Adam Torres and Samuel Lee discuss The Spiritual Psychiatrist Podcast.
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Show Notes:
New podcast alert! In this episode, Adam Torres and Samuel Lee, MD., Psychiatrist at Transcendence Mental Health and Host of The Spiritual Psychiatrist Podcast, explore Transcendence Mental Health and Samuel’s new podcast, The Spiritual Psychiatrist Podcast.
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About Samuel Lee
The Spiritual Psychiatrist Podcast explores the unity of spirituality and mental health. Dr. Samuel Lee, a board-certified psychiatrist, guides listeners through eternal life wisdom, science, expert interviews, and personal stories to catalyze healing, growth, self-realization, and self-actualization.
About Transcendence Mental Health
To help you get the most out of your experience with us, they offer onboarding calls and a series of educational videos that will teach you about breathwork and how to set powerful intentions. Their goal is to support you in cultivating insight and promoting ongoing transformation.
To support your ongoing health and wellbeing, they provide essential supplements that help balance the brain and body and address common issues like anxiety, depression, and poor focus. Additionally, they offer a Nutrient IV Session after your Ceremony to help you feel bright, alert, and energized.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of mission matters. My name is Adam Torres. And if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to mission matters. com and click on, be our guest to apply. All right. For my, for my long term listeners that have been following the show, you know, I love nothing more than to do an episode announcing a brand new podcast.
And today that’s what we’re going to be talking about. So we have Dr. Samuel Lee on the line. Who’s a psychiatrist. Transcendence Mental Health and host of I’m proud to announce the newly launched the spiritual psychiatrist podcast. Sam, hey, welcome to the show. Hey, thanks for having me, Adam. It’s a joy to be here, man.
All right. So I, I got to say I’ve been looking at your show. I’ve been watching the like it’s released in our website for everybody that hasn’t checked it out. It’s great. The first time you’re seeing it’s a mission matters. com. And of course on Apple and Spotify and everywhere you listen to your podcast.
But I’m telling you when I, when I first seen that, I’m like, I seen the show, I seen the setup and everything else. And I’m like, man, you do good work. Like, how do you feel? A new podcaster. Yeah. Appreciate it, man. I feel great. You know and I always like to say we ain’t even had breakfast yet. So what I mean by that is just getting started.
But yeah, man, conversations and with people that I really find interesting who are here to change the world is what I enjoy these days, man. So it’s a joy. It’s fun and hopefully it’s helping some people along the way. And I love the pride on mission matter. So it’s, it’s an honor to be a part of mission matters, amplifying the stories that matter.
Well, we, one of the things I like to do as we, as we get kicked off here is I start every episode with what we call our mission matters minute. So that’s where I share our story. So a mission matters as you’re aware, our goal here and our aim and mission is to amplify stories for business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, experts, entertainers, like stories that we feel need to be heard and shared.
That’s our mission. Sam, what mission matters to you? Yeah. So what’s coming to me is a new global paradigm of mental health. So this is one of my missions. I’m imagining a world reverse engineering, a world where our children. And have access to health care and that it not only heals them, that only takes away a label and a diagnosis because there’s not, they’re not a label or a diagnosis, but actually activates and potentiates their potential.
So all of the technologies are ready here to do that. And so now it’s just the joy of you know, those who love peace are, you know, communicating and collaborating and it’s, it’s a joy, man. So a new global paradigm of mental health where our children grow up. With, you know, healthcare that really works and treats the root cause.
What does the term in that phrase, the spiritual psychiatrist, what does that mean to you? Yeah, great question. So for the longest time, what I started realizing was current Western psychiatry, all it really does is it band aids, if you want to say the third dimensional symptoms. And so if you have a negative of a photograph in the invisible world, the metaphysical world, and you have a photograph, which is what you see physics.
If you only treat and band aid what you see for example, symptom management, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, only what you can see my patients never got better. And so it’s the world of, if you want to call it metaphysics or the spiritual world, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, words, and frequency.
And Tesla and Einstein said, the future of medicine is frequency in the futures now. So When we start adjusting the thoughts, attitudes, words, beliefs, these frequencies, actually metaphysics cause become physics. And so that’s why I wasn’t seeing anybody in LA being a psychiatrist actually really get better.
And so I started realizing, Oh, there are scalar wave machines. There are these amazing technologies that actually treat the root cause. And our children can get better and we can get better and we can heal. And so that’s why I call myself the spiritual psychiatrist, because I want to switch the paradigm from treating and band aiding symptoms to actually treating the root cause, which is a disconnection from our higher self.
