Adam Torres and Brooke Sousa discuss private money real estate investing.
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Show Notes:
Many investors want exposure to real estate in their portfolios but don’t want to deal with the headaches of property management. In this episode, Adam Torres interviewed Brooke Sousa, Founder of Brooke Sousa Capital LLC. Explore the Brooke Sousa Capital model and turnkey solution they have created to invest in real estate.
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About Brooke Sousa
Brooke Sousa is recognized for multiple endeavors. She is the founder of Brooke Sousa Capital LLC in addition to being the winner of both the World’s and America’s Strongest Woman titles.
After her title win in 2019, Sousa began investing in real estate. Within 2 years, she has invested in 65 homes and cleared $7 million dollars in real estate. These metrics make Brooke Sousa Capital LLC the third 6-plus figure business that she has founded.
Brooke Sousa is originally from Columbus, Ohio. Her childhood and young adult experiences compelled her accomplished fitness career. She later added real estate investing to her business repertoire by launching Brooke Sousa Capital LLC. Sousa remains active in the fitness community, real estate, family life, her nonprofit organization, and her speaking career.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to mission and click on BR Guest to apply. All right, so today is a verys. Special episode today, I have Brooke Soza on the line, and she is the founder of Brooke Soza Capital and also author in our upcoming book.
Hey Brooke. First thing, first, I just wanna say welcome to the show. Thank you for having me. All right. So we have, I mean, so much stuff to talk about. I mean we’re gonna of course talk about your book. We’re gonna talk about Brooks Soza Capital and really all the work that you’ve been doing for investors investing and, and real estate.
And just, I mean, I watch your Instagram. I’m a fan. I watch your Instagram all the time, and I’ll tell you, it’s active, it’s great content we’re gonna talk about. I wanna, I want the inside edge and your content too, and how you create it. But before we do all that Brooke, we’ll start this episode the way that we.
Start them all with what we like to call our mission matters minute. So, Brooke, we at Mission Matters, we amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts. That’s our mission. Brooke, what mission matters to you? My mission is to help other people the way that somebody wants, helped me. That’s fantastic.
Love bringing mission-based entrepreneurs and executives on the line, really to share why they do what they do, how they do it, and you know what, we can all learn from that. So we all grow together. So again, great having you on. And before we get into the real estate side of things and everything else, I mean, I wanna.
Start with where, how I was originally introduced to you from through Chris Kai and, and his gift X talks. And when I, when I saw you speak in public and I heard your story about, you know, world’s strongest women, like how you achieved it, like all those things, I was like, oh my gosh. First off, and I said this, as soon as I met I, oh, when I heard you speak, I’m telling you, Brooke.
I said to Chris, okay, Chris. Brooke has to be in a book and she has to come on my show, and I’m glad we were able to make all of that happen. And just to get us, I guess, kicked off here maybe just go into your background a little bit. World’s strongest woman, like like, like how did all this take place?
Wow. So, you know, mom and majorly overweight. I was lost in like, what goals could I have for myself? I didn’t come from a background of, you know, exercise and. Be healthy. So when my youngest daughter turned a year old, I started going to the gym and couldn’t last 20 minutes in a group fitness class.
But through those classes I was named she Hulk. And then I was like, well, I’m gonna go lift every, you know, wait in the gym until I become the world’s strongest woman. And that led to getting into lifting and setting a presence for my girls to see, you know, I can be a mom and a wife at the time, and still got through my own goals.
Wow. It, it’s such a story, and I wanna, I wanna stick in those early days just a little bit longer because I can’t glance over this accomplishment and what you’ve done. I mean, you’re all over in, in the press. So for people that haven’t, I mean that don’t know who Brooke is, is Google her name and you’ll, you’re gonna be, you’re gonna see all kinds of content.
