Adam Torres and JM Ryerson discuss Let’s Go Win.
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Show Notes:
What is the success formula for leaders to win? In this episode, Adam Torres and JM Ryerson, CEO & Founder at Let’s Go Win, explore the Let’s Go Win brand, including books, coaching and a podcast which are all aimed at helping leaders succeed.
About JM Ryerson
JM is a leadership expert, best-selling author, and engaging keynote speaker, dedicated to elevating professionals and teams. He specializes in strategies that double revenues, enhance leadership skills, and foster winning life tactics. Leading the “Let’s Go Win” podcast, JM offers insights into achieving greatness and fulfillment. His YouTube series and podcast provide invaluable advice on improving dental practices with leadership and sales strategies beyond traditional dental education.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today’s guest is J. M. Ryerson, and he is CEO and founder over at Let’s Go Win.
And he’s also host of the Let’s Go Win podcast. So , I got a pro on the line today. And first thing first, Jim. Hey, welcome to the show, man. Good to have you here. Adam, thank you for having me, brother. I appreciate it. I appreciate the content you put out. So I’m humbled and blessed to be here.
Amazing. So , we’ll get this show started the way that we start the mod jam with what we like to call our mission matters minute. So at mission matters, our aim and our goal is to amplify stories for entrepreneurs, dreamers, really. , that’s our mission. JM, what mission matters to you?
Let’s go. When is really the mission that matters to me? It’s all about inspiring people to live their best lives. And when I started, let’s go when it all started with me writing my first book called let’s go. When keeps living your best life for my two sons, and it’s just gone into helping businesses and executives and athletes.
Really with their performance and their mindset. But at the end of the day, the three core values of the company are being happy, being healthy, being wealthy. So that’s my mission that matters. That’s what I’m passionate about. And like I said, it started with my wife and I, we have our two sons that started there and it’s just built into this really, really awesome.
Company that it is. So that’s our mission. That’s our purpose brother. And I’m just every day I’m grateful to be doing it. All right, thank you for sharing that but and sometimes when you read something you’re like dang, why didn’t I think of that? Let’s go win. The title’s genius How’d you come up with that?
It’s genius. It’s one of those things you see and it’s like man, that’s great That’s funny. Well, I love yours, so I, you know, it’s definitely, I I appreciate that. You know, I actually wrote about it back in college and I forgot about it for 20 some odd years. I literally have, get outta here what I’m not.
Yeah, man, I, I wrote about it in my journal. Let’s go win. I had , the three circles as our logo, and then that was back when I was like 20 or 21. Forgot about it when we’re moving from California to Florida, I was cleaning out and I see this journal and I look back and I’m like, holy cow, I’m marinated on that for 20 years and I didn’t write about it until the first book.
So it’s been in there just kind of rolling around the brain for awhile. That’s weird how God and like how all these things work, God, the energy, like whatever, like, it’s just interesting to me how all of that works. And since you mentioned our title, I got to give you that one real quick. So the original title of our company was mission was actually money matters, top tips, and it was money matters.
And I was a financial advisor. So back in the day, all I talked about really was money, but then , the platform grew on, we started having different type of conversations, I started to let myself like explore and just really connect with the guest and to try to create great content for our audience and one day I’m on the show.
And this guest, he says just out of nowhere, he says Adam, you know, money matters, but mission matters too. And , I, it was like a thunderbolt, I swear. I was like, God punched me in the stomach, however we want to say it. Like, it was like a thunderbolt. And I was like, what? I could barely say anything after that.
And I can usually say something always, but I was like, wow, that’s that’s powerful. And I was just had that awkward moment and we literally restarted the entire company. Luckily I have a co founder that’s just as crazy as me. And I mean, just for context. I, we’d already released books under that title of Money Matters.
I’ve already had a 1500 plus episode catalog and we stopped the entire company and started from scratch. All new subscribers, all new books, all new website, all new social media from scratch again, as if it wasn’t hard enough to do the first time. So to me, I think a name, a name matters. And when I saw let’s go in, I’m like, man, that just makes me smile.
Good. Well, I love that and it’s funny, man. I remember money matters. So I I’ve been with you for a while and I really, really, that money is cool. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not against it.
