Adam Torres and Albert Preciado discuss Monetize Talks.
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Listen to the Monetize Talks coverage. In this episode, Adam Torres interviews Albert Preciado, Founder of Driven Event. Explore Driven Event and the Monetize Talks event.
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About Albert Preciado
Albert Preciado is the Founder and CEO of The Mortgage Guys, Ambiance Realty and Driven Enterprises. Albert is also a Real Estate Investor. In 2013 Albert bought a 3 unit property and like everything else Albert does he went all in and acquired as many multi-units as possible. This would end up being a Life Changer. Albert’s original company was The Mortgage Guy and after mentorship sessions the company’s name changed to The Mortgage Guys. This was another Life Changer.
Albert has been in the mortgage industry since 2005, he is a licensed Broker and Mortgage Originator. Albert went through the toughest times of his life in 2008 when we had a market recession and Mortgage Meltdown but decided to weather the storm and not quit the industry he believed in. The reason why Albert started a mortgage company was because of the pain endured by his parents and himself when they got turned down for a mortgage time after time in the early 90s. Albert always had a dream; to have a house with a big yard and a dog since he was a kid, and it never happened because of unprofessional Real Estate and Mortgage Agents. Looking back, Albert realized how his parents did qualify for a home loan but due to the incompetence of the Real Estate and Mortgage Agents helping at the time, nothing ever happened. Albert committed to start a Mortgage Company from scratch and create a company that will help humble families make their American Dream a reality. Albert’s life wasn’t always perfect and his mid 20s were full of costly mistakes that could have costed him his life.
After many mistakes that led to DUI’s, almost death situations and losing everything in the 2008 Mortgage Meltdown and becoming homeless, Albert turned his life around in 2013 when he committed to self improvement and cutting the bullshit from his life one at a time. Today Albert lives his Dream Life with his wife Silvia, his daughter Italia and soon to be born Berlin in the city of Beverly Hills.

Full Unedited Transcript
Hey, I’d like to welcome you to another episode of Mission Matters. My name is Adam Torres, and if you’d like to apply to be a guest in the show, just head on over to missionmatters. com and click on be our guest to apply. All right. So today I am at the 13th monetized talks in Beverly Hills, California.
David Rivera puts on an amazing event once a month. And my guest today is Albert. Albert, welcome to the show. Thank you. All right. Let me tell you. So David said, you got to get Albert on the show. You got to get Albert on the show. And I’m like, all right, David. Have you, have you said I got to get Albert in this show?
I’m in, I’m in. So first off, is this the first event you’ve been to like this for David’s throne? Or have you been to others for monetized talks? No, I actually spoke at his first event. Oh man. So I was, I was a keynote for his first event. The growth. Like what do you, I was, I came in probably about the 10th event.
Like talk to me from a first event to now, like talk to me about your experience. Why am I David? By the way, David’s a great guy and I respect him a lot, but I met him when he had no followers. I think he had like one follower when I met him. Oh, man, were you his first follower? Come on, man. I got him followers.
Yeah, that’s all. I actually, I did get him a lot of followers, but what I did is I had a party here. So like five, six years ago, I started having like parties. Yeah for my masterminds, for Driven, my Driven masterminds. And I would come here and have the parties in this house, you know, like, Mm hmm Brenda’s house and have some parties, my birthday parties, things like that.
And that’s how I met David. And then he told me, Hey, I’m Tai Lopez’s friend. I’m like, well, I know Tai Lopez too. Yeah. So that’s how I met him. And then I told David, Hey, how come you don’t like grow your personal brand? And he’s like, I should grow my personal brand and then he could grow his personal brand.
Well, that’s great story. Like what? 12, 13 events later. That’s a great, great story. And so talk a little bit about what you seen tonight. Cause it was something special. And for those that that are newer to this particular series of me covering the monetized talks this event happens once a month in Beverly Hills, monetized talks.
com. So you can see tickets, all that other good stuff, but talk about a little bit about what you saw tonight. The thing that I’m most, the most proud of is because that I saw one of my guys, you know, one of my, one of my leaders Shine. Yeah. So Casey Cox. Yeah. Yeah. So he’s one of my mentees, one of my students.
