Adam Torres and Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers discuss Mega Mix Expo.
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Listen to Mega Mix Expo coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers, Director of Success Center, Inc., explore Success Center, Inc. and the upcoming Mega Mix Expo event.
About Terry Lee Brussel-Rogers
Terry Brussel-Rogers, CCHt., is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist registered with the National Guild of Hypnotists. She has been in practice since 1969 and has 5 decades of experience as a professional in her field. Terry has created the Seven Keys to Self-Actualization, a systematic program which uses self-hypnosis within a customized framework to enable you to realize your personal goals, desires and… own mind combined with those of your Higher Self to effectively replace limiting behaviors with those attitudes and actions that promote growth and success.
About Success Center, Inc.
Success Center, Inc. uses the natural capabilities of your own mind combined with those of your Higher Self to effectively replace limiting behaviors with those attitudes and actions that promote growth and success. Work with a talented and intuitive Hypnotherapist to help focus your own inner power. This dynamic process uses self-hypnosis within a personal framework (a roadmap of action steps and coaching) to guide you in realizing your goals. Check out our free meditations and learn more about what you can do to achieve your highest goals and dreams. Success Center has been in business since 1969 and became incorporated in 2008.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I have a Terry Lee Brussels Rogers on the show, and she is the director over at Success Center Inc.
Terry, welcome to the show. Thank you. Good to be right here. Well, welcome. Welcome. And I understand that you were sent to us over by Tony over at Megamix Expo. We’ve been covering this conference now and the upcoming conference now for about the last month or so. I know it’s gonna be taking place on March, twelfth and thirteenth over in Arcadia, California.
And I just want just to kick us off here. Terry, you get introduced to the expo? Like, how’d you find out about it? Well, I found out about it I think through my email, and I’d done it last year and really liked it. Oh, oh, so you’ve been before. Did you go as a participant, or were you an exhibitor?
I’m just curious. I was an exhibitor. Oh, was absolutely great for us. And this is, by the way, this is my first year going. I heard about it, and I’m like, oh man, I want to participate. I want to support. So what, did you like about it? I’m just curious. Well, I enjoyed, there were a lot of people there.
Which I really appreciated and they really were there to do business. So that’s what I’m looking for you. That’s what I’m talking about. Like that’s the success. That’s good to hear. And it’s good to hear from somebody that’s been a participant and obviously it was good or you wouldn’t be coming back for round two, right?
That’s right. That’s awesome. Well, let’s go, let’s get into your business a little bit. Tell us about success center. Well, I’ve been in practice as a hypnotherapist, coach, healer, and sales trainer since 1969, and helping others build their practices since 1995. I was actually the youngest student ever at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.
My dad caught me hypnotizing the neighborhood girls. kids in the backyard when I was about 13, and he said, you need to learn how to do this properly. And he’d always done it kind of as a side thing. He knew John Kappas at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute, so he got me in there and I was close to there so I could walk over there from where I lived on Titus Street.
And I was going there like twice a week for a couple of years. I graduated in May of 1969 at age 15 and started my practice the next month when I turned 16, June 15. 15th, 1969. And recently I got a an award from the Greater San Fernando Valley Chamber of Commerce for being a supporting member for 50 years.
Wow. And has this been your primary business then? Like, it’s been your primary business? Yes, well I, I also help with my family’s matchmaking business. I’m a fourth generation matchmaker. And I’m going to be doing a lecture on that at Conscious Life Expo. February 7th, 8th.
Hmm. , however that’s my main business has always been hypnosis business coaching, sales training. I began doing a survey on the business of hypnotherapy, coaching, and healing in 1994. Still doing it actually. And I put out the Hypnobiz newsletter every couple of years with My results, among other things, I discovered that the average hypnotherapist, healer and coach in the US, the UK, Canada, Australia, and Ireland are doing four to six sessions per client.
They bumped it up to seven in 2018 and we’re back down to 5. 5 in 2021. Most of them are dealing only with the presenting problem at success center. We average about 20 sessions per client through my seven keys to self actualization. And Rapidly resolving the client’s presenting issue, then moving on to a complete line of fascinating growth programs designed to empower our clients and students to reach their highest potential in areas physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, as well as financial.
More value for the client, more sessions for the hypnotherapist, coach, or healer. I started helping others build their practices through my seven key turn key system for building a successful hypnotherapy practice in 1995. And I work quite a bit with, I think the topic we’re on today is sales, pride, sales, excellence.
