Adam Torres and Sandy Darling discuss the Las Vegas Investor Conference.
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Listen to the Las Vegas Investor Conference coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Sandy Darling, Founder of Infinite Prosperities. Explore Infinite Prosperities and the Las Vegas Investor Conference event.
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I am in Las Vegas and I’m at the Sahara Casino at the Las Vegas Investor Conference, having all kinds of fun.
Brad Turner and his team have put on an amazing event. And my guest is Sandy. Sandy, welcome to the show. Thanks for having me. All right, Sandy. So is this your first time to the event or have you been to one of these before? I’ve actually been to several of these. So why, why do you come back? Right. Keeps coming back.
So the energy of these events is just quite amazing to like walk into a room where every single person is trying to like manifest their dreams and make the future better and help in medicine, help them wellness, help them. It’s. You can’t, you don’t see that in your L style in one place, you know? Yeah, it’s wonderful.
Are you from Las Vegas? Are you No, I’m only about an hour and a half away. I actually have a brick and mortar right in the tri state on the Colorado River in Milan City, Arizona. Talk a little bit about your business. Let’s see, Infinite Prosperities, we opened five years ago. Congrats, that’s amazing.
Five years in. February 2020. Wow. Yeah, and I actually think that was kind of like a catalyst for us to grow. I think everyone was really looking for a deeper connection during that time. So, yeah. I think that we’ve done really well. We’re starting to branch out a lot more. I started just by myself. Now we have about nine different practitioners that we integrate with and do all different kinds of things.
We do vibrational sound healing, Reiki certifications, and we do mental emotional release with NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming. We do private retreats, corporate retreats, all different kinds of things, so. Where did your want to like, help people through that? Like, where did that come from? How did you get into this business and just this profession?
Like, how’d that happen? You said a couple minutes, right? No, I’m just No honestly, I think it’s always been a gift of mine my entire life, is to kind of, like, tune in to those around me. And I think just kind of trial and error and going through the path and the journey of life and wanting to have a deeper connection, wanting to reach more enlightenment, wanting to connect even more.
So I think just a drive for that really keeps it going. What do you, what do you think keeps people coming back to work with you and your team? Like, what do you think keeps them coming back? Growth. I mean, I think everybody craves that. Nobody wants stagnation. People are rarely taught how to move through dishonest.
Yeah. So I think being able to have a safe place to experience that and grow through that, grow through that and. Just learn how to level up. Yeah. You know? So one of the things I like to do is for the, for the audience and obviously the people that aren’t here to watch this in person is like, is there any tools?
Is there anything that you can give practice or otherwise that people at home can try or benefit from or otherwise? Like. Absolutely. So I always say like I learned, I don’t even remember where I learned this from, but the breakfast of masters in meditation, like. Start every day with just a couple minutes of breathing into your being, breathing into yourself, really just being present in that moment.
It doesn’t mean you have to quiet your mind. It doesn’t mean anything else. You can be doing your dishes and doing that too, you know? And set your intentions. What are your, what are your goals and manifestations? See it, feel it, hear it, be it, you know? And really just kind of tune into that. The more you do that, the more synchronicities The more you’re going to want to do that.
It’s soon not going to be three minutes a day. It’s going to be a little bit more. But you’re going to be able to find the, the peace and the prosperity and everything that you’re looking for in life right away, like instantaneously. Is there any, is there any practice or thing that you find has made a big difference in your life?
Like it could be anything. I know you mentioned a lot of things. You mentioned Reiki, you mentioned, I mean, you mentioned a lot of different things, but is there any practice that just has helped you personally? I mean, just really surrender, take the last, the, the path of, of least resistance The more you resist to something, the more you are moving away from your alignment.
So, I think that, you know, really just surrendering to allowance and acceptance and, and being able to grow from it. Not, not think that there’s a punishment involved or anything like that. It’s, it’s really just lessons and growth and, and, and creating the reality that you desire and require, you know.
Amazing. Sandy, last thing I want you to do here today is I want you to look into the camera. I want you to tell people how they can follow you, how they can learn more, how they can connect with you and your team. Awesome. So you can follow me on Instagram, sandyjdarling. Facebook, Infinite Prosperities, YouTube, Infinite Prosperities.
I have a LinkedIn. I’m terrible about checking it. I like, I have TikTok as Infinite Prosperities. That’s about all I can keep up with. You can email me at infiniteprosperities1111 at gmail. com. Or sandy underscore darling at outlook. com. Fantastic. And for everybody listening, just so you know, we’ll put some of those links into the show notes so that you can just click on them and head right on over.
And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet, check it out. Hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way on your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Sandy really appreciate you coming on the show. Thank you so much. You have a great day.