I’m his mentor. He’s, he joined our Driven company and I’m used to like, I, we’ve been having the Driven event for nine years, so we’ve been having the big cover for nine years. Yeah, we’ve been doing, so, you know, Grant Cardone? Yeah, we just covered, I just was out to his headquarters and I covered their I cover content for Grant for Cardone Foundation their foundation, and I cover a bunch of stuff, so yeah.
So Grant was my mentor 11 years ago. Oh, very nice. He had his first Tenex conference or Tenex seminar. In Cancun, 35 people. I was one of those 35 people. Get out of here! That’s awesome. You’re old school, man. Oh, super old school. So, out of the 35 people, only one person, like, went on to create big things.
That’s me. All the 34 people didn’t do anything. So the next year he started his big, he said, I’m going to do a bigger conference. He did it. And I asked Grant, Hey Grant, can I speak on stage? I’ll be your best mentee. Like I gave you a lot of money. I hired you as a coach. And he said, nah, you got to make a million.
He was like, go get it. I made a million. I come back and I’m like, Hey Grant, I made a million. And he’s like, nah, man, you got to make millions. Yeah. Come back next year. Hey Grant, I made over 2 million. I made millions. And he’s like, nah, like what’s going on? And he said, well, he said something that changed my life.
He said, Hey Albert, you don’t have an audience. You don’t have any followers. You’re nobody. You don’t sell tickets. Nobody’s gonna pay. So, even though you make money, these influencers, YouTubers, that make no money, that are broke, and you make more money than them, they sell more tickets. And then I realized, damn, I can make money and I could have a small business that makes 2 million bucks a year, but I can’t sell tickets.
Wow. I don’t have a brand. Wow. So then I said, you know what? I said, Grant, fuck this shit. I’m going to start my own event. I’m going to create my own stage. So I created the Driven stage. Yeah, I started Driven Enterprises. I created the Driven event. And I said, I had the first driven conference nine years ago.
Now we’re going on ninth year of driven conference. I created my own, my own stage. Cause no, he wouldn’t allow me to speak on his day though. I said, I only need one person to believe in me and that’s me. So I’m going to do it on my own. And I said, if Grant started his first big conference in three months, I could do it in three months.
So we had our first event. We planned it in three months. We had at the Ritz Carlton, downtown LA and boom, from there, we never looked back. Tell me more about the event, driven events. So during the, I mean, we had John Maxwell, Les Brown, Grant Cardone spoke there the first two events. We had David Goggins, Patrick McDavid, Ed Milet, Dee Frisella.
These are the heavyweights. You bring it in. Ty Lokes, Jesse Itzler. I can go on and on. Everybody has been on, on, at the Driven event. So if a little Mexican like me, you know, that nobody thought could make it, ES, former ESL students, special ed students, if I’m able to do it, anybody can do it. So I think of my, one of the things that I’m most proud of is that if a Latino, like me, no, like Mexican didn’t make it, I want to be an example to all my Latino community out there and not only Latinos, but like, you know, the minorities for sure.
All minorities, immigrants, you guys can also have Ferraris, Rolls Royces, if a Bel Air. Live your dream life. You don’t have to be. A certain color, you know, like I like. Have you ever driven private? Flown. Private Only once, man. I wanna do it more. I’m like, you invite, invite me in your jet. Go rest. Come on man.
That’s what I’m saying. Podcasting on a jet. Come on, put some comments in there. Fuck you wanna see me podcast on a jet? Maybe Albert’s gonna take me on, come up. But my parents told me this is not for us. And I say, you know what it is for us? Watch. Watch. So like, if I did it, anybody that’s watching this, you guys can do it.
I, I’ve always had an accent. My first language was Spanish. I didn’t learn English till I was seven. Yeah. I still have an accent, but you know what? I don’t care what people think. I’m still going to win. Yeah. What do you think were some of those things that helped you like, get through that rejection first off?