This is a entrepreneur, business owner, executive show. We’re not scared of money. We like it. And we understand that hopefully if we’re, you know, good stewards of our money, then we’re providing opportunity jobs. We’re providing, Better quality of living for humanity. So we’re all about that. , that’s for certain .
I want to go some levels deeper on let’s go win as well. , the podcast for everybody that’s listening, I definitely want you to go check this out, so let’s go win podcast. What was the inspiration behind that? Like, , how’d you get sucked in? I say with affection. Well, COVID man, it’s I was sitting there with more free time.
I wasn’t traveling as much and. I didn’t expect to fall in love with podcasting. That was not my intent. I just thought, you know what, I have some time to throw some stuff out and brother, I just like somebody catches the bug playing golf. Yeah. That’s what happened with me with podcasting. I am obsessed with doing it.
And I’ll give you one quick story on it. I had my best friend on our, on the podcast and I’ve known him for 30 some odd years. I mean, there’s nothing I don’t know about this guy. I had him on the podcast and brother, I learned so much about him because you ask deeper questions than just, Hey, how’s the family?
And you listen and you listen too. You listen, it’s different. It’s a different relationship. It’s exactly right. So that’s how it started. And then I literally, I fell in love with it, man. So I’ve just continued to do it. I don’t ever see it that changing. It fills my bucket as anything I do , on a weekly basis, man.
I absolutely love it. Yeah, I was in a similar camp as I did and I, I actually fought it like for the longest. The other co founder was like, Adam, you have to. I’m like, man, I don’t want to do a pack. I ain’t got time for this. What are you talking about? We’re like, we were a book publishing company primarily when we first started and we were, we’re really known for our we have a bestselling series of anthology series and that’s what we are known for.
And I’m like, I don’t have time to do it. And he’s like, Adam will sell more books. He knew what to say, like to get me to do it. I’m like, all right, fine. And then I was hooked, like from day one, I was like, oh, and then demand started raising all these other things. And it was just like, but one of the things I’ll, I mean, I’d love to hear your, your take on this and I’m not dissing anybody, like I understand there’s different creators, different things, but I’ll just say like Instagram, YouTube, I, we use them all by the way.
I’m not against any of these platforms. But those communities, I feel like, you know, I’ve come across a lot of great people, but I’ve also come across the people that I’m like, eh, I don’t know if I necessarily want to form, let’s just say a close working relationship with that camp, so to speak.
But podcasters, I’m telling you,, , I’ve done hundreds of shows, like been on other shows. I’ve done all this. And. I just keep meeting great people. I feel like the podcast community of podcasters they give more, , they’re more open, they’re like, I just, and I know that’s a lot of generalities, but that’s just been my experience, and I’m just sharing that with you, so that’s why I’m interested to hear, like, , what’s been your experience with the community, like the podcasting community?
How’s it been for you? Yeah, very similar. It’s, I get the question every week. How do you monetize? And it’s a hard question to answer because technically the way I do my show, I’m not monetizing quote unquote, but to your point with this community, I can’t even put a dollar figure to it to figure out how it all happened because This person was on the show referred me to this person, which led to this business deal.
And it’s like, it is the greatest network and community of people that I’ve ever been around. You get to go globally now, because obviously we have this platform to be able , to connect with people. If they’re in Australia or India, it doesn’t matter where they’re at. And so it really. It I could not agree more with you.
It is just the most unique giving It’s just a really dynamic exciting energetic group of people So if i’m ever having a bad day and I have a podcast I will not be in a bad mood long. It’ll snap me out of it Because of the energy the other, the guests brings. So it’s become a selfish endeavor, honestly, brother, I, I use it for that.
So, yeah, I’ll give you one. , I want to dig deeper into your into the success formula and really what you’re doing over at let’s go win. But I’ll just, I’ll just share this quick one cause it was on my mind. Actually yesterday I was having a conversation about this. So I read a bunch of different books and different hosts.
Things like this. I mean, this is all I do. So I come kind of obsessive and there’s this one particular interview between Seinfeld and and David Letterman. And in there, they’re talking about like their careers and otherwise, and like what made them successful. And Jerry Seinfeld said, and I had to write it down, like literally paused it.
I’m like, Oh, I got to write this down. He said, we, we both very much just wanted to entertain ourselves. So it is actually like, by you enjoying yourself. You like putting out energy and things like that. The audience is going to love it too as long as you’re enjoying yourself. If you’re entertaining yourself, the audience can entertain, be entertained if it’s something fake or something in between or this or that.