So instead of going horizontal. Yeah, what excites me about this concept and thought process is that if we go back, I don’t know, five, maybe 10 years ago, whatever it is. So maybe some people are still coming along. But that concept of wavelengths and being able to, and, and us as beings and transcendence, like all of these things at one point were thought about kind of you know, on the fringe, like a medical doctor and MD or psychiatry, like you couldn’t really, you know, Say these things without people looking at you like, huh?
Is that right? Like, don’t, don’t we need another pill or don’t we need a not, and not, not dissing medicine, right? Everything has its place, but like talk to me about how your message is received now. Yeah. It’s starting to become more and more popular and so there’s nothing more exciting than the right idea at the right time.
And so 100% yeah, for the longest time, doctors were even scared to speak out because they would be called fringe medicine. They would be labeled and they would be, you know, they’d be like, Oh, well, my doctor went and said this and there goes your reputation, right? Like that was a, that was a thing. It was a risk.
Yeah, it really was for, for the longest period of time. And the system hasn’t been designed for a cure. But I think what’s happening now is there’s a consciousness moving where people are really starting to realize and understand that, you know, what fear is false evidence appearing real and it’s time to speak our truth and it’s becoming more and more acceptable.
And especially when you have the treatments, when, when, you know, these parents go to these Western treatments and they’re not curing the root cause and then they come to me and they are, they are actually getting better. I mean, this is going to spread, right? This frequency is going to spread. So yeah, I think it’s the right time.
And more and more people are starting to become accepting of what they used to call fringe medicine. The exciting thing is that we’re actually starting to get the studies. We’re starting to get the science, the functional MRIs, and we’re starting to put this into the papers, right. Of what’s really happening in the brain and how, how these treatments are actually really helping.
And so we’re presenting it in the language of science. And so it’s going to become more and more popular. Yeah. And looking at some of the other you know, some of the, some of the places you spoke, some of the things I know you recently had an experience at Davos. I mean, does a brand doesn’t get bigger for a, for a global conference, right?
Like, like tell me a little bit about that. Yeah. So I, you know, I had the opportunity to speak at Davos at the world economic forum. There was a house there called the house of trust, which a lot of new earth architects is what I call it. Global entrepreneurs who want the earth to survive and who want the earth to be a better place have gathered there.
And yeah, a bunch of entrepreneurs were there and I got, they gave me a mic. And if you give me a mic, I’m going to, yeah. And also like the healthcare industry is a huge industry. And you know, there’s a lot of if you want to call it money to be made there, especially with treatments that really do treat the root cause.
And so I have access and connections to these. You know, healing technologies and healing people. So I got to share that with this amazing group of people who were gathered there, who really want to synergize to help mother earth. I mean, these are people who, you know, they’ve been through life. They’ve been through all these different things and all they want, they have a shit ton of money and all they really want to do at the end of the day is.
Help. They want to serve people because the end path of all spiritual paths is service. You can say possible to help someone else without helping yourself. So it was one of the best weeks of my life. Got to meet a lot of amazing people and got to speak and share my truth in front of a lot of impact for, for beautiful people.
So it was fun. Tell me about your heart port protocol and what that entails. Yeah. So after I quit my job as a psychiatrist in LA two weeks before I was about to become a partner there at one of LA’s business hospital firms I started kind of really sending out this frequency, give me something that really treats the root cause give me, cause like the medications weren’t doing it.
Talking about it for 10 years, wasn’t doing it you know, so you know, and I was given this protocol and you know, it’s this combination of four different medicines given at different times, which quiet the mind open the heart. And what I found is a clear connection to what people call the higher self.
Some people call it the soul. Some people call it your super conscious mind is what Freud called it. And you have this three, four hour window where you can receive these frequencies. And this part of you knows exactly how to heal. It knows exactly what your purpose is. And like, so the cool thing is people get to record it while they’re, while they’re in the ceremony.
And so they’re telling themselves, yo, I have purpose. They’re telling themselves and like all these spontaneous healings are happening. So it’s a really powerful ceremonial healing. modality that is really treating the root cause. And I’ve been blessed to travel around the world and facilitate for the last three or four years now.
Hmm. It’s appropriate to go through this, this process in this, in the ceremony. Like what are the types of individuals that are normally, I should say, attracted to it? Yeah. There’s two types of people. The one type of person is someone who has tried the Western health system. And they’re aware that it’s not really helping and they really, like, you know, want to reconnect with their higher self and they want to heal.