But like, what was that like as you’re, once you set this goal in your mind, cuz I, I mean we’ve talked offline quite a few times, but I’ve never asked you this. Like, what was that like when you first set that goal? Like, like how, how did that feel? I mean, it was incredibly scary because I don’t know anything about what would I’ve ever gone to go and accomplish, you know?
And so you’re always being told, well, you can’t do that, or you should just do, you know, a 5k? All right, well I did a marathon. Well, you should only lose 20 pounds and, you know, lost 115 pounds. And it just really amazed me at how many stipulations people put on me. As I started talking about, this is my goal, and then they just thought, oh, you’ll like compete one time and you’ll be done.
And so when you see like, okay, well this doesn’t fit for my life and there has to be something so much more, you know, for me to live versus what the people around me were saying. So it became a very, you know, isolated journey. But I was homeschooled too before it was popular. So I think, you know, just knowing like, okay, you have to just live your own life to the fullest and.
I had my family’s support of like, look, I’ve got to go and, you know, accomplish the goal of losing weight to running the marathon. I mean, again, not knowing anything but just one foot in front of the other and finding my people along the way to help me reach these goals. Yeah. So what, what do you think are some of the things that helped you kind of, and I don’t mean like routines, but like just in general, what are some of the things that you feel just helped you stay focused?
Like how did you keep that focused? Cause I feel like entrepreneurs and just people with ideas in general were, were sometimes all over the place. But how did you stay focused? When it came to weight loss and competing the weight loss part, I was just trying to set out the path for my girls to realize, okay, they have got to live a healthier life than, you know, me being 10 years old.
So, And I was like 180 pounds at the time. And so that was like, my focus was, I did not want my girls to, you know, grow up into their teenage years living a life of pain like I did. Mm-hmm. And then when I became to, you know, going out and accomplishing my, you know, marathon running days, or strong man, it was really just showing them that, okay, you don’t quit when things get hard.
I torn my hands up. I’ve, you know, torn my bice up and I still competed. And that way, you know, just to show them things outside of what school teaches. I want them to realize, okay, yes, life is gonna be hard and yes, you have to juggle all these different things. Is it really juggling? No, it’s just, I think, a way of life.
I believe, like we are taught to just handle one thing at a time. You know, such as good grades at school. But if you do school and a sport, then you are forced to quit If your, you know, grades are going down. And I’m just like, but then you have a shock when you come out of, you know, high school and out on your own.
So again, putting myself through these different journeys to show anybody, okay, here’s the breakdown. And it’s really simple, you know, it’s like you first start, you know, cooking, you add one ingredient, and then you’re like, Ooh, well maybe I want this ingredient. And over time it’s really not that big of a deal to manage all of this.
So it’s not even a juggling act. It’s more of like, we are capable of doing so many more things than just going to work and living that nine to five life. Or just going to school like you can become different things in your lifetime. Yeah. And one of the things that I’ve just noticed from, you know from the outside looking in, and now I like to think also from the inside as we’ve become part of each other’s community, is that you are an ultimate community builder.
Whether you realize this or not, and I want your comments on this, but you, whether it’s intuitively or otherwise are. Always building commu. And, and a lot of it shows too, in my opinion, some of the results and the things you’ve been able to accomplish in real estate. But even before that, I mean, what was the, the idea of community like, like where did you get that sense from?
Cause I feel it’s pretty unique. Well, I’m really glad you bring this up because I don’t really get to talk about this, but you are right. This is something very deep inside for my passion. And my why and life and my purpose like this goes back to like when I was a kid, my parents always had. The opportunity for our friend family to come over, friends come over.
It wasn’t even like family blood related. It was just people that came over and it’s like, well, what are we celebrating? We’re like, oh, we’re, we’re celebrating May 23rd. Like, let’s go out. You know, like we’d have a cookout or whatever. And my parents had no money, but we always had people over the doors were always open.
