Adam Torres and Bianca Hellenga discuss the subconscious.
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Show Notes:
How can you tap into the subconscious and Higher Self to create lasting shifts? In this episode, Adam Torres and Bianca Hellenga, Founder & Practitioner at Liberated Heart Empowered Soul LLC, explore Bianca’s story and tapping into the subconscious.
About Bianca Hellenga
In life’s challenges, we discover the depth of our resilience. Like you, Bianca questioned the meaning behind hardships, searching for understanding within the chaos. Through her journey, she found that struggles are invitations to explore our true selves. This transformative path led to spiritual healing, empowering to navigate life’s storms.
Now, she offer us what she have found. Embracing challenges isn’t just about healing; it’s a journey of self-discovery. Together, we can decode life’s mysteries, finding strength and transformation within. Let’s explore this profound journey, reclaim your power, and emerge stronger, wiser, and deeply connected to your authentic self.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today’s guest is Bianca Helenga, and she is the founder and a practitioner at Liberated Heart Empowered Soul.
Bianca, welcome to the show. Thank you for having me, Adam. I’m glad to be here with you and Mission Matters. All right, Bianca. So we got a whole lot to talk about today. So we’re going to talk about tapping into the subconscious and higher self for lasting shifts. But also I wanted to bring up, first off, I know Juliana referred you over to us, which we’ve been working to promote the SRQ Women Expo.
And been a lot of fun doing interviews for her and for the Expo. First off, are you excited for the Expo? Like , when is it coming up? Oh, yes, I’m very excited. And it’s coming up this Saturday and Sunday. This weekend on the 27 and 28. And I understand that you’re gonna have a booth there.
So people that are listening to this can come on by and things like that., what’s gonna be at your booth? Like, what’s going on there? Well, I will be showcasing my services, and I will also be offering mini readings and sessions and on the booth during the event.
Awesome. All right, good. So, then, , people that are going by and they’re listening to this, they can stop on into your booth. And I guess just going a little bit further here. So I want to go a little bit into your background. So, when I saw the topic originally, so tapping into the subconscious, where did all that begin for you?
Like, how did you get involved and where did all this start? Well, when I was little, I always had a fascination about everything that was beyond what we could really see. But it wasn’t until I had my first child that Some things came to light in my family of origin in regards to some patterns that were at play and I was seeing them play out between my my grandmother and my mother.
And just for the record, they live in Europe or they live and I moved overseas. So I wasn’t really close to them throughout the years that I had moved over. So it was, I guess, easier for me to notice that after they had visited and. We’re showing these patterns or like belief systems and trying to like enforce that on how I was parenting, or at least showing up for my newborn baby.
And it really got me questioning. And like, it, it rocked me, as we all look up to our parental figures and even though as we get older, there, there still will be some of that remaining in regards to how we show up in the world. Then are we , kind of showing them rights like that.
We do right by our parents. Yeah. But yeah, so as as they left I really started looking into, like, how I felt based on the things that they shared with me when I was a, taking care of my child and they were saying, oh, you shouldn’t do it that way. Oh if you do that, you’re manipulating or he’s going to learn to manipulate you or you’re a bad parent.
And so I really went deep within as after they left and started trying to, like, understand. When you say even when you were little, I kind of want to stay there a little bit longer. What, when you said you notice patterns or things, or you’re just curious, even when you’re a little, like, what do you mean by that?
I’m, I’m curious. I guess you could say the things that were taught, they, they didn’t ring true. I, I found that a lot of it was coming from, like, a fear base. It just, I didn’t, it didn’t feel right. And I was also very interested in, like, a metaphysical concept, so I was reading about that, plus seeing how my family of origin was, like, approaching topics in life, and it just, there didn’t seem to be any coherence.
And so, as you mentioned, after you’re first born and then , you’re having this other type of connection with your family, like, like, what are the patterns or what are the things that they brought up to you that you started to resonate with when you’re like, maybe, and I’m using this word you didn’t, but maybe getting some clarity, like, what are those patterns or what was that like?
So my grandmother was saying I was a bad mother and I literally had Right before they came when I had my son in the hospital there were some, some things happening that I was also like being questioned in regards to how I was approaching things. And being a new mom with all the hormone searching like, it all starts kind of like becoming a little bit intense and you don’t know what to believe.
And you listen to what other people say more like, you’re a very. Vulnerable in a very vulnerable state. And so when my grandmother was saying that, like, I’m a bad mother, it kind of started having me remind my my youth, like, I was also reprimanded for things that made me believe I was a bad child, like, I wasn’t pleasing them, or I wasn’t doing the things acceptable to them, or what they believed was right.
