Adam Torres and Raegan Geddie discuss the Grant Cardone Foundation Pitch Competition.
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Listen to coverage of the Grant Cardone Foundation Pitch Competition in Miami, Florida. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Raegan Geddie, explore Raegan’s journey as an entrepreneur and the Grant Cardone Foundation Pitch Competition.
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres and today I am at Grant Cardone headquarters. And let me tell you it’s been so much fun. We’ve been, I’ve been judging a pitch competition and now I have one of the contestants on the show. So Reagan, first off, welcome to the show.
Welcome. Thank you. Okay. So first off amazing job today. How do you feel? Like, I feel like I could have done better and I took the feedback. Talk, talk a little bit about your product. Talk about what you’re basically promoting my videography and photography. Through telling the stories of the homeless.
So personally, I have a, I never got to hear her story, so. I’m just trying to be the voice for other people. Hmm. And so what, what was one year? So you went through this entire process of preparing your pitch. Maybe tell us a little bit about like what that was like. So at first I wasn’t supposed to pitch.
I was in the photography program, but I personally had my own business already with photography, so they wanted me to include my business. So I created a business plan and something that actually meant a lot to me. Yeah. What was that like creating a business plan for the first time? It was a lot. Because it, I only had two weeks to do it, but other people had like, the whole month.
So it was a lot, very stressed out, and also I have, I go to Benjamin Maneker, and I have summer work, it was just, it was just a lot for me, so I had to learn how to time manage. So, yeah, and so talk, talk a little bit more about like what you think, what your ideas are of being an entrepreneur, because you were already an entrepreneur before the pitch conference.
You had your own business. You’re working on a platform like, like talk about what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. You just have to be confident. You got to put yourself out there. You have to know how to communicate. Yeah. Yeah. I would say I’m not very good with my words. I don’t really talk to a lot of people.
So I had to learn how to text and say, Oh, Hey, are we still good? Like I had to learn how to type paragraphs, text to people for my business. So it was a lot. And also I’m 15 years old. I’m still young, so I am still learning. Which is amazing, by the way. So for everybody at home that’s watching that, yeah, you’re right.
15 years old in your first pitch competition. Like that’s an absolutely amazing, like just accomplishment. Like I’m just thinking of myself to come all the way to Miami to go to pitch, stand in front of, what was it like standing in front of everybody and like, kind of talking about your ideas. I was nervous.
Just thinking about asking you the question. I was nervous a little bit, but I’m used to being in front of a lot of people. I just had to tell myself, like, it’s just a regular day. I’ll be okay. Tell me a little bit about your vision for your photography going forward, just in general and you and you as a creator, just in general, I just want to make people feel good.
I want to just embrace myself through my art. Yeah, that’s just all of what I’m about. I’m very passionate about my photography, so I just want to keep embracing my art and putting it out there and seeing my book is go up my money going. Yeah, I’m not mad at that. What was it like working Cardone Foundation?
It was actually nice. I liked the experience even though I didn’t please. I just took the experience and I’ll be back next year Yeah, that’s what I like to hear So last thing I want you to do Reagan look into the camera tell everybody how they can follow your photography and follow your work you could reach me at visions by Ray And my email is raylove413 at gmail.
com and this is my Instagram. Amazing. There we go. They’re not going to be able to see that one, but just say the, say the handle one more time. Vicious by ray underscore V I S S. S I O N B Y R A E underscore. Fantastic. Well for everybody at home, just so you know, we’ll put all those links in the show notes, and you can just click on the link and head right on over.
And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with us, don’t forget, hit that subscribe or follow button, and we will catch you next time. Regan, thanks again for coming on. Thank you