I mean, we’re seeing like, you know, 40, 50, 100 years of trauma sometimes processed in three or four hours, right? And so the cause of addiction is also, if you want to call that trauma, but it’s not what’s the addiction is what’s the underlying trauma, which is causing the addiction, right? So all of these different things psychiatric conditions if they’re stable enough at the time can experience this and have profound.
So that’s one. But the second type really is the people who want to optimize their life. Think of the movie like Limitless and you want to have access. Like even business people sometimes come to me because when you connect to your higher self, you have access to information beyond space or time.
So they’re giving themselves. You know, business advice, don’t do business with this person, or they’re foreseeing potential future possibilities, right? And so it can be helpful for people who just want to optimize, become limitless and reconnect with the higher aspect of themselves as well. And then these days, a lot of influencers are coming to me because they’re at a point where they just want to serve and help people.
And so that’s kind of also been the third, third group of people. What do you think helps you like attract these experiences to yourself? Like, I know, you know, obviously you’re helping many others, but I’m interested in you as well. Like, how do you, what do you feel helps you attract all these experiences to you?
Like, where are you at? Yeah, you know, it’s a, it’s a great question. And so for me, everything is science, right? So for the last seven years, I’ve held a steady intention. Intention has been years of an intention. First off, that’s an amazing practice. That’s amazing. It is every single morning, man. And for the liberation of all sentient beings, a new global paradigm of mental health show me what I need to see, tell me what I need to do.
And then I quiet my mind and I listen. And so in this practice, what I realized is intention is a magnetic frequency that exists between matters. So if I hold a steady intention, It’s literally my, it’s a magnetic frequency, which is going to attract every single thing that I need to fulfill this intention.
And so I’ve held that steady intention, and that’s what’s been attracting everything that I need to complete what I came here to do. And so, yeah, I would just say it’s steady intention and not giving up, right? Because there’s going to be roadblocks, but these roadblocks are lessons, blessings and opportunities.
As long as I don’t give up and I hold a steady intention. I’m limitless. I can accomplish anything. How do you stay focused on that intention? Like, how do you continue with it and the practice and otherwise, like, how do you stick to it? Yeah, I mean, it’s like literally become, how can I say, like a single focus, right?
So, you know, for example, Kobe Bryant there was a time when he was young, where he decided, he just decided you know, I’m going to become the greatest basketball player who ever lived. Right. And in a later on interview, what he said was eventually every single conversation he had, every single meal he ate, every single thing that he did.
Eventually started evolving around this one intention or goal. And so for me it’s, I guess he calls it mama mentality where it’s like getting better every single day, improving every single day, learning every single day and being committed to this one intention. You know very heroically and some people call it, you know, a little intensely, but.
Yeah, and that that’s kind of what’s led to. It’s just ingrained into my subconscious mind. When you’re telling yourself the same thing every single day for seven years, it’s going to ingrain into your subconscious mind. To this point. It’s like, it’s just natural. It’s just part of it. Yeah. It’s great.
The always, first off, always love a great Kobe story. I just, I just went what was it yesterday? Maybe the day before and saw the new statue that was unveiled and I’m like, obviously it was taken too, too soon from my subconscious mind. But I saw like the crowds and everybody around him and just his legacy, like around the statue and people just lined up to take pictures.
I don’t think that, I don’t think those lines are going to disappear on the weekends. Like it was amazing to see him added to the lineage over there in that whole LA live Staple center area or crypto, whatever we call it now. Yeah. There you go. Yeah, a hundred percent, man. And that’s the beauty of you know, his legacy is like, yeah.
You know, just being committed to hard work and it shows it inspires people because they start realizing like, Oh wow. Okay. Like I can do that too. And that’s the whole point to inspire each other. I want to circle back to the podcast. So, so speaking of inspiring, so the spiritual psychiatrist podcast, again, excited about your show.
What do you hope that like, tell us a little bit more about the format and what you hope the listers will gain from it, from tuning in. Yeah. So what I really hope the whole point of all of it is the truth will set us free. Right? So the whole point is to help as many people be free as possible.
I mean, and that means financially free, right? That means mentally free. That means physically free. Right. And so that’s the whole point is freedom to help people liberate and the truth will set us free. And so there’s been a lot of stuff that’s happened over if, you know yeah, without going too deep into it, a lot of kind of stuff out there that are not actually true.
And so I have access to certain information that I can share with other people and take what resonates leave what doesn’t but you know, I found this truth and I found my freedom. And so that’s what I’m really hoping to do is to uncover hidden truths of the past, whether it’s spiritual or financial or whatever it is to help people have the information and spark people so that they can become free.
