Adam Torres and Phillip Wilson discuss CES.
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Listen to CES (Consumer Electronics Show) coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres and Phillip Wilson, President of Relax Saunas of Momentum, explore Relax Saunas of Momentum and CES (Consumer Electronics Show).
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on Be Our Guest to Apply. All right, so today I am in Las Vegas, Nevada, and I am at CES, the largest tech show in the world, and let me tell you, it’s been a great day, and Phil is my next guest.
Phil, welcome. Hi, it’s a pleasure to be with you, Adam. All right, Phil. So, so far, what has been one of your favorite parts of CES? Well, , it’s just like a, it’s like a toy show for kids. Yeah. Have you been to CES in the past? No, I haven’t. This is not my domain. I’m usually into natural health conferences.
So this is my first one, and I just have to say I’m so impressed. I’ve been told for years and years and years, hey, you got to come out to CES. You got to see what the big, you know, the big fuss is about. What’s been your favorite part of the conference so far? Well, being a little kid amazed by the 130, 000 people here, I mean, I wasn’t able to specifically notice any new, you know, but all the big electric companies are here.
And so it’s sort of interesting because here I am with an electric product, an electric appliance that belongs in every home. Yeah. And so it’s very interesting that I would be attending. You know, the, the conference here, you know, when I, I myself have an electronic. Mm hmm. And let, let’s get into that, too.
So talk a little bit about your business. Okay, well, I got into health foods back in 1971. I got into fasting. I, my whole body chemistry changed through an experience I had, and I couldn’t eat normal food. I had to really severely limit my diet. Yeah. Later on, it took a Three, four, five, ten years to get where I can eat a normal diet right now.
55 years later, I can eat anything I want. Wow. So I have to pay for it. Yeah, yeah. And so I always like when an entrepreneur comes up with an idea or like something because they were on their own journey to help themselves. Then they maybe discovered something and then they, you know, took it to others.
That’s the beauty, you know, I think one person got some kind of disease and she, she heard a voice within herself. The reason you got this disease is you could get out of it and then help people who didn’t get out. So, you know, basically I came from the health food industry. Opened up a health food store in 1980.
So you were always an entrepreneur, would you say? Like, going back then, but even further? When you were young, where’d you get it from? Oh, I don’t know if I was when I was young, but I mean, as a, as a, an undergraduate. Honors, I got a degree in an honors degree in mathematics at Indiana University. Now I was in a fraternity and there’s a lot of pre-med people there, and they used to laugh at the business majors, , and, you know, being a scientist or in, in the sci, you know, I would go along with ’em and laugh with them.
Yeah. And so when I got into, when I got thrown into the business world mm-hmm . You know, unbeknownst to me, the last thing I ever wanted to do was be a salesperson or in the business world. I wanted to be a chairman of a mathematics department in some ivory tower and I wanted to do research I was always so when you were so even before that when you were like, let’s say a kid like young Did you ever have little businesses or anything better?
You know, I had a coin collection. Oh, okay I was very You know, I would buy something for 35 cents, you know, and I knew that I could sell it for 45 cents. Oh, so you’re a merchant like in the old school ways. Forget the skill and this that you’re a merchant. Yeah, and my older brother’s a full professor of mathematics.
My younger brother played for the Chicago Lyric Opera for 26 years, double bass, and my dad was a business owner. Last thing I ever wanted to do was, was to be a business owner. That’s the way it happens, right? Now it’s funny because he owned an electrical appliance store. Really? So that electrical part of like what you do now, get out of here.
So like about three, four years ago, I said, Oh my gosh, I’ve become my dad. And you didn’t realize it. That’s funny. I just, I made the connection. Yeah, because I, I’ve been, you know, sane for years. That, you know, like there’s four major electrical appliances that everyone needs in their home. Mm hmm. They need a relaxed fire and fritz sauna number one.
That’s the foundation of a home because where there’s a home There’s a hearth. So the relaxed sauna will transform every house into a home. You know, the hearth is a place of warmth. And then they need a washing machine and they need a refrigerator and they need a stove. Those are the four basics. You know, they can dry their clothes outside.
