Adam Torres and Tiz Gambacorta discuss The PIPEs Conference.
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Listen to The PIPEs Conference coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Tiz Gambacorta, Co-Founder of, explore Co-Founder of and The PIPEs Conference.
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Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and today I am at the Hard Rock Casino in Hollywood, Florida at a deal flow event at the Pipes Conference, having all kinds of fun. And my next interviewee or victim or no, just plain Tiz, welcome to the show, man.
Thank you. All right. So I snagged you out of the crowd. I understand you’re a co founder, unis. io. What brings you to the conference today? Well, first of all, thank you for having me here. We have. A database of about 8 million U. S. based investors and we help companies public, stay public, get liquidity.
So that’s what brings me here, connecting with companies who are looking to grow in this space. Now, have you been to a DealFlow event before, or is this one of your first? This is my first. My first in person. What do you think so far? It’s amazing. Not a bad venue, right? I mean, Hard Rock Cafe, or Hard Rock Casino, excuse me.
Amazing. Oh, it’s fantastic. I think we just got handed over a 20 credit for the casino. That’s how they get you, right there. I’m not a gambler, but I’ll take it anyway. That’s amazing. Amazing. So I saw the title co founder. How did you have this project at Unis. io? How’d this come about? You know, like, like I guess most, most companies, it’s the result of a lot of blood, sweat and tears.
My first career was as an investment banker. Then from that, it was kind of very natural to set up my own shop. And then yeah, just start working with companies, helping them interact with investment. What do you think one of the, one of your favorite things about Unistat at IO is and running the company, like talk to me about like, like, this has got to be amazing to help these investors, like go to that, like cross that hurdle.
Like, and then to help those founders, like your founder yourself. Talk to me. Yes. The thing about the platform that we run, it’s an ecosystem of sites. Unis is probably the flagship one. It’s the fact that. You know, we are able to, to really relate to investors. We are not communicating to investors on financials that much.
We’re not communicating in a dry corporate way, but we have a very much a story based approach to how we communicate with our investors. And from there, you know, we, we understand who’s accredited, who’s not accredited. There’s also, this is very topical at the moment. A lot of work being done with machine learning because we’re fundamentally an email, you know, outreach.
Network email has the benefit that you can really get close to your subscriber. You know, exactly. You know what emails have been sent, what they’ve opened, what they’ve clicked. And sometimes, you know, we also. No, if they’ve opened someone else’s email, that’s not out. So we have a lot of machine learning that goes under that.
And in my opinion, it allows us to deliver outperforming campaigns for, for our clients. What types of companies, what types of investors, like give me both sides of the coin. Like who is it appropriate to work? Who is appropriate to work with Eunice? Like who gets the most value? They would typically be companies that have already gone public.
Yes. And they are looking to acquire eyeballs. Exposure liquidity but not overall kind of PR exposure. They’re looking to engage directly with investors who are, you know, who are going to download, go to their website, download some information, interact. What we do is very much, you know, non punctual by that.
I mean, we don’t do a one off promotion for a company that we find has. doesn’t have the best results. We prefer to engage with our investor base and present interesting opportunities over a number of weeks and days. It could you, could you tell me a little bit of what that, that’s super interesting.
Cause I’ve seen other platforms and I think that is a differentiator. What do you mean by that? So just for those that are listening that maybe aren’t aware, they haven’t used a platform quite like yours. Cause you may not know that there’s an alternative, right? Like that even exists. So please. The the bread and butter is.
Okay. Well, you know, we’re going to be short press release or, you know, we are going to buy a bunch of explodes. That’s like table stakes. We’re in a casino right now. That’s table stakes. Right? That’s your 20 coupon of like you’re hoping that you’re going to make a game, right? No, that’s it. That’s it.
This is good. Whereas what we do is, is we find that investors need typically five to seven touches, sometimes up to nine touches to, to, to warm up to the company. You know, the big distinction that I always make is, you know, We engage with our investors in a very different way from what e commerce does.
For example, e commerce, you know, you get a promotion, you buy the widget, you know, the person will pull out the credit card and buy there and there most of the time. Whereas what we do is more like long term investor engagement, whereby, you know, maybe today that person will receive, you know, an overview of the company.
And a couple of days later, they will get a white paper. And then, and then probably that investor will add the company on their watch list. And then it’s important that the issue there. It’s consistent generating news releases, express releases, so that, you know, that, that person gets a notification and say, okay, well, you know, this company I’ve been watching it now that, you know, I like what they’re doing.
I can see some news here is positive. Then I’m going to invest. And so that, that process, you know, takes typically days and weeks, but it’s so much more effective. Yeah. And then also as a company progresses, do you continue working with them? Like longer term? Like what is an average for the company side of things?
What’s the average like length that you may work with a company? It really depends on the company. Some companies, you know, we will work for them for like a year plus depending what their goals are. Some companies will want to, you know, they’re already working with a number of, of advertising and technology platforms.
And they say, Hey, you know, I want you to be the booster for what I’m doing. So I will engage you for, for three months or sometimes even less. That’s awesome. And so for the, for the, a lot of business owners, a lot of companies, a lot of people that watch this program, how do companies get in touch and how do they connect?
And how do they see if it’s, if it’s a good fit for them to work with the platform? Absolutely. Let’s, let’s have an informal conversation. I frankly, you know, we very much believe in, in long term partnerships and quality or quantity. So a starting point is unis. io. Yeah. There’s a contact us section.
There’s an advertise with our section. And also feel free to reach out by email to myself. The email address is T G. So my initials at Eunice, which is a website. io. Fantastic. Well, for everybody watching and listening, just so you know, we’ll put the links to that in the show notes, so you can just head it right on over and check out the website.
And speaking of the audience, if this is the first time with mission matters and you haven’t done it yet. Definitely hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well Tiz, I know I snagged you in the middle of the conference.
I know you got a lot to do, man. Appreciate you coming on the show. Thank you for having me.