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In this episode, Samuel B. Lee interviews Shaft Uddin, a Tantra Master, about the world of Tantra and sacred sexuality. They discuss the meaning of Tantra and its goal of self-realization through breath, sound, and movement. Shaft explains the importance of releasing trauma from the body, particularly in the yoni (vulva) and lingam (penis), and how it can lead to deep intimacy and authentic connection. They also explore the concept of boundaries and the significance of creating a safe and intentional space for tantric experiences. In this conversation, Shaft discusses various topics related to sacred sexuality and tantra. He shares his personal experiences and insights on topics such as the Amrita, the benefits of pleasuring a partner, the Holy Grail of orgasms, the Anubis technique, cosmic orgasms, and the vision for the future of sacred energy exchange. Shaft also provides practical advice on topics like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and semen retention. He emphasizes the importance of conscious touch, exploring one’s desires, and creating a safe and sacred space for intimate connections.
Watch Full Interview:
Story Notes:
- Exploring Tantra and Its Purpose
- Tantra and Self-Realization
- Authentic Connection and Playful Present Connection
- Understanding the Yoni and Yoni Dearmoring
- Exploring Pleasure Pathways in the Yoni
- Introduction to Sacred Sexuality and Tantra
- The Benefits of Pleasuring a Partner
- Unlocking the Holy Grail of Orgasms
- The Anubis Technique: A Path to Cosmic Orgasms
- Exploring the Subtle Energies of Sexuality
- Addressing Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation
- Creating a Safe and Sacred Space for Intimacy
- The Vision for the Future of Sacred Energy Exchange
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