Then it probably is going to be a little bit more difficult, but once you can get to the point of what you just now said is that that’s the favorite part of your day like, doesn’t matter what’s happening. You’re like, I get to podcast man. It’s magic. It’s magic. Yeah, I love that. And you’re right, brother, because if you’re asking questions that are interesting to you and you’re passionate about it, that’s when the audience is like, yes, yes, we want more of that.
So it’s just, I’m so blessed to have found the platform. And again, brother, to be on the show is awesome. Good times. So let’s get into, I want to go into the success formula and what you’re doing over at your company as well. And let’s go win. So how did you get into this niche of wanting to help people with this specifically?
Like where that leadership, where we’re like, where’d all that come about? You know, I built three companies in the financial service space, but I know nothing about financial services. And people are like, really? I’m like, no man, that’s not what I’m good at. I was always good at building teams. Sales and leadership.
And what I found through all of that is really, it was a performance thing where I was constantly coaching people on mindset. And similar to what you said, I read about 40 books a year or so. And I just consume information because I love it. I’m, I’m obsessed with. Trying to get better and so I just wanted to continue to you better be by the way with something like with Let’s go win with the title like that.
You better be go ahead. I’m sorry
That’s the thing is you just there’s so much out there there’s so much to learn And I will say like with the first book. I just wanted To provide something that allowed my sons was really where it started that they could hop on a flight from New York to L. A. Finish the book and have a ton of takeaways and that’s really been the driving force because again, our purpose is to inspire people to live their best life.
So I just found that having let’s go win , when you choose a company name like that. Guess what, man, you got to get up every single day and put your best foot forward and I’m just blessed that I get to do that with people that are trying to achieve their dreams or, you know, whatever challenge you’re having, we have these things that we can help them overcome.
So, it’s just, it’s really fun, man. Like I said, to find it. To be doing what I’m doing now, I, I’m just, I feel so fortunate and I’m grateful for it. So talk to me a little bit, just a little bit, obviously there’s so much, I know there’s books, there’s coursework, there’s structure, but like give me a flavor of what these types of formulas look like, and there’s only so much we cover, like obviously at the end of this, I shouldn’t say obviously, but just for everybody listening, at the end of this I’m going to give Jam an opportunity to leave a website and like other ways that you can connect with him and his team and, you know, get it and get his content as well.
But just keeping it high level Jam, like talk to us a little bit about kind of the flavor of the content and the formula and like what you’re doing. Yeah. The, the simple one for people that are doing business, when I work with companies, my track record is you’re going to double or triple your revenue in the first year.
And we do it doing this one sheet. And it’s literally. One piece of paper that is going to get your entire team on the same page, knowing exactly what your core values are, exactly what you stand for, how you behave. And when you do that, it takes off. So that’s on the business side. On the personal side, to keep it high level, I coach on three things.
Taking care of your mind, your body and your soul every single day. And it’s crazy, Adam, because when I ask clients, I’m like, Hey, what did you do for yourself today? They will talk about taking care of the kids and the job and the house and the car and the emails. And I’m like, no, no, no, no. What did you do for you?
And so I coach on, give me at least five minutes to take care of your mindset. So read a book, podcast, whatever it is, then everybody knows to move your body. And I’m just like, look, give me five minutes, just sweat a little bit and then taking care of your soul. That could be reading the Bible. That could be hiking on a mountain.
That could be walking on the beach for me. It’s meditation, but I just asked for my clients to do 15 minutes every single day. Now. Mine is pretty substantial. It’s almost two and a half hours of this morning routine. But I know that’s not scalable. So I really coach people 15 minutes. We’re going to commit to your mind, your body, and your soul.
And when we do that, that allows you to show up as the best version of you for whatever hat you’re going to wear that day. , what are some of the leadership qualities that you feel that like leaders should have? And it’s a good question, man. And there’s so many, but the 3 that I’ve really broken down that I think are just paramount.
Number 1 is empathy. You have to have the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes because a, that’s going to make sure that you keep your ego out of it. And it’s going to allow you to really see it from their eyes. The second one is to have that courage to make those decisions, because being a leader, you’re going to make decisions that aren’t popular, man.