Cause you’re like, first off, you’re got, you’re not, not picking on you, Grant, whatever, or pick on Grant. Grant doesn’t care. Like. Like what helped you continue like on after you were told no, no, no. And then you create your own event. Like, what was that like thing? I was very motivated because I feel like my family members were the biggest haters.
Oh, okay. I’m, I’m the family member that changed the family tree. Wow. And, and I, and they were, they would always make fun of me. My, my closest family members, friends, they would all get college degrees, make 60 grand salary a year. And they would say like, Oh, Albert, Albert is a dumb kid because he couldn’t graduate from college, college, a dropout 1.
8 GP in high school. Wow. Albert is the dumb kid. And I said, you know what? That motivated me so much to prove them wrong. And I said, one day I’m going to be very successful and I’m just going to like show with my results. And one, one time I remember I’m with my friend his name is Felipe. And we’re at IHOP.
We’re at IHOP and we’re all over. We went out. We drank, we went out party, but we’re broke. And I’m like, man, and then next day, again, next day, again, next day, again, I’m like, Felipe, why are we always hungover, broke eating pancakes here at IHOP with no money, but I always see the same guy and I see another guy, same people with different chicks, hot chicks, dream girls.
And they have a Rolex, they have a like a Mercedes, BMW, but the nice ones, S Class, 7 Series. I’m like, why are they driving that car, that watch, and And I’m like, why are you sitting there eating your pancakes? That was burning to you, right? Cause, the guy’s hungover. But he has a fucking Rolex, and a BMW, and a hot chick.
And I’m like, Felipe, me and you are like, dude, come on. I love that his name is Felipe by the way, it’s not Felipe, you’re watching it. So I go up to a guy one time and I’m like, dude, what are you guys, what, what, what am I doing? What are you doing? What do you do for work? And he’s like, I do real estate. And I’m like, real estate?
How do I get into that? He’s like, Just get your real estate license, takes three months and start selling real estate. So that’s when I discovered if you want to change your life, you got to learn how to sell. And that’s why today I was so proud that like now I see my people under me, they’re winning.
They’re, they have their dream car, their dream house. They’re 24 and they’re making more money than ever. Hey, Emra’s yelling it, man. He’s talking about the work he’s done and like how you guys are building, building power. Like, I saw myself at 24 and I’m like, damn, dude. Like, I love, but don’t you love how he talks about, you know, I was 19 then and now he talks about 24, like he’s so old.
I love when he has that. I’m like, he’s like, and now I’m 24 and I’m looking at him like, man, I see you. But, but more, more, I love it. More than my success is seeing my people win. That’s what’s that’s real success. When you see people that are winning under you, that’s real success. Yeah. Yeah. That’s awesome.
So I want you to talk about the vision going forward for power events, for everything else that you’re doing. Like talk about the vision going forward. So the vision is to, I’m sorry, driven events. I had it wrong. I said power events, driven events, driven events. So the driven event that our, our mission is to change a billion lives.
If I can change a billion lives. I think I’ll leave a big legacy. People will remember me for, for centuries and, and I’ll leave something in this earth past my lifetime. So like for me not only do I want to be the biggest influence for the Latino community, but I also want to change a billion lives worldwide.
Global. So driven is going to be the next version. When you think about airlines, you think about like, who’s the founder CEO of Delta, you know? No. American Airlines? Nope. I don’t follow them yet. I don’t follow them. Well, have you heard about Virgin Airlines? Oh yeah. Everybody knows who that is. Richard Branson.
There you go. There you go. So that’s what we’re creating with Driven. Driven is a new Virgin. And that’s our new vision. Amazing. So, Albert, if somebody wants to follow, I want you to look in the camera, if somebody wants to follow, learn more about Driven events, follow you, learn more about the ecosystem you have, how do they do that?
Just Google me, Albert Preciado, Albert Preciado, Google me. Fantastic. So for everybody watching, just so you know if you, this is your first time turning, tuning in, hit that subscribe or follow button. This is a daily show each and every day. We’re bringing you new content, new ideas, and hopefully new inspiration to help you along the way in your journey as well.
So again, hit that subscribe or follow button and Albert, man, thanks for making time for us. Appreciate you, man.