Adam Torres and Tal Navarro discuss the AI Vibes Summit.
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Listen to coverage of the AI Vibes Summit in Santa Monica, California. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Tal Navarro, Founder of AI Vibes and Social Lady. Explore the AI Vibes Summit, her plans for the future of AI Vibes and AI.
To learn more about Tal Navarro, visit:
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Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and today we are in Santa Monica, California, covering the AI Vibes Summit. And I was able to snag the founder, the host, and the you’re, you’re the queen of the hour over here. You’re getting it done. Tal Navarro.
Tal, Hey, I got you away from your conference. Thank you for making some time for us. Yeah. Thanks for having me. This is great. Okay, so this is the second conference that I’ve been to that you’ve thrown out and that you’ve thrown and I see the amazing guests the music the the knowledge the Vcs that showed up the panelists.
How do you do it? Tell me I just been authentic Communicative and I love to keep myself surrounded by people who are the same You know authentic Pure hearts and people who are working to do what they say they will do, you know? People are getting the work done. So, I love surround myself with great people who are building, who are passionate like me, who are creating, bringing the future to life, and I guess that’s how I get started.
To bring everyone together. So, I mean, I’ve seen a lot of different brands. I’ve seen a lot of different people build communities and, or even attempt to not, not downing anybody’s community, but attempt, but what you’re doing with AI vibes, I, I sense, and I feel something special. Like I heard somebody when they were doing the intro recently, I didn’t even know this one until I heard the intro.
You haven’t been doing this particular brand for that long. I think under a year, am I off on that? Yeah, more or less. Almost a year. About a year. Yeah. What do you attribute to some of the success of it? Cause you’re bringing together like these individuals, the vibe, the energy, like you can work years and not get this type of vibe.
What do you think? So first of all, what you see here, it’s something I’ve been building for 20 years. It’s not something that happened in a night. I’ve been in marketing and space and community building for almost over 20 years. I started literally A little bit before 2004 mm-Hmm. To build communities online.
There was MySpace at the time. Yeah. There were different platforms than today. Mm-Hmm. . But communities have always been my passion and I’ve been building communities on different platforms and on different cases and different industries as well. And one of the most important things is I’m very focused on innovation.
Mm-Hmm. on marketing, on tech, on new things that coming up to live. Yeah. To, to the world, you know? I started to see social media in 2006. I remember that Facebook was just in the basements when I started actually, you know utilizing this tool when nothing was there. It was like literally one page and a few buttons.
And I was one of the OGs over there. And, and so, and, and so on every other platform. And I think that the magic is really creating and understanding that. When it comes to technology, if you’re not ahead of time, then you’ll be behind. And being ahead of time for me, it’s a passion. And I’ve been doing that.
I established the first college in Israel for social media in 2011. And it was running for two years before anyone knew what is Facebook over there. It was like very new. And then I, and I sold it, but I’ve always been on the, one of the pioneers on when it comes to tech and, and innovation when it was on crypto I started a little bit before 2015.
And then I was on NFTs, you know, and all the boom time. And I, I had a marketing agency around the NFT and the blockchain. And then again, AI came to the world. I could not resist. It’s like the most fascinating thing in the planet. So I started to utilize the tools and understand and learn and create a lot of content.
I’m working with a lot of content online. I do a lot of TikTok and, and, and a lot of Instagram reels and a lot of Facebook and shorts. We, you will find me everywhere, but I’ve been doing it for years, but now it’s actually. The most fascinating thing for me from everything else, I think. But I think I’m always saying that.
You said that during those other phases? I said that on every other innovation or every other you know, chapter in the, in the technology path, you know, in the world. So I’m just super excited. Super fascinated by technology and innovation. Yeah. So you know, a year in for this particular innovation, AI vibes and now, and but the accumulation of 20 years plus of work, as you mentioned, talk to me about your vision, like what do you see and what do you envision for AI vibes going forward?
AI Vibes is a community based platform. We are building a community. We’re going to, we are, we have a membership club where people can actually register and meet like minded people. So it’s all about AI enthusiastics innovators, experts AI developers, people with small businesses who wants to learn about AI.
I mean, AI is evolving on every industry and everything that we touch today. And I think there’s a lot of potential for it. And not a lot of people understand what to do and how to utilize those tools. And for me to give them the resources and the tools to actually be able to work with it and change their lives, this is like, For me, a dream come true.