They can get a dishwasher. But you gotta have the Relaxed Fire in Fred Sauna. There’s a book written by Rebecca Harder called Gastrogirl Healing the World One Colon at a Time. And in it she says that if you want to feel fantastic in the 21st century, in Fred Sauna, is an absolute necessity. And she was promoting The Relax Fart Infrant sauna in that book because she had been selling wooden saunas for 10 years.
Looked at our sauna, passed right by, and then when she got in said, I can’t believe the difference because There’s a certain amount of warm love you get to experience in the relaxed sauna, like, have you ever gone out in the sun on a hot day? Of course, yes. And you close your eyes, and what do you feel inside your body?
Warmth, yeah. Like, that searing warmth, yes. That we, the relaxed sauna company in Taiwan, they spent from 1987 to 1997, ten years, finding a way to get that kind of warm love, that warm, searing warmth, To the bone in a sauna, you know, and they, it was, how did you discover this? By the way, when did you, like, how did this, like you picked up the phone?
No, no, they called me up on the phone, but why did they call me on the phone? Because I’ve been selling massage tools at conferences from 1980 to 2000. Wow. Okay. I got inducted, I got inducted into the World Massage Festival Hall of Fame in 2015. And I’ve never charged for massage in my life. I’m a great massage therapist, many people will attest to that.
Yes. But I was selling hundreds of different massage tools, including massage sandals, in the health food industry to health food professionals and to health food stores. Hold on, so how’d you get into that piece? Well, this is good. This is like layers. Where’d you get into that piece? Well, in 1973, when I, or 71, 72, when I started traveling, you know, and since I had a very limited diet, I would buy all my foods at health food stores and I would go to Kansas city or St.
Louis or Cleveland or Pittsburgh or wherever. And I’d go in the health food stores that I’d find this, this little nut bar. And so I’d go to the health food stores in Columbus. They get this. Okay. I never realized that’s what I became. I became a distributor to health food stores back then. Get out of here.
And so you’re telling me that you, yeah, you’re telling me that you started this in the seventies. You were getting like into the, into the business and because it was to help yourself. Right. And then as you went further and further, you built it. And now when did that transition from the massage Therapy kind of like those products to the sauna.
You got a call. Okay. This is like before or after being inducted in the world Hall of Fame. Well, that was in 2015 when I got inducted to the World Massage Festival Hall of Fame, but in 2001 I started selling a different infrared sauna because I was selling massage tools at a biological dentist conference in Las Vegas Yeah, and then the next day at that same hotel, there was a spa show Mm hmm.
I went there one of my one of my Suppliers. Yeah. Was there with a sauna a portable sauna. I said, oh my gosh, you can have a sauna in your home? Stop. Cause you didn’t know. No, I love saunas. Yeah. Ever since I was about 16. Mm hmm. And so at that time that was my Baroque period. Yeah, that’s before the classical period where I had no money.
Yes, took me a year. I like how you give the periods, the classical BM period before money. That’s right, exactly. So basically it took me a year to be able to buy it wholesale. That’s how broke I was. But anyway, I was, I was, I got one. It was, it was much a little better quality than the Amazon saunas, but still not the relaxed sauna.
And it had one of those camping chairs, and it would take too long, so I took it out. I sat on the floor, it had all these panels, and it would take me about 18 minutes to start sweating. And after 55 minutes, then I felt I had a good sweat. Then I felt I had a good sweat. So, you know, That’s a quite, that’s a considerable amount of time, by the way.
And I, I loved it. I mean, if you tell me, I love the sauna and I sold them. I sold six that year because I was going around selling massage tools, including. That was, so that was just like ancillary, like. Yes. Right. I was selling Hitachi electric massager and selling 40 of them at conferences. So then I got a call from Taiwan and they said, our sauna is technologically more advanced.
Now, why did they call me? Because I’m prolific. I had about, you know, 15, you know, 15 pages. You keep on rolling down the website talking about the sauna. Okay. So, you know, so what happened to the, this is the daughter of the owner of the company. Okay. And the owner of the company. In Taiwan that I talked about.
