the 1950s, it starts trickling into the West. And now, a lot of top celebrities you know, companies are using it worldwide because they know, , the well being of your home.
It’s as important as the well being of your body. And so I could compare it with like acupuncture in a sense that, , acupuncture or Qigong or Tai Chi is working with the energy flow and your energy in your body and Feng Xue is working with the energy around you. And of course, , as I Interior design became more popular and now people start doing COVID, becoming more aware of staying in their home and want to maximize the positive energy in their home function became more and more present.
And so I started teaching this 30 years ago first, actually to my business business clients that I was consulting and coaching in meditation because that’s my first thing I did with them. And so I also saw that they sometimes couldn’t go to a more calmer and, and well being life in, if their environment was telling a different story.
So that’s how I started implementing more and more Feng Shui. And before I knew it, you know, I just was like, that was what people would always ask me for, because I’m a really good blend between the Eastern traditional Chinese knowledge, I mean, studied traditionally, and the Western way to explain it.
And to really, like, connect it with brainwaves and connect with a lot of attraction. So that is a new take on working with your environment. And of course, I’ve attracted to be in The Secret, many movies, my own TV show, because I really wanted to be mainstream with the knowledge. And now I’m, you know, mainstream in America as the feng shui master that gives the Tips about how you can improve your success, your abundance, your family relationships, your health.
So this is my big passion to make it mainstream worldwide. And so I, you mentioned the show, so Feng Shui, Your Life, I know it’s now streaming on Tubi. Talk, talk to me a little bit about that. Talk to me a little bit about the show. Yeah. So last year I came with the idea to create like what I do normally in people’s homes.
I, I come in, I speak to them and then they, I’m like, okay, your problem is in your bedroom or your problem is in your office. So it’s in your living room. And I kind of redesign the space based on what we call your personal energy number. So everybody based on the birthday, they can figure out through my free Mary Diamond app, they can check out.
Based on the birth gender and birth date, there’s a calculation. It’s not numerology. It’s a scientific calculation behind it. What is your energy number and what are your four good directions? So based on your birthday, you have a direction for success, which is very important for business. So you need to look at what is in your success direction.
It could be south, could be east, depending on your birthday. And so I use this app and I show it to the app. to the show, like if there are people to focus on healing or they want to focus on inspiration or want to focus on relationships or on money, so how they have to redesign their space based on their personal energy number and their birthday frequency.
And so I kind of showed the before and the after and then be here at the end, the changes that people have experienced. In the last, in the month after. So, because it works very fast. So, it’s like you redesign something and your body and your spirit and your mind accepts it in a subconscious level because this is on a subconscious level energy that this all works.
And then people feel better, they feel more inspired, they feel more focused, and they get better results. And so, that is actually, we have an eighth season of eight episodes. It’s now on Tubi, and it will be very soon on Discovery Channel, and we are shooting a second season already in August, so. Oh, that, that just does not surprise me.
That’s amazing. And congrats on the second season. Very few shows make it to the second season and yours did and there is, and congrats on that. It’s amazing. I do want to get into your upcoming book. I mean, you have for anybody that’s not familiar with With Marie Diamond’s work. If you just go on Amazon, put in Marie Diamond, you’re going to see a plethora of books, all amazing on there, but I know you have an upcoming one that’s already available for presale.
So your home is a vision board. What inspired this? What inspired this book? Well, you know, a lot of people. self development, they’re making vision boards. And so over the last 15 years, I’ve been telling people, that’s great that you write your goals down. But, you know, everything around you is a vision board.
Everything of images and colors, is gives a subconscious message to your mind. And so, I actually, in the book, help them to create a new way of vision board, but it’s actually based on their, on their personal birthday, what nobody does because they don’t know this, this system. And then from that personal vision board, we look at your home.
What can you do? Extend from that paper into your home. Like what can you place in certain directions to really enhance your success, your abundance, your relationships, and so forth. And so this is, it’s a Hay House book and we’re very excited for it. We also do a world. So I’m going to be doing a lot of book signings and seminars.
So because I really see that it’s so simple to change your energy, to change your good luck actually. And especially in businesses, and I worked with Top 500 fortune companies to, you know, tens of thousands of entrepreneurs that when they have their home set up and their office set up, even if it’s at home, that energetically things start shifting for you.
