Adam Torres and Boe Bowen discuss winning in business.
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In the competitive world of business, do you have what it takes to succeed? In this episode, Adam Torres and Boe Bowen, Managing Attorney at The Bowen Law Firm, PLLC, explore winning in business and the book Boe recently released, Mission Matters: World’s Leading Entrepreneurs Reveal Their Top Tips To Success (Business Leaders Vol. 8, Edition 2).
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About The Bowen Law Firm, PLLC
Dealing with any kind of legal matter on your own can be stressful and overwhelming. When you know the outcome of your legal situation will have a significant impact on your life, you should turn to an experienced lawyer for guidance and representation. At The Bowen Law Firm, PLLC, you can get personal attention from a knowledgeable attorney and dedicated assistance with a wide variety of legal matters. They have expertise in the areas of family law, estates and probate, civil litigation, and personal injury. It’s their mission to provide the legal insight and advocacy you need to protect your interests and achieve your goals.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest on the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today is a very special episode. We are welcoming back Bo Bowen, who is managing attorney over at the Bowen Law Firm, and I’m proud to announce.
Author in our most recent book. Hey Bo, first off, I just want to say welcome back to the show. Thank you, sir. Always a pleasure to be here. Thank you. All right. So kind of a little bit of a spoiler alert, but for everybody watching Bo is also going to be participating in our very. First audio book as a company.
I’m so thrilled. This is going to be a compilation of some of our best authors in our entire catalog of 300 plus authors. So we got, we got a lot to talk about Bo. So today we’re going to dive into, of course, your content. We’re going to talk about Bowen law firm and and really just catch up and see what you’ve been up to.
You’ve been a couple of months since we’ve been, since we’ve been back and forth left, but we’ll start this episode the way that we start them all with our mission matters. So Bo, we at Mission Matters, we amplify stories for entrepreneurs, executives, and experts. That’s our mission. Bo, what mission matters to you?
Well, for me, because I’m a law firm, I want to create a family friendly law firm. A place where our clients know that we understand their objectives. We know what’s important to our people. That we’re responsible and efficient, exceeding client expectations by being strategic, creative, innovative, but all the while upholding the highest level of professional integrity and responsibility.
We like to approach the law by causing no unnecessary harm. We’d rather not use it to threaten or coerce, but to inspire and implement real solutions that can help keep families together, because we are a family centered law firm. So in essence, I want a law firm that helps our clients create a better future.
Well, Bo one of the reasons I love bringing you on is because the way that you do business and the way you conduct your firm, I feel it’s very unique. It’s a huge high value add. And by the way, this isn’t just my opinion. Cause I like you. I mean, the Google reviews. I literally, I don’t know if Google knew we were talking today.
So everything’s probably connected somewhere, but I know I wrote a review for you, I don’t know, maybe a year ago because you know, you’re my go to guy. And I’m just, and, and today I got it. I got a little notice. That said, you know, I had over 500 views in that review. I said, did you have like, Hey, how does Google know?
But I guess if you got something good going on, like it wants to push it. Like I’m not to put you on the spot, but roughly how many reviews do you have now? Cause that thing keeps piling up. Yes. I’m at, I believe 877. I’m shooting for that thousand. Of course I want 2000 once I get there, but I’m at 877, I believe.
Man. And so again, that’s the, for those that, I mean, I shop and I make, I make decisions just in general on reviews. So that’s just letting everybody knows, like, I’m not being biased here. Like, like Google, the Google doesn’t lie on that one. First off, I do want to still spend a little bit of time on really how you got started.
I want to assume we got our shows grown. We’ve been very blessed and I don’t want to assume that all of our new listeners maybe caught some of the previous work we’ve done together. So maybe just talk a little bit more about how you got on this path to, to starting the Bowen Law Firm. Yes, sir. I guess in a sense, I’ve wanted to be an attorney since I was knee high to a duck.