She sent her to San Diego State University. I think that’s the one. And then after four years there, she brought her back and she worked for her dad in Taiwan for a year. And trained. Now the dad says, Okay, Mandy. You know, you need to sell a sauna if you want to keep your job. She’s in Taiwan. Yeah. So she goes on the internet and finds me.
Oh, that was smart. Yeah. Oh, very smart. That was smart. Smart cookie. And she, and she called me on the phone. Wow. And so no email. Yeah. Yeah. Called me on the phone. And so what happens next how she told me well, she got me because she gave me a good price. Oh She gave you a good price. She told you was superior.
She told you about the technology Yeah, and it’s funny because superior is what what there’s a book called detoxify or die. That’s by dr Sherry Rogers and the and she calls the far end Fred sauna compared to the finish saunas The superior sauna, because it doesn’t work with heat. It works with energy medicine.
It, it works with this particular frequency of light that resonates with the human body and the water and causes the water molecules to vibrate and that increases the body temperature and miracles happen inside your body, like health miracles. Yeah, and you feel good. So, so at any rate, they, you know, she called me on the phone.
Mm hmm. Gave me a good price. It arrived two days later from Taiwan, FedEx Express next day, and everyone at my store and my office said hands down, there is no comparison, this sauna is far superior, far more effective, far more therapeutic, and it takes zero minutes, thirty seconds to preheat. Wow. As opposed to the one you were using before.
It was 18 minutes. But it felt, maybe 8 to 10 minutes to feel warm. Yeah. And this, this heated up in 30 seconds. You started sweating in 8 minutes. You were gone and done in 18 to 22 minutes. Yeah. With a better sweat. Then in 55 minutes with the other portable sauna. And so how many of these have you, how many of these are in existence now?
And how long have you been doing it? Well, again, this 22 years now I’ve been promoting the relaxed sauna and we’ve sold, I don’t know, 40, 50, 50, 40, 50, 000 of them. And we sold about 6, 000 last year. What do you attribute like that success to like, what are some of that success to? Well, a persistence, you know, I mean, it’s like, you know, I use it.
Of course, you know, I won’t tell him a believer. I’m a knower. Yeah. I know what it does. Yes, you know, and I have put 150, 000 people in the sauna. Wow. You know, five or six minutes at a time. And I’m, I’m brash now. I’ll say not only does it feel like your grandma’s giving the most loving hug in the world, but, but I, I say I guarantee in five to seven minutes, Without sweating, with your clothes on, I can get rid of 50 percent to 100 percent of your pain every time, every time.
And I do that at shows, and if I can’t get him in by saying it feels like your grandma’s giving you a loving hug, I use my number two pitch. What’s the number two? That’s what I just told you. Oh, that’s it. After seven minutes. You know, and all of a sudden these people who have no interest in getting in, you know, they say, well, maybe I’ll try it.
And lo and behold. I mean, I have seen 20, 30, 000 miracles. We had one lady, I mean, she had a flu shot 13 years ago and, and had shooting pain from her feet. 10 minutes, her pain was gone in the relax sauna. And a month and a half later, she didn’t need a wheelchair anymore. And these are the kind of results, you know, we get.
I mean, one guy had a sciatica problem, his constant pain for six and a half weeks. With seven, eight pain. Occasionally he’d get down to three or five, he’d be able to fall asleep for an hour or two. Mm hmm. And he got in and he, he, he didn’t care about seven minutes. He did it twice. Yeah. And he, he was, he came out sweating like crazy, but he was jumping up and down, telling his friends, Look, look, look ma, no, yeah, look ma, no pain.
Yeah. And he said, if I was a multimillionaire, I would buy one of these for every new age, for every old age home. Mm. You know. Because this is amazing product and other saunas great as they are. All saunas are going to be beneficial. They’re all wonderful. They’re not the relaxed sauna. And we’re called the relaxed sauna because we’re really relaxing.