So, so we give a lot of resources and a lot of again, educational materials and content and, and courses and webinars and things that people can educate themselves. And I envision AI vibes growing into a massive community focused on AI. We’re going to do a lot of events, gatherings AI. Dinners, parties VIP events and et cetera.
And also we’re going to do a lot of things around education. So we’re going to bring experts, a lot interviews. We’re going to help people with their journeys on AI and it’s all coming together. One of the things that I’m curious about is, so I went to the last one, as I mentioned, and I’m going to, I came to this one and your programming, like, so creative, like talk about like what went into this year’s I’m like, I’m watching, you know, Scott page playing instrument with, with the AI, with like other, like, What went into the program is just so fun.
Like I’ve been to, let me pick up my own conferences. And by the way, I want you to come to our conferences. So, but our conferences are, we don’t have certain of these other elements you have. And people come, we have fun, it’s business, all these other things, but your conferences, they, you, you always pull something different where it’s just like, wow, what’s next?
Yeah. I love. Having fun. Yeah. I love good energies. I love people to learn, but to enjoy the journey as well while they’re here. And I think I’m trying to put them all together each time and each event that I’m hosting. Talk about some of the music and things you’ve done, like the last one you had a performance, this one you have a performance.
Talk about a little bit of that. Well you know, for, again, first of all, Music is life, music it’s what’s connecting all of us from all over the world and for me, music is passion and to see all this evolvement on AI world with music, it’s mind blowing and especially those tools that we can utilize like Suno and Udemy and those are tools that everyone can go today and create his own songs, create, become composer, become a singer, become a a writer.
Like it’s unbelievable. Those tools are changing everything. And when I saw those tools and I saw how people are playing with these tools, like I say, is doing an amazing work with her piano. And she works with JGPT 4. 0, by the way, she speaks to him as he’s Chopin. And he answers her as he’s Chopin. And they playing together.
This is. Mind blowing to watch. It is mind blowing. And then you have Scott Page, who’s playing the saxophone, but he’s also playing with AI, or he’s playing music that AI has written. It’s just unbelievable. So all these things together are fascinating. And why would only I get fascinated if I can bring all this amazing community that we have to watch that as well?
Yeah. So it’s always about How much fun I can bring to everyone around me and what type of good energies I can create. Final question. Talks. I know you got a bunch you’re running the conference again. I took, took her right out of the conference. What a rude host. And I’m like, come on, do my interview. What’s next for AI Vibes?
Like, what’s the future? Like, let’s look down the next year, the next two years. What’s next? AI Vibes is an omnichannel media company. And in our company, we have a few elements. So one, again, we do a lot of gatherings and networking things. So people can get to know each other, can get connected and network with really the best.
Mind in AI in the space and we’re getting involved all the time. That’s a one component We also have an educational center where people can learn what they can educate themselves. They can get resources. Some are free summer Membership needed for that but so much free stuff that we give away. So we have a grown community And we also going to start to do a retreats and special other events outside of our regular events that we’re creating to bring more and more people together and to create opportunities for investors to find AI startups or for AI startups to find to source people to work with them.
And there are so many components that people are looking for around and we want to be the. The one answer to everyone, like the one hub that people can find anything about AI. Amazing. Tal, I want you to look into the camera and tell everybody where they can follow AI Vibes, you, the brand, find out about the next events, let them know.
If you want to find us, just go to aivibes. ai. Or you can find us on Instagram, AI vibes official, or you can find me on Instagram, Tal Navarro with double R Navarro one, but nevermind. And then you’ll find me even if you do it just Navarro. And, and we’re going to have this event coming up really soon.
Another one, if you miss this one, this one out, don’t be upset. We’re going to have so many others and everyone is welcome to join our our, our community and our. You know, amazing audience and people that are already, thank you. And to the audience, just so you know, we’ll put the links to the show in the show notes for the website, all that other good stuff.
And speaking of the audience, if you haven’t done it yet, hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new interviews new stories, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well. So hit that subscribe button.
Follow or subscribe button because we want you to get the notification tomorrow. We got a whole another interview coming for you. So thank you. And Tal, so much fun. Appreciate you. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me.