I didn’t even know what law school really was and how to go to undergrad. None of that stuff. Most of the people in my family never went to college, so I didn’t know where to turn to learn it. This was before the internet and everything else. Everything was encyclopedias. And it’s just a passion I’ve had again since I was knee high to a duck.
And I fought for it. I ended up going to the Navy, did my time in Iraq, get money for school. Because I didn’t pick the right path on the way here, but as long as you learn from it, right, it’s not a mistake, it’s a lesson. And working my way through law school, I had the support of my wife, been married 21 plus years.
Wow. I definitely couldn’t have done this alone. I mean, I’ve been surrounded by so many wonderful people. There’s just so many people I have to say thank you to for helping me get to where I am today. So, in my opinion, a heck of a support base is essential. And I’ve been blessed with one. So we’ll definitely circle back to the Boyle Law Firm.
Cause I want to get into maybe some of the specifics and what you do on a day to day. But before we do that, I, I gotta get into this main event. I can’t, I can’t really hold back any longer. You know, I love talking about books for everybody that’s watching this show. That’s been watching this for a while.
You know, I can’t help it. I love whether there are books, whether it’s a, an author that wrote a book, not. through Mission Matters or other publish. I don’t care. I think becoming an author is just one of the most amazing thing that a person can do to share their story, to lend their, their knowledge, their advice, their life, really to open up their life for the benefit of others through sharing story.
I think it’s one of the most amazing things a person can do. So, well, more particular content in this was it’s never as bad as you. think now some of the chapters, I’ll give a kind of a brief overview for everybody watching or listening to this. You’re not as alone as you think you most likely have more options than you realize.
Trying is usually better than doing nothing. The worst. Scenario is rarely going to happen and sleep on it. So we’re gonna unpack a few of these items and, you know, for everybody watching don’t worry like, like pick up a book. You can, you can pick up a copy. We’ll have a link to it in the show notes.
Of course we do sell books. But both, first off, like a lot of different things that you could have written about, either from the legal perspective or from your entrepreneurial perspective. ’cause you got a lot of experience. Why this kind of angle on what you presented to the readers. I deal with that on a regular basis within my job.
People coming in always assuming worst case scenario. And that’s usually not it. It’s good to see it, you know, your worst case versus your best. But it’s rarely ever that. And if it is that, it’s not as bad as you think when you get there, when we’re done. And people sometimes give up well before the fight even started.
And I don’t want them to do that. There’s so much out there that we can still get and gain. Just get up, try. So what if you fail? I tell my daughters all the time. If you’re not failing, you’re not trying, and I don’t tolerate that. You only can do your best by doing your best and trying to fail. Push yourself.
If you fail, great, now you know what you gotta get past. And it’s not a failure, it’s a goal. And helping people get past that, getting the right mindset, especially for a legal case that’s gonna take years, it helps, it’s beneficial. Yeah. Where do you, where do you think you get that from? Is that something that you’re, you’re born with?
Is there like, like, like, how do you think, where do you think that attitude developed? Well, like Lady Gaga said, I guess you’re born that way. I’ve been, my whole life I’ve been that way. Now, to be fair, there was an epiphany about halfway through my life, my early twenties, where someone was pointing out I was playing the victim.
And I didn’t like it when I heard it, still don’t like the person who told me that, but they were right. And when I started thinking about it more and looked at myself and looked at what I could control versus what they did, I felt more empowered. And that’s what my clients want. That’s what I want to do for them.
And just shifting this a little bit makes all the difference in the world. It doesn’t matter what they did wrong, what could I have done different? I’m in control, not them, and having that. I’m telling you, it is, it helps you sleep. Yeah, so one of the things that I wanted to kind of pick out of the, out of the content, you’re not as alone as alone as you think, like this, this idea of we’re supposed to have everything figured out or that, you know, I’m the only one going through this or that or something else to me at the root of all this.
I feel like that need for. Like human connection, like it’s primal, like we all want to feel like understood. We all want to feel connected. We want, we don’t want to feel alone. Like as humans, we’re made to be in communities. Like, tell me a little bit more about your ideas and kind of this piece of it.