And I, you know, I’m doing that sometimes solo podcast where. You know, I’ll just kind of go through in like, you know, yo, this is how this is on my heart. I really want to share this truth about what really happened in Atlantis. What really happened? How was like you know, the Bible created, like, how was all these things?
How did people start calling God a male, right? You know, how did God become a male? Is that true? You know, so like all of these different things which can sometimes box people in, I’m going to shed some awareness about it. And people can take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. But the whole point of it is freedom.
Sometimes I hope that it becomes a platform where I can really have amazing influential people on there and have amazing conversations. You know, which you know, describe people’s heroes journey, right? And so everybody has a hero’s journey, a story to tell. And so from those stories, I hope to spark other people, inspire other people into their freedom, into their hero path so that they do share and inspire other people.
When I think about what you’re doing and just your understanding of, of knowledge, of, of vibration, of frequency, of energy what’s one of my favorite things about the podcast, because in my head, the way I see it is I’m like, Oh, okay. So you’re like, our missions are so intertwined. I’m like, when, as I think about every episode that you release, every episode that’s on our website or on app or on Spotify or anything else like that, what I’m thinking of, Oh, there goes something.
There goes Sam’s vibration going out into the world, attracting what he’s supposed to attract, attracting, you know, and helping people really in mass. And I’ve seen already the amazing growth of your show very quickly, by the way. So downloads and otherwise, and I’m like, I see it like hitting a wavelength there where it’s really resonating with people.
What’s your vision for this? What’s your vision for this? Yeah, there’s no frequency stronger than truth and love, right? So if you’re speaking it from a place of love and a place of truth, that frequency hits, right? So, yeah, my vision for all of this is to spark people, right? To spark people to remember nobody’s healing anybody, right?
And to spark people to have hope, like, Oh, wow. Oh, my son can actually heal. I really do have purpose. Oh crap. All of that weird things that I thought I was weird for Ashley. No, there’s other people who are just as weird as me. Right. And yeah, it was to create a community, right. But kind of like what you guys are doing at mission matters, the community around this where people feel like, yo, I’m not alone.
You know, and you know, from, from really just that, you know, maybe there’s someone in like India, a little kid, here’s the podcast and they’re inspired men and it sparks them, right? So that from, from the minutest level, that’s, that’s my hope. But on a large level, yeah. Like I said utilizing this, you know, I’ve already met amazing.
People from this who, you know, and who, who reached out to me and I’m, I’m connecting with amazing people and that’s the whole point community and, and coming together and yeah, leaving the earth a little better place than, than what we found it. Yeah. Talk to me and, and obviously, you know, on we’re podcast producers over here, we publish a lot of books, so I’m.
In the business of media day to day. So I might sound biased and it’s okay. But in my mind, the importance of, of sharing your story. I mean, that’s my life’s mission is to help others share their story. So I’m curious to hear from your standpoint, like why you feel it’s important to share your story or to use your words, that hero’s journey that you’re helping others as well.
Yeah, appreciate that mission, Adam. Cause like, that’s it, right? Because. You know, your truth can set people free that mine can not, right? And so that’s it, right? That’s why sharing your truth, sharing it here. There’s nothing more powerful than your own personal testimony because it’s not just knowledge.
It’s something that you’ve lived. And storytelling is kind of the archaic. Most beautiful way of when someone starts telling a story and someone’s listening, it automatically connects the mind and the heart right away. And they get into the story and they’re receiving so much information through the story, which is not actually spoken.
So on all of those levels, it’s so important for each one of us to speak our truth. And, you know, you mentioned the word media. Right. And, you know, I appreciate you and your mission because whoever controls the media and the flow of information, sound is one of the most powerful ways to heal. And so, in the beginning, God said, let there be light.
Sound becomes light. And so, actually, the sound and video are communicating with our heart. Every single person listening is DNA and it’s sparking their DNA. And if they’re hearing truth, it’s going to spark them, right? And it’s going to inspire them and it’s going to heal them. Actually, sound and light is the the future of medicine, right?
So sharing your story with sound and light and through the media, this is huge. I mean, this is what’s literally going to save the planet. Man, I like the way you said it. You said it better than I’m going to be able to paraphrase it back to you, but your story can set someone else free. I’ve been, I think you just now saved me like a, a one minute explanation.
Normally when I’m talking to somebody, I go through this long thing about, you know, somebody’s, you know, my voice may resonate with somebody, your voice may resonate with somebody. Somebody else, there’s no right or wrong way to do this, right? Like there’s not too many stories out there, but I like the way that you said it way better than the way I said it, which is, you know, your voice, your story, your journey can set someone free.