Right. Well, we’re going to talk about a couple of things, and I want to stay a little bit earlier in the, your earlier days. How did you know, like, this was going to be your path? Or did you know? Well, I did though. My my dad helped me with stomach aches that I was getting before. on P.
E. every day at school using hypnosis. He knew how to do that, and it worked. And I began to be fascinated by it. I started reading books on the subject of hypnosis. And that’s why I was hypnotizing the neighborhood kids when I was 13 years old. And did you immediately make the connection that cause you’re pretty young at this point.
I’m just curious. Did you immediately make the connection that this would be your business or did it kind of start out as a hobby, then it turned into a business or like, you tell me, I’m just, I’m just throwing it out there. I was 13. I was already doing private tutoring. And I kind of brought the, had the concept end of that.
I built that business going door to door, you know, in my neighborhood . So you were, I actually got $10 an hour for private tutoring back in the, you know, 68 or so. But but I was going to be a teacher. I was, I was enthrall at being a teacher. But then I realized when I was a, a teacher’s assistant in one of the schools, that they weren’t willing to let me hypnotize those kids to develop photographic memory, speed reading confidence in their.
test taking ability and it wasn’t going to work. So when I was 15, I decided this was going to be my career and , it has been all my life.
Wow. You decided your career at 15. That’s amazing. I’m guessing this might have changed. I should give you some background about how I got involved with business at all.
You know, my dad owned an advertising agency for 50 years. He was the one who started the hula hoop craze in the fifties, Barry Leon Russell, whammo’s advertising man. So I really know marketing in my baby bones, but I was about 11 My dad you know, I asked my dad for a bicycle, and he said, I could have my bicycle, and I said, great, and he handed me the yellow pages, and I said, oh, I get to pick my bicycle, and he said, no, you get to trade radio and television advertising for it, and I did, and I got a Raleigh bicycle.
He got a client that lasted for years, and I had this beautiful bicycle that I had earned myself. Wow. That was the beginning of my sales experience. That’s probably why I had enough confidence to go around and build a practice door to door against the private tutoring. What age roughly was that to start calling out the phone book?
What age roughly? I was 11 I asked my dad for a bicycle. , I wanted to verify , the age of that. And I talked to my brother recently and he said, that’s what it was. You were 11. Can you imagine, like, think about how an 11 year old’s voice sounds. Can you imagine getting that cold call?
Like, what are you saying? You want what Adwood? That’s, that’s beautiful. It was beautiful. I, I was so pleased that I was able to do that. And when they became a client, a good client for my dad, I was just really proud of myself. It must have felt like magic, like nothing short of magic. Like, wait a minute, I picked up this phone, I made this call, and all of a sudden there’s a bike.
So one thing I learned from my dad was that to provide so much value to my clients that the business they brought me would much more than pay for sales and marketing costs, including being an exhibitor of such things as the Megamix Expo, Conscious Life, and all those other things. That was really important.
And through my seven keys to self actualization, I’ve been able to do that. Our clients learn how to relax. We work with emotional awareness, control, and expression. Then through the hypnotic age regression, We rewrite their life script so they feel good about sales, good about the people who do sales, and about being in sales.
And if you own a business of any kind, you know you are in sales. A lot of people try to get around that by saying, Oh, yes, I’ve got a business, but I’ll have other people do the sales. Well, that rarely works. The person who’s starting the business is the first one who has to do the sales. And then if they can hire other salespeople later, they better be able to show them how to sell.
So we remove blocks caused by such ideas as thinking you don’t deserve to make six or seven figured income, or that you can’t do it because your dad couldn’t do that, or any of the ideas about the virtues of being a starving healer. Much better to provide a model of being a successful, abundant healer, coach, or hypnotherapist for your clients.
You can’t be a beacon if your light don’t shine, you know? . you’ve been doing this a long time and what do you enjoy most outta doing this work and helping people in the way that you do? What do you enjoy most? Well, really it’s what I enjoyed about the idea of teaching, why I wanted to be a teacher.
I love to teach, I love to teach people how to use self hypnosis, hypnotist, how to build their practices. I love to instill the will to learn, that’s the most important thing, because if you have the will to learn, the determination to use what you learn to make your goals a reality, there isn’t anything you can’t do.