Well, that I got from more of a Jerry Spence. I was blessed to go to his ranch a couple of years ago and work with him. And he has this saying about it’s all your approach. And then he also talks about how we’re more like than different. And it’s true. We are significant. No matter where you come from, where you hail, what God you pray to.
We are a lot more alike than we are ever going to be different. And we got to focus on those similarities. And that’s what brings us together. We all have problems with mother in laws. We all have problems with our kids. We all have money issues. No matter, even Bill Gates has issues with money. Okay.
Everyone has stressors and those is what we should be able to connect on. Instead of looking at the dang differences, focus on what we do have together. And every father can connect with another father. Mm hmm. Same with mothers. I’m biased. I’m a father, right? But again, I got that from Jerry and I didn’t really realize that until a couple of years ago, but I had to look, I had to change my approach and start trying to find the similarities instead of seeing the big, Oh, we’re different.
No, again, we’re significantly more common with most people than you believe. Give them a chance. Listen to them. And I think some people kind of do that intuitively. I’ll just be up front. Like I’m not one of those people. It took, it took me time and I still struggle with sometimes being a little closed off and I’m like, ah, or this or that.
I mean, I, you know, I, I guess maybe, maybe growing up in Detroit in the eighties, it was just a different upbringing. I don’t know, like to be guarded and to be like, to have that different side of you. I have that. So now that I’m in this entrepreneurial world, you know, the last seven years or so, and I’m not just a corporate America guy where everything’s pretty structured, like I kind of struggle sometimes with thinking about like collaboration and how this looks and, you know, putting yourself out there, not just.
Behind or in front of a camera, like pretty, that’s still, you know, there’s still a wall there, but like getting messy, getting in front of people, like being up there in the audience and all those other things. So it’s different, I think it’s more about making yourself vulnerable, putting yourself out there and it’s not easy to do, but they can’t help you.
They can’t really connect that level until you have this is going back to Jerry Spence. He’s a fantastic attorney He’s retired now has lots of books but how to argue and win every time is one of the reasons I became an attorney how to win your case is when we Study when we’re going to his trial college are very good books and it touches on a lot of things you’re saying there But the power of vulnerability and one of the things we have to do is that we have to share something with ourself For them to be able to share don’t ask something from them.
You can’t do yourself He has a saying where you show me yours. I show you mine. Well, that’s what that’s what it says It’s a little skit about kids and such. Yeah, but yeah, but it’s true Yeah, so if you want to be able to be open connect with someone we have to be willing to do it and open yourself Up to yes, there’s a risk you can get hurt, but I’ll be enough You’re probably not going to the odds are in your favor that they want to connect to they need it just as bad as you do Now, I can’t like, obviously, I’ve only lived in my, in my shoes and my, my generation, so I can’t speak from previous ones, but it seems as though, you know, as we progress as a society, like, we’re not early industrial revolution days where everything was like, Literally, possibly life or death, depending on what industry you’re in.
And you talk about like, you know, real tough business. I believe that those days were maybe a little bit harder than now in certain ways. But that being said, I feel like there’s, they’re not saying it wasn’t the right thing to do in the past, but now it seems to me like authenticity. There there’s a, there’s a business case for authenticity.
Not that it’s just the right thing to do, or we want to do it, or we want to do better work, like to me. I feel that many times authenticity is rewarded nowadays. Yes, I have to agree. People are more open to you being unique and different than they were, in my opinion, in my youth. But yeah, sure. But that’s a good thing.
And my opinion, one of my buddies says it’s like the rise of the nerds time. Like, remember the nerds were getting picked on back in the day and the jobs were popular. There’s been this shift. And so I mean, some of it’s good, I guess some of it’s bad, but I think people should be allowed to be themselves and not force take on it.
So I do like that change. Yeah. I want to pull out one other piece from the book specifically and and again, for everybody watching, pick up a copy of the book for sure, so that you can you can get more, more of this info, but this one, I, I mean, it’s on Amazon, right? Absolutely. It’s all over the place.