You’re more focused, you’re more creative, and you’re more driven towards the future because you can set goals. But if your goals are not representing itself through visuals in your environment, it’s harder to stay on track. Hmm. What was it like working with, I’m a big fan of Hay House, Louise Hay, like what was it like, what is it like to work with Hay House?
Well, you know, I first started working with Hay House as a feng shui master. So I did their offices. So, so that’s how they discovered you? That’s amazing. That’s how they discovered me. I’m really glad I asked that question. Marie, continue please. And so, yeah, of course, it’s a wonderful team to work with and you know, they are so open.
It’s not just a regular publisher that just, okay, this is a good book. Noted. I agree. They, they are very open and they practice it, you know? They, everybody in the team practices the work at home, in their offices. So it’s very beautiful because it’s very aligned. You know, they’re big fans of my work because they have seen the company went to a new level After he starts practicing my work, so yeah.
Wow. Yeah. And when I think about some of the names that have been published there, like a Wayne Dyer and just, just the, the lineage of individuals on Hay House. Yeah, it’s laid on there. It’s an amazing, like to me, it’s amazing. Whenever I see , that emblem so to speak as a publisher, I just.
Look, I did do a double take and I’m like, okay, let’s see what this is about. Even if I don’t know the author, I’m a, I’m a fan of that. It’s, it’s interesting to see your book though. Your home is a vision board. I can’t wait till this comes out because I I’m probably doing some things that could use some I have vision boards all over.
I’m, I’m looking around right now, even in the studio, and I’m looking at maybe three different ones. And now I’m like, wait a minute, it’s supposed to be off my birthday at a number and like, what? I’m probably, I could probably use a little bit of help over here, Maria. I’m probably off with this. Yeah, well, you know, you can start.
I will say this, I’m looking at at least three. Yeah, yeah. Well, you can start by checking out the app, Maria Diamonds, and looking in the center office or your studio and find out where is your success direction and hang your vision board in your success direction because that’s the portal of any energy that’s the strongest for you.
So I always say if your vision board, it can be amazing, but if it’s in the wrong place in the wrong location, like we say in business, location is everything, right? So if it’s in the right location, it will manifest faster. Oh, man, I got it. I’m gonna have to check out this app. So I’ve also noticed so I’m glad that you bring up Hay House and that that’s how they originally discovered you were working there.
You’ve worked with quite a few individuals, including Steven Stilberg. I mean, my, one of my favorite musicians, Big Sean. I mean, I’m from Detroit originally, so I grew up listening to Big Sean and that was like, one of my favorites. And I actually went to some of the same schools he went to, so it was just.
One of my people that I’ve always followed. So I’m like, I saw that you worked with him. I saw some videos, some other people you’ve worked, Paula Abdul. I mean, what’s it like John, Dr. John Gray, what’s it like to work with these, these celebrities? And I mean, you’re a celebrity yourself as well, but in general, to be able to help others at your level, what’s that like?
Well, , they are all human beings, right? So I don’t look at them at celebrity level. You know, I look at them from their needs and their problems that they have. It’s not about success, but sometimes because their health could be there. Motivation or their mental health and so it’s like I I look at them from my heart to their heart You know, it’s just a beautiful connection and I worked for the last seven years with big sean And so he actually has a book coming out called go higher and so he actually mentions me a few times in the book, so and where he talks about his spiritual practices that he has.
Oh, really? True Yeah, it’s a very beautiful book, so you better check this one out. It comes also out in October. And so the whole point is, these people, they are sometimes also stuck. Even if we don’t see that, , they can be stuck in their own field. And so, it’s been good to have somebody that, With warm heart and compassion, , listens to them and then gives them new directions and see that how you can change this and this.
I always say it’s like I punctuate your life. Like I see very clearly where the blockages of people, not only by listening, but going into their home because their home is representing what is going on and I can literally see the blockages by going in people’s homes because the home is a representation of their life.
You And so that’s kind of how I work. And now we work from that level and we start changing the mindset of the house, the energy of the house. And then also we start working on them. So I personally mentored them then also, you know, And I think, correct me if I’m off on this. You’ve been doing some work with Mindvalley too.
Yes, yes, yes. I’m one of the top authors in Mindvalley, who is the biggest online platform. Yeah. And self development. And last year, I was voted the number one speaker in Mindvalley, so. Oh, that’s absolutely amazing. And that’s where I, one of , my personal friends and friend of the show, Christopher Kai, when I told him Marie’s coming on, he’s like, Oh, tell her I said hi.
