Author: Emily and Gene Trowbridge

Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode, Emily Trowbridge shares her adoptee journey and experiences growing up in an adoptive family. She recalls early memories of asking if she was adopted and reading adoption books. Emily discusses the adoption process and her understanding of being adopted. She reflects on her family dynamics and the adoption papers she had. Emily also talks about dealing with teasing and feeling different as an adoptee. She shares her thoughts on meeting her biological parents and her fear of not liking what they look like. The episode concludes with a discussion on tracking biological parents and the importance…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode, Gene Trowbridge shares his adoption story and the impact it had on his life. He discusses his early years as an adoptee, including the process of being adopted and his name change. Gene also shares the story of Marybeth, a girl who briefly lived with his family and the effect it had on him. He reflects on his relationship with his parents and the challenges they faced. Gene then discusses his decision to adopt his own children and the different perspectives his daughters, Amy and Emily, had on adoption. The episode concludes with the tragic end…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify  In this episode of Hey! Am I Adopted? podcast, Gene and his daughter Emily discuss their experiences as an adoptive family. They share stories about Emily’s adoption, including how she got her name and the circumstances surrounding her adoption. They also talk about the question of belonging and the curiosity that adoptees may have about their biological parents. Emily explains her reasons for wanting to do the podcast and the importance of sharing adoption stories. They touch on hobbies, such as horseback riding, and discuss the possibility of searching for biological parents in the future. The episode concludes with…

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