And there’ll be some links in the, in the show notes and all that good stuff for them to click on. But one other piece that I want, I want to pull out is sleep on it. So this is the one I might not have done the other one intuitively, but man, I’m asleep on it, thinker. I have to, where’d you come up with this?
Or when did that start for you? I was serving. I was giving lots of briefings. I was an oxymoron in the Navy. I was military intelligence. So I did a lot of briefings and things like that. And I had the privilege and the honor to present to, at that point, General Colin Powell. And that he actually wrote that.
Wow. You got to present Colin Powell. That’s amazing. I got to present a lot of cool people back in the day. Military briefings. You used to send him like in college. I remember a long time ago. Like I studied a lot of Colin Powell. If you ever get a chance to meet him, you’ll get to see what I mean. Yeah.
You can feel him before he comes in the room. The man has this presence. It’s just, it kind of feel like you’re in this higher being at times, but he’s humble. He was friendly. And I don’t normally get, he has that when you see him like, oh my gosh, it’s general power. Yeah. He’s got star power. I’ll be up front.
He’s got star power. I’ve seen how others, like how actual celebrities read, like. React to him when he walks in the room. He just has it, whatever that is. He’s got it. Go ahead. Sorry. It was him and Jerry Spencer. The only two times ever. I mean, I’ve ran into professional football players, but you name all this, they didn’t care.
Those two guys just had this, when you came around, you just felt more humbled just to be there. I’m hoping I can get that someday. I’m cultivating it, but these guys are special characters, but that’s what I learned from them. They’re better than me. I’m trying to become more like them, but general power wrote in his book sleep on it.
And I’m, I can get emotional. I’m an attorney and can pay to convey the feelings in a good way. And, but that’s always the best to act off of is emotions. So I have found sleep on it. If it still bothers me the next morning, well, keep looking into it. If it doesn’t, most of the time, it doesn’t let it go. All right.
I said I was going to only do one more. Let’s do one more. I want to provide some extra value for everybody watching. Trying is you, Oh no, no. I like this one. This was a great one. Well, they’re all good, but this one just hit me. The worst case scenario is rarely going to happen. And so I’ll tell you, like, this has been another thing that, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s easier said than done, especially when that fear sets in, like, how do you, how do you deal with this?
Well, you look at the worst case and then you look at the best case and then you can look at the history of what’s happened and where we are. And you realize, yes, you may lose the sun, moon and stars, but reality. You’re going to get the beach and you’re going to be happy with the beach. All right, this is just how it goes.
Rarely does anyone ever get everything or vice versa. The laws are usually courts of equity. Fairness. It’s not fair when people are just being bamboozled or ran over and the law doesn’t usually account for that anyway. So even though it could possibly happen, the odds are rarely ever is it going to. In fact, you cannot have a case sometimes and sue and still get something.
So because you sued, it’s usually get rid of you. I think it falls through the process. You never know. Get up and try. Do some research. But doing nothing, you’re definitely going to know what you’re going to get. You only miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take. Take some shots. Miss. Learn from them.
You’re going to hit the target. Keep shooting. Yeah. That’s great. Well, I want to spend some of the time that we have here left going a little bit further into the Bowen law firm. So maybe just tell us a little bit more about what you do. Yeah, sure. We offer a wide gamut of law. We offer family law, everything with family law, meaning divorces modifications, child support, terminations.
Ritz of Habeas Corpus, everything with family we can take care of. My favorite is adoption. Then we do probate, meaning when people pass. We also do the first part, the wills and trust. We do personal injury, so if you’re involved in an automobile collision, please give us a call. These are my doctors. Don’t go out of pocket.
Let me take care of it. And general civil litigation. So we help companies form, we wind them up, breach a contract, debt defense, things of that nature, and a little bit more. But we’re a family centered firm. Everything aside from immigration and criminal, if it’s family based, we pretty much offer it. And the little outskirts of it.