And you have to be okay with that. You have to know that I’m going to go ahead and make this decision for what’s best for the team. And then the last one is to really have the communication skills to get it across to everyone on the team. Because. The challenge with communication is often we think it happened.
So you have to really be able to know how do I communicate? So whether it’s cascading communication or the one on ones, the check ins, whatever you’re doing, so that what I’m really trying to say, just like I’m doing on this podcast, I want to make sure that I’m clear on what I’m saying so that people can absorb it and start to implement it.
So, I think those are the three big key ones I’ve written about others, but those would be the three that I’m like, every leader needs to have that, the empathy, they need to have the courage and the communication. It’s great. I want to circle back to this, this concept of entrepreneurships.
Cause we have, you know, a large entrepreneur audience, a lot of business owners , That listen to this for the business owner. I like, like that you said that you’re, you’re kind of break these things down for it could be 15 minutes. It could be, I know, and I know that was a general one, but I want you to talk for a moment for maybe the business owners or entrepreneurs out there that have never gone down the coaching route.
Like they still kind of don’t get it like that. And it doesn’t mean cause they’re not. Successful doesn’t mean because they’re not young. It doesn’t mean that they’re, but if you’ve never, you don’t know, until you know, when you go down coaching until you have a coach or until you work with somebody to formalize and structure.
So talk to that segment for a moment for those that maybe have never explored coaching. And , they want to know like, well, you know, I, I hear this jam. Okay. Sounds nice. Adam sounds nice, whatever, but is it for me? Like talk a little bit more about just the benefits and like the people that you feel gain from that type of relationship and experience.
I mean, it’s crazy to me to think that people don’t have a coach because again, I’m a huge fan of watching people play sports. I’ve asked leads. I was an athlete growing up in altar college. Think of the greatest athletes in the world. I don’t care if it’s Jordan, Tom Brady, you know LeBron today.
Whatever you think the greatest athletes, ask how many coaches they have and it’s going to be not one, not two, not three. I mean, it’s multiple coaches. And the reason being is because, yeah, if you look in the mirror, you see a reflection of something that may or may not be accurate. And the best example I can give Leave a voice message and see if your voice sounds the way that you think it does.
And 99. 9 percent of the time it sounds different than you think the way that you’re sounding. That’s what a coach is going to do. A coach has got to be there to give you real feedback that’s going to help you in every way. So if you’re not succeeding to the level you want, whether it’s. Professionally, personally, financially, get a coach because they can help get you across that finish line that you might be struggling with and never work with somebody that doesn’t have a coach of their own.
I will forever have a coach guiding me, helping me get better because how can I get help anyone else if I’m not being pushed to be the best version of me? So it’s honestly, Adam, it’s crazy to me when I think, People don’t have coaches, but I know often I can’t afford it. You’ll hear that. Or, , maybe I don’t need it.
We all need coaches from the day. We started the business till the end. When we retire, you should have a coach pushing you, keeping you accountable or celebrating your wins are all 3. They’re just they’re invaluable brother. Yeah. Yeah on my end. I always think of it as Like it’s just how good do you want to get like when so with your example when you talk about like that You know the Kobe Bryant’s or the this is that or like Michael Jordan whoever like they all have and you know And I get that not everybody wants to be You know, the best in the world at something, but I feel like on all the life and the levels below the best in the world, whatever that, you know, for everybody listening, whatever your version of that is, I don’t mean just money.
I don’t mean like whatever, however you measure yourself, be the best family person in the world, right? There’s different coaches in many different areas that a coach can touch on, but it just, to me, it’s just like, well, how good do you want to get? Like that’s pretty much it. And if you’re not satisfied or if you’re not happy with where you’re at, at this exact moment, then maybe that’s a sign.
Like maybe that’s a sign. But it doesn’t, but you don’t have to be necessarily, and I don’t like to use the word stuck, but you don’t have to settle. Like you don’t have to settle. And if you feel like you’re settling, then you’re settling. This is just one option. I mean, you can try a lot of different things, but to me, like going down and thinking about like, like, does that type of relationship or otherwise, does it make sense?
I mean, it’s empirical evidence. Like how good do you want to get? Like, how much does it matter? Right. Yeah, there’s no doubt. And I mean, I think of my relationships that I look back on, I’m so proud of and grateful for it’s always coaching, right? They’re, they’re always there to, like I said, lift you up or challenge you or celebrate with you.