In my personal home, I had the same like role. I’m like, no, I don’t care if it’s my personal home or a house I’m working on. Hmm. Everybody is allowed to come and go. And when I was a personal trainer, a lot like, okay, I could be your one trainer one-on-one, so, But if I had a, you know, group of 25 people at an hour, which is how it was pre covid, like people then could talk to each other.
I’m not gonna be your only tool in your toolbox that have the best life possible. I connect you with this person over here that has similar issues or problems, whatever it could be. Or, oh wait, this person over here can help you. It, you just started like matchmaking and it was just so beautiful. Mm-hmm.
And so now in real estate, I do the same thing where I’m like, okay, everybody’s going to know everybody and who I work with or just in the connection to get their own journey started because there’s something so much more than it being all about yourself. And when you started saying like, oh, I just talked to so and so, I’m like, great.
Did they help you? Like, you know, they’re like, oh, we got started and we got my headshot, or, We went and looked at properties like that makes me so happy because you get the win too. And then you realize you’re not living life alone. And so when I look at like how lonely the journey is, like from being homeschooled, because I didn’t wanna be a follower, so I begged my parents at like nine years old to homeschool me.
And then you look into, you know, obviously weight loss journey. You have to like keep yourself from going out and eating with people. Then when you run a marathon, nobody’s gonna go out there and train a marathon with me. So you’re running by yourself. Then you go into strong man, like, people are like, Brooke, I’m not gonna lift cars.
But you go right ahead. So the journey being so isolated, right? And then I’m like, well, with real estate, like I want everybody to win. And like when you listen to these books and you’re learning and stuff, you’re like, wow. Like you realize if there’s, the numbers are right, everybody can win. Everybody can eat at this table.
And my table is like pretty big. I even have my here at home, like my kitchen table is like, No, there is no kid table like the holidays, you know? Like, no. Yeah, we’re all eating together. Yeah. And so that’s how I view my business and I absolutely love it because you just grow people and there’s some people who are there just for a chapter.
There’s some people that just don’t go away from series, the series, and I absolutely love it because it’s like, It just, you enhance other people’s lives and we all are where we are because of things that we just don’t know. And it’s like sometimes like I just wanna be the mom. I’m like, come on, I’m gonna hold your hand and guide you for the next few steps or maybe the next mile, but we’re gonna get through this and you’ll be like, free to fly away and grow up.
Right? Yeah. And it’s like I’m always here for you and you know, cuz I’ve put myself through this personal journey to learn all these things. That way I could coach other people. It’s like you won’t feel it’s okay. I am giving you a canvas to go and learn on, to be free from whatever trauma has happened in your past to grow past and be better for somebody else.
Hmm. Yeah, it, it’s so true. And, and what I love about this is I’ve witnessed it, like I’ve seen, I’ve seen how your community engages. I see how authentic you are. I see how like forthcoming you are with not just with not just information right. On the business side and real estate and things like that.
I find that, you know, that can sometimes be the easier or the. Safe place for a lot of entrepreneurs, but you are authentic and you also share of yourself, your time, your expertise outside of just business, the business side of things. So for that, I’m like, I, I’m all, I’m always taking notes from you, Brooke, just so you know.
And I, I started, then I started with your parents. That’s amazing. Thank you. So Brooke, I wanna switch it up here a little bit. So as we’ve been talking about kind of a little bit investing in real estate, so private money, real estate investing for beginners. Like, let’s, let’s talk a little bit more about your story.
You mentioned you started as in personal training in the athletic side of things. Like how did, how did real estate come up? Real estate just kind of like happened. It wasn’t anything I ever dreamt about. A lot of people come to me like, oh, I was going to do real estate, and I’m just like, mm-hmm. Okay.
It wasn’t really like my choice. Covid took my personal training business. So with working like six hours a week as a personal trainer, seven years, you know, pre covid, I was like, I’m not gonna go back to working for anybody, or, you know, living a life where I have to restrict myself. And so I was like, okay, well I got all this time on my hands because of the schedule I built for myself.
