Reed Davis, Founder of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Certification Course, was interviewed by Adam Torres on Mission Matters Fitness Podcast.
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Reed Davis talks with Mission Matters about his journey that led to practicing Intelopathy, sharing how he built a community that aims to help people live better lives.
What mission matters to you?
Driven by an innate desire to help people, Davis says, “I’m here to educate as many people as possible how to get well and stay well naturally so that they, in turn, may educate others.”
He and his team have trained thousands of people to practice Functional Diagnostic Nutrition®, which exponentially multiplies his ability to help and educate more individuals over time.
How did you get on this path?
Davis’ career began in environmental law in the late 1990s, but as time went on, he grew more concerned with helping people specifically.
“I went to work in a clinic where they trained me and gave me a lot of freedom to do whatever I wanted to do… to help people as a non-licensed practitioner,” he says. “Instead of diagnosing and treating like the doctors, my job was to find out what was really wrong with people and help them fix it, so it’s completely self-empowering.”
He spent the next 10 years reviewing thousands of labs and making his own observations with help from mentors. “At first, I just wanted to help people walking in our office,” he says. “That was my only intention – to help as many people as possible. It was later that I realized if I taught other practitioners, we could expand our reach.”
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How did you come up with the idea of Intelopathy?
Davis explains that solutions to most diagnoses often start with pills and may escalate to surgery if they become more serious. He noticed this pattern he calls, “the cycle of trial and error,” and says he was driven to break it, helping patients explore healing opportunities, first by understanding what was not functioning correctly in their bodies and finding their underlying causes.
“I wanted to put the power back in the hands of the patients so they could take control,” he says. “All they really needed was enough information about (the) constellation of healing opportunities.”
The practice of Intelopathy, he says, is both physiological and practical. He notes that it’s based on the infinite wisdom of the universe, as well as data around human beings. This approach, he explains, “creates an intelligence-based pathway to health and wellness.”
When asked how Intelopathy can help people improve their lives, Davis says medicines are not yet as advanced as those who make them like to think: “they are still (far) away from a thorough understanding of every cell, tissue, organ, and system in the body.”
Reed says that with the right diet, exercise, and sleep, people can improve their conditions and reduce stress. Intelopathy®, he argues, is currently the highest standard moving in this direction.
What would you say is possible with Intelopathy®?
Reed shares an example of a woman who struggled with migraines. No medicine seemed to work for her, and that’s when she turned to Intelopathy. After running lab tests, Davis discovered her sensitivity to specific things in her environment. With this new information and a change in her lifestyle, the migraines went away for good.
Davis notes that physicians often tend to work on symptoms and treat the pain, but Intelopathy seeks to find the origin of the issue. They run a series of lab tests to gain a big-picture view of a patient, he says, before making recommendations. Further, “Intelopathy, in order to be the most intelligent pathway, includes gathering as much intelligence as possible including the lab findings, client history, their point of view and level of self-awareness,” he explains.
What are FDN courses?
Encapsulating his decade’s worth of teachings into a 10-month course, Davis says his Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) course offers a robust way for people to learn and practice the discipline.
“By taking the course, you learn the real reasons a person feels lousy,” he explains. “It does not involve medicine. By taking the course, you are taught to be an individual practitioner and work with people, use lab data, design protocols and… work with people who have problems.” As its website explains, FDN allows anyone to collect and interpret personal lab data and other information and educate on self-directed, opt-in models of self-care to people who seek them.
To learn more, visit Functional Diagnostic Nutrition online.
To learn more about FDNThrive, visit online.