Like, I think he’s got some work in Mindvalley with you as well. And I know you guys, speakers are always crossing paths. I was like, I’ll let her know. And I’m a fan of the work they’re doing there. I think it’s amazing. And they have a great community. Mm hmm. They have an amazing community and, , worldwide 20 million subscribers and so, yeah, I’ve always been able to attract these amazing platforms and these amazing opportunities and always say, like, how could a lawyer from Belgium, right, become one of the top speakers on Autism Transformation?
Well, because I used my practice, I used Oh, little, little fun fact for you, Marie, and maybe for some of my long term listeners that wouldn’t know this. So, when I was in college, I actually studied in Belgium. My, my major was international relations, and I studied in Belgium. Obviously, the actual translation is different, but basically the equivalent of University of Belgium.
I spent like a semester over there and traveled all around and like I went to, you know, NATO and a bunch of the other headquarters and other things like that. So I was all, all around there. And so when I think about, you know, you being from Belgium, some of the ideas, some of the other things, and not, not to stereotype people, but I’m like, I understand what you’re saying when you’re like, you would have been like, well, how did I come to be the expert on this, science, essentially, and the number one secret mind valley and all these other things.
I love it. It’s just an amazing story. It really is, to be honest, you know, and I’m very blessed in my life for being able to share this information. We have more than 2 million online students, so it’s just, it’s just amazing how many people have been able to reach. Also, thank you for allowing me to speak here so I can reach more people because that is ultimately, you know, with some very Simple energy hacks, I would say, in your home, you can really change some things around and like, the only one I want to share with you is what we call the power position, and it’s like making sure that if you’re in a room and you’re working or sitting or having meetings with people, that you always see the door that you came into that space, so that you never sit with your back to the door.
Okay. And any phone call, any conversation, any time you’re on the computer, always make sure you see into the space and you see the door. What that does is that your brainwave is shifting from beta when you’re with your back to the door to alpha when you see the door. Now we have done measurements on that and it’s very, very amazing how your attention, your focus shifts.
Now we say think about any CEO that will never have their desk against the wall. Or perhaps against the window with their back to the door, they would always position themselves so they can see people coming in. And what that does, it creates them, gives them inner power, inner confidence, and inner focus.
So that’s the only energy hack that you perhaps will remember from today, but that’s what I would love for you to start changing. Amazing. And I’m looking at the door right now and I’m not claiming that I had any foresight in this. This was just luck on the layout. Marie, I’m please, but I’m kind of patting on myself on the back, even though I don’t know if my vision board’s in the power position, which I’m gonna get the app and I’m gonna find out and I’m gonna see what my number is and all of that.
I gotta do, I have a little bit of homework, but I’m gonna pat myself on the back that I can see the door and I’m in my power position, at least in the setups. . Amazing. Are you successful? Well, Marie, I really appreciate you coming on the show today and spending some time with us and I’m very happy to finally get you on the show.
And, and, and and I love your story because it’s a testament of how you can attract success. And obviously you work hard in what you do, but I just love the story. That being said, if somebody wants. To continue to follow your journey get the app, get the, get the, you know, updates on new projects and things you have coming out, whether it be TV shows or your, your books how do people connect with your brand overall?
Of course, they can, first of all, go to mariediamond. com, the website, but I also, and would suggest they would follow me on Instagram, at mariediamondofficial, there’s also the YouTube, everything is always mariediamondofficial. I have a podcast that they can check, the mariediamond show, but the Instagram will be the best, because every few days you have a tutorial, and you have all the latest information, and that’s where most people follow me on Instagram.
Wonderful. And for everybody listening, just so you know, we’ll put the links in the show notes so that you can so that you can just click on them and, and follow up and head right on over. And speaking of the audience and the listeners, if this is your first time with Mission Matters and you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button.
This is a daily show. That means each and every day we’re bringing out new leaders, new thought leaders, new stories, and hopefully new insights. That can help you along in your journey as well, so that you can succeed and thrive. Again, hit that subscribe button. And Marie, this has really been a pleasure looking so much forward to seeing this this new season come out of what as well of your show.
So thank you for coming on. Oh, thank you so much. And, and thank you for what you do for the world. You’re , a great source of inspiration for many.