And I read Rich Dad, poor Dad. Of course, a lot of people will say this book, and yet the, I mean, I’ve read one book since high school, so for me to read or listen to this book That was a big step. And then I was like, okay. Like I went to my kids, I was like, did you guys know what an asset and liability was?
And I, yeah, mommy. I was like, well, I’m 39 years old and I’m just now finding this out. So I was like, I’ve got to figure this whole game. Like I had to figure this out for my kids to not end up working for me. The way that my parents will, you know, in their sixties. Mm-hmm. And so I made it a mission to like educate myself and I was like, knowledge is power.
And I’m just, I became so absorbed in books and I would go learn hands on how to do the work myself until like, I got to a point where I could actually hire people for those jobs. Wow. But for 13 years after I lost my home in the market crash of 2008, I told myself I’d never buy a house and now we’re over a hundred.
Wow. And you, I, and I didn’t know that part of the story. So in the very beginning you said that you started out, you were, I know, I, I just thought you were handy or grew up that way cuz I’ve seen pictures on Instagram where you’re like, you’re like fixing something or doing something. You’re messing with some dry wall.
I don’t know what you’re doing. I’m like, there goes. Yeah. So wait a minute. So you started, or you were, you were actually one of the first people that were actually, you were actually physically working on the houses in the beginning before you could hire people. Is that right? Yes. I knew on several different levels.
You’re not get your hands dirty. No, I figured that would be me to know timelines for how long a project would take. I could really figure out like, you know what? You know, the respect I would have for the people coming into my house is to do the job too. Drywall finishers, like hands down, they’re worth every penny.
Cause that’s something that I don’t have patience for, but I had like 24 days to learn enough and hvac, plumbing, electrical, to be able to like, okay, I know what tools, I know how this goes in. I can see the pieces come together. It’s like putting together like a Lego set right. And so when people would come in, you know, to my homes and start quoting me for stuff, I’m like, okay, well divide the hours, you know, of how long it would take to do the job.
I’m like, I don’t mind doing it. I’ll do it myself. But then like the last like six months, I’ve been able to be fully, like, hands off the house. And if I ever need to step in and be coach or motivate the crew, like I have no problem. Like laying flooring, doing plumbing, teaching plumbing. Like it’s really fun.
Now that, that’s amazing to me. Cuz you, you’ll get your hands dirty. I mean, I, there was times when I mean, I remember being in real estate doing certain things and I was like, oh man, I don’t know. But you, you’re, you’re in the mix. Like you’re, you’re, you’re enjoying it. And you could tell by the way, by, by your crew and the other people around you.
And I feel like possibly part of this has been a, a part of maybe the, the reason for your success. Now you mentioned, and let, let’s kind of maybe shift focus a bit here. And I wanna go into Brooke, so Susa capital as well. So maybe that’s part of the reason why you’ve been so successful. I mean, you said over a hundred, a hundred houses.
Am I off on that? I think we’re at like 124, I think. Wow. Absolutely. It’s been like 58 this year already. My goal is a hundred. Yeah. And how, but I think like, you know, when you have other people, go ahead. No, no, no. Go ahead. Yeah. When I’m using other people’s money, like to me, money is where your heart is, right?
Mm-hmm. And so I had the responsibility as a personal trainer with other people’s bodies. They’ve come to me, here’s your, you know, I’m paying you to help me. So, They would tell me, you know, they’re set goal and it’s important for me to know what their body did to get them to the success of what they, the end goal, right?
Yeah. And so now in real estate, I’m using other people’s money. I have their heart in my hand, so how do I. Make sure it’s my responsibility to protect that at all costs. Whether it’s running down squatters or you know, you know, different appraisers and whatnot, or, you know, just to make sure I know my knowledge behind that, or, okay, if skilled labor wants to tell me X amount of dollars for job that.
