Author: Jose Tejada

Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode Jose speaks about the importance of getting feedback from the team in order to avoid pitfalls or learn better ways to execute. He discusses the risks in not receiving this data and how quickly it can damage an organization. To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode Jose chats with Denise Serrano, a founder of  The Impact Movement and organization that collaborates and organizes home builds for families in need in Baja California. She shares where her passion for philanthropy came from and what you gain in the experience of making and impact.  To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode Jose talks about how to be more socratic in life. Five steps to addressing any problem via questions is presented as a new practice. To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode Jose discusses the business observations, experience and thoughts he gained as he traveled on the Disney Cruise with his family. He points out the Disney difference and how we can all learn from it. To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode Jose speaks about what happens when there is a systematic change in an industry and the lessons learned from the case with the National Association of Realtors.  To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode Jose talks about how it’s easy to get excited about an idea but what matters is the toughness in the moments post that initial excitement. To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode Sergio Angulo discusses how he manages to operate several businesses aside from his real estate practice as well as his philosophy on how to build a team, AI adoption and what has influenced his explosive growth. To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode I chat with Chef Miguel Reyes the founder of GOZO Kitchen and Lounge. Chef Miguel tells us about how he worked 7 days a week from washing dishes, refilling a salad bar to becoming an executive chef, entrepreneur and a visionary in the industry. Chef speaks to us about leadership, kitchen finances and how to become successful in an industry that has a high risk of failing. To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode I chat with Coach George Zedan the founder of Veritas Training Academy a unique program that focuses on Latino kids with training for Division 1 college and the NBA. We discuss what Coach looks for when recruiting a young athlete and what it takes to build the championship mentality. Veritas holds the prestigious title of being a Nike Elite School. Only 180 schools out of a total 98,000 high schools in the USA get this recognition. Coach George Zedan, Head Coach and founder of Veritas Sports Academy.As an ex athlete himself Coach George Zedan starts his…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode we speak with attorney Jerry Rulsky on the importance of having the appropriate home coverage. The risks involved in not having the right protections, what is umbrella coverage and why you shouldn’t fear the insurance system. Jerry Rulsky is a dedicated and passionate attorney who tirelessly strives to help his clients achieve the best possible outcomes in their legal cases. With his extensive knowledge of various facets of law and unwavering commitment to justice, Jerry has established himself as a trusted advocate for individuals seeking justice and fair compensation. To learn more, visit: Listen to more…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify In this episode I chat with top Financial Advisor Chris Ardoin about the importance of financial planning for the professional and student athlete. With a focus on working with both athletes and athletic coaches Chris is well versed in the complexities that come with being part of these highly competitive careers. To learn more, visit: Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters:

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