Author: Le'Keisha Mazur

Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you have a cell phone?How much time do you spend on the apps you downloaded?How much money does your app make you?Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: P.U.S.H. NotificationsDIscover why apps are so powerful as a lead generator. Find out how even if you don’t have an app for you company, why you might want one. What is it about Free and Paid for apps that deserve space on our smartphones. What is an app anyway?So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Are you a business card collector for the wrong reasons?Has someone reached out to you years later after meeting you because of your business card?Sizzle Q3:Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Past Due Networking Follow UPDiscover how to connect with others past due. Learn the cadence of the follow up and why it makes sense when working. Explore why you got the card in the first place and why you even pass yours out to others.So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What are business cards?Do you have business cards for yourself or business?What do you look for when you accept a business card?Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Business card BasicsThis a fun case study of all things business cards that she has encounterd over the years of collecting business cards and events and trainings. Learn the good, the bad and the I can’t believe you think this is business card.Discover the core elements needs on a business card to at least keep you in the game of busniess card marketing professional.So thank you for listening, and…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What does packaging have to do with branding? How does the look of a package envoke excitement? What is Good, Better, Best for service packaging? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: A package deal. Discover the three types of packaging needed to make your business branding quality and appealing to the masses. Learn the aspects of good, better, and best as how they apply to servicing packaging. Uncover the final packaging piece that truly shows off you company. So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is a summit? Why should you want to be a part of a summit? How much earning potential does a summit have when marketing? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Summit Marketing Part 2 Get the second half to incite Summit Marketing as a speaker and what it means to be apart of one to grow your email list. Tips, tricks, and warnings. This is part 2, so don’t forget about part 1 if you haven’t given a listen yet. Copious actionable notes are in your future about this marketing tactic. So thank you for…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is a summit? Can it help you reach the top? What does it take to have one? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Summit Marketing PT.1 Have you ever wondered what a summit is and why you could host one. What are the benefits of this type of marketing in terms of growing an email list? DIscover how simple it really could be and the benefits. So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to the show. And here’s her call to action…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is a groupie? How much marketing can they do? What value do they seek from you? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Business Groupies-A case study Discover how you can get your own raving fans. Learn the discounts that they offer that you never thought about. In looking at an online business owners review method tools box, grab and duplicate some of these techniques to deploy in your own business. Your fans are waiting for you to reach out. They are ready to be your groupies and follow you wherever you go. So thank you…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What do you do to capitalize on marketing as a franchisee? What is the big deal of the franchisor system? How do you adapt to online and in-app only purchases for your business? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Corporate Marketing We will take a look at aspects of corporate marketing from the perspective of being a franchisee, trying to keep up with the various specials and campaigns that come your way so you cash in on the free leads. And why price and participation of local owners matter. So thank you for listening, and audience,…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify What is double dipping? How is it applied to business? How many uses can you get out of a lead? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Business Double Dippin Sometimes there is a moment when there is a oppertunity that a jack of all trades, but a master of some can utilize a lead that was meant for something else. Learn the tactics and tecniques of this and why it could actually work for your business. So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify sizzle Q1: Does marketing in a magazine still work? Sizzle Q2: What can business owners do to help each other and save some money? Sizzle Q3: Have you ever had chicken and waffles, together? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: A-AA Roadtrip-Magazine Marketing Hear how a magazine inspired road trip lead to a really cool business discover that some resturanteer are doing. Discover that magazine marketing is alive and well and gets results. Learn how to get access to this type of marketing that could be free to you. Discover a new trend that other business…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you use vehicle marketing? Do you market your vehicle the correct way? Have you ever called someone becasue they asked, “How’s my driving?” on a bumpersticker on their vehicle. Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Vehicle Brandslaughter NO, this isn’t an episode talking about road rage, although if you aren’t careful it could be that and a lot worse when driving around your vehicle, marketing your business or having others driving around your vehicles and representing your business brand while out doing stupid things on the road and off. Get the details of what you…

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Subscribe: iTunes / Spotify Do you cringe when you hear the word contract? Do you download contract and fill them in because its quick and affordabe? Are you a victim of signer’s regret? Join your hostess Le’Keisha Mazur as she talks about: Contracts, Clauses and the Fine Print Discover the good of contracts in the know and unknown of your business and the bad habits some business owners’s think its okay in how to use contracts. So thank you for listening, and audience, Here is her call to action. Subscribe to the show. She repeats. Subscribe to the show. And here’s her call…

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