Cost a third of that, I am again responsible for that person’s money. They’re like relying on me to know, you know, lead the way and, you know, protect their investment. So I just found it really important for me to learn the information, but also all these guys know, okay, well we’re not gonna perform, Brook’s gonna jump in and do it.
Because I have a commitment to not only my hard money lenders, but also to my private investors where, okay. We have a timeline, and this doesn’t take a year to turn a house. Mm-hmm. I think I’m turning houses in like three months, you know, like Yeah. Time that you rehab them to, you know, refinance or flip and it’s like, I wanna keep that, you know, consistency of no longer than six month turnaround.
Hmm. What do you think Maybe first off, how did you kind of get started and, and go the private manning route? Like how did you do that and really how, how, what are some of the secrets or some of the things that you feel have made you so successful and, you know, earning the trust of your private investors?
I always tell people it’s kind of like not there of the sense that I had myself already a name built for myself in another area of life. And so when you’re successful in another area, To use that and showing like, okay, I don’t quit, I don’t give up. And it was really important to me to go back on the core values of how the world once operated a handshake and your word is everything.
So, And so that is still like my core value in business. Like if I say I’m going to do something, like I’m going to do it. And even through the market changes that have happened recently. Mm-hmm. There’s still ways of always finding a solution to never fail or there are so many other options, but you have to be creative.
Mm-hmm. And so when I teach not only my labor is how to be creative, you know, in what is around and the solution to a lot of the problems because again, it pulls the weight off of me and always thinking. But you’re creating those people. Like I know Napoleon Hill doesn’t say you can have a create, you know, create a creative mind, but I believe you can open up people’s minds into like thinking a little bit more of like, okay, what is the, you know, solution?
But also in the investor of like, Kay, you do realize like we have this money and we can turn it into something bigger. And you know, looking at retirement plans or, you know, different ways of investing what they have. But when I got started, I didn’t have any money. You know, I’m losing my business of, you know, $30,000 a month and there’s no handouts.
So I’m like, okay, well, people are like, well, I don’t know anybody with money. And so what I really encouraged the new investors is like start talking to people. Mm-hmm. I think we get so isolated and not talking to the person next to you in the grocery store or at the bar or wherever you’re at. Like just start up a conversation and, you know, especially the last three years of just like, everyone just stopped, kind of like talking to people with, you know, being six feet away or whatever.
I’m like, you have the opportunity to really learn about those around you. Mm. And so the more you start talking to people, you have no clue. Like it’s the investors that I get on the airplanes, like it’s the investor from a cruise from, you know, 15 years ago. Wow. There are people everywhere and you have no clue when they’re gonna come back and play a role in your life.
But if you think you can do life on your own or within just your family and not ask for help, you’re not gonna get very far. Mm-hmm. And I know that, I mean, I was raised where like, you know, you always do everything by yourself. Don’t ask for help. And then I’m just like, man, if I had the Mac daddy of tools, meaning for people, what kind of empire could you build?
Yeah. And when I competed, if I had all the exercises in the world and not just this 5 31 or you know, you know, CrossFit, you know, type program. If I had all these exercises to train my weaknesses, what kind of, you know, strength could I, you know, perform? Yeah. And so I just look at, okay, you have to find your people.
So. I didn’t know that there was such thing as a 54 inch bathtub one time for a house. And I was just like, I just started talking to people. I’m like, if I need something, I’ll just tell, okay, here’s what’s going on in my life, right? And I’m just like, man, 54 inch bathtub. And there was the delivery driver for Lowe’s that overheard me, and he’s like, oh yeah, that’s a mobile home bathtub.
I was like, what? And so instead of me waiting eight weeks for a special order, he found them for me in like two hours. And these things happen all the time, and it’s just like, okay, you are not meant to live life alone. And if you just start speaking, you’ll be finding those people for the, you know, private money as well as to get through any part of your life.
Yeah. What do you look for in in investments as you’re going out there and, and thinking about a property to purchase? And I mean, this could be geography type of property. I mean, just give us a, a little bit of insight into your, your investment thesis and really how you make decisions. Well, I love the worst.