I like that, Sam. Absolutely, Adam. Yeah, man. Absolutely, man. And I love what you also said. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. This, this is kind of an encouragement for people because I know a lot of people out there are like, how do I do this post? Like, am I going to be wrong? Am I going to be right? Am I going to, right.
And I know, and you know, out there, we had a conversation about this like, yo, when you first start, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. And for the longest time, for like two years, three years, I was like, I should start a podcast. I should start sharing some of this stuff. And I did it because, you know, there was a voice in my head that was like, Oh, I got to do it the right way.
I got to wait for the right time. But I’m telling you, your truth can set people free. That mind and there’s no right or wrong way to do it really. It’s just about getting started, right? Getting started and just putting your truth out there. The people who write an authenticity attracts authenticity. As long as you’re authentic and speaking your truth, there’s no right or wrong way to do it.
And so just, yeah, just a word of encouragement, right? If you do it consistently for a long time, like when Joe Rogan started his podcast. It was like two listeners. That’s it. Existently for a long period of time and continue to put your truth out there. Authenticity attracts authenticity. It’s going to start attracting the right people.
Not everybody’s going to like it, but it’s going to attract the right people into your community and it’s just going to be fun. So yeah. Yeah. So we’ve talked, you know, we’ve talked about your show. We’ve talked about, you know some, some of your work. How about let’s get futuristic here. Future of mental wellness.
Like what’s your vision and where mental wellness can go? Yeah. So right now I’m starting the future is now. So I’m already starting to collaborate with certain ketamine clinics. The future of mental health episode five of my podcast is Psychedelics and let’s see, so I see these clinics all around the world.
I see these healing centers all around the world, whatever you want to call it, hubs where everybody has access to the centers. So a new decentralized model of health care where people can come in and Literally there’s safe spaces. And we have all of the technology. We already have the technology.
That’s what I’m saying. To really help people with scalar wave machines, to help people reconnect with their higher self, to help people remember who they are. And everybody’s going to have access to healthcare and there’s going to be little hubs and clinics all around the world. And I’m already partnering with, you know, a bunch of people who have this vision and we’re slowly rolling it out.
So it’s going to be fun. Yeah, man. I’m loving this vision and I also am excited to continue to watch the story unfold on your show because that that’s one of the fun things I like about about shows in general is that especially the podcast is that you mentioned this, you know, year over year doing like you stick with something.
It’s fun to watch it all evolve. Because I, like we’re doing this episode now, like in a year, we do another one. Whenever else I see the show evolve, you said, I believe you’re on episode five. Will you get to be a hundred before, you know, you’ll blink and you’ll be like, whoa, I’m at episode a hundred, like what?
And you have this amazing catalog and this journey and you’re, you’re taking your audience on that journey with you. To me. I think that’s just a super special experience to be able to share as a host, which I know you’re, you’re aware of and you’re growing into too. And again, you get to your episode, whatever the number is as you get closer and closer and you understand like that intimate connection between you and the audience, I just think it’s just super special.
Yeah. I appreciate that. Yeah. And I love what you said, man, it’s fun to evolve. Yeah, it’s fun to evolve. And that’s what we’re here to do is to continue to evolve, create, right. Be curious. Curiosity leads to clarity, to have open minded conversations. And I get to do all of that on the podcast. Yeah, I really appreciate mission matters.
You know, look, looked around for a podcast company. You guys are doing it really well, man, really well. And so, yeah, it’s fun to evolve. It’s fun to have these conversations and to be curious curiosity leads to clarity. So Sam, first off, appreciate you coming on the show. This is a, to celebrate, of course, you, your work, the new show.
That being said, if someone was watching this or, and wants to follow up and they want to learn more, whether it’s working with you at transcendence mental health, listening to your show, like, like how do people follow you overall? Yeah, I’m on Instagram where I’m posting Samuel B. Lee MD and people want to come to one of our retreats, transcendence, mental health.
com. And we ain’t even had breakfast yet. I’m in and we’ll, for everybody watching this, we’ll put all that information, this show notes. And Hey, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t hit that subscribe button, this is your. Personalized invitation to hit that subscribe button. Now we really appreciate it.
And if you’re feeling really, really friendly leave a review. We won’t be mad at that. That’s for sure. And we, we have many more mission based individuals coming up for you on the line. We don’t want you to miss anything. And seriously, Sam, so excited for the success of your show. I’m excited to see more episodes come out and also to be a part of and follow your journey.
So thank you for coming on today. Hey, thanks for having me, Adam. Appreciate it, man.