And so I was struggling with that. The pattern of not being good enough. And I just traced it back more into my childhood. And from as early as I could remember the feeling of not being good enough, like doing something and it’s setting up my parents or my mother, particularly, and she. Could be pretty intense in the way she would be reacting.
And from a child’s perspective, it feels like, oh, , like, I’m not good enough in my parents. I and when we look at our parents, it’s like, they are our world. So I. Feel that it set off the beginning of my sense of self or the perception I had of myself.
So, if I wasn’t feeling worthy in the eyes of my parents, I must be unworthy of things or like The, the good things I’m not worthy of and there were some other experiences as well that in some ways left me wondering because I had a sibling and I felt that she was. more and it left me wondering, , is she better than me?
And it, it left a dark cloud over me, I think, over the years and how I approach life and the things that I I explored. And so, yeah, it was just reawakened at the time that my, my mom and my grandmother visited , that deep sense of unworthiness, like I’m not doing good by them in their eyes. So who am I really that’s what they see and there’s a part of me that feels that’s not who I am, but I have to get down to the patterns and seeing how that’s affected.
And I didn’t also seen that sense of unworthiness was something that my mother carried as well. And she was maybe unintentionally trying to not pass that on, but because she didn’t have awareness of her own patterns. She did pass that on. And it affected me, and then I even traced it further back to some things I’ve heard on my grandmother’s side and how she was raised and a deep sense of own worthiness was also coming from there, like not feeling good enough as a woman and seeking approval through having to look a certain way.
Then be accepted amongst the men, for example. So it’s all like, it’s a pattern that’s been passed down. So are and everybody’s so unaware of it, but by the way, they approach the belief systems they have, and then, therefore, send it to their children left the mark and I’m committed to ending that.
I have two daughters of my own. I have four children total, but especially because it’s a pattern that happened in the female side of my family. I’m committed to ending that and no longer passing on that sense of unworthiness or not being good enough or beautiful enough. To be an acceptable human being.
Mm hmm. I find it very interesting that you took, , your, and these are some of my favorite entrepreneurial stories is when somebody takes, , maybe a something that’s happened to them or a A challenge in their life and it can be physical or like you’re mentioning, or it can be even a product, right?
When we’re talking about entrepreneurship, it could be a product or somebody to create some app or tech product that solves a problem for them. So, I think it’s very interesting that you took your, , your experience, and then you’ve now turned that to also be able to help others. Through a liberated heart, empowered soul I guess getting further into the topic educate us a little bit about the subconscious really, and how you’re helping people kind of tap into tap into that.
And really their higher self. Like, how does that take place? Well yeah, so the subconscious mind is basically that that part that gets, programs when we are children, basically from like, 0 to 8, 7, and it gets programs based on how we are tended to and perceived by our parents or caregivers and the world around us.
So , that’s the basis of our sense of self and how we perceive ourself in life, and the memories are stored there. Emotions can be stored there, especially repressed emotions that we weren’t aware of. Able to or allowed to express at some point. And so, yeah, it’s basically that that part of our mind.
That is about ninety five percent of what that functions and how we perceive the world. It’s only five percent of our conscious mind that we utilize in our day to day life. So, just knowing that it’s. Quite a bit of a process happening behind the scenes that we are not consciously aware of, but it’s definitely affecting how we are again, seeing , what the world is like for us.
And therefore, also, it differs from other people, because they may have had other experiences forming that programming. They, live by and, see things in a different way. so the subconscious mind holds all, like, the learned behaviors, emotional reactions, and the buried experiences that are collectively contributing to our subconscious patterns.
And so, if we are, for example, having challenges in self confidence. Feeling worthy enough or feeling like we can’t exert any willpower to trying to change behaviors, then it is most likely in the subconscious mind that is, it’s kind of hard to tap into with this conscious willpower, but there are ways to do that and it’s often symbolic or through our emotions.
So yeah, if we have like let’s say we feel triggered by something someone else does. The triggers are often the like it’s an activation of a memory that we have stored deeply into our subconscious mind. So say for example, I’m a parent, so I’ll use that as an example, I have a kiddo that may accidentally drop a cup of milk on the floor.
If that is triggering, and we respond from the trig from the trigger as in getting mad at the child for, like, why would you do that? And now it’s a mess. You have to clean it off. Then we are responding from an experience that we may have had ourselves, but may our parents may have reprimanded us in, a lesson harmonious way that felt painful and so we are being reminded subconsciously from that experiences and replaying out the same.