Of a house the better. Like if it’s ugly and nobody wants to step foot in it, I’m like, that’s my house. I look at it as like the broken people, right? Nobody wants to touch the people with baggage and like, oh, you, you’ve got a lot of problems. And so I look at these houses the same way as people. I’m like, no.
Like I have a purpose in the ability to take something of like brokenness and put it back together again. Mm. And so, I’m, I have my standards of the 70% role, which is 70% loan. The value, I won’t go any like more of leverage on my homes. And in that way, there’s plenty of money in the budget of like, okay, if I have to hold a house instead of flipping it, or if I need to flip a house instead of holding it, I won’t lose either way.
So I have multiple exit strategies in each house. So again, I have to protect other people’s money. Yeah. And then I wanna make sure the investor gets a good chunk of their investment. You know, there’s plenty to pay the contractors for said skill that each person gets paid, right? Mm-hmm. Absolutely. And you really have to know those numbers and what they bring to the table, and the speed in which we can all function together because we all once operated this way.
I mean, this isn’t anything new, you know, but it’s just a standard and expectation, a requirement in my business to be here. And then that way I can take on these, you know, harder houses that nobody wants to deal with. So definitely a three bedroom or that I can at least make a three bedroom. I’m looking at the resale, you know, I don’t wanna be stuck with a two bedroom that’s 900 square feet.
That’s not gonna help, you know, sell quickly if I needed to. But yeah, I guess it’s pretty much like, it’s very Small buy box that I have, like at least 1400 square feet. And then, you know, okay, within those numbers, that 70% rule with rehab and purchase price, where I can go with those properties.
And it doesn’t matter if it’s in Ohio or Florida, which I just started flipping in. Hmm. Oh, expansion of Florida. Yeah. Yes. Oh, tell, tell me more. Congrats. Thank you. My goal when I started was I purchased my first house for $35,000. And $15,000 rehab. I thought, okay, if for this comes the worst, you know, I have to go work at McDonald’s or Lowe’s, you know, and make $50,000 to recover from this situation.
Right? But I’m gonna get this figured out. So obviously, I went and sold that first house for a hundred thousand dollars. So we’re we’re good and we’re good, but I wanted to work my way up just like a training program. I didn’t go straight to, you know, running with 800 pounds on my back. I still, I had to start with like 135 pounds and then go up.
And so when I started with flipping houses, my goal was to be down in Florida on something so high end with a bigger rehab budget and to challenge myself in a whole different state. And mm-hmm. Now I’m. Oh, that’s awesome. That’s, that’s so exciting. And I’m, I’m curious on the investor side. So I did talk about maybe how, how you started looking for investors originally.
You, you asked people, you looked around your network, you, you obviously do a lot of posting on, on social media as well. Like I’ve seen that like what do you look for in an investor cuz it’s a two-way relationship. So what do you look for on the other side of things? Like who’s typically a good fit to work with you and your team?
So I have two ways of investing with me. One is where you’re just putting up a percent, you know, a basically investment of between 10,000 to upwards of 200,000, right? Yeah. And so you get a return based on the amount invested. And that would be more of like, I have some people who are like, just here’s the money.
Let me know when we’re refinancing or selling the property. I don’t care to know anything else. Yeah. And then I have other people who like to bring some money to the table and they want to like, okay. Be coached along the way. Which, okay, cool. I love to educate you. Yeah. And then the second way is where I’m going into a LLC with the investor on a property where they get 50% of whatever profit made, and I’m still like, they’re the bank and I’m just going and doing my thing.
The best fit is when people trust the process. Know who I am, know that I will always follow through with my word and just allow me to go. Anyone who wants to micromanage or. You know, control every little thing like that doesn’t really work with me on any part of my life. Yeah, that’s good. I’m glad, I’m glad you bring that up because there’s, there’s some that’ll watch this that wanna, you know, duplicate and do what you do, and then there’s some that may want to invest.