Because we activate the parasympathetic in a way that other saunas can’t even come close. Why? Why? Why does the relaxed sauna work? So much more therapeutically than other saunas. That’s a great question, isn’t it? Mm hmm. Well, you know instead of you asking it, I asked it. I’m gonna answer it, too. Yeah, go for it.
But, you see, we as human beings, we are not only spiritual light beings, we are far infrared light beings. Everything vibrates according to Pythagoras, the great mathematician, Pythagorean theorem. He was a great being, not just a mathematician. And he was very wise. And he said, everything vibrates. He says, you know, he talked about the music of the spheres, the music you can hear inside your head.
And so water vibrates, you know, Everything vibrates, and so water vibrates at a certain frequency. And humans vibrate at a certain frequency. Since we’re 99 percent water, it’s not surprising that the frequencies are almost the same. So, there’s something called visible light. There’s red, there’s violet, and everything in between.
And then the other side of the violet is called ultraviolet and invisible light. That gives us vitamin D. And, and it has very, very many uses. If you want a suntan, it’s, it’s where we get the suntan from. And then you’ve got other frequencies on the, on that side. And then on the, the, the other side, there’s infrared energy.
Mm hmm. Which is heat, that’s why it’s called infrared. Mm hmm. And then there’s microwave, and then it goes on. So, the near infrared is like the toaster. When you turn on the toaster, you see that red neon light? Mm hmm. That’s near infrared that you can see, and then it becomes invisible. Mm hmm. And then after that you have what is called mid infrared and then far infrared.
Now far infrared starts at the, again, I don’t want to get too mathematical, but it starts at 4 microns and goes all the way to 1, 000 microns and then microwave energy comes up. So the, it turns out that the magic frequency is between 7 and 14 microns because we are 8 microns, or 9. 4 microns of water is 8.
So it took the Relaxsonic company 10 years to find a way. to take electricity and to use computer technology, a semiconductor chip, 94 percent of them are made in Taiwan. And I think when COVID started, we had problems getting cars because they needed the semiconductor chips. And so these are not cheap to make compared to the carbon panels that most Infrared saunas use.
Yeah, and so the the frequency that the relaxed sauna generates is it exactly that frequency? Now there’s a book by a Dr. Toshiba Yamasaki, it’s called the science of far infrared therapy. Okay. And she wrote the book many years ago and she says upon application, and she also says the far infrared will antidote the ill effects of microwave EMF and sunburn.
Yeah. So I have put seven people in the relaxed sauna with a sunburn pain of seven or eight in the last four or five years. Oh, wow. Every one of them comes out with pain zero or maybe a one. And who would think that putting them in a hot sauna. I wouldn’t. That’s the last thing they’d want to do if they have a sunburn.
That doesn’t sound like pleasant to me. But she also said, which I was pointing out, that upon application of the 7 to 14 micron frequency, the water molecules will vibrate. Now that will cause the the ionic bonds in the water to dissolve or to disintegrate or to, to, to get less, to weaken. So what happens then is water molecules cluster and so because of that, the water separates and they were previously trapping poisonous gases and heavy metals, which are then released by the body.
Now, not only that, but of course if you’re, if a hundred people in a small room dancing, you would imagine it would get hot. Yeah. So if all the water molecules in your body are pulsating or dancing, then your body temperature is going to get hot. That’s going to fulfill the dream of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, who said, find me a way to create fever and sweat, and I will cure any disease.
So you have a magical formula here, something that’s very effective. The relaxant is going to actually raise your body temperature. And with that five, very, very important things happen when you raise body temperature, you’re going to detoxify the body. It’s going to activate the the white blood cells and the lymphocytes to do their job.
It’s going to increase circulation. That’s going to lower blood pressure and get rid of inflammation and pain. Mm hmm. You’re going to oxygenate the whole body, and that’s going to kill anaerobic bacteria and parasites, and you know that you still need oxygen. And four, the most important perhaps, is it’s going to activate the parasympathetic system and get you into the now.
