Adam Torres and Reed Davis Discuss Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Certification.
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BEVERLY HILLS, CA, Dec. 23, 2020 — Reed Davis, Founder of the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Certification Course, is interviewed on the Mission Matters Business Podcast with Adam Torres.
In this in-depth interview, Davis tells the story of founding Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Certification, a health coach training program with 3,000+ students in over 50 countries, after learning to identify healing opportunities within a subset of patients who were not seeing results from traditional medical treatments they had been following.
“Many of our patients came to us after seeing two, four or even eight practitioners prior to coming into our wellness center. They were stuck in the cycle of trial and error with treatments that weren’t working for them. Being non-medically licensed nutritional practitioners, we had the opportunity to treat the whole person by finding out what was really wrong, instead of just chasing symptoms or managing the disease,” says Reed Davis.
Through running thousands of laboratory tests on thousands of clients, the framework for Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Certification was born. The methodology draws from a comprehensive investigation including the H.I.D.D.E.N. formula, which stands for hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy production, and nervous system balance, and is used to assess this constellation of underlying conditions found upstream.
According to Davis, “Using the H.I.D.D.E.N. formula, we look at the most common factors upstream that are causing the symptoms downstream. I’ve found through my work that the interesting thing is that if you can fix what is wrong upstream through testing and following natural protocols, people just get better. Their symptoms many times go away, and they may not have had a true disease process in the first place.”
With upstream issues, dysfunctions, or imbalances discovered in clients, the next step is to educate the client how to implement the D.R.E.S.S. formula, which stands for highly individualized diet, rest, exercise, stress reduction, and supplementation.
“We have all this mental and emotional stress, physical aches and pains, bad posture and weakness, and we have all the internal and external chemical stressors beating down on us. So we need a complete lifestyle program that is going to help take back control of our health, happiness and, ultimately, our lives. Exactly what the D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success® program aims to do!”, according to Davis.
This in-depth interview provides insight into the story of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Certification and how it is helping health coaches around the world to treat their patients.
Over 20 years ago, Reed Davis recognized people were caught in a “cycle of trial and error,” and he committed to being the last person they needed to see to regain health. While working with top leaders in alternative medicine, he ran thousands of labs on thousands of people and learned to identify “healing opportunities.” Using all-natural, drug-free protocols, Reed made observations about who got better and who didn’t, codifying which “general principles of health building” would outperform “specific treatments” provided by standard and even alternative medicine. Through this work, he then developed the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Certification Course and D.R.E.S.S. for Health Success Protocol® to educate and empower as many people as possible about how to get well and stay well naturally, so they, in turn, may empower others to do the same.
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