By the way, if somebody’s read Think and Grow Rich, that’s the secret in Think and Grow Rich. My dad read that to me as like a bedtime story when I was a kid. I heard about it all through my growing up years. That’s before 11. That’s before 11. Oh yeah. That’s when you were like a little one. When I was a very little one.
How about a You know something interesting? I’ve developed a re parenting regression with hypnosis that allows people to actually form an alternate reality, actually live an alternate reality where their parents did that sort of thing and taught them to sell and taught them to have a business when they were little children.
And they remember that. I have through an entire life like that to the very present time and then they can bring it into present reality. It’s absolutely amazing the results I get with that. Cause that was my real life. My dad taught me sales from the time I was too young to understand what he was teaching.
Yeah Well, you were getting results as well. So interesting to me so looking at your current practice and when you’re working with somebody like how does somebody know if they’re a good fit to work with you? In your team, like how do they know? Well, are you talking about as a hypnotist coach or healer?
Are you talking about a client that wants to quit smoke and lose weight or raise their income? I work with both, you know, I have two forms of ideal clients either and both either and both well You Okay, if somebody is open to the idea of spiritual things, metaphysics, because I do bring that into my practice, and if they also really want to raise their income, whether it’s as a hypnotist, coach, or healer, or a consultant, or anything.
By the way, I do have a program called Your First Hundred Thousand, Your First Quarter Million which I did with Steve Barnes, who’s a well known writer , and currently doing a lot in Hollywood and so forth. And he actually modeled my sales ability in a way that nobody else has ever been able to do very exciting stuff.
And we go through how to pick your ideal client and how to get your ideal client and how to teach them everything they need to know about what you know about whatever you’re consulting with or your hypnosis or whatever. And then teach them how to teach others. And the first part is the first hundred thousand, the second part is your first quarter million.
And beyond the first quarter million. Being able to create something that they can use and that really sells and that they can teach others to use. So, somebody who wants to do that, somebody who wants to move to their highest level, to reach their highest potential, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially, that’s my best client, whether it’s a hypnotist, coach, or healer, or whether it’s a client looking to , just improve their own lives.
Our mission statement is, we reach our highest potential. By helping others reach theirs. Terry, this has been a lot of fun and I can’t wait to meet you in person. I’ll be frank I’m going to make a mix expo too. I’m definitely going to be stopping by your booth. I want to definitely meet you.
Shake your hand. There’s been pleasure. That being said for those that are listening watching this, how can people, if they want to continue the conversation and learn more about your programs, what you’re doing at success center Inc overall, and just, talk to you and your team, how do people connect?
Well they can of course call me at 800 GOAL NOW, that’s 462 5669 my web address is ACEsuccess. com. I also have a website, ReachForTheStars. today, which is for people who would like to use guided meditation recordings programmed in a specific way according to their goals, something really unusual.
They play at night as you sleep automatically. To help you to accomplish your goals in every area of your life, that’s reachforthestars. today. I’m doing a lecture at Conscious Life Expo Soulmate Search, Spiritual and Traditional. It will have down to earth info based on my 40 years as a matchmaker and also my book, Choosing, Finding, and Attracting Your Lifemate, as well as more metaphysical techniques.
So, there’s all kinds of ways to get a hold of me. And again, My web address is www. acesuccess. com, where your listeners can download as a gift, the guided meditation, Abundance, Sure Money, and More Magnet, to draw an abundance of health, wealth, love, and joy into their lives.
Perfect. And for everybody listening to this, just so you know, we’ll put, definitely put some links in the show notes so you can just click on the link and head right on over.
And we’ll also put in the link for MegamixExpo. com. Definitely want you to pick up a ticket. We’re going to be out there on the 12th and 13th and it’s in Arcadia, California at the Santa Anita Park. At the racetrack, the horse racetrack out there. It’s a beautiful, beautiful venue. It overlooks the mountains.
It’s just a really nice place. So again, check that out too, as well. MegamixExpo. com. Grab a ticket and come out and visit us. Go ahead, Terry. Yep. If they say in, when they download their gift of the Abundance Your Money and More Magnet that , they found out about us through the Megamix Expo, they’ll automatically be in a drawing to win a 397 gift.
They’ll be in the drawing we do right after that show Life Guidance Discovery Session for goal setting and a private hypnosis session and everything with me personally. Fantastic. And again, so everybody go to New York. You already heard. Mention that. Mention that and come out and see us too. And Terry, again, thank you so much for coming on the show.
This really has been a pleasure. Thank you very much for interviewing me. Bye bye now.