When you’re in the now, I have a quasi definition of pain. It’s the awareness of time. Like, have you ever hurried? Have you ever worried? Of course, yes. Have you ever waited? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s painful. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, so, and then, so when you get into the parasympathetic and there’s no time, then your mind can’t get in your way and your body can heal.
And then also when you get into that. Relaxed point instead of all this nervous cavus caffeine energy. It’s not there Yeah, the mitochondria in your body the energy producing cells of the body start creating HP and nitric oxide. So you feel revitalized and that’s what happens when you increase body temperature.
Yeah, and now other saunas as great as they are We, we sent three saunas, three portable saunas, ours, a 1, 300 full spectrum sauna. They, they think full spectrum is better than all far. Right. My belief, my, my experience is that the more far you have as, as this one guy, His name is Matt Justice says the more far you have in your sauna, the more therapeutic it’s going to be.
Okay. So, we, we sent three saunas to Harvard, MIT, Science and Technology Lab. It wasn’t a study, but it was a report we got back from them. Yeah. They measured the relaxed sauna, 7 to 14 microns, the exact frequency that Dr. Yamasaki talked about. Mm hmm. The other sauna was 1. 2 to 6 microns, only 8 percent far in fret energy.
And the Amazon sauna, I couldn’t believe it was 0. 3 microns, 100 percent near 0 percent far. And when they measured the penetration intensity of the relaxed sauna compared to the other two, we were three and a half and, and four and a half times more penetration intensity. And although the EMF of any household appliance can’t do.
Nearly the damage of a cell phone. Because a cell phone is a microwave device. We still had one twelfth, one twelfth the EMF of the low EMF sauna. And one hundred and eightieth the EMF. But the main thing is that that because we give you the exact frequency, we’re gonna be more therapeutic. So then you go to our nine hundred and fifty video testimonials on YouTube.
And the website is Relaxed Saunas. com With an S dot com and I mean the stories we have about that. So you interview the people that are, that are, they send in these testimonials? No, I, I, I’m at a show. And then they just start talking? And this person, and after they start talking, I said, can you, can you hold off?
Can we get this on video? That’s the way it works. Yeah, I got 950 of them. Wow. With them, with their head sticking out of the sauna. And that’s where we met, A4M, right? So that’s, that’s where we met first. That’s right, yes. And so when you were there, somebody comes up and now they have a they have a testimonial and you’re like, Hey, hold on.
Let’s, let’s let’s get this recorded. I mean, I mean, hundreds of times. Wow. People come up to me and say, I got your sauna seven years ago, three years ago, last year, two years ago. And they tell me all the wonderful things it’s done for them and their patients. I said, get inside the sauna. Here, let’s zip it up.
Let’s go. And I got all these, These, you know, it’s funny. It’s like your head sticks out. And sometimes, I’ve got these fake feet, the reflexology you stick them up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And they’ll dance, they’ll scratch their ear. That’s funny. So we have fun, you know. Yeah, of course. If you’re not having fun, why the hell are you doing it, kind of thing, is my attitude toward life.
I’ve developed a little bit of wit in my old age. When I was a kid, I was not That’s funny. Maybe I was, I just didn’t know it. It was latent. I got you. Well, you did mention a website, so I definitely want my audience to be able to go pick up check it out, do their reading, do all the other stuff, like resources.
How do people connect on the YouTube channel, the website, all that good stuff? Well, they, they go to the website. Yep. And they, and there’s lots of information. And what’s the website? Relaxsaunas. com. Relaxsaunas with an S dot com. The, the page, if they want to go directly, they go to Relaxsaunas. com slash superior.
And there, there’s already, you know, it’s easy to read all these testimonials from particular doctors. And I, I’ve sold to a lot of, you know, Famous health, holistic health doctors, and we have five cancer clinics that sell the relaxed saunas to their patients. I mean, I’ve been doing this for 20 years, so we have mainly sell relaxed saunas through, through health professionals.
Yeah. Sometimes a health food store. I mean, there’s actually a hyperbaric oxygen clinic in Idaho, where they have probably sold about 300 of these saunas to their, to their clients. Mm hmm. And we go to ozone conferences. We go to functional medicine doctors. Mm-hmm . Mm-hmm . And even colon hydrotherapist, massage therapists, I mean, chiropractors.