But either way, like there’s a lot of lessons to be, to be learned in what you just said. Like life is like obviously you wanna, you wanna make sure you attract the, the right type of investors and also, If you’re, and also if you’re aiming to do what Brooke is doing and and you know, take on deals and start raising capital like you, you wanna kind of consider who, who you’re taking money from, because sometimes taking the, raising the money from the wrong area can not, not necessarily be the best thing, right?
Yeah. Usually people who are like 10,000 and under some of the hardest ones, cuz they’re really investing all that they have. So instead of like understanding real estate, they’re just like looking at that quick dollar turnaround and it’s like, Okay. There’s only so many things that I can do on my end end, but you know, we have a program set up for the people who want to get started with that 5,000, $10,000 investment, and they can just watch their money grow over a couple years, not just that three to six month turnaround.
Hmm. And so I wanna switch it up here a bit. We won’t spend much time on this, on this next question, by the way, Brooke, cuz we are gonna be bringing you back onto the show like we’re, we’re right now in the middle of a soft launch, but we’re not fully launched yet for the upcoming book that you’ll be a part of.
And I’m so thrilled to have you in this. Book. So just a, a little bit of a teaser. Again, we’re not gonna go too far into it today, but everybody watching, don’t worry. We’re bringing Brooke back. What are some of the things that you presented in the up in the upcoming book? Oh man, there are so many, so many good things of just like teaching you how to like start out small and build your business, but also building the community around you is really important in this next book.
And breaking down a business that, you know, even our grandpa’s, you know, used to operate on. It’s awesome that I’m gonna cut you there. I’m gonna cut you there. We’re gonna bring you back in the show. We’ll do a full interview just on the book, but first we wanna make sure that that that edition is out and live because I want everybody that’s watching to go pick up a copy.
Of course. Well, Brooke, first off, it has been great having you in the show. We finally got to do this and again, we’ll be bringing you back on the show once the book’s out and live. But for today, I mean, what’s next? I mean, what’s next? What’s next for you? What’s next for your business? So I have six more months of being like really hands on and I’m excited about this next journey cuz I’ve recently graduated from a couple of my speaking co coaching classes and then with my books coming out and my personal memoir, memoir is coming out too.
And I’m ready to go around the world and speak and really help launch my fund as well. That’s coming. So, oh, I’m so.
Thank you. Oh, no, I’m, I’m so excited to see, to see and watch your, your continued growth. Excited to support you, get the message out about what you’re doing. I can’t wait for this book. And then also your memoir, when that comes out, we’re of course gonna support that and I’m so excited, thank you. To get the word out to our community about it.
But that being said, for today, if somebody’s watching this or listening to this and they wanna follow up and they wanna learn more and connect with you and your team what’s the best way for them to do that? On Instagram at Brooks CISA or by email Brooks cisa capital gmail. Fantastic. And we’ll, we’ll put all that information in the show notes so that our our audience can just click on the links and head right on over.
And definitely recommend following Brooke on Su Brooke on on Instagram. I follow her and I’m telling you it’s great content. One more time. If you wouldn’t get it the first time, a little bit slower. What’s Instagram handle at Brook with e s O U S A and or email Brook Susa capital gmail. Fantastic.
We’ll put all in the show notes for the audience and speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters or engaging in an episode or the platform in general, we’re all about bringing on business owners, entrepreneurs and executives, and having them share their mission, the reason behind their mission, you know, how they got started, what motivates them and so that we can all grow together so we can all learn and grow together from that content.
And if that’s the type of content that sounds interesting or fun or exciting to you, we welcome you. Hit that subscribe button because we have many more mission-based individuals coming up on the line, and we don’t want you to miss a thing. And Brooke, again, it has been a pleasure. Until the next time, thanks again for coming on the show.
Thank you.