Yeah. And I know you’re you’re kind of philosophy behind, you know, how you approach your clientele, how you approach, like, what do you think makes your, your special, your firm special? Like, what do you think separates you? It’s our approach. We do put the clients first, not what’s best for us. We tell them right from the beginning what is wrong with the case as we see it.
And the truth, we don’t make empty promises. There’s no such thing as an open and shut case. And we help them see that. We set their expectations where they should be, and that usually makes it significant in the process. We promise our best work and best efforts. We never promise an end result because we’re not even allowed to.
Mm hmm. Yeah, we’re shooting the client straight, making sure they stay informed, making sure when they’re making decisions, they know the pros and cons of both and how we’re getting there. Educating the client is a key part here. The time you put on with them on the phone and emails makes a world of difference.
And refresh my memory on this one, Bo, on your location. I know last time we spoke, I think you were expanding at Champion off the top of my head. I’m probably saying it wrong. Like, refresh my memory on the location. You’re right. Well, we got the building off of Champions and Strak. So now we have a home location.
It’s, I mean, the home office is not where I live. Kinda. I’m here a lot. But we’re off of Champions and Strak. 14202 Champion Forest Drive. Houston, Texas 7 7 0 6 9. Of course, they can find us online at www dot Bowen, b o w e n, then l f as in law Mm-hmm. , and of course, give us a call. We have people standing by from eight to five, Monday through Friday at 7 1 3 5 7 4 7 7 7 7.
That number again is 7 1 3 5 7 4 7 7 7 7. Fantastic. And I normally as we’re kind of wrapping up an interview, I normally ask, you know, my guests like what’s next, like what’s going on. I’m going to take this time to, I’m going to take a little bit of your time and just say, man, I’m so thrilled that you’re participating in our upcoming audio book.
Like I was like, it’s our first time doing it. I talked to all the, to the authors that are going to participate. And I’m like, Hey, We’re going to get this thing together. It’s going to be big. So I just want to, again, thank you for being one of our authors that are going to, I won’t say be our Guinea pigs.
Cause we do audio production. I mean, we do, we do all of this stuff all day long. We’ve launched over 150 shows, but we’ve never done an audio book. So if I could say you were going to be a Guinea pig anytime, this would be that. So, man, I really appreciate you participating. Well, I’m glad y’all considered me as one of the people to do it.
I started in honor. Thank you. I hope my voice cuts it. I’ve actually been practicing a little bit on the table. I’m excited about it. It’s awesome. And so I guess a final question for you, Bo. I mean you know, you gave your, you gave how people can follow up, but I do still want to ask you, I mean, what’s next?
Like, what’s on the horizon for you? What’s on the horizon for your, for your firm? Well, we’re hoping to expand. I’m always looking for new people. Always good to use another great paralegal, another great attorney. I’m looking to open up an office in Katy. We’re still trying to find the right location.
We’re looking to sponsor the Sugar Land Space Cowboys in the final half of the season, so I’m looking forward to going to some of those games. Let’s see. And other than the book coming up with the auto recording, that’s the big thing I’m working on now. So, yeah. That’s awesome. Let’s have you leave your contact information one more time to close it out.
Perfect. So I like to say Bowen knows law and when the going gets tough, the tough get Bowen and you get Bowen by calling 713 574 7777 or find us online at www. BowenBowenLF. com. I better have gotten some bonos law. I still wear that shirt you sent me to the gym and people still ask me what is bonos law and I’m like, Oh, come on.
You haven’t heard of it? I’m in LA. So, you know, everybody wants to know something. Did you play on my phone? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. All right, Beau. Well for everybody watching, hey, thank you for tuning in. Really appreciate your time as always. If you haven’t hit the subscribe button yet, hit that subscribe button.
We have many more mission based entrepreneurs coming up on the line and we don’t want you to miss a thing. So again, hit that subscribe button. Beau, thanks again for coming back on, man. Really appreciate your time. My pleasure. Thank you, sir.