We go to a lot of the, the sporting events. Mm. I mean the, I don’t know if it’s okay, but Yeah. To say, but the Dodgers, you know, asked us to send them to saunas. Two more saunas. To their hotel when they were playing the Mets for the national championship. Yeah. New York people probably hate me. So we sent them two more and I even have a picture of one of their players.
Wow. In the walkway between the locker room. And the in the dugout at Citi Field during the national championship, and the Dodgers won. Then they beat the Yankees, but anyway, so. Awesome. But, and there’s a couple other teams, and slowly we’re getting well known and people talk to each other. I know it’s strange, but, but a lot of, we’re becoming well known in the holistic health as, as, you know, other Saunas pretend to be us, but they’re not.
Yeah. Because we give you the exact frequency. And so, you know, I, I probably say the relax on is the most expensive portable sauna out there, but I say it’s, it’s, you know, like MasterCard has prices. I said, the relaxed sauna is worth 20, 000. It’s worth at least three times. What any wooden infrared 8, 000 sun can do Therapeutically now, they’re good and a lot of the good wooden saunas have had really great results with people with Lyme disease cancer But so if we as a matter of fact and there are people who say that the wooden saunas can increase body temperature And that near infrared saunas, I mean the the wooden fire infrared saunas can’t do it That’s what they say, but the relaxed sauna can increase body temperature more than any, any wooden sauna.
A finished sauna at 176, 212 degrees at 140, 150. We can increase body temperature more, but more importantly, the research we’ve done, and other people have done independent research and reported it, the relaxed sauna increases heart rate variability significantly more than any other sauna we’ve tested.
Hmm. And this one guy published on reddit. com, he said, Wow, this is amazing, the research on influence saunas. You know, I wonder if this 250 Amazon sauna can do that. Yeah. So he bought one, tested it, increased temperature, 0. 5 degrees in 25 minutes. Heart rate variability, totally failed to do. He looked around, said, well, this 500, 600 sauna.
Yeah. Got good reviews. Let me get it. Same results. Then he got the relaxed sauna. We increased body temperature 2. 9 degrees in 25 minutes. And when he saw what the relaxed sauna did with heart rate variability, it blew him away. And we just were at a nutrition show in Pittsburgh. This one chiropractor got in.
His heart rate variability was 50 before he got in. And when he was in the sauna, it went down to 30. When he got out, it went up to 136. Wow. He said, I, I cannot believe this. And we have, and more and more, we’re starting to have enough little, enough money to start getting tests. Tests and studies. We, we, we, there’s a company in Chicago that tests relaxano.
We’re able to increase, 45% in muscle oxygen. Mm. And what we are told is this is unheard of. We’ve never heard of a, a sauna doing more than 20%. Mm. And so we’re getting results and of course. The anecdotal results, you know, sure. Blows you away. But a lot of other companies get good results. And like I said, yeah, saunas, a sauna is a sauna.
Far fed sauna is again the quote, what Sherry Rogers called a superior sauna. Mm-hmm . But I was talking to Dr. Bill a few years ago. He’s a mm-hmm . Cancer doctor. He’s a, he uses ozone. He’s a qigong master. He’s a Chinese medical doctor and an acupuncturist and a medical doctor. And he said, there’s no sauna that can create heat shock proteins like the relaxed sauna does.
And he wrote a book called No Sweat, No Sweat. Now, N O, sweat, K N O W, sweat. That means once you know sweat as your teacher and your healer, life’s no sweat. That’s good. That’s good. I like it. No sweat. No sweat. Well, I got to say, man, this has been a lot of fun having you on the show today, learning more about Relaxana and for everybody listening, just so you know, or watching this, we’ll definitely put the the, the links to the website in the show notes so that you could just click on it and head right on over.
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So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Phil, man, we’re going back to the conference. Thank you for coming out. Finally, it was wonderful. Yes, we’ve been trying to do this for a couple of weeks now and it was meant to be game on. Yeah.