Experience, which is subjective, so based in the past, not on what’s happening here and now. So, yeah, trigger is reminding us of a similar experience that we’ve had it may not be exactly the same, but just something that may have happened that we weren’t able to process, like, some emotion that we weren’t able to process because we were, , Reprimanded for it.
And as a child looking at the parents, we want to be accepted. And at the root, it goes down to being able to survive. , we rely on our parents for survival. So, if our parents don’t accept certain expression of us, or even an accident or something like that, or we have to store it deep, like, okay, we can’t express this because a parent doesn’t accept.
We store that in our subconscious. And then that later comes out through our triggers. And so how do you help people tap into that? Like, how do you help people tap into their subconscious to, to be able to kind of move past things if you will? So, yeah, there are several techniques that I use.
The first one is called muscle testing. And that is a technique that uses the muscle Response based on that, like, yes or no question. So if you ask a question about if there is a particular emotion stored or trapped in the body that is contributing to a particular challenge, then you use muscle testing.
And you can use that on the client’s behalf by pressing their arm and feeling the response. Like, if you press the arm and it goes down. Is not tense in that sense, so it basically means now, but if it’s a style and the muscle doesn’t move, then it’s contracted and that means yes, and then I go down certain list question.
That kind of go down to the core issue and then find some emotions that are connected to that particular issue and we work with that. And oftentimes The, the client will resonate with that. And I also go down to, sometimes it requires some more information such as like, when did it first happen?
Like an age is it connected to is it a pass down emotion? Is it absorbed? From like other people and sometimes you have those people that are very sensitive to other people’s emotions. They tend to absorb them. Like, it may not sure. I’ve heard of empaths. They tend to absorb a lot of other people’s emotions.
So, yeah, that’s that all gets like stored in their subconscious and It will affect us, but yeah, so muscle testing is a way to kind of connect with the subconscious mind to gather information and answers. And I also use a hypnosis technique, which is called Q. H. H. C. that was created by Dolores cannon, which allows for the client to get completely relaxed and that allows the conscious mind to kind of.
Step down and the subconscious mind to come forth. We just want to get the conscious mind to be quiet because that’s, , the part of the inner chatter and the analytical part, we want to get that one to like, take a step to the side and have some information come forth from the subconscious mind.
So I feel really relaxed. I think the meditation can do that. But yeah, that’s the technique that I use to get clients in touch with their own subconscious mind and the higher self. That’s interesting to me. And so when people come to you, , they’re looking to tap into their subconscious mind and , they’re probably looking to to move past something.
Am I off on that? No, not at all. Yes. When they come to me, they, indeed, , they try to find some answers and clarity to what’s going on for them. Something they haven’t been able to get to the bottom off, something that’s just repetitive and not going away. And. Yeah. The, the techniques that I use with the modalities do offer the opportunity to get the clarity that they’re seeking, and oftentimes the aha allow also already for shifts.
But then there are also some additional processes that I use to kind of like release that the emotional blockages that help , to create more, like an energy flow. So the repressed emotions and even negative belief system, , they block our ability to hear our own inner guidance or our, That’s coming from our higher self that helps us direct us into the ways that are most in alignment for ourselves.
So having the ability to clear that stuck energy provides the opportunity for them to kind of finally go past that what seemed to be like an invisible block or a mountain and finally get to where they want to go to make progress that cannot be achieved by willpower alone. well, what a win. I mean, I think it’s a great story and one that I’m happy to bring to my audience because moving past some of those blocks or some of those things that we don’t even know that’s holding us back.
That may be in our subconscious or programmed or that we weren’t even necessarily aware of. I find it highly interesting. thing. And I think it’s something that many people can benefit from. Bianca, we’re about out of time for this episode and I know we just kind of got into the topic. And I know you have much more to give.
If somebody’s listening to this and they want to follow up and they want to learn more about liberated heart, empowered soul, what’s the best way for them to connect and reach out to you and your team. Oh, yeah. So I have a website. You can find on www. liberatetoempower. com. And then I have both Instagram and Facebook with Liberated Heart Empowered Soul.
Amazing. And just for everybody listening, just so , we’ll put the website, all that good stuff in the show notes and speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with mission matters, and you haven’t done it yet, make sure that you hit that subscribe button because this is a daily show each and every day.
We have new content, new guests. And hopefully new inspiration and tools that can help you along the way in your journey as well. If that sounds interesting to you and exciting, again, don’t forget, hit that subscribe or that follow button. And so you’ll get the notification tomorrow when the next episode comes out.
And Bianca, wishing you the best of luck at the convention. I’m sure you’re going to meet a lot of amazing people at the Women’s Expo. And thank you again for coming on the show. Thank you so much.