I just. I don’t, there’s no negative when it comes to coaching, in my opinion. Now that doesn’t mean there’s the wrong fit. Sure. Sure. Sure. Maybe you don’t find the greatest coach. Right out of the gate, but that’s okay. You’ll learn something from them. I promise. Mm hmm. So, JM, final question. Well, almost final, because I’m gonna ask you at the end of this, your website, all the other good stuff for the audience, but almost final question.
It’s a very unfair question. I only ask it to my podcasters. It’s like, if you have kids, it’s like asking you to choose between your kids. What’s your favorite episode? Give me a, give me a favorite episode because I want, or, , your best, whatever you want. Cause I want the audience to kind of get a flavor and I also want you to let the audience know like where, where they can listen to it.
Gosh, that is a, that is a brutal question. It’s the worst question. It’s mean. It’s just mean. It’s like, there’s no right answer to anything, but, but I like doing it. It’s fun. It is good. So the first name that came to my mind is a guy named Bill Dorfman and Bill Dorfman is known as the Michael Jordan of dentistry of all things.
Wow, I didn’t even know there wasn’t a Michael Dennis. Wait a minute. Keep talking. What’s his name? Bill Dorfman is his name, and he’s actually out in Beverly Hills. This guy has absolutely crushed it, but here’s the deal. He was fascinating because we all put people in a box. Okay, Bill’s a dentist. Okay, so you have this picture in your mind.
Bill is so much more than a dentist, just like we all are. And he made that come through in this episode. So when you ask that question, that was the first face and name that came to my mind. So that’s the one I’m going to go with today. Phenomenal episode. There’s a bunch more, but I’ll tell you what, that one was probably even a year or two ago, but he was absolutely amazing.
How many episodes have you done? How many episodes have you done? I think we’re 380 or something. I should know that. I don’t. You’ve done 380 episodes or whatever. Over 300 episodes. Am I right? Yes, correct. All right. Are you ready to get chills? I just sent them a a email probably an hour ago saying that I couldn’t make my dental appointment on June 7th that I need to because I’m going to be recording.
So but I have to travel, so I need to reschedule. That’s funny. How did you pick out the dentist? Come on, man. That’s my office. That is wild, brother. I had no idea. Hilarious. That’s so funny part. That’s why I said how many 300 and something you’re in podcasting long enough. Weird. stuff starts happening, the universe, energy, attention, like it just happens.
Funny. That’s why I was like, wait a minute. Where’s he build it? Wait, wait. That’s why I had to stop you. And I was like, no, keep talking. Keep talking. Cause I couldn’t believe you’re about to name what I just, who I just emailed. So obviously this will be out after my after my appointment. What name would you schedule?
I’m dying here. You called out my dentist. Thank you, Jam. That is wow. Well, give him love for me. Cause the dude is a fricking super star. He’s he truly was awesome. So that’s amazing. Well all right, JM. So that was a side tangent. Wasn’t expecting that one, but that being said this, I was expecting if somebody is listening to this or watching this and they want to follow up, they want to listen to your podcast, want to get your books, want to talk about your company and otherwise, how do they connect with you and your team?
Yeah, brother. I appreciate that. Let’s go. Win. Dot com is the easy way to find all the books for the blogs. Free stuff is on there. Obviously, let’s go win podcast because you’re going to be on the show and you’re going to be dynamic as you are as a guest as you are a host. And then, you know, probably the best for social media is let’s go win 365 at on Instagram.
And I’d love to connect, man. Just you know, find me and, and let’s connect because I just. I enjoy meeting great people and, and Adam, I’m sure grateful that you had me on, brother. Awesome. And we appreciate you. And for the audience, just so you know, we will we’ll put all those links in the show notes so you can just click on the links and head right on over.
And speaking of the audience, if this is your first time with Mission Matters or exploring an episode and you haven’t hit that subscribe button yet, we welcome you hit that subscribe button. This is a daily show. Each and every day, we’re bringing you new entrepreneurs, new executives, new visionaries, new ideas, new thoughts.
If that sounds interesting again, hit that subscribe button daily. So we don’t want you to miss anything. We want you to get that notification and a jam again. Thank you so much, man. You just remind me, I gotta go to the dentist. It’s been awesome. Appreciate your brother.